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My daughter keeps randomly pulling her leggings down and going for a wee wherever she is rather than telling me she needs a wee… she seems to think she can go anywhere 😂 she did it at the dolphin show on holiday and I only realised after I got to her and she’d ran off.. then today at the park she was doing it in the sand pit in plain site, I was putting something in the bin and turned round and she was shorts to her ankles squatting down in the sand pit 🫠 is this normal?! She knows to tell me if she needs a wee but she seems to think she can go anywhere 😂


VIP Member
Oooh I’ll have a look at them. I’d originally booked Reighton sands for September but wanted to do chessington etc with her so changed it and it’s only cost me £20 for admin fee, the holiday was same price! We booked Weymouth Bay for 10 nights next July, £725 for 10 nights (Full haven) and a week after I’d looked it shot up to £1100 for the same dates🫠 (I booked it in March!!) We go on the 5th of July which I don’t think is even school hols..!
It's crazy the price difference.
We looked at next year, it's £850 for may half term, but only £400 for the week before!


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My 5yo has about 2 hours on her tablet max. She usually has it here and there during the day and then an 30 minutes-and hour between the youngest going to bed and her bed time. School days they both come home and sit for half an hour on their tablets when they get back.
10 year old has a bit more though as he has a tv and console in his room and is up there most of the time.
However, the TV is always on in the background downstairs. Always has been. But theyve never sat and watched it doing nothing, they just look at it here and there whilst playing.
thank you! It makes me feel better now😂 I’m always concious over her YouTube time and how much junk she’s watching but 2 hours a day isn’t much really when it’s the morning and before bed, and the odd time throughout the day after nursery etc like you said! Some days I feel like she’s glued to the iPad but when I add it up I don’t think it’s much. She’s had a busy week as we’ve been at haven Monday to Friday and the weekend she’s been with her dad outside. I need to remind myself sometimes it’s ok to do nothing and sit and watch junk!


VIP Member
Hi everyone,
Looking for some advice please! My daughters 21 months and quite chatty, she’s copying everything atm and has picked up a new phrase 😫 she’s saying For fucks sake alot! I’ve been ignoring it and recently saying oh dear when she says it to try and get her to replace the phrase but it doesn’t seem to be working. Luckily she’s only been saying it when she’s home usually when she’s pretending on the phone or when she drops something. I feel so embarrassed as she’s obviously copying how we’ve used it.. I didn’t think we swore that much but it seems we must do!
Yup my son does this, we just didn’t react and moved on. I think one time we tried saying something similar to see if he would change the way he said it but no luck. I find it hilarious like they get the timing and everything


VIP Member
Having major issues with potty training.
I can always rely on you guys for some support and wise words so here goes.

My son potty trained around his 2nd birthday (yes I know it’s early, but he was giving me the signs so I just went with it)
It took some time to get it right and not have accidents but he soon got the hang out & I felt confident he managing well! He was having one or two accidents a week max.
Fast forward to now.
He is wetting himself every single time he needs a wee. He tells me he’s wee’d and then finishes on the potty.
I try to explain to him he needs to do it on the potty but he just doesn’t listen. He talks over me and acts like he’s not interested.

l have taken him to the doctors Incase it was an infection but he’s been given the all clear & is on movicol to make sure he has regular poo’s.
I thought maybe because he has poo’s every 3rd day, and really struggles (I have to sit and hold his hand while he’s on the potty) it was constipation causing his wetting.
This morning he had a poo easily, no struggle, and he took himself to the potty. But then proceeded to do a wee on my bed.
(New duvet needed 😥)

I’m at my wits end, I just don’t know what else to do.
I thought I was winning at being a mum & now this has completely knocked my confidence!
I had a shit start to conception, birth & also I’ve really had a tough time adjusting to motherhood and this was the first thing I managed to help him with and he did so well.
I just want the best for him always and I don’t like knowing he’s wetting himself in front of everyone as I’m worried he’s getting embarrassed 😞
Please help!
How old is he? My 3yo has been out of nappies for about a year, and still has accidents from time to time
I have had to top up my snack drawer THREE times this week thanks to half term and 3 children who live by aldi snacks
Oooo what snacks. I got those cuthbert roller biscuits they’re SO good. Mine is always hungry. I am glad he’s back at nursery tomorrow where he will be getting his dinner 😂
I got Aldi mini milks this morning and he LOVES them


Chatty Member
Mini A has got tonsillitis. She WILL not have the medicine prescribed, she first got penicillin which was bright yellow and stunk. Mixing that in stuff was a nightmare. Rung her gp surgery back and they prescribed her clarithromycin. I’ve had to pin her down literally climb on top of her and force her mouth open. She spits it out and it just goes all over, it’s horrible for us both but what can I do.

She’s the same with calpol and always has been.

mixing it with stuff doesn’t work, she just won’t drink it. Telling her it makes her better has no effect and bribing her with “if you have your medicine you can have x y and z” .. I’m at a loss. Pinning her down isn’t working cos she’s just spitting it out even when I’m aiming the syringe at the side of her mouth she just gags and it’s just awful and it’s getting all over!

Anyone got an ideas? I’m out of options. Why don’t they make penicillin into gummies that taste amazing 🤣🤣🤣
Ah God it sucks doesn't it. We had three lots of penicillin in 3 months and I dreaded it every time. I don't know what to suggest as for us, we got away with hiding it in her morning bottle of milk or melting ice cream and mixing it with that. We tried the pinning her down thing and it was just horrible.
Oddly, when she had the purple penicillin (flucloxacillin or something) she loved it, and used to take it voluntarily and even lived the syringe clean after. Weirdo. :ROFLMAO:
No real help, sorry, just solidarity. Do your best but remember, she will get better without antibiotics and if she doesn't get it all in, you've tried your best. When miniP had an ear infection I remember just giving up after a couple of days of torturing her to take it.

In other news, my daughter woke up at 6am this morning (compared to her usual 7-8am) and I am fucking DEAD. :LOL:


VIP Member
My little one has finally got his EHCP. I think I am going to cry with relief
That’s great! So glad you got it and he’ll have the support he needs. 💙
Was it his nursery who requested one? We have regular meetings with the local SEN team through nursery but no one has mentioned a EHCP yet so I’m wondering if I need to instigate it.
Mine has just gone to bed now he’s been up since 4 am. I just hope he bloody sleeps through tonight. He’s had a full day at nursery and they’ve done some outdoor activities this afternoon so he should be tired
I feel like I'm always in here complaining about sleep but I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do 😭
So we've gone from waking once or twice a night, which I thought was probably nightmares, to waking every hour - honestly it's worse than when she was a newborn. It's like she wakes up, realises she's alone and just runs to her gate hysterical. We get no time alone in the evenings now as one of us has to go and calm her down constantly and I'm just beside myself. It's really getting me down. I just don't know how to deal with it, when she was a baby I would let her just cry it out, but that's harder to do now she's in a bed 😭
Mine can be like this. Hence why he sleeps in my bed. He started at 10 months screaming crying and wouldn’t be alone. Even now if he gets up in a morning and I’m downstairs he gets really upset. Panicky and crying it’s horrible
I don’t really have any advice other than you probably will have to sit with her. Mine used to wake up once every few hours If I was downstairs in the evening and I’d just go up lie with him and sneak out when he was down again. Some just don’t like being alone I’m afraid and just want comfort. She won’t do it forever
I'm sure I read in a Sarah Ockenwell-Smith book that children truly don't understand sharing or have the same empathy adults do until they're at least 5/6. Personally I wouldn't say that's across the board as my 5yo has always been quite empathetic towards others. But I'd agree with the sharing. To be honest I know some adults that are rubbish at that too!

Just spent an hour wrestling the 2yo down for a nap. He's not quite ready to drop a nap yet but he still needs one especially if he hasn't napped on days with the childminder. But he was very grumpy about it this morning - screaming, kicking, throwing his sleeping bag about. Ended up crying himself to sleep. One of those times that makes you feel a great parent, you know 😞 Hiding in my bedroom now having a little cry as I feel like utter crap right now.
I’m no professional but I would say a two year old wouldn’t need a nap at 1045? Or whatever time it was you started. Maybe that’s why you had to wrestle. I’d try a nap after lunch 12-45 until 2? Something like that.


Chatty Member
Mini A has got tonsillitis. She WILL not have the medicine prescribed, she first got penicillin which was bright yellow and stunk. Mixing that in stuff was a nightmare. Rung her gp surgery back and they prescribed her clarithromycin. I’ve had to pin her down literally climb on top of her and force her mouth open. She spits it out and it just goes all over, it’s horrible for us both but what can I do.

She’s the same with calpol and always has been.

mixing it with stuff doesn’t work, she just won’t drink it. Telling her it makes her better has no effect and bribing her with “if you have your medicine you can have x y and z” .. I’m at a loss. Pinning her down isn’t working cos she’s just spitting it out even when I’m aiming the syringe at the side of her mouth she just gags and it’s just awful and it’s getting all over!

Anyone got an ideas? I’m out of options. Why don’t they make penicillin into gummies that taste amazing 🤣🤣🤣
We put in milk works well for us. It is a nightmare when their won't take it. Milk was the only way we could get it down


VIP Member
There really is no such thing as too early, I’ve known plenty of kids who have been out of nappies before 2, and all mine have been just after 2. He had it, he’s able to do it, he’s just having a moment. It will pass x

None of mine have ever been unwell from jabs.
isn’t it weird how some are unwell and some aren’t! I have the flu jab yearly and I don’t have any side effects, but my dad has it and he’s unwell off it. I guess it’s just how bodies react!


VIP Member
My eldest I rushed at 2, and she wasn’t ready
My second told me he didn’t want to wear nappies any more. He was 2yrs 4mths
My third was literally naked the day he was born. Thanks to lockdowns, he spent a lot of his time nappy-less and I think he was about 2yrs 5mths when we finally ditched them in & out
The baby is obviously still in nappies, and I’m not in a rush. Although he has just been running around naked 😂😂
Thank you! Glad to know I have some time before I need to deal with it, probably the milestone I’m looking forward to least 🤣


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He’s infuriating me too and he’s not even my daughters dad so you’re perfectly justified to feel that way. It’s so tough when you want the best for your daughter but also want him to figure this out for himself, eg you calling his mum to check if she could take him - why isn’t he taking that initiative? Such poor behaviour
He just expects everyone to be available to be a taxi and they’re busy. Rightly so it’s their weekend too! 😂

He has it so easy and moans when he has to come for an hour a week after work so I can go the gym. It’s just pathetic!


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Stressed! Mini A woke up at 5am all wet again, she woke me up and got her into clean pjs, the mattress protector was soaked and it’s gone through to the mattress so she’s sharing my bed and I’ve just felt her pjs and they’re soaked. (She’s also got a pull up on as I didn’t want to get my bed wet either but she’s still asleep - my pjs are wet!!What is going on 🥴

Has anyone got any advice cos it’s stressing me out - I just say to her it’s ok and the cleaner will sort but her bed was soaked through to the mattress and mine is wet too now.

She’s going for a wee before bed and during the day but it’s like everything she’s drinking and ice creams is coming out of her overnight.

Do I limit drinks after 4pm? We usually come back up to the room at 4pm (5pm Spain time) and then it’s go down for tea and up to bed. I got told don’t limit drinks due to it helping your child’s bladder hold more capacity but for the sake of hols? 🙃


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Rikki was in the place where I live now.

My partner was in the same woods the same day Rikki was found. Saw all the police searching and everything
Oh my word!! I’ve got half of episode 2 left to watch, it’s just so sad.


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For some reason mini A has wet the bed 2 nights in a row - not sure if it’s all the excess fluids she’s having during the day as we are on h but she’s gone for a big wee before bed and still wet the bed. The mattress has a protector on it thankfully (which I wasn’t aware of).. thinking of putting a pull up on her tonight but she didn’t wake up needing a wee or when her pjs were wet! She slept 7:30pm to 9am 🤣 unheard of!