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Week 2 of no pull up at night for my 3 year old. She’s been dry at night since before she was potty trained and it’s been going well. We go abroad next week and im just wondering whether to take some on hol just incase she has an accident at night. It didn’t confuse her before but I feel like there becomes a point where they’re just not needed.. she often wakes up in the night for a wee and will
Shout me anyway. Even the nights when she wore a pull up!

The beds are double beds so can’t really take a mattress protector as im not buying one just for the holiday. Hmmmmmmmmmmm


VIP Member
Leaving a kid in nappies when they are dry because they can’t be bothered to change wet sheets is awful. There are mats you can put on a bed or even get a waterproof bed sheet
And if Mini A is having accidents while on holiday not wearing a pull up, chances are she’s not dry at night and has one wee a night

ETA - my 3 year old wet the bed 3 nights in a row last week. Not sure why, but as we had mats it was easy to change and stick a wash on. Never would I put him back in nappies
i’m confused by your reply to me. She’s been dry since September every night until very recently. She had 1 accident at home and she didn’t go for a wee before bed and downed loads of milk before going to sleep. It was my mistake for not making her go, she just kept saying she didn’t need it.

We’ve been away since Monday and the last 2 nights she’s not woken up needing a wee and wet the bed. I can only assume it’s because she’s drinking loads more as it’s 25 degrees and she’s having lots of ice creams. I’ve found it strange how she’s wet the bed twice in a row after being consistently dry for so long- hence why I put it down to just having more fluids etc.

I’m putting her back in a pull up for the holidays to avoid having to change the sheets, having to get new pillows cos they where wet this morning. I’m not in my house I’m abroad on holiday and I don’t really want them to keep giving us new pillows for her cos they’re abit wet due to her wee. Her bed was soaked this morning, and it soaked her top at the side hence why the pillow was wet - I’ve no idea how she didn’t wake up she was soaked through😫
Is it not just a total waste of money and nappies. I don’t understand the thought process here. I’d rather change a wet sheet than buy nappies. I can’t wait for the day I don’t have to buy them 😑
She uses cheap pull ups and doesn’t use a new one every night 🤷🏼‍♀️ she just said she’d rather use them than change wet bed sheets when she’s gotta get kids out the door.


VIP Member
Oh cool! Thanks everyone, think mabelthorpe is the winner tbh. Will definitely use my NHS discount as well. I saw the seal sanctuary and will definitely be looking into going there. Beach looks nice too! How much are the extra activities that aren't included in the pass?


VIP Member
Exactly this!!! My dad was a police man ( retired now ) and growing up he was abit over board. He’d always tell me not to get changed in my room with the curtains open , any man on their own looking dodgy he’d say something about them . He still now tells me not to be in my house alone with the door unlocked. Tells me not to leave my purse in my car etc. it’s kind of all drilled into me but I am an anxious mess. Especially when In the house on my own at night. Even now as a 28 year old 😭😂 I absolutely hate it cos all I can think about is someone breaking in.
the above is me! I lock my doors and car door when I’m in it. I check every window and door when I’m about to go to bed, alarm is set for downstairs and even when we go abroad or to a hotel I put a chair behind the door!

ok fair maybe I shouldn’t use language like “if you run into the road you might get hit by a car and die” but it’s drastic enough for her to not do it again 🤷🏼‍♀️


VIP Member

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Just need some advice on bedtime - every night it ends up with me getting shouty and my 3 year old in tears over books!!!!!!

Our bedtime routine is peaceful, quiet and it’s literally me and her. The iPad goes away after bathtime at 7.15pm and I always ask her to pick 2-3 books depending on how tired she is and then tell her to “say goodnight” to the rest of the books so she knows that’s it.

After I’ve read the books she’s picked herself she always gets in a screaming crying fit of being upset cos she wants another book that she hasn’t picked. I tell her before she picks the books you can’t have any more etc and it always ends up with her just SCREAMING, crying, and being upset before she goes to sleep and I’m sick of it. It’s stressing me out and I don’t want her to keep going to bed upset.

Any advice? It’s not as if she doesn’t understand cos some nights in the past it’s been fine and we’ve not had the tears! I’m at my wits end. I’m tired and it’s so hard when we’ve had a long day and the last thing I want to do at 7:35pm is get pissed off and it ruins my evening cos I’ve had a go at her! Just pissed off and don’t know what else to do.
it sounds like the routine isn’t working right now and something needs to change. Could you try two books in one location, then the third book in bed?
Is she overtired by this point?


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Ok so a bit of a daft question but it’s genuinely stressing me out! We are moving our little one to a nursery closer to home - how do I tell his current nursery?! I want him to finish in 2 weeks. I keep opening my emails but don’t know what to title it. I’m so pathetic 🙈


VIP Member
For some reason mini A has wet the bed 2 nights in a row - not sure if it’s all the excess fluids she’s having during the day as we are on h but she’s gone for a big wee before bed and still wet the bed. The mattress has a protector on it thankfully (which I wasn’t aware of).. thinking of putting a pull up on her tonight but she didn’t wake up needing a wee or when her pjs were wet! She slept 7:30pm to 9am 🤣 unheard of!
How old is she? My daughter is nearly 4, has been fully potty trained for well over a year but unsure where to start overnight!! :(


VIP Member
We used to when we just had 1 in school as we'd get a week at haven for about £150! Where as looking at May next year in the holidays, it's about £750! So I can see why people would much rather pay the fines as it makes it cheaper still!

Now we've got 2 in school we haven't this year with it being her first year.
I personally think a week on holiday/abroad is more benefit to them than the week in school (obviously providing it's not exams ect)

If your daughter is still 4 by the time you go away (or before the term after their 5th) you won't be fined anyway 😊
She is 4 in January, starts school September next year and we would go away May 2025 - I’ll be fined won’t i?

I defo wouldn’t take her away near exams or SATS etc..! We do haven in school hols anyway so it’s just our May hol. I don’t get why schools don’t allow 5 days of absence to go away for a week or in the uk when it doesn’t cost parents a fortune 😫


VIP Member
It sounds to me like she is frustrated with being told what to do rather than being given options. Every time you say she kinda of sets off again it’s after a choice has been made for her - you picked up the scooter, she had to come in to the house, she had to take her shoes off. Try giving her choices within limits. When they feel they have power and control over their lives they generally are a bit happier.
I completely agree it’s a power struggle!! I said I’d carry her scooter as she got off it and we were walking up the hill. I just think MY WORD sometimes!

I just feel like she can’t ever take being told off or not to do something. She cried at swimming when the instructor told her not to spit water back into the pool🫠


VIP Member
Another cough/cold for little miss. When the fuck does it end 😩
Since my 3 y/o had her flu nasal spray in October she’s hardly been as cough/cold/chest type bugs from nursery .. the nurse who did it told me it can help them not pick up as many colds (not sure how true it is..) but she seems to have less!
I always just do it when it’s sunny really. Here’s been about 15 during the day and i put it on him. When i check the temp and weather on my iphone weather app there’s a little bit that says use sunscreen during these times of day, so i just do it when it says lol
When I asked him the other day if he did he was like oh I forgot. Maybe if I drill into him enough he’ll remember when it’s really summer 🤣🤣🤣


VIP Member
Mini hairraiser turned 2 today 🥰🎉
He’s been showing signs of wanting to use the potty for a few weeks now so I’ve been trying to help him along.
I’ve read about trying the no nappy method and being able to be fully potty trained in 3 days. I lasted only one and a half days cause he was peeing everywhere around the house & also he became slightly agitated at one point so I didn’t wanna push it. Also, i couldn’t be consistently at home with him cause he gets terrible cabin fever and just wanted to go out, plus, you know how it is being a busy mum.
I took a step back and just told him his potty is nearby if he needs it and would remove his nappy for a few hours at a time each day.
He can pee really well, willingly sits on the potty fine. But he needs trousers and nappy off completely if he needs to go. Which is ok but by the time I’ve taken them off he’s nearly done it 🫤
He enjoys seeing his wee or poo in the potty and we have a little dance to celebrate when he does it and put a sticker on his chart, he also enjoys pressing the button on the toilet to flush it away 🤣🤣
He doesn’t tell me when he needs to go, I ask him and he will nod or say no.
im just wondering how I need to continue from here cause I feel like I’m confusing him by not being consistent. I just don’t want to scare him or upset him by making him do something he isn’t wanting to do! So I always just go by his mood on that day.
He has good days and bad days let’s put it that way.
I’m stressing about it a lot after telling myself I wouldn’t. He’s my first child so I have no idea if I’m doing this right!
Just feel abit deflated I guess.

and nothing happens

Active member
Anyone else got a super slow eater? My almost 4 year old has been like this for a few months now and it’s honestly killing me off 😭😂 He doesn’t have a super varied diet but he he generally eats well and likes lots of different fruit and veg. But if you left him to it he would sit for over an hour to eat a sandwich and some fruit. I sit with him at meals and I’m constantly like, “Right let’s eat lunch, come on, let’s have more please, eat up please….” and it’s so wearing!

Was considering trying him with a timer but I’m so conscious that I don’t want to trigger any eating issues in him. My husband and I eat dinner when he’s in bed but we sometimes eat as a family and even then he’s just sitting staring into space. If I keep on at him he will finish a meal so it’s not like he isn’t hungry. Argh hoping it just a stage cos I’m honestly demented 😩😂


Chatty Member
Hello. I have a friend who got a little girl who was a prem and is comng up to 3 years old. Her daughter weights 2 stone 4 lbs as of yesterday (she weight her every Saturday) friend is freaking out as thinking daughter is overweight everyone saying g oh she a heavy one isn't she. I bet your over feeding her (she isn't trust me the kid eats all fruit veg as good size meals as junk food on weekends) if people don't stop it's going to set her bulimia off. Her daughter is a solid child. As being from when started soilds. Plus the kid is strong she pulled her mum over who is strong herself and was a solid baby herself. I told her the kid is fine. Don't worry she a.toddler all under 4 year olds have extra weight on them but it drops when schools start. So can someone on here tell me she is panicking over nothing.


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My almost 4 year old has had so many illnesses over the last few months, worse than ever. The last one was last week with a sickness bug, and yesterday he was wiped out and had a 38.5°c fever (which went away with calpol). Today he’s been okay, not a massive appetite but eating a little, and has cold liek symptoms with a snotty nose. Fever came back a bit this evening and then he had a nose bleed, it’s freaked me out. Google tells me they’re common but should I be worried/rushing him to the docs OR do I monitor over the next couple of days?

just want it to be summer when they stop being so bloody ill all the time!
My 5yo always gets nose bleeds with a cold.
I'd say they're normal but it's best to do what makes you feel better 😊