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Chatty Member
It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to take a vaccine for whatever reason. But please don’t finish your comment with “WAKE UP PEOPLE” so cringe. It just makes ppl automatically think that you are sitting there with your tin foil hat
I can finish a sentence any way I like, I don't actually care if you think I'm sat here in a tin foil hat and I think it's cringe that you're so patronising.

Do you think these 5 people who I know are sat thinking 'well I'm so glad I was double vaccinated against a virus which I'm now sat at home infected with?'

They are all age ranges and have the exact same symptoms as my family who are not vaccinated. 2 of them are a married couple so have obviously passed it between them.

What exactly was/is the point in having the vaccine?
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Chatty Member

I have to admit I am so terrified about the future of the world in terms of control and coercion I don't know how long I can carry on, im so so over it all

I'm just so scared I can't cope!
You’re not alone. I understand exactly how you feel. Quitting is not an option though - there are so many people out there who think and feel the same I promise you, even though it feels lonely and scary. What gives me hope is the fact that I think they‘ve underestimated the number of people pushing back. Even my ‘normie’ family members who are vaccinated and have done no research beyond the media and government propaganda think vaccine passports don’t make sense and are fed up of it all. We have no choice but to keep it together and keep pushing back, the alternative is not worth thinking about.
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As I see so many people here with anxiety, I would like to share what works for me.
Limit your consumption of mass media, if you want to keep up to date with covid, read medical journals instead, but again know when to stop.
Exercise (unless you can't due to medical condition), you can even do this in the comfort of your home (you can find workouts on YouTube if you aren't sure what to do).
Take a walk outside regularly, being in the nature is amazing.
Consider doing yoga or at least try breathing exercises (just a few minutes a day of long mindful breaths can be very beneficial for your mental health).
Consider other calming activities, personally I like painting and also like listening to ambiences on YouTube (with calming water sounds, birds chirping, fireplace etc).
Add some fun to your life, it could be a fun tv show or again you can use YouTube to find funny content.
Find little things in your life to appreciate (could be as simple as a cup of coffee/tea, just be intentional to take 5min off whatever you are doing and enjoy every sip of it).
Stay strong everyone ❤
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VIP Member
3.6 billion doses have been administered globally. On the grand scheme of things, 1400 deaths (which haven't been confirmed to be from the vaccine) and 1m adverse reactions (again, which haven't been confirmed to all be from the jab, and could also count as a sore arm) is pretty small fry.
Deaths in people outside the category of clinically vulnerable or in those without preexisting conditions is also "pretty small fry".

However, I would like to highlight that I am using your own phrase against you, because frankly any deaths are NOT "pretty small fry" to those people and their loved ones.

We don't trade deaths for deaths. Who decides whose life is more valuable and less "pretty small fry".

Pretty small fucking fry. Jesus wept.
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VIP Member
Same here, I've got quite a few things on this year and early next. I'll have to make my own entertainment!

The fuckers will be losing a good member of staff from the NHS as well if that is next (which I suspect will be sooner than later) I'd rather my daughter do anything than be blackmailed into having a vaccination for something which she has just recovered from 💯

Time to look at living off grid somewhere!

Also, I know of 5 people in the last 7 days alone who are double vaccinated and have Covid. WAKE UP PEOPLE
The reality is they can completely fuck us all with this and then in a year when COVID is still fucking rampant, who are they going to blame then? A new variant? If a vaccine doesn't stop people getting sick, IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK.
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I find it so fucking abhorrent that they need to push young people into getting a vaccine that they DON’T FUCKING NEED.

No! Use the time and energy to sort the NHS out.

Young people shouldn’t have to have an experimental vaccine out of obligation. Why does it matter if they’ve had it? They have yet to show us any concrete proof it cuts transmission.
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VIP Member
Feel so distressed about how the mandates are spreading across the globe. I feel so strongly against this vax but I feel like I’m going to be left with no choice, what if the options are basically have it or no work and healthcare? I can’t afford to live like that. And it’s bad enough being forced to have this but it won’t end, there will be boosters and then new vaccines for future ‘pandemics’ plus whatever the fuck else they force on us once they’ve realised they can. I can’t cope, and it’s not enough saying to hold my nerve because what choice do we ultimately have at the end of the day? I haven’t the finance to lose my job if that’s my alternative
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Personally I was really happy with how transparent mine was, I was given loads of info and was spoken too specifically about AZ and the risks (I had my first the week after under 40s were advised to not have it). Wasn’t anything I hadn’t read myself but they didn’t just shove something in my arm and send me on my way 😂

No doubt like any medicine more information will come out as released into the community, that’s true of anything.
Lucky you. Those who had it earlier and did die were not so lucky as they had no idea there was a risk. When I said my friend had died on another forum back in early March I was jumped on and banned I was also jumped on here a few weeks later. told I should not say such things without proof. Anyone was allowed to say a loved one had died from covid without any proof tho. Once the media started reporting it, I seemed to be allowed to mention my freind. How fucking awful is that. Even now every time someone gets sick after the vaccine, I notice they say "could have been coincidence" no one says that about covid. ingrained narrative

You only have to read the older vaccine threads to see the huge difference in experiences for Tattle members. Many were not given any info at all.
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VIP Member
Does this mean the virus has changed demographics 🤧
I’m no scientist or dr so I can’t comment but my suspicions will be very aroused if in September it suddenly is mostly effecting kids. I have a screenshot on my phone from Sky news a few months ago that quoted a dr saying that while they were seeing younger people in hospital their symptoms were much milder and their stay in hospital much shorter. Now as soon as they’re eligible to be jabbed they’ve started becoming much sicker and dying. I’m sure there will be someone reading this cringing at my ignorance and I’m not saying I’m right, I’m just saying I’m becoming a bit cynical and skeptical about some of the things the media print.
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VIP Member
Boris said indoor crowded venues I wonder does that include educational settings they're pretty crowded .
will be interesting to see how this phases out for sure! My daughter only starts school this year and luckily her school only has 80 kids all in so I’d hope that doesn’t count as a large event - the school I went to had 1300 pupils all in so it’s tiny in comparison.

I am absolutely disgusted the way this is being handled. Why don’t they make healthy eating mandatory? Sure obesity doesn’t effect anyone other than the individual but actually when we look at the bigger, more complete picture, obesity is a precursor for many diseases so that puts a huge strain on our health service which in turn does impact other people who require access to the same services but are behind someone in the queue who only has developed that need because of their obesity.
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Active member
I’m unvaccinated and have just tested positive this week. I’ve got symptoms but it’s more like having a really really bad head cold . Headache, sneezing, sore throat, cough and aching muscles. I had a fever for a day then it broke. I think the delta variant is more transmissible but less inherently dangerous.

This makes sense due to the selection pressure being applied via vaccination (I have some knowledge due to molecular biology PhD)

Overall still feeling pretty good about my choices and looking forward to having some decent natural immunity going forward! XXx
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Silly Sausage

VIP Member
Yes it’s odd especially as he’s looking for comp because the Gov were pushing the vaccine on people even though they new about the fatal outcomes 👀

View attachment 664149
It's really awful. We had a family member die from heart complications after her second Phizer jab. She was so healthy and knew the risks. I have only told one friend and the conversation made me feel worse, "oh but its so rare", yes its rare, but WTF???!!

Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going 💗 The first thread was a shitshow but its important that we have a safe place to openly speak about how we are feeling without judgement.
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VIP Member
The thing is, even if it did reduce transmission (again no concrete proof) it still shouldn’t even be on the table that young people have a vaccine they for the VERY vast majority don’t need, to POTENTIALLY protect someone else. The discussion shouldn’t even go further than that.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I'd only be concerned if people of all ages and health were dying in their millions. Even then I'd probs stay indoors for a while. I'd never have this vaccine, I don't think it's the answer. It does seem to have helped some people stay alive but ultimately I believe it just delays the inevitable if not make the situation worse by it trying to evade the vaccine and mutating becoming stronger as that is exactly what's happening 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
My husband (GP) has been having ongoing consultations with a young man who first came to see him a couple of weeks ago. He'd recently had his second Pfizer jab and came in complaining of sudden onset of numbness/weakness/palpitations. Pulse of 40 and very low blood pressure. He had to excuse himself during the consultation as he thought he was going to be sick. Came back in the room after a few minutes, his pulse was now so low it was unrecordable, so ambulance was called and he was blue-lighted to hospital. A&E kicked him out after 5 hours and didn't even do an ECG. Referred back to GP, so my husband did an urgent referral to cardiology. The man has been back in today, clutching his 'urgent' referral letter which he received today, with an appointment date...for 4 months time. In the meantime he can't work and has been back to A&E 3 times, no scans and consistently told it's anxiety.
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VIP Member
My anxiety is so bad today I feel like I can’t function anymore. I’m crying on and off and having to hide in the bathroom so my kids don’t see how upset I am it’s hard putting on a brave face. I’m so done with all of this. I want to LIVE not just survive. I’m over covid. I’m over putting my entire families lives on hold to “protect the public” or whatever motto is being used this week. I’m done with it all. I can’t even eat food because I’m so stressed about it all I feel like I’m going into a full meltdown. Since when does freedom day mean forcing people to get vaccinated or you can’t do x,y, z. We’re one of the most vaccinated countries in the world! Surely it’d be more ethical to send our vaccines to countries that haven’t even been able to vaccinate their clinically vulnerable, older people - you know the ones who are actually at serious risk of dying or severe disease.

sorry for the ramble
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VIP Member
I have to be honest, it royally pisses me off that we can’t have any space to discuss this without someone trying to guilt/shame or convert us. Despite the fact that it’s wrong in itself, it never works so is an utter waste of everyone’s time.
So much this.

I was thinking a lot about this the other day after a similar thread on another website and someone there who is much smarter than I was basically saying that we can't have that space to discuss without the guilt/shame trip from others because of their issues and needs and to step back and pause and remember it is them and how they have fared this past year and not us. Which is easier said than done I know. And incredibly frustrating. But I cannot imagine ever wanting to go into a thread about say - tennis, to which I have no interest and taking a dump all over it with my opinion and trying to guilt the tennis lovers into loving my sport football just because......
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VIP Member
Precisely!! If the govt spent half as much time focusing on the obesity which effects 1 in 4 adults, we would maybe be in a lot better health as a country. Obesity is a huge factor in many diseases but instead of getting to the root of this issue we somehow focus on suppression of symptoms. It’s like leaving the taps on in your bath and the water overflows and instead of turning the taps off, focusing firstly on cleaning up the water! Unsustainable and never solves the problem.
Sick people bring in money, healthy people dont :(
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