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How about no 🤦‍♀️
Honestly if I wasn't already concerned about the vaccine, the way they are handling 'pushing' this would do it. It's not normal behaviour at all. I'm 28 and my family can frankly fuck themselves if they think they have a damn say in bullying me into any decisions about my health. They've tried and already know better than to try again.
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I have a bad relationship with my mother anyway but we have hit a new low today. She's a retired nurse so has always been and always will be 100% pro vax (any and every vax, or indeed anything the NHS recommended, despite the irony of how much she slates them). So naturally, we have always been polar opposites on this topic to the point of me banning all discussion because it's too emotive for an already poor relationship. But alas, she still tries (not in any meaningful way, just sends melodramatic shit posts she's seen on Facebook).

But anyway, she's sent me another of said posts above today and argument ensued. Culminating in her saying I should be grateful because she has always respected my wishes (always referring to one occasion in a lifetime of not) whereby I declined the cervical cancer jab and she maintains the viewpoint that she could have forced me (and indeed believes she should have). To which I responded, and if you had, I would have never forgiven you. I won't be grateful for what should be an act of humanity and not seen as a fucking gift of kindness. Of course now she's in blind hysteria because I am out of order to say that because she is right and I am wrong and how dare I never forgive her.

Maybe yes she could have forced me to have medical treatment I did not want, but I could and would have followed this with never forgiving her for doing so. Not sure why this is so hard to comprehend? You don't have to agree with someone's life choices to respect them. Especially your 16 year old child who's wishes should be your upmost priority. They never have been though so don't know why I'm surprised. She'd vax me up with something that had a 50% chance of killing me if the NHS told her it would protect everyone else.

Not looking for anything really, just ranting that my own mother can't even respect my decisions for my own body. If you don't have that, what hope have you?
You are not alone, this sounds very much like my parents. The other day I was having an argument with my mother, I am pro choice covid vax, my mother is pro MANDATORY vax, I couldn't believe her... Before pandemic she used to be a very lovely woman, now she has been so brainwashed by the media, she can't think clearly anymore. In her mind everyone who doesn't get covid jab is science denier and stupid, questioning the safety of vaccines apparently is not allowed as the media already told it's safe and adverse reactions to jabs are of course unrelated coincidences. I hope she will come back to her senses and realise that dividing society and giving up democracy is not a way to go.
Anyway, I am in my late 20s and I am not planning to get this vaccine, at least not until there is a clear evidence of its long term safety.
At the end of the day, you only have yourself, make informed decisions and respect your own choices. Being true to yourself is loving yourself and self love is the best love!
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The difference is the risk is personal. YOU decide to get the jab, therefore it's your risk, if it goes wrong, that only really affects you (and obviously your loved ones if the worst happens). The risk with covid isn't that YOU get it and get sick(or not), it's the risk that you get it and pass the virus on to someone else- someone who might not fair as well as you, someone who might get very sick. It's shitty that the options a "which will be least likely risk of death", and we're all sort of forced to pick "which will kill the least other people".
Yeah thanks, I'm not thick as pigshit I got that one. My point is, it isn't OK to expect someone else to have a vaccine they (for the very vast majority) don't need and could potentially harm them, to potentially protect other people. We don't put other people's health on the line, saying they therefore mean less than others. We don't swap lives for lives, however unequal you may feel the numbers to be. There should be a 0 quota of covid vaccine deaths that is considered acceptable for 'the greater good'. It's extremely unfortunate that people get sick from covid and die, but for the most part they are people who are incredibly sick to start. And lets not forget - a lot of these people from being morbidly obese by choice. Yet we expect most of the planet who have taken care of themselves and have lost so much this past year, to then go even further and take an experimental vaccine to protect those people. We have given enough. I am not responsible for killing anyone. I do my bit and follow all the restrictions that have been placed on me, no matter how much it has fucked my life. That doesn't get to extend to forced healthcare. If you are so sick that you can't go out in society unless every single person is vaccinated, then you shouldn't be leaving the house because that isn't ever going to happen and as we've seen - you can still get COVID anyway. I would *never* expect anyone else to have any healthcare because otherwise they were somehow responsible for my health. My health is my responsibility alone.
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But does it affect their getting referred?
Not for cancer, no. They have revamped the referral docs in his CCG specifically to ask for this info. I imagine it's the easiest place to start and will filter down to the less serious referrals, but to what end?

Segragated clinics? The unvaccinated going in through the "poor door" and getting treated by people in hazmat suits? I'm joking but it makes you wonder where it's heading.
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This will probably sound bizarre but some of my top tips for anxiety all relate to being a kid again. I obviously don't mean literally, but I've found it really helps me and when I've suggested it to friends they've found the same. Just simple things that really can be anything you enjoyed as a kid - playdough, splodging in puddles, rolling down grassy hills, having a disco to your favourite childhood songs, kids movies and lots of childhood snacks, climbing trees, making mud pies or blanket forts. Anything really. It sounds daft but it really lightens the tone and helps take your mind off things for a while. It's really bollocks being an adult for the most part (except the freedom) but with us losing so much of that one benefit at the moment, may aswell scale it back and take the benefits of being a kid back!
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The truth is indeed uncomfortable.

There are some really lovely people on this thread 🙄

Let's also not forget that, while many people who have died did indeed have underlying health conditions, most of them weren't actually "incredibly sick" beforehand and many of the conditions were manageable.
Ok I’ll paraphrase - if you are morbidly obese or in your 80s or 90s, don't be surprised when a virus has a higher chance of killing you then the average person. Nor expect the world to be crippled to account for that.
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Chatty Member
I don't have a smartphone through choice. In my 50s , don't want one. Are people thinking it's perfectly reasonable to expect everyone to not only be vaccinated but also to have a smartphone to be able to return to life as they knew it?!?!
Well they can politely fuck off.
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Interesting reading the comments about antibodies. Why are we spending so much money on daily testing and pushing to vaccinate everybody? If we can test over 1 million people each and every day for Covid, surely we can start testing everybody for antibodies? Imagine if tens of millions of people discovered that they had immunity due to previous exposure to a similar flu virus, or to Covid itself (maybe without even knowing it as they may not have even been ill). Many may then decide that they would rather not have the vaccine and instead rely on their immunity. If I was being cynical, I may have just worked out why they don't want people to know if they have some sort of immunity! The demand for vaccines would plummet and big pharma would not be happy! The more I think about this, the more I believe we are being coerced towards having vaccines that many of us don't really need. This is all very creepy and dystopian.
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chinese alan, you sound a lot like me . I also have a chronic health condition. A painful one. I couldnt cope with another flare up after winter. My husband also does the shopping and i dont mix with loads of people. I consider myself low risk and i am in your age group and was offered astrazeneca . I have refused, i dont want any of them now. You are not on your own . Dont worry x
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Iconic Member
New thread.
continue here.

please refrain from giving advice on what a user should do when deciding on a vaccine.

No arguing - use the ignore option if necessary, keep it respectful and civilised as we all ENJOY a general chat around this, you’re on a gossip forum, you’re not instructing parliament or making a difference to uptake, you’re having a chat with other users, leave the soap box and weapons at the door and play nice ☺

hit report if necessary, do not moderate the thread or we’ll all end up killing each other and dying in a pool of AZ/Maderna/J&J infused blood being harvested by bill gates in the naughty corner user @TakeTheVaccine @ImAnAntiVaxxerLikeKatVonD sent us to when she told us we were not to say…….

you get me. Ok that’s it I think 😶

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This worries me greatly. Not just for the CoVid vaccine but for the long term implications.

And this

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To cat lady

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My double vaccinated brother caught covid and needed oxygen. He had full blown symptoms and said he never felt so sick - he couldn’t move. I said that vaccine didn’t do much then? He said oh no the doc said if I wasn’t vaccinated I’d of ended up seriously ill in hospital. The problem is we will never know if that’s true will we/
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I think people should be given the information ahead of booking their appointment, this means they can carefully consider it and sleep on it. Risks of the vaccines should be shared at the same time they advertise the benefits like when the health ministers make statements that everyone must come forward for their vaccines and how great they are they should also then state the data to date about how for some people they aren’t so great. More transparency across the board would be welcome. When they talk about covid they only seemingly mention the people who die, are in hospital, or tested positive. They never mention how many people actually go on to make a full recovery. We need a better balance when it comes to advertising these vaccines. It won’t happen though because the people who made these vaccines want you to take them. No one knows the full extent of long term effects because it’s not completed it’s trials, it passed the initial clinical trials but it’s not really qualitative data with enough evidence to vaccinate the entire population, it doesn’t take into account what other meds people are on, what their diets like, what other underlying health issues they may have. We only get that kind of data when it goes through the trials it’s currently in, and there have been many medications withdrawn after findings like these have become apparent, so should someone want to wait to see a more complete picture then they are very entitled to do so.

It’s easy to say “you can say no if you want to” but once you’re in the room with the staff you feel obliged to follow through and wouldn’t want to be seen as wasting anyone’s time etc and any concerns would be squashed because their job is to promote the vaccine and get their numbers up.

Many people wouldn’t voice their concerns at that last minute, if the info was given at booking they would be able to consider thoroughly and have an opportunity to cancel if they did change their mind. Like most healthcare in the U.K., when we listen to real people’s experiences it seems to have been a post code lottery as to what info they were given, if any. I know 2 people who went to the same venue (diff days) one was in and out in 2 mins told to sit in her car for 15 mins after the shot before going home. The other was given 10 mins to read the leaflet and had to wait inside the venue 15 mins after before being released.

In my own experience for previous vaccines in the past 4 years, I wasn’t given any leaflet I was just asked to roll my sleeve up and told i was a good girl!
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User name taken

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I don't suffer from anxiety but if I'm feeling unsure about a situation I always think of this meme, it always makes me find my inner child!💕
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I don't believe there is anything ethical about this vaccination programme at all.

Also, since when has it become the norm to be able to question each other in regards to our own personal healthcare? Next time a stranger asks me if I'm vaccinated I'm going to lose my shit!
If the stranger is male just ask them the last time they had their prostate examined and if female was their last smear comfortable.
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Thank you for all the support on here. I am really struggling so won’t write much but it’s just so good to have somewhere to talk 💖
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That’s what worries me, I know it’s only anecdotal but there are some health type pages I follow on Instagram where I’ve seen people talk about side effects that don’t sound severe but are bothering them such as they’ve been exhausted constantly since getting it, or have numbness or pins and needles in any of their limbs, just little things like that but that when they’ve spoken to their GP they feel that they’re dismissed and told it won’t be to do with the vaccine. Yet if your GP put you on a medication and you went back to them with those symptoms they’d likely review your medicine. I dunno…I know these people’s experiences are proof of nothing and maybe do have nothing to do with the jab but it must feel disheartening to have your concerns dismissed.
That's another red flag for me personality. They are so damned insistent that there are next to no side effects and completely disregarding people's lived experiences. But then the NHS have a habit of doing that anyway. If they put their hands up and said look, there could be side effects, we just think it's very unlikely, it would be less worrying but it's the censorship and refusal of accountability that scares me.

Oh guys I'm so grateful to have you <3 You feel so isolated in daily life, surrounded by people with the opposite opinion.
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My husband and I have made the decision to not have our second vaccination (at the moment). My husband is 33 and I'm 29. We have both received our second vaccination letters this week. Although we didn't have any real adverse side effects from the Pfizer vaccination some of the stuff that we have read and seen is becoming increasingly worrying. My uncle actually had the vaccination a few weeks ago and has lost his peripheral site, he's under investigation by the hospital at the moment but his site is so bad he is unable to work (he works in construction) and unable to drive. He has no underlying medical conditions. We are also planning to start a family and I'm no longer comfortable with the thought of injecting an unknown substance into my body especially when we don't truly understand the impact it could have.

I will say our decision didn't come lightly, but we both work from home and have no clinically vulnerable people around us. We adhere to all of the guidelines and continue to be cautious to ensure our safety as much as possible.
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@Gembo its so ridiculous that they aren’t taking into account natural immunity. You’ve had covid recently so your body has already done what the vaccine will “teach” it to do. I agree everything is so scary at the moment. I’m just concentrating on my little bubble, my friends, family, pets and the plans I’ve got over the next few weeks. I can’t think about the bigger picture because I just feel so overwhelmed. I’ve turned news notifications off on my phone, and when the news comes on the radio I turn it over. We will get through it, and despite everything that’s happening life is moving on. At least on here we can talk openly about how we’re feeling ❤
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