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VIP Member
How bad must it be at Lalande for Amaury & Natti to leave. Free housing & most everything else that goes along with it are hard to walk away from. The reality of living there in that situation must be worse than we imagine and we all think it’s pretty terrible.
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Here is a fun comment by a very sensitive Phi Phi aka Caroline Gooder in the chateau unwrapped comments:

Liesa Villandre

1 day agoPhillip found a gravy train. I like Stephanie and wish she would go back to the beginning stuff.

Chateau Chat
1 day ago@Liesa Villandre, you are right, Philip hit the jackpot! Stephanie is never going back. She’s only going to continue doing less and less. Making more and more excuses. Such a shame, how much more successful could she be if she actually restored the chateau and followed through on her promises?


caroline gooder
4 hours agoYou’re wrong, Philip IS the gravy train. He’s young, extremely good looking and has a bright future ahead of him.
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Just Grift Wood

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Fanny now has real issues. She is scraping the barrel for content and Natti and Amaury moving to their "little house" (note how she said that so snidely in a passive way) brings up multiple issues for her. 1) They are the only two who show a modicum of care to guests and a successful B nB operation only works if you have people on hand 24/7 to deal with any niggles. There is no way she will be there as she is going to want to travel, so who will care for guests 2) It shows cracks have appeared in her relationship with the cousin who I believe has patience but it has more than been tested. She has run that man into the ground treating him like a slave to fix even the tiniest issue and wasting his talent. If she had played it differently she would have got a team of trades in to help him and be way forward on jobs. I think Cuz now sees Fanny as we do there is not a loving relationship there it is actually quite frosty. 3) Her patreon numbers are steadily falling questions are coming up again under patreon flog. There is very little life love and laughter if it was that Cuz would not be leaving. Fanny now has literally no cast to provide interesting content. Snorts is death to viewing figures, Marie is going to lose it this season because she will be doing everything. Kirsty and husband are boring as is Pavlina so Fanny you need to regroup and fast. I suspect Marie Wiik will be back very soon for the season. I also suspect even super fans will not be happy with B n B accommodation this year the place is an utter shambles. She has no consideration that these are peoples annual holiday and they are looking forward to it and it is expensive to come from America. She has had months to get the room ship shape, but no just a measly coat of white emulsion will do. Surely people are going to see these rooms could have been prepped much earlier. Lalande is like the Marie Celeste at this point.
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You tell 'em Joyce!

Joyce Stempa

28 minutes ago
Not sure how on earth all the rooms are in such a state with that many people constantly in the house but the sheer amount of the constant volume of work needed every single day in this chaotic house is overwhelming for me as a viewer. I can’t imagine how it is to actually live such a drama filled lifestyle!!! Maybe a little less running around visiting this place & that country and a little less themed dinner parties and a little more focus on knocking out a particular room (and not moving on until that room is 100% done), is in order so at least ONE thing gets completed. Running from room to room fixing one small issue means nothing as a whole gets finished and a whole year goes by and still everything looks schizophrenic. Love you guys but this is really getting maddening!!!
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How bad must it be at Lalande for Amaury & Natti to leave. Free housing & most everything else that goes along with it are hard to walk away from. The reality of living there in that situation must be worse than we imagine and we all think it’s pretty terrible.
New show, Escape From The Chateau
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Jealous hags and trolls, what does this mean? Tess’ spooky babydoll has started following Chateau Wrap Up’s insta?
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Just Grift Wood

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Fanny is just such a weird person and the more she puts out on her boring flogs the more it is evident. She has had the place for donkey's years nearly as long as Pube's ugly head came into the world. All the Granny's lap it up as an image of life in France. But here's the thing, she is half French has lived there for 18 years and yet nothing about her life embraces France or French culture. My experience of life in rural France is the French are very welcoming and friendly and will do anything to help if you're engaged in forming friendships. After 18 years Fanny has no French friends in the area (if she did artisans would be easy to find). She doesn't integrate, she doesn't enjoy French food or produce other than a baguette with hard boiled eggs (hardly embracing all the wonderful produce) she doesn't even serve French regional food to guests. They largely eat crap cobbled together from tins and British shit imports. Not only does Fanny not have many French friends she has very few friends full stop.

Fanny purports to be interested in history and restoring her Chateau but she just isn't even the most minute tasks remain undone. If Fanny had shown some mettle and got some renovations done in an orderly fashion she probably would have landed major TV deals. She wastes every opportunity and is happy to just be drifting along, her channel is flagging because she is lazy and entitled and lives in her own dysfunctional bubble. Her lifestyle just shows a pathetic woman child whose existence is all about her, in her little bubble she is front and centre. She could have been front and centre of the Chateau renovation world but now none of the serious people want anything to do with her Chateau de la Ruch and the like because actually Fanny is selfish and not honest.

The misnomer that there are no workman in rural France is a joke-there are just not endless English workman who are willing to be ripped off used for flog fodder and then callously cast aside. Now with Amaury moving out less and less will be done and the content at this point is becoming unwatchable. @T Rex is right she has missed the biggest opportunity ever. If she put as much energy in to buckling down and doing some work as she does into fudging timelines and holiday plans and stopped acting like Lady Muck who does absolutely bugger all these days the money would be rolling in. I find her odious, hygiene deficient and utterly deplorable at this stage and I am finding her hard to watch and very boring. If we are bored the fans will follow at some point. Look how many long term tattlers have disappeared it is because she is now dull and desperate. I suspect she is going to be very very lonely by the time she hits her late 50's. She has wasted her Oxford University education, wasted her friendships and shown cruelty to many and now she faces just being a girl who used to be pretty and liked to party, but the party has left town. The thing is though even her old friends Bag head, Oli have moved on and carved out meaningful relationships, she is constantly trying to find events to recapture parties past but the hedonism and halcyon days are gone you can't recreate that vibe with an aged rent a crowd.
Dis-functional, desperate people at the dump. Anyone who spends any length of time at the shitoo is a misfit just looking for something in life- normal people couldn't live there for even a week.
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T Rex

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oh wow seems very rude to block a Patreon deff like hey don’t need your bucks gal if you don’t say suck arse gushing comments how very dare she ! …. I wish more Patreons would wake up ….. the lovely Brenda banished me to the hinterland she never likes what I say she’s so far up Fanny’s backside I wonder if she manage to come out again 😂
Fanny had a potential gold mine- she could have been one of the top earners on YT and Patreon had she just capitalized on it (millions a year, vice $33K a month) and actually accomplished a real project- like the Shitoo and Chapel structural issues and the rendering. (I wonder not only at how many Patreon dollars Fanny has lost due to her Brenda Gibbons/Caroline Gooder dirty deletes/blocks for just asking legitimate questions, but also at the loss of YT Ad Sense dollars because those scorned viewers are no longer watching- and her viewership of even her most loyal fans is waning due to their disinterest at her shyte vlogs- seriously, no one wants to watch a middle aged entitled woman go on holiday for the upteenth time with her idiot "boyfriend" who is young enough to be her son- that alone is creepy AF. And no matter what expensive wallpaper you hang over a cracked wall, the wall will eventually win and tumble down, moron.)

We are all too well aware Snorts' #1 goal in life is to be a kept man- but guess what, Fanny? This little troll has cost you a lot of money, and will continue to do so. "But I was lonely and needed a companion!" Good lord, Fanny, for forks sake, check yourself into a treatment facility for depression, address your daddy issues, get rid of Snorts and his massive porcelain collection "You've got 48 hours to vacate. Byeee!", and focus on being a real adult for a change. Cheese on toast, you've been conned for the long game, and Snorts is only going to keep making you doubt yourself. Call Mummy and ask her true opinion- I bet it is on par with ours. Look at the numbers- they don't lie- when you brought Snorts aboard, viewership dropped when it should have been growing. Hmmm...
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@Jules I liked the part where you said that you had spent so much time emotionally invested in this and you kind of felt hurt when they either deleted comments or blocked you. It is a weird situation for all of us, and I think that is why we are all around the same age here. I was kicked off being a patron just for asking legit questions and it just blew me away. How could somebody block me when I am GIVING them money? I never assumed my $5/month was to help with her renovations. I just chalked it up to $5/month for an extra video per week as entertainment on my part. It did feel bad when she blocked me just for asking about the status of stuff. It also pissed me off to no end that I was giving this woman money, and she obviously had enough money that she could care less about her patrons. And all the remaining patrons have no way of knowing about her behavior because she blocks and deletes everything so fast. Then all the secrets started…and secrets about stupid stuff. Which really makes you wonder - what is she really hiding? Why lie about stupid stuff? I really hope your new videos can call more attention to the issue and maybe some of the patrons can see what is going on. And that she does not care at all about them, and will just remove them if they cause any problems because she is making so much money that their contribution is a drop in the bucket to her.
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T Rex

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Thank you to all of you fabulous Tartlets and Tartgents for making me laugh all week! It's been a rough week at Casa T Rex. After weekly visits to the vet for Luna, her glucose numbers were finally regulated enough to get her annual vaccines on Friday- she was due for everything, unfortunately. By early Monday morning, she had runny poos- but was still acting normal. Changed her diet to boiled chicken, rice and Fortiflora. Monday night- no sleep, as she needed to go out every hour. Called the vet's office Tuesday morning (our vet is on vacation), and the other vet said keep an eye on it- as long as she is still eating and drinking, and to give her an 1/4 of an Immodium. By dinner time, our tiny terror refused to eat so we took her to the Emergency Vet clinic- they were wonderful- saw us right away, checked her glucose, gave her an IV, a shot for nausea, antibiotics and a stool hardener. The vet told me to give her a half dose of insulin when we got home, and the receptionist would e-mail everything to my vet. The vet said it could have been a reaction to the vaccines, but keep an eye on Atlas just in case Luna had a bug. Wednesday morning, Luna was feeling right as rain, so I told Atlas on a long walk (he was feeling neglected) and on the way home, he had the runny poo. An hour after getting home, he demanded to let out and proceeded to "politely vomit" on the outdoor rug in our lanai. Since they are on separate diets, we know it's not the food. Now he's on antibiotics as well (my vet's office should have a rewards card!). Today, he refused to eat nor drink anything, so I made him ginger tea, forcing it into his mouth with an eye dropper, checking his gums all day to make sure he wasn't dehydrated, and finally, around 4PM, the little joker demanded a Greenie, drank water, and ate his dinner. I notified all of the dog neighbours yesterday (because I am responsible like that). Both of pups finally had solid poos tonight- hooray! Sorry for the long post- but you pet parents get it. Mr. T Rex and I are sleep deprived, but having celebratory Miller Lites- "To solid poo!" No matter what a shyte day I had, you jokers have made me laugh all week! ❤ Thank you all!
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Bon weekend I'm out on the VIP terrace already, in sunny Brittany. They've only got a bloody peacock here making a racket, luckily not right outside our room.
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caroline gooder
1 hour ago to
It was on air bnb until the pandemic. Now she is financially comfortable she does not need the money from the air bnb anymore

Think about the hubris behind this comment. Stephanfraudie is ebegging for hundreds of thousands of tax free dollars to save her Dump from collapsing but cannot be arsed to rent out her London flat and use those funds to help restore her crumbling castle? She “DOES NOT NEED THE MONEY FROM THE AIR B AND B ANYMORE?” Is that why she used the flat as London’s most expensive storage unit for brocante crap the past year or so?

She now has London’s most expensive storage unit and the most expensive vegetable garden in France (with 4 gardeners and minimal vegetables produced). This is alongside an expensive half dead English garden. All located next to a dangerous and structurally unsafe crumbling farmhouse which she is determined to stuff full of new gites paid for with tax free Association funding.

She is always crying poor but cannot get off her ass and rent out her London flat to generate money? Is she no longer leasing out Mummy’s home in South Africa since she doesn’t need the money she used to receive for renting out Mummy’s home? She is so incredibly lazy and wasteful.
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On what basis do we suspect that Snorty's father has evidently has assisted the Shittelaine with her troubling accounts issues? I thought Snorty's father owned a Driving School in the Netherlands, not an accountant. Did I miss something?
I found his office…

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Wait a minute. This just occurred to me. I think many of the Scotchette comments about Amaury are lies planted by phi phi to make it look like Amaury and Ñutty were forced to leave the Dump rather than Amaury being tired of being exploited by Cuz, getting sick staying in the nasty Dump, Cuz getting fed up, etc. This is to combat rumors or observations on Tattle, CD/Patreon comment sections, other forums, etc. that would reflect poorly on Fanny and Phi Phi. Phi Phi/ Fanny are throwing Cuz Amaury under the bus thru comments by aliases so the Shittelaine and the Douche Lord look blameless and justified in “kicking out” Cuz and Ñutty. They are trying to create confusion and chaos about them leaving, the “ control by chaos”, look over there at druggie, greeedy, angry Anne Marie and abused Ñutty that were forced to leave the Dump, don‘t look at the blameless Shittelaine and the 2 other business owners trying to protect herself from Cuz and Ñutty. Phi Phi reacts to most everything discussed in this forum.

Read these 2 comments by Scotchette:

9 hours ago
@Marney P I think the "ambiance" in the shito changed when the cousin arrived. I think they were all having fun and suddenly, people left one after the other. Marie W, Ian, etc. Amaury is not a team worker. He's a loner. I don't think he fitted in the shito. I also think, he was asking too much money for the structural issues and Nick, Potts and her decided they needed professional help to fix the place. Problem: It's gonna cost them more but they probably want something professional this time? Nasti and him are lost souls. They were spoiled for a while by the shitelaine. Vacations in Argentina, vacations in Venice, Trianon party in Paris. I think the party is over for them and it's probably not her decision. Amaury is family but the 3 owners run a business. She is the cash cow, so they have to protect her, take care of her health, she is running the show. I just read on Tattle that Nasti complained that she had to eat her food cold because they had to wait for the Shitelaine and her lover. She doesn't even cook. I'm sure the shitelaine has friends who want to come this summer and she needed space. She always had a nice way to get rid of people. The problem: no grand salon, dangerous surrounding. I'm out.

Live chat:


scotchetteThe cuz and his nut were kicked out. Business decision. It was smelling too much cannabis at shiteland. I'm afraid for Natti. He doesn't look like such a nice guy. Cuz Steph must know that by now.

Do you see what he is doing?

Scotchette, aka phi phi doing Fanny’s dirty work, has asserted that Amaury was kicked out of the Dump and tried to say Amaury wanted to perform structural repairs at an exorbitant cost and pressured the owners to be allowed to do so ( Clara addressed these issues in the past here. Cuz knew about the serious structural issues, knew they were beyond his expertise to perform, but continued to do work in the grand salon because Cuz didn’t want to reveal the structural defects to viewers and Patrons.)

Phi Phi tried to say Amaury ran off Marie W. ( untrue) and Ian ( partly true but did so with Fanny’s approval). People began leaving once phi phi entered the Dump, not Amaury, Phi phi claims that Fanny paid for their vacation to Argentina ( untrue). Then Phi Phi infers that the decision to make them leave was the 3 owners decision, not Stephanie’s decision.and that “ but the 3 owners run a business. She is the cash cow, so they have to protect her, take care of her health, she is running the show.” Classic phi phi bullshit.

Then phi phi tries to say it was a business decision to make Amaury and Ñutty move out of the Dump, inferring Amaury was a pothead smoking so much weed that the Dump smelled like pot ( which no person who stayed at the Dump has reported her or in any reviews for the Dump and there is no way he could be stoned when working with the saws and performing detailed carpentry ) and also infers that Amaury may be violent with Nutty, that he is “ afraid for her and he doesn’t seem like a nice guy” and also creates the inference that Fanny is not safe around him either.

Clara was right. You don’t get between Fanny and her money.
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C'est moi

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Phi phi is having his online tantrums in the Chateau Unwrspped comment section thru Dump alias Caroline Gooder. He is frantically trying to reply to all issues raised in the chateau unwrapped comment section, as well as complimenting himself profusely.

caroline gooder
15 minutes ago
Philip is also an actor and musician. He is multi talented

caroline gooder
16 minutes ago
Dan has success written all over his face

caroline gooder
39 minutes ago
Dan will be fine.
caroline gooder
18 minutes ago
Philip contributes enormously to the day to day operations of the Chateau.

About the london flat

caroline gooder
29 minutes ago
It was on air bnb until the pandemic. Now she is financially comfortable she does not need the money from the air bnb anymore

About the gardens
caroline gooder
33 minutes ago
The gardens take a lot of work to tend to.

caroline gooder
40 minutes ago
Lies, did you bother to contact Stephanie to discuss the missing postcard?

Phi Phi personally insults Jules ( ignore him Jules, thus is when you know you have really gotten under their skin by bringing to light some of their crap).
caroline gooder
43 minutes ago
Her face could do with some work

caroline gooder
46 minutes ago
Stephanie and Philip are dynamic and far more successful then our French Chateau will ever be

In response to be sure to like and subscribe:
caroline gooder
44 minutes ago
Please don’t
Sarah Fox
1 day ago
Hahaha I loved this! I really do like Chateau Diaries and Escape to Rural France… all of them actually but equally am here to watch Chateau drama. Every community needs this to call out the facades

caroline gooder
52 minutes ago
You’re wasting your time here.

Please Note that phi phi started his tantrum after I posted the Scotchette entries and my opinion that he was using the Scotchette name an alias to post comments.
GO JULES!!!!!!

Ann EC
17 hours ago
Congratulations ladies! Fabulous first vlog. Your insight into the Chatauverse is fantastic. This grey haired old hag can't wait for the next one. Fanny and Phillup should watch their backs! View attachment 2120596View attachment 2120597View attachment 2120598

caroline gooder
50 minutes agoThey have nothing to worry about.

View attachment 2120599
Chateau Chat
7 minutes ago
@caroline gooder I would like to formally invite you to be our first chateauverse guest. Love to discos lot of things with youView attachment 2120600
Note how Caroline Goody Two, Goody Two, Goody Goody Two Shoes-Gooder stays hidden behind her fake persona and keyboard. And yet... there is Jules front and centre, not scared of being herself. Bravo to you 3 Chateau Wrap Up girls, you are rattling the cage.
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