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As frustrating as it is, it’s only half an hour she’s stayed up extra
My 3 yo is currently going through the same, and moans of the cats on his bed and last night he needed a tissue. I put him to sleep, give him a kiss and walk out the room. If he messes about, I’ll ignore it, unless he’s really crying
I’ve never read books with any of my kids. I’ve literally put them down, walked out and closed the door. Maybe try this if she’s still playing up. And if she is poorly, if you haven’t, give her some calpol. As adults, we know how shit and upsetting it is when we have a slight sniffle and can’t breathe through our noses
I know but when she’s already overtired from shit sleeps since Saturday i just lost it 🙃 just hate getting annoyed and it’s so rare I even raise my voice at her. Tomorrow is a new day😂♥


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Speaking of, my 3yo has a diarrhoea bug 🤢 was potty trained last august, if we put her in nappies while she’s got this bug is it going to mess up the training? She still wears them at night so isn’t completely nappy free. Not sure I can stand washing any more shitty pants and can’t throw them away or she’ll have none left but don’t want to screw up her using the potty once she’s better.

Also in laws are staying so I’m having to sleep in her bed at the mo. I have to take an exam for work tomorrow and now have a new fear unlocked that I’m going to shit myself in the middle of it 😬
mini A had an awful tummy bug and I had no choice but to put her in a nappy cos it was disgusting. This was early in her potty training and i think it confused her but this was really early on I’m talking a week in. If it happened again I wouldn’t put her in nappies I’d just sit her on the toilet and deal with it like we do as adults.. my logic now is that I wouldn’t wear a nappy so I wouldn’t put one on her now she’s out of nappies x


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well this gives me some hope! i'm hoping we get there eventually she just hates going in her cot 😂
We turned her cot into a bed and brought it in with us so she can get used to it again, as she’s been in our bed for about 8 months, and then once she’s comfortable in her bed we’ll move it back into her room.


VIP Member
I use Lidl pull ups and always have done so they’re cheap (£3.25 odd a pack for 32 i think).

I had loads to use from potty training so whilst she was getting the hang of it during the day I still used one at night. It was only until my friend said she’d never used them and I realised how long she’s been wearing on at night for with no reason to is when I didn’t bother😂

I don’t think it’ll confuse her cos her dad was still using pull ups at night until last weekend but she’s fully aware she uses the toilet, it’s just for the sake of the holiday. The room abroad is 2 double beds and I’m not buying a waterproof sheet just for the holiday.

Can’t wait to get abroad and have some sunshine, where is summer 😫
The Huggies waterproof mats i posted above would maybe be a good option?
Please please make sure it's all documented on emails etc... personally I'd ask for a review and more routine checks. Where my little girl goes they have an app where the document everything, potty tries, nappy changes, naps, what she eats etc, do yours do similar?
Yeah they do. They have a record of it all written down. I’ve seen it when I’ve been in to change himself. Thankyou ❤
nope! I’m off Wednesday and Thursdays anyway but Wednesday just go outside in the garden and then afternoon she’s got her horse riding lesson, Thursday pre school jabs first thing so will play it by ear. If she feels ok will get to a park!

I’m like you - I don’t wanna spend money on stuff when it’s nice outside. I have booked Gullivers world for next week, (£9.50 for me with my NHS discount and she’s free under 90cm…. My friend went and they don’t measure so a cheap day out lol)
Horse riding is too cute.
it winds me up that play centres put their prices up in school holidays. The one we’re gonna go to is a fiver for 1.5 hours. Usually we go everywhere but I’m not bothering this time he’s got plenty of toys in the garden and fresh sand in his sandpit 😂


VIP Member
We’ve had a boring day, a full chill day as it’s been freezing. Mini A fell asleep in my bed at 7:30pm , she wanted a book so I went to get one and I came back and she was asleep 🙈 moved her to her own bed .. what a week it’s been, no wonder we are both so tired 😂


VIP Member
This is random but what did people do about nappies and the beach? we’re going down to the beach for a few hours for the first time this year (last year she wasn’t mobile so I just dipped her toes in the water and she didn’t go in) but I was planning on having her in a swim/sun suit so she can splash in and out. Would she be better in a swim nappy or normal nappy? My brain isn’t working and can’t quite figure out which works best for this situation hahaha


VIP Member
Hope your wee one had a good birthday my son turned 3 on 1st of March

We go have been to Blackpool haven last two years and are going back this year again my son loved doing the arts and craft activities (they do cost extra and had to pre book) but also the swimming which is free and can go to everyday. They have free entertainment (kids clubs/bingo/singer etc). I still have fond memories of similar holidays at pontins from my childhood. I’m sure you would both enjoy yourself

I don’t have any advice I just wanted to say I’m in the same boat. My son is fine with me all day then once his dad comes in he just flips telling me he doesn’t want me, won’t let me hug him, doesn’t want me when he wakes during the night tells me to get away. Says I don’t want you mummy now go away. I had trouble bonding with him and also had post natal depression when he was 4 months and didn’t receive treatment for it and nearly ended things one day as I truly believed he hated me and would be better off without me. The last few days I feel I’m back in that dark place and he hates me and would be better without me. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know your not alone it can be so hard especially when you feel like this x
Thank you so much for your reply.
So sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time too.
let’s hope it soon starts to get better for us ♥


VIP Member
Her mind will be running wild because of the iPad and the blue screen. Maybe you will just have to take the iPad away completely?
I’m not against the iPad btw. My 3yo has it before bed, however, it would be the first to go if he started playing up. He can chill and watch tv rather than that
If I didn’t give her the iPad after bedtime for 15 mins she would kick off, it’s easier just to give it to her for 15 mins. Although………. We could read 10 books in the time and she would still kick off she wants one more 😂😂😂😂😂😂😩
Anybody else suffer with massive mum guilt?

3yo had the biggest tantrum today and I lost my shit after a really shit day just not listening or doing anything as told. But now they’re in bed I’m sat down and want to cry. I am pregnant so v hormonal and emotional but I don’t want to be a mum who shouts and loses my shit. Going to hope for a better day tomorrow and work on myself. I feel so crap I crept into the bedroom to give a kiss on the forehead and felt so sad :(
Chances are yours probably won’t remember the next day. But I know the feeling. It’s not nice is it but sometimes has to be done. Not listening is really frustrating.
maybe explain if you can you were having a bad day and you are sorry.
your hormones are probably making you feel more guilty. Hope today is a better day

In other news why does mine insist on getting up at the crack of dawn 🥴🤣 he’s such a morning person like his dad. And I am not.


Chatty Member
I'm wondering if mini P is having nightmares or something. Every night between 1-3am she will usually just suddenly scream like she's being murdered and run to her gate crying. She's absolutely inconsolable unless she has someone with her. This has been going on for weeks now, what are the chances this will pass without us doing anything? Not that I even know what I could be doing... we've tried night lights, special toys, checking for monsters. All that works is being with her but I just wish I knew why it was happening :(
My almost 4 year old has had so many illnesses over the last few months, worse than ever. The last one was last week with a sickness bug, and yesterday he was wiped out and had a 38.5°c fever (which went away with calpol). Today he’s been okay, not a massive appetite but eating a little, and has cold liek symptoms with a snotty nose. Fever came back a bit this evening and then he had a nose bleed, it’s freaked me out. Google tells me they’re common but should I be worried/rushing him to the docs OR do I monitor over the next couple of days?

just want it to be summer when they stop being so bloody ill all the time!


VIP Member
How old is she? My daughter is nearly 4, has been fully potty trained for well over a year but unsure where to start overnight!! :(
shes 3 and 4 months but she’s been dry every night since September aside from the last 2 this week (we are abroad and I think she’s just in such a deep sleep she doesn’t wake up to go) and she wet the bed the other night at home but didn’t go for a wee.

I’ve only just stopped using pull up at night cos I just thought she’s been dry for SO long but then my friends little girl who’s 5 this year still wears one at night and she’s been dry for years, she just says she cba changing wet sheets if she had an accident.


VIP Member
Blimey, what age do your kids start school? Or is this what is called reception?

Genuinely curious as most kids in Scotland don't start school until they're usually 5. You do get some kids turning 5 in the first term though.
Has anyone changed their toddler’s preschool? My 3 year old won’t go to school until next September so she’ll have a full year at preschool. I might be able to move her to a forest school which she’d love. She’s only been attending her current one since September and only 15 hours from January. She’s not fully settled in and doesn’t love it but I’m nervous of starting over with her and then again next year for school.
My Mum keeps mentioning it to me. And indirectly to my 2 year old 🙃
She said the other day when I was changing her "Ahh you don't need these anymore, do you?"
Keeps asking me when I plan to potty train her. Infact the first time wasn't a question it was "I presume you'll be potty in the summer" 🙄
How annoying is it!!!! I said to her if I wanted her opinion I would ask for it
I am upset she chose to do it behind my back. What does it matter to her if he is in them or not. She isn’t the one buying them or changing him!! She winds me up 🤣. Every half term she mentions it and any other opportunity she gets as well

I got some skinny joggers from next instead of the usual ones and she said oh they’d be bigger on him if he didn’t have nappies on when I mentioned they are tighter. No they are tight cos they’re slim fit. Jesusssss


VIP Member
Well I mean, you keep posting about it, so don't be surprised when people react 🤷🏻‍♀️

You also seem insistent on being dismissive and rude to Mama Me above, when she's been nothing but kind and helpful.
i’m replying back to people. Me telling my child she might die if she gets hit by a car is fact. It happens.

MIGHT being the key factor in the sentence. I doubt it’s going to impact her as an adult. Maybe if I said it over and over again until she was 14. I’ve said it once. Yes my wording to her was harsh but she realised enough it was wrong to do so.

Sorry if the way I’ve come across to anyone is being rude.


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One of the nicer ones, but we won’t go back. When we last went, we paid a lot but they cared more about the caravan owners than renters. We couldn’t even get a seat in the evening bit, but that was 2021 and covid was kind of around. You should be fine in Sept though
We’ve gone haven hideaway rather than haven, we did haven (with entertainment etc) in April and she was exhausted at night, didn’t even make the entertainment at night but the weather was abit icky during the day so the indoor entertainment was ok when it was raining and swimming but in summer we don’t need it.

Although - we are going Primrose Valley for a second time next month and we’ve got Haven cos I got a good deal, but I’m not that bothered about the night time. She was the same on hol last month, asleep before 7pm every night cos she was shattered! I’m glad tho cos I’m tired too, it’s hard work for a week on my own sometimes I’m so tired by 8pm😂

We use Haven more of a base cos it’s cheaper than hotels and it’s got everything we need for cooking even tho we eat out for 2 teas! I don’t care about cooking it’s just easier than dealing with a fussy child🤣

Which other havens have you been too? We’ve done: Golden Sands, Primrose, Hafan, Devon Cliffs, Presthaven. We are doing Primrose again next month then Church Farm! I do love a Haven hol, they’re fab for the price.
i don't know if i'm alone in this but has anyone noticed any signs of autism in their toddlers?
There is an ASD thread if you want to ask some things on there 💙❤