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VIP Member
No it isn't very unfair. She did at the end of the day, make the choice to have the vaccine, knowing it is still undergoing clinical trials and that there are no longitudinal studies on it's safety. I'm sorry but you cannot choose to do so and then play the blame game when it does indeed go wrong. That's literally the nature of clinical trials. The reality is, most people as you have just highlighted are happy to accept it thinking "it's very rare" that there is any issue, because they just think it will happen to someone else. Then when they become that someone, it's suddenly not ok anymore? Typical I'm alright Jack. You either don't take the vaccine because you know there is a risk, or you accept the risk and the consequences.

Yes NOONE should be coerced, but there is a certain level of personal responsibility to fight against this system, as many of us here have done. It's like someone saying to you this chocolate could poison you, but it's not likely and if it does, you are on your own. Then you going, well I'm going to eat it, it poisons you and then you suddenly blaming everyone else and expecting people to pay for your choices? No. It's very sad she's had a reaction, but the tough fact is, she did make her choice.
But the same could be said for anything we do in life ,like the 3 yr old that's suffered life changing injuries after being hit by an electric scooter should she just have stayed at home instead of venturing out ,we take chances on a daily basis .


VIP Member
Can people not have opinions without others jumping down their throat? There are people here who are very clear they don’t want the vaccine for their own reasons and there are also people who take the vaccine for their own reasons. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Who are you referring to exactly? Hope you mean the person that jumped in saying ‘don’t fill up all the hospitals’


VIP Member
There are also concerns that vaccine passports can be open to fraud so that system isn’t perfect either. They should make the testing more robust after all they’re going to have to have some sort of system in place for those who cannot medically be vaccinated or do we just let them in and if we do then that’s unfair on everyone else by the same logic. Makes 0 sense.

Vaccinated people still carry the virus and they still spread the virus. The benefits of vaccination is that the vaccinated is less likely to suffer severe illness and that it reduced the chance of transmission but it doesn’t eliminate it and some vaccines perform better than others in that respect but one things for certain and that is the only way to know if someone isn’t carrying the virus is to test them.
I suspect a digital covid passport will end up like a real passport where your digital photo is added so you cannot pass your phone on to someone else.


VIP Member
That is not at all what I meant in my post.

My partner took an antibody test as I tested positive for Covid but he tested negative. The antibody test came back negative which left us very confused. It is hard to know where to purchase one that is trustworthy.
ive seen some private clinics offer them think they’d probably be the most reliable but they’re quite expensive


VIP Member
Bit irrelevant to the discussion about whether the vaccines are gene therapy. But in answer to your question, I can't explain it because I haven't read any literature on it. Seeing as you were the one to raise this point, if you would like to explain it to me then I'd love to learn more about the biology.

I am also still interested to hear what makes the vaccines gene therapy. So many people are saying it so it must be true 🙄 I would just like an explanation of the biological mechanism because from all of the literature I've read there isn't one. The mRNA does not enter the nucleus and it does not interact with your DNA. It therefore doesn't in any way alter your DNA and thererore no alterations can be passed on to daughter cells. Furthermore, the mRNA is transient as it degrades after a short period of time.
This is sheer madness. Getting pregnant changes a mother’s DNA. Guess it’s time to stop having babies 🤷🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
So why not phone the parents or emergency contact to double check?
Your child can't go on any kind of school trip without your express consent. If you don't sign the release then they get left behind because they're not old and wise enough to consent themselves - but don't sign a vaccine form and they can run a quick psychological test on them to have medicine put in their bodies. It makes no logical or ethical sense
Permission for school trips is mainly for insurance purposes so I don't think it's the best comparison other than in relation to what's under parental control.

As for assessments of competence, surely if they are smart and don't watch the news then they can't have been brainwashed by the government narrative and couldn't possibly make the wrong decision.


VIP Member
Don't you think this statistic is so high partly thanks to the vaccines though?
The ONS data supports this. Taking England as an example (they have it broken down by the 4 regions) they report between 89.5% and 91.7% testing positive for antibodies and then between 89.5% and 92.2% had at least one dose of a covid vaccine.


VIP Member
Does this mean the chance of contracting this condition is higher if they give the vaccine and the flu jab at the same time 🤔