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Know the feeling! He just flatly refuses to help. Wish I had those choices yet he treats me like it isn’t my house. Frustrates me so much
Its my house but won't move out without a fight selling and giving him some of money for a deposit so he can fuck off. I've give him too much of my life already. I can't see myself wanting him back ever
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Thank you! I did think, why am I upset, but I feel like I should be cos it is disgusting. He laughed as well so obviously he thought it was funny, and moved his privates to face us, not away, so he knew what he was doing. Creep

I hate that people have to go through shit like that, it's not fair
Ugh, you have every right to be upset. What an absolute shit 👊🏻 at least your baby boy is little enough to not know what he was looking at and will never remember.
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I’ve had a proper shit week well from wed it’s gone downhill.. I went to a funeral which was horrible, the standing outside and listening on a speaker is just wrong. Then I found out I didn’t get the job I really wanted and prepped so hard for, I thought the interview went well 😞 so now I’m in the bath with a bottle of wine and a face mask on.. going to get up early tomorrow and take my little girl down the beach for some fresh air and hopefully some clarity.. Happy Friday you lovely lot xx

ETA I went the shop for said wine after our tea, was looking for the mini egg bars, no sign😫 so I got an Oreo bar instead 🐷 I’m due on so I’m eating it all!
Oh no sorry to hear that I hope tomorrow is the start of a happy weekend for you❤.
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Mulholland Drive

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finally got the call from the sushi place to come pick our order up 😂
on the way there the police stopped our car, i could not believe my ''luck'' today
i guess they were bored because they were chatting for 10 minutes while i could literally feel my gyoza going cold
anyway, here's a nice sight for you all with my boyfriend giving thumbs up for tattlers (arse licker):

View attachment 436874
Looks fab!

I've suddenly got the munchies now. Enjoy your meal and don't end up with indigestion;)
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Woke up 7:00AM had a shower, brushed teeth done skin care routine, and then went into my office at home. Took loads of calls, answered emails and has a few meetings, finished at 4.
Went for a drive with my fiance, did a good shop in m&s bought some dinner and a nice bottle of white!
Came home, did a face mask had a nice shower again And freshened up ( does anyone else put perfume on after a shower, even if they are going to bed or just chilling at home?)
Put some sexy pyjamas on and a nice robe ;)
He made a Thai green curry with rice and we ate it accompanied with the white wine we bought, it was lovely 🥰.
I cleaned up abit, watched a bit of Netflix
He had me for desert ;)
Now I’m in the bed drinking a big glass of water as I feel like I haven’t drank enough today. I’m also in the process of looking for something else to watch on Netflix for when he comes out of the shower so we can get snuggly and watch that together I’m bed 🥺
Might also do a few more rounds who knows :p
Yes I put on perfume after a shower if Im going to bed.
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We have bought a pizza husband made his own dough yesterday and we used frozen today.....homemade was way better. Just wondered how you find making your own?
I agree, it tastes so much better. I’ve just made dough for pizza once, but the kids gave it a massive thumbs up. Pizza is so much more fun making your own!
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watermelon sugar

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Came home from work, there were birthday banners and balloons waiting for me. My boys were so excited to give me their presents. Bless them. 🥰
Had a shower, changed into my new pyjamas and had pancakes for breakfast with OH and the boys. Watched the kids playing with the balloons for ages (easily amused) and then went to bed around 10am. Woke again at 2.30 and came downstairs to a surprise afternoon tea that my husband had ordered. It was so cute, I’ve never had afternoon tea before. We all tucked in. There was lots left over so we’ve saved the rest for another time.
FaceTimed with my mum and stepdad, had a good chat.
Kids had a Happy Meal for dinner as a treat, OH and I will get our own takeaway later once kids are in bed and have a few drinks, probably watch a movie.
Just finished playing Just Dance with the kids on the Switch and I am goosed. Hoping I manage to stay awake once kids go to sleep. 😂
It’s been a fun day made even better for knowing I’m not back at work for just over two weeks. ☺
Ahhh happy birthday! I'm glad you've had a good day 🥰🥳
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Came home from work, there were birthday banners and balloons waiting for me. My boys were so excited to give me their presents. Bless them. 🥰
Had a shower, changed into my new pyjamas and had pancakes for breakfast with OH and the boys. Watched the kids playing with the balloons for ages (easily amused) and then went to bed around 10am. Woke again at 2.30 and came downstairs to a surprise afternoon tea that my husband had ordered. It was so cute, I’ve never had afternoon tea before. We all tucked in. There was lots left over so we’ve saved the rest for another time.
FaceTimed with my mum and stepdad, had a good chat.
Kids had a Happy Meal for dinner as a treat, OH and I will get our own takeaway later once kids are in bed and have a few drinks, probably watch a movie.
Just finished playing Just Dance with the kids on the Switch and I am goosed. Hoping I manage to stay awake once kids go to sleep. 😂
It’s been a fun day made even better for knowing I’m not back at work for just over two weeks. ☺
Happy birthday! It sounds like you’ve had the perfect day to start off your two weeks leave 🥰
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I agree, it tastes so much better. I’ve just made dough for pizza once, but the kids gave it a massive thumbs up. Pizza is so much more fun making your own!
I’m just struggling to keep it round in shape.....they are a bit more oblong
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Chatty Member
First time on here but love reading.
I woke up about 9 got up and tidied up after last night and out the dishwasher on. Got ready to got for a run (I’m not a runner) but I’ve added a weekly run into my weekly exercise plan. I managed 4 miles faster than last week so I was happy! Then I carried on and went for a walk to get the rest of my steps in for the day.
Got back and I was freezing so a hot shower and some bacon rolls for brunch with my husband.
Changed the bed and done a load of washing then I’ve just chilled on the couch caught up on married at first sight and watched an episode of the bay.
Just going to peel the potatoes for our roast dinner later on. Then it’ll be dinner and a night of Netflix.
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My day was pretty dull, got up and did the normal morning getting ready ritual. My friend messaged and asked me if I fancied a walk, so we walked for an hour and then got a takeaway coffee. Said our goodbyes and I headed off into town to do a few errands, bank, post office etc. Popped into Tesco and Sainsbury’s , the small ones not the huge ones, in search of more mini egg choc. None to be had, but I think that’s a good thing. Popped into M&S to get a few goodies and then went home, made lunch and tidied up. Something nice happened though, for Christmas I was given a present of a weekly flower delivery ...every Thursday is the day. The guy delivers them by push bike with a long trailer on the back. They are wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, every week I look forward to them and have never been disappointed. I would never be this extravagant on myself but I have to say it’s a joy receiving them.
Sat down with a brew and my husband reminded me my car is booked in for a service tomorrow and we can either drop it now or get up early and take it in the morning, I opted for now. So off we go and drop it off. Came home and made tea, now sat on the sofa with my youngest , me on tattle , her watching you tube and a very annoying Australian family called the Norris nuts that make videos constantly and shout a lot. Whilst in M&S earlier I bought a slice of New York cheesecake ( not my fave thing) and have told my husband he can have it in exchange for his remaining of mini egg choc. He agreed. I’m winning at life for the second day.
The flower delivery gift sounds lovely.(y)
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under the ivy

VIP Member
finally got the call from the sushi place to come pick our order up 😂
on the way there the police stopped our car, i could not believe my ''luck'' today
i guess they were bored because they were chatting for 10 minutes while i could literally feel my gyoza going cold
anyway, here's a nice sight for you all with my boyfriend giving thumbs up for tattlers (arse licker):

View attachment 436874
I ❤ Gyoza! Enjoy 🥟😋
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