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Chatty Member
Well that's my concert tickets that was rescheduled from 2020 for October this year done then. I could honestly vomit and not because I'll miss the concert (which is fucking shite I won't lie) but because this is now the world we live in. I have no words, I'm genuinely terrified what this means going forward.

In other news

Same here, I've got quite a few things on this year and early next. I'll have to make my own entertainment!

The fuckers will be losing a good member of staff from the NHS as well if that is next (which I suspect will be sooner than later) I'd rather my daughter do anything than be blackmailed into having a vaccination for something which she has just recovered from 💯

Time to look at living off grid somewhere!

Also, I know of 5 people in the last 7 days alone who are double vaccinated and have Covid. WAKE UP PEOPLE
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Ok. I promise I’m not panicking but I’m after some perspective and advice from others. You all know I’m not vaccinated, my eldest son is as is my husband. Both double jabbed with Pfizer. My daughter is 16 and obviously not vaccinated. I have ME and I’m 42. I can’t get to be vaccinated, have reasons why I don’t want to be and I also have medical trauma from 5 years ago.

Anyway, obviously during lockdowns we stuck to the rules. Last summer once out of lockdown our children met their friends, went on day trips etc but all mainly outdoors with it being summer. In the early autumn they chose a friends house each and started going round some evenings for a few hours. Then came the winter lockdown and we went back to following the rules. It’s been hard of course on our children being teenagers and the eldest did give us hell on Earth at times despite us not being in control of lockdowns. Then when we came out of lockdown we followed the restrictions of meeting groups of no more than 6 outdoors, son and husband still working from home etc.

Now restrictions have gone and cases are rising I’m feeling confused. My son is vaccinated and I promised him full freedom once he was so I’ve stuck to that but after hearing on the news it doesn’t stop you catching covid at all, only lessens the severity I have been concerned this week I won’t lie. My son goes out maybe 4x a week now he’s double jabbed. To a friends house, eating out, the pub, friends cars… and I won’t stop him because I can’t go back to his anger and outbursts towards us because he’s struggled with lockdowns in the past, as we all have. I fully understand as someone who’s been in lockdown for a few years now due to my health, it messes with your mental health and it’s hard I know.

My daughter is 16, last summer she did something’s indoors but mainly was outdoors and was ok about things but I promised her a normal summer this year. I thought once vaccinations came life would be so much safer and cases would lower. Well quite the contrary. Now I feel terrible if I go back on my word. She’s happy right now to meet her friends outside as it’s summer but she wanted a summer of freedom as I promised her early this year. She wanted trains to the city centre, shopping days, cinema, holiday with her friend, sleepovers at friends houses etc and now with cases about to peak at 100k a day I’m feeling too concerned to let her have all that freedom. I’ve not discussed this with her as yet and that’s why I’m posting here first. I would love some perspective on this please.

My extended family think covids a hoax including my mother, they’ve broken every rule and none have had covid and refuse the vaccine. So I can’t speak to my Mum about this.

Anyone with children who hasn’t had the vaccine are you giving them full freedom despite a peak coming next month? If you have a health condition would it concern you to give full freedom? I trust my son, he wears his mask everywhere he goes, handgel and stays outside where possible. Like last weekend he had a BBQ at his friends and said they all stayed outside all night and He will always do that where possible. My daughter though she wants all indoor freedom. I fully understand why, they’ve had enough. My daughter wanted to get the vaccine and she’s quite angry she won’t be able to. Not that I’d want her to now at all. My husband even regrets it.

So if you were in my shoes or if you are in my shoes, what do you feel about it as a parent who may be more vulnerable? My condtions aren’t on the high risk catergory for covid but I struggle daily and have been housebound for a few years due to the ME and I have another health condition which again isn’t high risk but I don’t want to mention it here incase it outs me but it also causes a lot of fatigue issues 😃

I’m not panicking, I’m honestly just after some motherly/sisterly advice 😄💜 I apologise this got long😂
Not me but my eldest son who is 21 is going through chemotherapy at the moment and is classed as extremely vulnerable and his consultant has advised him not to have the vaccine. His dad and I aren’t vaccinated either. We have 5 other children aged 13,14, 15 and 20 and they all go about there day to day life meeting friends in and out of people houses with my sons blessing. As he says their lives shouldn’t stop for him. Obviously if one of them doesn’t feel well they keep out of his way but apart from that life goes on. I trust my children to be sensible and they are all aware of what could happen if my son gets any infection not just COVID.
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Chatty Member
I won’t be getting it they’ll have to pin me down with force before I’ll consent! This really isn’t about healthcare it’s about control of people.
I’m not saying covid isn’t real or vaccines haven’t helped, I believe covid is very real and I think vaccines have helped the most vulnerable to some extent.

I feel the vaccine passports is ridiculous attempt at coercion to control the people, they’re already talking about a new healthy eating strategy to tackle overweight and obesity where people’s meals are tracked and exercise tracked and they’re rewarded when they do good - this is the next step in this big game. I wonder will the people so vocally for vaccine passports will be in line to do this next big push for public health? This will only promote disordered eating not to mention its intrusive and unethical and not the place of the government to track and monitor people’s eating and exercise habits. If we want to tackle obesity and overweight it must be about education and that includes healthy relationships with food, when you incentivise “eating well” or “exercising” you risk having a disordered relationship with food where you could under eat or over exercise for rewards and that is so damaging for your mental health.

Spot on as always.
They will have to pin me down as well.
And I don't think it's the role of the government to get involved in our health/eating habits 🤬.
Nevermind the fact one look at them and it would be another case of do as I say not as I do !
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Can people not have opinions without others jumping down their throat? There are people here who are very clear they don’t want the vaccine for their own reasons and there are also people who take the vaccine for their own reasons. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Because we are absolutely sick to death of living in a world where other people think they have a right over our own bodies. And not only that, they go out of their way to be aggressive towards how we should essentially have no rights if we don't do what they want us to. Made worse by the fact they pretend that's out of care for the vulnerable, when it rarely is. All we get is one fucking small window where we can discuss how we feel with like-minded individuals and we can't even have that because people feel the need to come into a forum that is clearly full of covid vaccine sceptics and persist with their bullying behaviour. You won't convince us and you never will, it's a waste of everyone's time and efforts. But yet they persist on their high horses. So excuse us for having had enough.

NOONE can say there won't be long term effects of this vaccine. Does that mean we are right and there will be? No, it simply means we should have the bloody right to choose what risks we are comfortable taking with our own health. That is literally all we ask. Jesus wept.
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I have had one of my vaccines and Ill be honest. I got the vaccine for 2 reasons. 1, I want my life back, I want to travel, I want to be back living my life and 2, to protect other vulnerable people. I felt a little societal pressure if im honest.

But Im annoyed, I still dont have my life back, I cant travel with my family without incurring additional costs of PCR etc for my kids on possibly both ends of the trip. Then my kids needing to isolate which means one of us remaining off work to be with them. Ireland has now passed indoor dining legislation which means I still cant eat indoors untill i have my vaccine passport info. Some of my friends are slightly younger so we wont be able to eat together for weeks given the backlog.
I feel I have been fed a lie. We were told once we were vaccinated things would return to normal and now it seems it was all bull shit.
I will say im no covid denier, I believe its real, I believe in the science but I also dont believe covid poses any risk to my family or indeed my kids and I think they are going to start pushing for kids over the age of 12 to be vaccinated

We dont have mandatory vaccines but they will get it in a round about way by continuing to restrict the lives of people who arentvaccinated,
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I am classed as vulnerable 😂

But as I say, look after yourself ✌
I just think it’s worth keeping in mind that this isn’t an anti vax thread, it’s a thread full of people that are quite anxious and have concerns. I haven’t seen anyone here at all say that they don’t believe in covid or don’t give a shit about anyone else and aren’t taking any precautions so it was a bit of a reach to insinuate otherwise. We’re all trying to support each other here. I have a very vulnerable relative myself who I am very concerned about. I’m not only considering myself in this but I can’t help but be concerned about how I might react to the vaccine. I know that you haven’t had those concerns and I’d give anything to be in your place but for some of us who perhaps suffer anxiety in general this has been a really supportive thread and I hope it can remain so.
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It's honestly just an insult to act like this is a super deadly disease for young people. Yes, some young people have died, but the numbers are minute and doesn't justify forcing millions of people to have a vaccine. Give them the option sure, but I think 99% of young/healthy people wouldn't have it if you didn't dangle their freedom over their head.
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Gembo, dont let yourself be bulied into it. There are things going on behind the scenes and lots of opposition. Im sorry you are so sad. xx
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Absolutely. If you're willing to give up being able to go to social events because you don't have the vaccine passport that's completely your choice.
I don’t go to social events so that doesn’t bother me, vaccine passports don’t have an effect on my individual circumstances (at this stage). However if this was about health and safety a negative test should be eligible for acceptance into such events considering vaccinated people still carry and transmit the virus and this varies in % of likelihood depending on which vaccine people have had.
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VIP Member
I mentioned on the previous thread that I’m currently pregnant but will not be having the vaccine (still undecided if I want it after birth). I keep getting letters to book it despite opting out online. The midwife also asks me at every appointment so next time I may just say I’ve booked it to avoid more questions.
I’m quite relaxed about the mask wearing and distancing coming to an end too. Perhaps because I had covid in December, followed all the rules regarding masks etc and still managed to catch it (have no idea where or how). Luckily I wasn’t unwell at all just had usual winter cold like symptoms.
I have a few pregnant friends who are very nervous about life going back to “normal”. Makes me sad to think the media and government has installed all this fear into so many …
Be firm with them, I was also offered the vaccine numerous times while I was pregnant. My baby is nearly 3 months old now and I still haven’t been vaccinated. Don’t let anyone try and push you into something you don’t feel comfortable with especially while you are pregnant
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I haven't had the vaccine, but everyone I know who has says things like "yay I got my jab, I was in and out in 2 minutes" and I think to myself, it takes me longer than 2 minutes to buy a postage stamp at the post office counter, how much information is actually being exchanged in such a short space of time? It doesn't sound like - though maybe it is different now the novelty has worn off and demand has dropped - the vaccine centres have ever had the resources to spend 10 minutes per patient answering questions and discussing the pros and cons. And yes, people can research before hand. But aren't we always told to step away from Dr Google and talk to the professionals?
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Just mentioned the news about the "crowded indoor venues" to my husband, and he replied that when he has to do a 2 week wait cancer referral, he now has to state whether the patient is double-jabbed or not.
Can I ask why? Does this change their care? I honestly can’t take anymore of this, it’s utterly terrifying.
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Not everyone is aware of that. My daughters friends are currently abroad and the only reason they have had both vaccines is so they can go on holiday. They are unaware that they will need continual boosters or that they can still catch/pass on.

Some people won't do any research themselves, they will only go on the promise of a 'normal' life.
A lot of people were sold to the vaccine as a 'once and done' kind of approach to get 'their lives back'. So I think there will be a lot of surprises when they realise they'll be considered no different to the rest of us filthy unvaxxed once their 'immunity' runs out. Well unless they agree to continuous boosters anyway.
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The media have nothing but terrify us all, They and the government have been using psychology on us for sure x
Absolutely no doubt and that’s why I’m not reading it anymore. It’s all click bait for money. In some places (Daily Mail I’m looking at you!) it’s amazing what passes as journalism these days. I do very much believe in this pandemic and I do very much believe many have died and that we do still need to take precautions etc etc but I also know the media have been having an absolute ball posting the most sensationalised headlines they can think of just for the clicks. And they should be held to account for the damage they’ve done to our mental health.

I did wonder to myself the other evening how this pandemic would have felt in the late 80’s when there was no internet and the news was on what was it, twice a day? Still had newspapers but you can’t update those every 20 mins with a completely new and terrifying yet totally contradictory story to the last one you published. It’s all just shoved in our faces now and I’m glad I’ve finally disengaged.
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There is definitely a much bigger picture in all this, just a little bit of research shows you that things do not add up, if you delve deeper and know where to look you can quickly realise that this was never about a virus, it’s about rolling out control and making many people richer than they was before.
Comparing figures that are told on the news, that are carefully worded and carefully manipulated scares some people witless. The Freedom of Information act is a handy tool and the figures of deaths do not add up. If people would care to write to their health authorities and councils asking for deaths in each hospital for the last few years, or burials and cremations over last few years they will notice the figures do not add up, especially the burials and cremations as where have all the dead bodies gone as we were told funeral directors were rushed off their feet and ran out of room in morgues etc, the actual figures we were told differ hugely, they remain about the same as other years and in some places they’ve gone down 🤔 That’s not fake news, that’s true facts.
Wholeheartedly agreed. I never thought this was about microchips or any of that jazz, nor do I think they are trying to kill us all off. I do however think that it's all about making the rich richer and if it fucks the lot of us, that's just an 'accident'. Even the fact we report on deaths like they are absolute. We can't even begin to know how many people have had covid who have never been counted (probably most people) in which case the already puny death rate becomes even more puny. In the same way we count covid deaths that weren't even as a *result* of covid. It's beyond a fucking joke.
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My strategy is to not watch or read the news and just carry on with my life as normally as possible. I won’t let this grind me down and I refuse to talk to people about their vaccination status as frankly it’s none of my business.

If you are really struggling I highly recommend just unplugging for a few days. Read some books, walk in nature, do some cooking- whatever! Don’t talk about it, don’t think about it, just carry on with your life as much as possible as If it were 2019. I just like to pretend it’s not happening for as long as possible 🙊🙊
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I don’t go to social events so that doesn’t bother me, vaccine passports don’t have an effect on my individual circumstances (at this stage). However if this was about health and safety a negative test should be eligible for acceptance into such events considering vaccinated people still carry and transmit the virus and this varies in % of likelihood depending on which vaccine people have had.
Exactly this. Just shows you the underlying motivation isn't health if a test showing you don't have Covid isn't acceptable, yet people with vaccinations who still can be carrying the virus unknowingly, can enter. No logic whatsoever other than coercion.
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