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Thanks everyone. I know I said she seems clumsy but it is a bit more than that. She struggles with stairs when I see other kids her age straight up and down. I’ve never seen her run, she can do small jumps if she’s holding onto something but not on her own and she can’t hop and I know shouldn’t compare but I see so many kids her age do these things with ease. She can’t ride her scooter or her bike and I’ve taken her out plenty of times for practice.

I’ll take a look at the glue ear thing too. It’s something I struggled with as a child and had to have grommets but I don’t know if that means it’ll be an issue for her too.
I think you should always trust your instincts. It sounds like your instincts are she could have it so go with them!


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My husbands grandma has died, daughter is 3, should I tell her tomorrow? First death that she’ll sort of understand I guess. She wasn’t particularly close, grandma was 102 and in a care home so not someone we saw often and she last saw her in January. Do I sit down and tell her tomorrow or deal with it as it arises? E.g. if she sees daddy upset then explain ‘daddy is sad because great grandma has died’.


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My 3 year old is coming home from nursery with new freckles every day in weird places like inside her ear or on her top lip, I cover her in factor 50 before drop off and they’re adamant they reapply mid morning and use sun hats, but surely if that was true I wouldn’t have a kid becoming a dot to dot puzzle? Is this normal??


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Has anyone watched the 24 hours in police custody with Nikki Reave? 😭 the poor little boy. It baffles me why some people have children
Nursery workers will know he is not the first 3yo to not eat. You won’t be the only parent saying this. Most of the late 2/3 yo on this thread go on food strike
Mine went through this a few months ago. He’s finally started eating better. He would eat nothing I put in front of him for dinners and his response would be ‘I don’t like dinner’ even before I knew what I was cooking. Sometimes he went to bed not eating other times I would offer him weetabix
He’s asking for dinners now, especially cheesy ham pasta, but this works as all the kids eat it
I know it’s frustrating, but it honestly is just a phase
I honestly just worry that they think I don’t feed him at home, I know he’s not the only one but I still don’t want them thinking that 🤣 I’m glad to hear your little one is asking for tea now, hoping to god mine is the same soon! I’m going to try limiting snacks and see if that helps any. The sooner this phase ends the better 😅


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Hi everyone, new to this thread and hoping I can gain some perspective.
I have a 3 (almost 4) yo girl, and she’s very recently started putting things in her mouth and chewing. I wouldn’t normally stop a behaviour that isn’t actually causing anyone any damage as I figure she just needs to get something out of her system but I’ve always been able to trust that she can keep herself safe in her playroom then the other day she came into the kitchen with a pen lid in her mouth and honestly my life flashed before my eyes. I definitely take for granted how (up until this point) reliable and mature she has been, and now I’m worried constantly that she’s going to put something in her mouth that she shouldn’t and choke. She hasn’t done this since the teething days of early toddlerhood, and she has all her teeth so I’m not sure what the reason is. When I point out what she’s doing and remind her not to she almost looks surprised and says sorry, as if she didn’t realise she was doing it.
I’m thinking of getting her a teether again so she knows she has something safe she can chew, but I’m concerned that it’s started so suddenly that there could be an underlying reason I’m not noticing or addressing. Anyone else experienced this?
Both of my older two would have done this. They never would have been mouthers at a young age, but rather at the stage you’re talking about. Even now at 7 and 10 I would still occasionally have to tell them to get stuff (Lego 😒) out of there. It’s definitely a subconscious thing, they don’t even really know they are doing it. I have no advice, I just kinda leave them to it and remind them to take stuff out.


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Not sure if this is the right thread but figured we are all parents and would love others opinions.

I work full time (single/lone/sole parent), and my daughters nursery have just upped their daily prices by £9. They claim to have rang other nurseries in the area and matched them. It's now £62 per day.

I claim the 30 free hours for my daughter, and my monthly bill (sometimes it's a 5 weekly bill) is usually around £495, with the 30 hours taken into account.

However the nursery no longer stretch the funded hours through the summer holidays, meaning my July/August bill is going to be huge. Last year wasn't too bad as it was prior to this huge increase (well, still a shocking amount to pay!!), but this year it's going to be £1,180. She will start school in September 2024 so I still have another 18 months of this. She has been at this nursery since December 2021, prior to that I was part time and she went to a local childminder.

My question to you all is: Would you move her to a nursery where they stretch the hours, allowing me to keep costs lower all year? She is very settled where she is and has so many friends, plus a great bond with staff members. But I simply do not know how I will afford these summer bills. It may seem easy for some to save for, but for me on just my wage and very little UC, it will cripple me.

I am so stuck on what to do :(
So, if they are no longer stretching it, then you will get less of your bill months apart from July/August?
You should be entitled to extra help with UC to help cover your bills. Are you getting this now to help pay for nursery?
Sunday and Mondays bedtimes were terrible!! 815 he went to sleep last night. Kicking off and just wouldn’t stay in bed
He’s asleep now 🎉 & no complaints … bloody clocks !!!


Well-known member
I don’t even know where to begin with potty training mine. He was 2 in December, and he tells me when he’s pooed, but sometimes he says he has pooed and he hasn’t, so not sure if it is just a trump? He can hold wee, as he finds it hilarious to wee on the floor 😂

I think he could potty train but as with all things toddler, i suspect he won’t for another few months!


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Could be. But also may be because she’s at her dads? My eldest always used to sleep better at hers and was up early at home
she’s been sleeping well here apart from this week, she would easily sleep 7:40pm to 7am, nursery days she would sleep past 7am but I’d have to wake her up 🙈 but since I’ve injured my arm.. It’s gone to shit, I’m hoping she’s gunna be back to sleeping till 7am.. it’s just hard when she’s been literally sleeping 7:30-7am for months on end near enough and 6am the day feels soooo long and she doesn’t nap anymore, this is why I’m not having anymore kids 😂😂


Well-known member
We are starting potty training next week - eek 😬
I think we're about ready to try too, need to re read oh crap and hope for the best haha wanted to wait a bit longer as no. 4 is only 3 months but my boddler seems very ready and I don't want to miss this window where she seems willing.


VIP Member
I don’t even know where to begin with potty training mine. He was 2 in December, and he tells me when he’s pooed, but sometimes he says he has pooed and he hasn’t, so not sure if it is just a trump? He can hold wee, as he finds it hilarious to wee on the floor 😂

I think he could potty train but as with all things toddler, i suspect he won’t for another few months!
it’s just one huge milestone I found you can’t force or rush. Mini A was nearly 3 when she started potty training and it’s taken months for her to really grasp it. A big one for her has been realising when she needs a poo and that feeling of needing to go before it comes out 😂😂 but this is the best week we’ve had and she started it end of October I think.

She just randomly started using the potty and since then it was plain sailing!I tried in August and she kept weeing everywhere, and it made me hold off for a few months.


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Please don’t limit drinks. As adults we often wake for a drink during the night, and expecting a child to not have much fluid for 15hrs is an absolutely ridiculous expectation. It is also getting warmer, she should actually be increasing her fluid intake.
yeah I thought that, she’s drinking so much during the day cos it’s warm! There’s obviously no way I’ll limit her drinks during the day.

i don’t think the would be happy if I woke her up for a wee, she would be historical and fuming I’ve woke her up.

thanks for all the advice xx
I probably wouldn’t limit drinks in a warm country and try not to make a big deal out of it (not saying you are) but I know when I was a child I literally couldn’t do a car journey longer than half an hour without being desperate for a wee, and my parents would make such a big deal about checking I’d been before we left etc that it would stress me out and I’d end up needing a wee more. In hindsight they probably just asked once or twice but as a kid it felt like they were making a big deal out of it so i made a big deal out of it
I don’t even say anything bad to her when it’s wet I just say it’s wet let’s strip it for the cleaner and she goes uh oh mummy it’s wet wee wee..just one of those I guess. Will defo try get her to have more water today rather than other drinks.
ouchhh 😭🙃 that’s so early!!!

also update on mini A - I took her to her nans earlier whilst I went the gym so I could go when it was quiet and she was fast asleep when I picked her up, she only had about 30 mins but she was exhausted. She went to bed at half 7 too so I’m really
Hoping she doesn’t wake up tonight. Last night she woke up at 11pm crying saying she felt unwell and she had some calpol!!! (Can you believe it)😂 I’m hoping she feels ok to go to nursery but I spoke to them today and let them know she’s had her jabs and they said she can have some calpol anyway and nursery might distract her from it!

Now she’s abit older and realises it makes her feel better she won’t refuse it (unlike bright yellow penicillin that’s vile….)🫠
Bless her. I hope she’s ok. It really took it out of mine for some reason.
He lasted til 12 at nursery and they said he was lying on the floor and whining a lot. But when my boyfriend got home with him he wanted to play hide and seek 😂. I kept him off the next day as well he was a bit pale and a little warm and a lot whiny…. he went back on Friday. I don’t know about anyone else but mine always gets massive red patches where the jabs have been.
What temperatures do you it sun cream on your kids. I’ve been putting it on mine this week and it’s been 14 during the day. But I feel I am going out of my mind worrying he’ll get skin cancer when he’s older. My other half gets him ready and takes him to nursery as I leave for work at 640 and I keep telling him make sure you put sun cream on and I bet he’s sick of me but if he forgets I just start over thinking. 🥺