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I am unvaccinated and will not be having it. I am not anti-vax, or a covid denier - I am pro informed choice.
I wouldn’t ask another persons vaccination status, as frankly, it’s absolutely none of my concern. If someone asks mine, I am happy to tell them I am unvaccinated through choice. If they try and question my choice, or reasonings then I simply tell them it’s not a discussion or invitation to debate and that I am 100% happy and secure in my decision. Just as I am 100% happy for anyone who is happily vaccinated.
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Has anyone not taken the vaccine due to their own choice/valid reason (not that it’s anyone business why someone doesn’t take it) and feel safe and ok about not having it, despite the current wave?
I haven't (and won't ) had it. I read the science, the data, the facts and not just internet opinion and I honestly can't find many reasons for anyone (in fair health) to have had this jab. I think if you strip things back and look behind the psychological campaign that is wagered by MSM and the Government there are actually no compelling reasons in favour of the vaccine.

I feel quite OK about my choice.
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Has anyone not taken the vaccine due to their own choice/valid reason (not that it’s anyone business why someone doesn’t take it) and feel safe and ok about not having it, despite the current wave?
I haven't had it and I'm not hugely concerned no. I always have a cautious level of concern i.e. I'm not walking around thinking I am completely superhuman, however personally the vaccine concerns me more. I work in retail and have worked throughout the pandemic, I also work in a tourist location that gets insanely busy over summer. I absolutely cannot believe that I haven't already had COVID in this time and even if I haven't, I have relative faith that my immune system is strong enough to cope with it. Again, is that 100% confidence, no of course not because you rarely can be. But choices we make in life are about outweighing risks and as mentioned above, to me I personally believe the vaccine to pose me more risk. Not interested in arguing with people about this, my choice and I don't have to justify it to anyone (nor would I expect to in the anti-vax forum, but I know there will be lurkers). Just didn't want your question to go unanswered because people feel fearful to be able to speak their mind :(
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To cat lady

Chatty Member
I’m so glad I’ve found this thread. I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one who thinks this way.

I will not be taking the vaccine. I am not concerned about covid whatsoever and I never have been. I’ve tried to carry on my life as normally as possible. I was offered this vaccine when I was pregnant. I can’t believe anyone would take such a risk! Our immune systems are incredible! You cannot inject health!
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I like this tread, I’ve seen so many that just bully anyone with opposing views.
I vaccinated my child- they are disabled, medically complex and don’t have capacity. I took advice from health professionals pushing the vaccine and wish I’d gone with my gut. 12 hours post vaccine the side effects were awful. It’s caused a massive increase in seizures and took 6 weeks to fully recover. Worst thing was the guilt that I had knowingly put my child through this. They were so sick for 3 days it was terrifying and we’ve been through some tough times.
At the time of vaccination my child was 17.
Four days after the vaccine I got a letter from NHS England saying all 16-17 yr olds with long term health conditions should only receive the Pfizer- my child was given the Astra Zeneca. The team involved have closed the wagons. I’m now in a complaints/ legal case around why this happened and how the GP practice gave them the wrong vaccine. They can’t have a second dose- I have emails from AstraZeneca- and they can’t have the Pfizer. Contrary to the claims in the media, the drug companies have stated we can not mix the vaccines. His own specialists have told me to go ahead with the second dose when the drug company have said to not!!
ive been called a liar and anti-vax but this is all true with evidence. All my children have had their childhood vaccines but I had doubts about this one and wish I hadn’t put my child through this. I’m not having the vaccine after this,plus I have antibodies which have been tested for twice so don’t a reason to.
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I'm not blaming people but I wish they could hear themselves when they say "I had it to go abroad, I have concerts booked, I didn't want it but I want to go to nightclubs/festivals/holiday".
It makes me want to scream or cry !!
My whole reason to get up and work used to be to be able to spend quarter of the year abroad, I was always on countdown to a lengthy trip to visit family and friends BUT I AM NOT being blackmailed into having a medical procedure I don't want!!
I feel so let down by peoples compliance and attitudes. It's so scarey and frustrating.
Especially when having the two vaccines hasn't proved to be as affective or
hasn't allowed the promised freedoms. Freedoms that used to be our every day rights. I don't care what they throw at us or how crap my life becomes- I will always stand up for mine and other peoples freedom of choice NOT to be injected. Why don't people see the bigger picture than their own plans. ☹
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I have to be honest, it royally pisses me off that we can’t have any space to discuss this without someone trying to guilt/shame or convert us. Despite the fact that it’s wrong in itself, it never works so is an utter waste of everyone’s time.
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Feeling awful about this all today. It really takes a toll to be surrounded by a mass of people who are so different to you. I can completely accept people choosing to have the vaccination, as is their choice and I respect that. But I can't accept their blatant disregard for our rights to choose otherwise. It's so fucking harrowing to be suffocated by a world where most people genuinely think it's ok to force people to have healthcare, just so they can get freedom's back that we weren't responsible for taking away.

The government took your 'freedom'. They stole it from you and now they are telling you that in order to get it back, you have to take something from someone else. Their freedom. Their choices. Their autonomy over their own bodies. You are no better than them.

Imagine a world where people truly think it's acceptable to bully people into taking an experimental vaccine, undergoing clinical trial with complete freedom of consequences if it goes wrong. Where data and anecdotal evidence, or heck even anyone just discussing their scepticism is met with censorship. You don't need to imagine it, it's here. At what other point in your life, would you *choose* to have this vaccine for any other illness with a 99+% survival rate? Most people wouldn't do that even if they were paid. Because your life is worth so much more than any compensation or fake 'freedoms'. The real joke of it all is that most people wouldn't have had the vax if freedoms weren't at play, they haven't even fucking had it for the reason it was designed, concern over their health. Jesus wept. And sure, the vax may be safe as houses. But NOONE has the evidence to show that and won't for many years, if not decades. And even if it is, I am still fucking entitled to not want it. What really makes you think they won't shift the goalpost and take the 'freedoms' again? Who will be blamed then when we have all been forcibly vaxxed, a new variant? Because we didn't socially distance and wear masks even though we shouldn't have to and you have indeed told us we don't need to anymore?

Why can no one see this is a rinse, repeat narrative that clearly isn't ending. The 'anti-vaxxers' are just the convenient scapegoat.

I 100% believe that this is just the start, call me a CT if you will, but once they have seen how easy it is to take our choices away from us, where will it end? Forced contraception etc? I know I'm a parrot with this but I truly think we will be at that point before 'vaxxers' (the aggressive ones) ever realise how they've treated us and even then they won't apologise (nor would it mean shit).

I absolutely despair at the state of the world and it's NOTHING to do with the fucking Coronavirus.
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Has anyone not taken the vaccine due to their own choice/valid reason (not that it’s anyone business why someone doesn’t take it) and feel safe and ok about not having it, despite the current wave?
Personally speaking, I'm more worried about getting seriously ill from the vaccine, rather than from Covid. Having said that, it depends on individual circumstances. I'm young(ish) and in decent health. If I was elderly/vulnerable then I would probably not hesitate to take the vaccine. I honestly believe that the threat from Covid, to the younger/healthy age groups, has been massively overstated by SAGE and the media. "Project Fear" has brainwashed a lot of people and independent, rational thinking seems in limited supply these days.
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Chatty Member
Well I'm absolutely f king disgusted.

Government to bring in compulsory double vaccine for entry into nightclubs and other crowded venues.

This is the beginning of the end......
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I am unvaccinated and will not be having it. I am not anti-vax, or a covid denier - I am pro informed choice.
I wouldn’t ask another persons vaccination status, as frankly, it’s absolutely none of my concern. If someone asks mine, I am happy to tell them I am unvaccinated through choice. If they try and question my choice, or reasonings then I simply tell them it’s not a discussion or invitation to debate and that I am 100% happy and secure in my decision. Just as I am 100% happy for anyone who is happily vaccinated.
Exactly this. Being anti *this* vax, is not the same as anti *all* vax, or indeed denying Covid exists. In the same way not enjoying one brownie, doesn't mean you dislike them all. Not sure why people can't get this through their heads.
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Seen this on Instagram which a influencer shared saying she was disgusted that a children’s tv show was promoting the vaccine (which I agree with, not their place)
I can’t believe this is legit plus saying ‘hot girl summer’ on a show aimed at toddlers wtf
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Endorsing and encouraging people to be vaccinated is one thing. Restricting people’s lives unless they are vaccinated is another.
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We are a family of 2 adults and 3 children, none of us are having the vaccine.

I am not comfortable being given a vaccine on the back of a promise of returning to 'normality'.

Currently I'm laid in bed with Covid, the middle child brought it home from school. To say I'm classed as vulnerable and have an underlying health condition I don't feel too bad.

We still won't be having the vaccine and if they try and vaccinate my 2 kids at school without my consent there will be hell to pay. My eldest works within the NHS and says if it becomes mandatory she will leave. As a young woman fertility is at the front of her mind and also she says she's not scared of dying so if she gets covid so be it 💁‍♀️

My neighbours son who is in his 30s has had 1 jab and developed a blood clot on his lung a couple of weeks later The hospital told him that it was a coincidence and have been asked by the Government NOT to record it as a side effect of the vaccine.

Hmm, no thanks. They can keep it.
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That’s ridiculous. This level of data has never been included for any other vaccines or referring to other health services. I’m so done with all of this. Honestly really deteriorating my mental health. As someone who has been coerced into having things done with their body against their will I will NEVER allow anyone to vaccinate me or force any other drug or otherwise against my will.
It was seen as crazy in the beginning of the pandemic when people speculated things like this would happen, and I along with others rolled my eyes, but it’s happening. The end of a free world is a distant memory. Stay safe my friends, and I’m not just referring to covid.
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I took part in the Novavax clinical trial and was in the vaccine arm (I was unblinded as I'm an NHS worker and so would have had it through work if I had had the placebo). At the time I had a sore arm and that was absolutely it...first dose in October 2020, second in November 2020

Started feeling ill last Tuesday with a cough and went immediately for a PCR test (lateral flow was negative). Tested positive for Covid. I can honestly say I have never felt so ill in my life as I have over the past week. However I am still a massive advocate for the vaccine - either I am proof that regular boosters may be required or I'm just unlucky to have caught it, but either way I'd hate to think how ill I might have been had I not had the vaccine. I have an extensive career of studying in and working in clinical research so feel more reassured than most here about the vaccine itself.

I see people describing themselves as low-risk and trusting their immune system; it was even agreed by a doctor that I am about as low risk as you can possibly get - I'm 35, female, white, generally healthy and even o rhesus negative blood type - yet I was not prepared at all for how floored I have been by Covid and how far away from being well I still feel.

I still agree however it should be individual choice but as long as it's informed correctly and not based on bogus conspiracies; also if restrictions are implemented on the unvaccinated then again that's something they will have to just put up with...
It’s outright insulting to come into a forum for people sceptical about the vaccine and suggest we are all bogus conspiracy theorists. Nor will your comment about us having to accept having our freedom taken away from us for making decisions about our own health be given much respect. Why do people continue to think insulting people in their one safe space for discussion against the mainstream, will convert them? Genuinely baffling. You have NO proof you would be sicker if you haven’t had the vax. Nor does your anecdote about your sore arm attest to problems you cannot definitely know you won’t get from the vaccine long term. Good day.
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What do you do when you feel so hopeless about the future? I spoke with my mom yesterday after the double jab/nightclub rule came out and she asked, “honestly what are you missing out on right now? You said you went shopping, went to the beach over the weekend, had a lovely lunch – that sounds nice.” And she’s absolutely correct but I tried to explain to her it’s more abstract than that. I worry so much about how the world is thinking/acting about all this COVID stuff and the increasing grip the government has on our overall life, knowing I’ll be excluded from normal parts of life… I know I can have a nice lunch or go to the shops etc and that’s great. But I feel so full of dread for what is deemed acceptable government intervention right now and what it could be in the future. I picked up my safety razor yesterday and stared at it thinking about what I could do to no longer be a part of this world. I sat on the bathroom floor and cried and put it down. I don’t think I could actually hurt myself but I fantasise about it every day. I feel so hopeless and heavy and bleak.
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Woke up this morning so resigned to the fact we will be forced to have this vaccine some way or the other. Refused medical care, can’t go to work, cant travel or access shops without threat of a jail sentence. Im just so done. This world is so beautiful and we are so blessed to be here but society is vile and we can’t ever live the way we should because of it. What a fucking waste.
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The worst thing is our story is not an isolated incident.
It’s definitely shaken my faith in the NHS. I was trained by them, they’ve saved my child’s life on a number of occasions and I’ve always been proud to support them. Till now.
Im not a covid denier- I’ve had it. I don’t believe Bill Gates is an evil megalomaniac injecting us with nanotechnology that’s activated by 5G but what’s happened, the pushing, the coercion to vaccinate, the division, is making me question it all.
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