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Overslept after staying up late watching a film last night, and only managed to get up around 9. Had breakfast while getting the emails done, made some coffee and as it was a slow day, mostly read my book. Had a leftover lunch, watched some tv, got a couple work stuff done and read more. Then dad and I went for a walk, I ran errands and did a bit of shopping on our way back. Back to reading, now I'm watching the news, I'll have a lighter dinner and I'll probably try to finish my book and waste some time until bedtime. Feeling very tired for some reason, and generally listless. I might have a dessert today to cheer myself up.
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ohhhh well if all of you want to go pink after lockdown, i'll have to join you then :D
@under the ivy that looks gorgeous, my natural hair is red so mine could never look like this! :love:
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i guess something was in the air because we all woke up meh - i fell asleep with a headache and woke up with one, honestly no idea when
had the usual cuddles with my kitty in bed because yesterday i couldn't 🤗 she enjoyed it very much and stayed in the warm bed when i left
decided to take it easy in the morning, had leftover cottage cheese pie for breakfast, with coffee, lots of water and a painkiller, which helped
when i started feeling better, i started with work emails and i got all of them done in a few hours, it's so nice to see an empty inbox 😻
this means tomorrow i can focus on other work projects and during the weekend i can actually relax instead of thinking about work all the time
did emails also while i was doing lunch so that i can finish everything by 3, got a weird new inquiry from a new client so sorted that also
went out for a walk with my sister, hadn't seen her in almost 3 weeks because she had some exams, was nice to see her and catch up
we walked around a forest area, saw lots of cats and dogs, then came over to my place for a cup of tea because she wanted to pet the kitty
after that she left, i played a few rounds of league of legends and bf made dinner so we ate together
now getting ready to meet my sister again, and my mom, we're going to the cinema
haven't been to the cinema with all the social distancing/covid rules yet so i'm kind of nervous 😁
we're going to see 'the little things' 🍿
What breed is your kitty?
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Some great posts on here made me :giggle:
anyho I got up about 8am made a cuppa and logged on here
once I'd caught up on the posts I had a shower and got ready
went to run a few errands, luckily no bird shat on me ( I shouldn't say that I'm tempting fate):oops:
popped to Sainsburys on the way back and picked up a few bits, one being a multipack of crisps but when I got home I noticed the bag was open at the top corner so I quickly emptied them out and counted them to make sure none were missing (there wasn't)
cooked lunch..a quick bacon cob which I ate while I checked emails and did some tattling.
swept the floors as I couldn't be bothered to get the hoover out then I decided to treat myself to a KFC for dinner😋
came home put my pj's on then watched some youtube videos for a while then I decided to watch the last episode of behind her eyes ( the ending was ok but I wouldn't watch another series)
now Im back on here with another cup of tea and a bar of mini eggs @Renegadedancer will be pleased to hear.:giggle:
Oooh jealous of the KFC and the mini egg bar
what did you get from KFC?
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What do you do with dishes? Do you put them at the side of the sink or inside? My other half puts them inside but he never washes them! He doesn’t do anything for that matter!
His dishes didn't make it to sink tonight just his plate bowl and glass on coffee table with remains of tea of garlic bread and pizza both stunk out living room, kitchen four cupboard doors open for everything he needed out, pizza cutter on one size board chopping board on other and a knife dirty oven pan on top of oven, half drank glass of pop on kitchen side, pizza box and rubbish dotted all over place and a tea towel that i got clean out before work on floor next to dirty work boots. Dont get me started on state of toilet
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Scrubs is the best!! I need to have a re-watch. Dr Cox and Jordan are my favourites. I think I still know all the lyrics to the musical episode 🤣

I feel you with the self-employed thing. I was a freelancer for a year before covid hit and not having sick pay or pensions and having to save 25% of my salary for taxes all sucked.
I haven't seen Scrubs in a long while, but its great comedy with a lot of drama mixed in for good measure. And yeah Dr Cox and Jordan were ace together. But I always loved JD, Turk and the Janitor best.
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I am having a new kitchen fitted, it's a complete refurb. I've saved up for it for so long but it's turned out to be horrible timing. Two kids and a dog at home in a freezing house with loads of banging going on.
I've sat right next to a load of bread and some teabags all day trying to work. Daughter's laptop broke too. I also noticed second daughter has chunked up a but during lockdown and I feel bad about that. I haven't said a word and won't but I'm going to look on ebay tonight for some waterproofs so we can get out more. One of those days.
Awwwhh. But the new kitchen sounds great. What sort did you go for or would you rather not say.
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I went on a tour of peoples' homes and gardens (it was a fundraiser for a community organisation). I loved every minute and came away with heaps of ideas. Unbelievably, someone stole a fellow attendee's shoes (you had to take them off at the door); I also saw a woman going through the bathroom cabinets in one of the houses, and a man pull a plant out of one of the gardens. There were volunteers stationed throughout the houses keeping an eye on things, but they couldn't see everything going on.
Sounds like that episode in Sex and the City when Carrie's shoes got stolen. :LOL:
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Up and breakfast
Put a load of washing on
Went for a run
Showered and washed hair
Changed over washer and put another load on
Put some washing away.
Made up bed with clean sheets
Had lunch
Walked the dog
Bathed the dog 🙄
Sorted out the wash loads again
Watched the first episode of FATE
Made and ate tea
Just about to watch something with hubby.
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Chatty Member
His dishes didn't make it to sink tonight just his plate bowl and glass on coffee table with remains of tea of garlic bread and pizza both stunk out living room, kitchen four cupboard doors open for everything he needed out, pizza cutter on one size board chopping board on other and a knife dirty oven pan on top of oven, half drank glass of pop on kitchen side, pizza box and rubbish dotted all over place and a tea towel that i got clean out before work on floor next to dirty work boots. Dont get me started on state of toilet
Know the feeling! He just flatly refuses to help. Wish I had those choices yet he treats me like it isn’t my house. Frustrates me so much
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Shutter Island is about 20 minutes too long, but it does have a nice story with a great ending! Haven't seen Revenant yet, but now that you've upticked it I'll stream it next weekend (y)
Let me know what you think about The Revenant if you end up watching it! It's a long film but I didn't notice because it's so engrossing. Mad to think it's inspired by a true story after everything that happens to him in the film.

Update: just finished Shutter Island and I realized I'd already watched it years ago but had forgotten about most of it! I'm a scaredy-cat so I hid during a lot of the parts. Still a great twist at the end but I bet I'll be having mental asylum themed nightmares tonight 😅
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After getting up/dressed/boy fed I made some soup in the soup maker in prep for lunch.

I’m doing some online training four days this week, so wrote down my son’s school work for him, so he had a list to go through.

Training was very boring and dull and LONG. I sat for 7 hours, with a couple of breaks thrown in. Used my breaks to hang washing up and go through son’s work. Focused on the extra flex I’d be getting for it, which will hopefully mean I can book some days off in half term.

Finished about 4.45 and started on tea straight away. OH came in and sat straight down with his phone, which wound me up! After tea I stayed sitting down until he got the hint and washed the pots 😂

Going to play a couple of games with the little one before he goes to bed. Think we have one more episode of Taskmaster S8 to watch tonight.
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watermelon sugar

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Cry, grieve, talk. I lost my grandad this morning to COVID.

I have also prepared everything for my sons birthday tomorrow & I am just not feeling the celebration but he turns 6 & he’s my baby. I’m a mixture of emotions.
Oh gosh how awful. Sending all my love to you. I know it's hard but try and keep strong. Happy birthday to your little boy 🤍
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alarm rang at 7 - i managed to drag myself out of bed at 8:30 because i couldn't sleep last night :rolleyes: hung out with kitty, tidied up the place a bit, had breakfast and coffee, put some laundry out to dry and then decided i have to start actual work at 10. so i worked, sent lots of emails, finished some projects, postponed some clients' things for 2022 (it has begun...) and also wrote a letter for a friend in ireland. started getting distracted so i got up to empty the dishwasher and make myself a cup of tea... got even more distracted and peeled a whole pack of pistachio nuts 😅 i have given myself 12 minutes of tattle now before i go back to work at 1 😅 not much else happening today other than a walk with my sister later
LOL are you my twin? I am literally the same. Postponing clients' stuff until the NEXT DAY.....(if it is so important they will ring or chase right) lol.
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