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Well-known member
How on earth is Hannah surviving quarantine with Shane? She is literally with him 24/7 and she never gets a break.

- When he is being annoying she can't simply go upstairs and stay in a room by herself for an entire day, because he needs her for his basic hourly functions.

- When he is being annoying she can't simply go to her parents for the day and have a socially distanced outdoor visit, because he needs her for his basic hourly functions.

- When he is being annoying, she can't go for a simple long 3 hour walk to grab a treat at Starbucks, because he might crap on himself and she needs to be there to toilet him.

But she isn't sacrificing anything in this relationship. Nope, nothing at all.....
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I contacted the Vital Records Unit of Hennepin County at the recommendation of Hennepin County Service Center and asked if exceptions could be made if one of the partners were immunocompromised or something, and this is what they said: "In order for a marriage to be legal, the couple, officiant and two witnesses MUST be physically present, no one can Zoom in to sign the marriage license."
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I have several issues with this channel. I don't think that it's a real relationship and that has nothing to do with the fact that he's disabled. Obviously disabled people can have happy healthy relationships with Able Body people. That's not the issue here. I really think that it is a business venture based on things that I've read online about him. Which is fine I just don't agree with the concept of Faking a relationship on YouTube due to the fact that it influences people and gives them expectations are not realistic. I think that the way they portray their happy life is almost perfect and is his extensive disabilities are no big deal to her is disingenuous. I hate the fact that they never are real about how challenging being a caretaker role can be. It's obnoxious. I also don't like the way that Shane treats Hannah. It's subtle but it's noticeable. He insults her and takes little Digs at her and says passive aggressive and really rude things. I honestly believe that if he was not disabled and this was just a regular couple on YouTube and he was treating her that way and saying the things about her into her that he does under the guise of a joke people would have a problem with it. It is not healthy or right to joke with your significant other that way. It's insulting and disrespectful and he does it constantly. I think his sense of humor is arrogant and annoying and if somebody else pointed out he seems to lack empathy and be very narcissistic. It's all about him and I don't like that. They don't seem like a real couple to me based on the way that he acts toward her and the way she acts towards him sometimes. She seems to be trying too hard and he seems to be going out of his way to be aloof and act like it's no big deal to be dating such a gorgeous caring person like Hannah when in reality if they were a couple he should be thanking his lucky stars to have someone as dedicated and beautiful as her.
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I can't get on board with some of the meaner (and fucked up, imo) things that people say about Shane's condition on this board, but I keep coming back here because I can't deny that these two weird me tf out, and really it has nothing to do with the disability for me.

I was actually really excited when I first found their channel. I thought, wow this couple is really taking on people's misconceptions about disability and relationships. How cool! Then after watching them for a while I realized how truly fucking ANNOYING and immature Shane is. He clearly never matured emotionally past the age of like 12/13. He's totally self centered and his sense of humor is extremely grating to me. Plus the way he expresses his "gratitude" seems totally fake to me. Sooo cheesy, and honestly kind of insulting to other disabled people. They mock "inspiration porn" but Shane makes it on purpose ALL THE TIME.

Once I realized that I don't like Shane as a person, I started really thinking that something must be up with Hannah. I don't think she's a "sick pervert" or whatever some people here say, because unlike some of you I do think it's possible that interabled relationships can be based on normal healthy feelings, but I do think she definitely feels unsafe around able bodied adult men. After reading her instagram post about being sexualized from a young age a lot of things clicked for me.

Shane clearly annoys her, how could he not. She puts up with it because she is more comfortable in a relationship where all of the physical power is in her hands. I also think she has the attitude of a crusader for justice (so does her mom) so it suits her to be going around pointing out how inaccessible the world is. The sad thing is she could definitely do that without being saddled with an asshole like Shane for a husband. I'm sure she feels that she could never leave him because it would look bad for their brand. He would make her look like an abandoner like he did with all his ex gfs. Tbh I would also not be surprised at all if Shane talks to other girls online. He seems really bored with Hannah sometimes, and he seems like the type (narcissistic nerd with low self esteem) to be stacking back ups online.
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Well-known member
You all remember how Shane "jokingly" told Hannah and her mom Liz to make out once? Well in the latest video they talk about how Liz helps Shane when Hannah's sick and Shane says, with a twinkle in his eye, "Thanks Liz, for being my Hannah." Hannah jokingly is like "oh god, ew, I don't like that at all."

Someone could write a book about the creepy boundary issues amongst Shane, Hannah and Liz.

And Hannah, if you're reading: Just because family says they're willing to help DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD ASK THEM. It's totally messed up that you asked your siblings who have tons of responsibilities and young children (and probably make way less money than you) to be Shane's caregiver when you're sick. You are taking advantage of them; even if it doesn't show now, the resentment WILL build. It's trashy and shows just how clueless you are about healthy boundaries and the fact that no one except you and your similarly deluded mother want to wipe Shane. They shouldn't be expected to do intimate care for their brother-in-law or be put in a position where they feel like they have to say yes. You have plenty of money so use it.
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I couldn't sleep and had nothing else to do so I looked through some pages of Shane's Laughing at My Nightmare blog to try and figure out when he mentions Hannah for the first time. I noticed on page 39 that he talks about his lucrative new book deal for "Strangers Assume my Girlfriend is My Nurse" and also writes something cryptic about seeing/talking to his recent ex (Anna) and gaining closure from it. I saw on page 38 he talks about a Skype call with "a new friend" and "she made me smile" and then on page 37 he says he had "a skype date with Hannah". Hannah said that after she saw the Soul Pancake Shane Youtube video, that she read his blog and then reached out to him. Shane was pimping out his potential book deal big time on his blog the week before or possibly the week of her reaching out. I don't know what to believe; he either recruited her, she's an opportunist who saw a great financial opportunity in being the new muse for his book or she's a sheltered girl who had a crush on him and reached out. Maybe it is a mix of all three options. I personally don't even entertain the idea of dating guys on dating apps who live over an hour away, so I find it very odd that she was thousands of miles away and reached out anyway.
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Their latest video???? Hannah is stopping birth control and they're ready for babies. I didn't watch the video, but the title says it all.

Is she really this stupid? Please someone tell me it's clickbait.
Yes, Hannah is really this delusional. It's so sad, it's like some 16 year old who's obsessed with motherhood fantasizing about having babies with her deadbeat boyfriend. They said they're going to start legitimately trying for a child after their wedding next summer; she's stopping birth control now though because she thinks you need to go off birth control for a year before trying.

She literally said "when we first got the puppies for the first few days we were like, we're never going to have kids. But now we feel ready to have kids."

"Sometimes when I was caring for the puppies Shane would get upset that he wasn't receiving attention... he would have to wait for something... I think when it's our kids he'll feel differently." YIKES.
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Shane hasn't accepted himself and his condition. He gets butt hurt about everything. Hannah is his general in this psychological war against people with functioning brains and eyes. Together they will convince the world Shane is a 6'3" chad.
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Makes me wonder if they were going to try to get away with the fake wedding route, realized they were caught, and finally legally did the vows/signing on Oct 1st? Then to make Sept 4th not be a total sham made up this wild story about the paperwork not making it etc etc etc. Or they still arent actually married and are making even more shit up to throw people off...

Also Hannahs long winded thing like "we chose October 1st. Its my favourite month. So pretty!" etc....that seems weird and not what actually happened. Also not how any legal wedding I've heard of has ever worked. This seems sketchy x 100000

Like your wedding date is either October 1st or it isn't. You're either married or you aren't. Theyre very full of shit and this proves it. Definitely some shady stuff here
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Chatty Member
They can talk about having kids all they want in an attempt to craft a "normal" image for Shane, but I am still not convinced he is capable of having sex or fathering children. Yes, people in wheelchairs can have children; however, he is atrophied, weak, permanently curled up, and takes no measures to strengthen or care for himself. Someone posted a picture of him with only underwear or shorts on, laying on his side on the ground. He looked like the ancient excavated remains of someone who perished from malnutrition/starvation. There are no biological children in their future...just no.
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It comes across so selfish the more times I hear them dismissing care givers and reiterating that Hannah has family who will help. They keep saying her mum and brother don't mind but honestly, many people family would feel obliged to say they don't mind, and maybe they wouldn't in an emergency, but they wouldn't want to be counted on as backup and be at their beck and call. But it's not a position she should even be putting them in. They have money, they have their own house, they have space. They should totally hire someone whos job it actually is and who is trained to care give. Not rely on her aging mum saying she 'doesnt mind'. The mind boggles the more I think about it. I've been so bored during the last few videos and it's really turning me off them. They seem so selfish and are putting in the bare minimum of effort to YouTube at the minute.
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Well-known member
It's sad how obsessed Hannah is with devoting herself to someone. You're 24 and educated girl, cultivate hobbies, interests and make a few friends before diving headfirst into another caregiving situation. Experience life beyond the isolated servile world of Shane and your family.
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Well-known member
What's infuriating to me is:

We're living through a freaking pandemic, people are dying, there's racial injustice and people are being murdered in the streets, people are losing their jobs, homes, and cars, and these two want to whine and rant about wheelchair bound, vs handicapped, vs disabled. F outta here.

They have a platform that they could use to promote real causes, instead they use it to talk about the myriad of ways Shane might get offended on any given day.
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VIP Member
This most recent video is ridiculous. Why link a sponsorship to birth control and speak of forgoing birth control? Were they tired of advertising overpriced shampoo? Both of them shit out bi-monthly sponsorship commercials masquerading as couples videos with scripted lines and fake smiles and microaggressions that will never come to the surface. She gave up her future education, career and independence to be his fulltime caretaker at an age where she can't possibly grasp the ramifications of her actions. Strangers may assume she is his nurse, but in every regard- she is his nurse. I believe that they are a real couple, but I think that there are some devotee fetish/mothering kink aspects to what also keeps them going. A child isn't something inspired by fostering puppies for a week, it isn't a momentary desire- it is a lifelong commitment. If they plan to spend the rest of their lives together, what is the rush? Also, for such scholars- they are horrible conversationalists when telling a story, "I was like and she was like and I'm like" - so annoying. I think they initially started their channel to educate people about disabilities and their interabled relationship- but now it is just sponsorship ads, surface level conversations and clickbait thumbnails. I'm taking a break from watching them for now, I'll stay on here to read the truth. Very astute observations, everyone!
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~ Can Shane really reach the big O? I have my doubts...... ~

So I was thinking about everything that occurs throughout the body during sex. Before hitting the mountaintop, people tightly tense their muscles to help get over the top.

Well Shane cannot tense his muscles. So how can he release his swimmers? Therefore how can he get Hannah knocked up? I could be wrong.

One thing's for sure though. As Hannah gets herself off with her vibrator, Shane's there to repeatedly yell "helping, helping".
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This is what a real couple looks like
download (1).jpeg

Guy also has SMA, met this 30 year old woman on a dating site. She teaches college math, he has a paid care taker.

Compare that to this the manufactured scam lmao

There is literally no way his relationships are real.
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Surprisingly good comment on their latest video:

"You guys aren't ready.. Hannah you're bored and looking for something to add to your life. You got married, bought a house, got a dog, and now you are feeling the need for something else to focus on. That's a terrible reason to have a child. Just because you can no longer travel is no reason to have a baby. You both have to want to bring a child in to this world. I never once heard the word "love"......please reevaluate your lives before making such a life changing decision."
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If they are a real couple

How did they get married without an officiant and witnesses present?
Why is the title of the house only in his name?
Why are his parents so cold towards her?
Where is their mutual circle of friends?
Why does his ex Anna look like Hannah's twin and did the exact same 'people think my gf is my nurse' business shtick with him?
Why did he shadowban her name when people found out about it?
Why is his ex Shannon another pretty tall blonde who was a business partner as well?
How did this human raisin get 3 hot girls to date him?
Why has he never dated an ordinary looking girl who has her own life and career instead of a trophy gf playing nurse?
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