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I missed some of burps videos (blocked and forget the insagony site sometimes) so not sure what medication she did show....and this thread goes very fast 😂

So don't want to ad to the Mumsnet side of this thread but Omeprazole can be gotten OTC in Spain for about €2 - so she prob picked it up there (or are people on about it in general, sorry if so x). I used have to pay €50 a month for doctor prescription and then whatever it was in the chemist here so I pick up few boxes at a time when away
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Swore I would never look at this psychiatric C U next Tuesday ever again... But i am sick in hospital with the past few days so decided to have a peak at this thread to keep my mind off my pain. Christ on a bike it's working!! Over 3 threads to catch up on and tis worse she's getting it seems, since all the drama she caused over Beddys passing. How is she not in a padded cell somewhere by now and Lewk taken off her?

Hope you feel better soon 💖
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Skitting at the chat gpt email below
Subject: Inquiry Regarding a Gifted Stay to Influencer Sarah Burke

Dear Eccles Hotel Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about a recent matter that has come to my attention regarding a potential stay at your esteemed hotel.

I have heard rumors that the influencer Sarah Burke may have been gifted a stay at the Eccles Hotel and has advertised it as a PR stay on her Instagram stories. If this is indeed the case, I must express my deep disappointment. Sarah Burke's public image and behavior do not align with the clientele I would typically associate with your establishment.

It has come to my attention that Ms. Burke has been known for her controversial actions, including concerns about her parenting, a tendency towards dishonesty, and behavior that some have likened to that of guests on shows like Jeremy Kyle. While I understand that influencers play a significant role in modern marketing, it is disheartening to think that the Eccles Hotel, known for its reputation of excellence and class, would extend such privileges to an individual with a questionable public profile.

I kindly request clarification on this matter to address any misconceptions. If this information is accurate, I would appreciate an explanation of the decision-making process that led to such an arrangement. Please understand that my concern stems from my deep appreciation for the Eccles Hotel and its commitment to maintaining a certain standard of clientele.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]
Have never used chat gpt, how does it work? You type in “ Inquiry Regarding a Gifted Stay to Influencer Sarah Burke” and it produces that letter?
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Which one of you sent her this beauty?!? A bang of truth!! The part you have to shave your hairy face has me lol’n 😂😂😂 also, it’s easy to address email addresses? Really burps?? No laws or GDPR rules around that??
I love how she always gets ‘messages’ when she wants to address what’s been said here 🤣🤣 god she’s really made my Friday night - sittin her havin a glass of wine with my husband in our house that we own from working hard to save and get a mortgage with our 2 kids thinking how pathetic her life is 🤣
View attachment 2419779
Brilliant 🤣🤣🤣
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VIP Member
Use this to watch her stories

If you just go to the site up pops a 10% off using your email 👀 so her 10% code means fuck all really. Mortifying for her. Any auld pleb can get that 10% off burps. Youre nothing special girl, and I am howling over 'for our little adventures'/'want to carry baby if luke wants to go outside'. Girl youre walking a mere 5 steps to the front door, youre not wandering around cork like dora the poxy explorer. Are you admitting that you'll struggle to hold your baby whilst your little one plays in your ma's front garden?
Saw this too ...she has nothing to offer ....she knew it looked bad she was gifted nothing and went collab the same as gifted ...was the bag free ?
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Genuine question now, how long did it take you all to pack your hOsPiTaL bAg? I remember my husband kind of had to force me in to doing so and it only took me a few minutes 🙄 pyjamas, the big pads, spritz for bitz spray and toiletries… obv a few vests, nappies and babygros. But it’s not a big deal is it? Like I have mentioned it before but I hate the way these cunts made the hospital bag a thing? 🙄 and am I still drunk or is this cunt packing a bow in case it’s a girl???????????

I had everything brought just plonked in a corner I panic packed at 30 weeks I had killer cramps I was convinced he was gonna lanch himself out that night, less than 5 weeks later he arrived
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