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Can I just have a brain dump. No need to respond.

I am just sat here with anxiety that’s getting to be above and beyond anything else, I feel physically sick and I can’t sleep properly.

My gut instinct has just never felt right about getting the vaccine. This talk of not being able to go anywhere without it & the pressure I feel left right & centre is immense. My MIL has text me so many times, have you got it yet, when are you getting it, I wish you would get it. I’m always so polite to her but I’m getting ready to tell her to mind her own fucking business!

I just want an easy life & since Monday even though it’s gone against every fibre of my body I’ve thought oh just get it over & done with. But I saw the Instagram account that oohthedrama shared & it sent me cold. I felt paralysed with fear. I have since done some reading & I do understand that it could have just as easily have happened to her having a saline injection but your brain niggles at you with that yea but what if. The rage I would feel if I took it under pressure & that happened to me would feel unbearable.

I keep telling myself I’m blowing this all out of proportion, something I do often. Everyone that to my knowledge has gotten it has been fine. I keep telling myself that. But it’s just that what if. If im being really honest this pandemic has fucked me now. I coped so well last year but I’m now terrified to leave my house & havent in about 6 weeks, nor do I intend to. I’m scared of covid, scared of the vaccine & scared of everything else. I’m a total mess.

There’s just no understanding for any of us that are feeling anxiety over this. I wish people would stop labelling me as an antivaxxer. I’m fucking not I’m just scared. Lucky you if you’re not. I’m not scared of smear tests but I’d never tell someone who was terrified of getting one to grow up and stop being a baby. Yes there’s a pandemic, yes it effects all of us but that doesn’t make people who would be anxious about other things immune from being anxious about this. I’m going to snap soon!!
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Chatty Member
This has to be one of the biggest reasons I don't want it. Why are they not taking adverse reactions seriously!? Surely if this was ethical they would be hell bent on making sure any reaction however big or small is recorded and passed onto the relevant authorities. Surely the vaccine companies would need to know this info so they can make any necessary changes! Surely their primary concern is peoples safety and this in turn means they have a responsibility to take any cause for concern seriously! My cousin had deep vein thrombosis after having it and it has not been related to the jab at all. Why!?

I don't believe there is anything ethical about this vaccination programme at all.

Also, since when has it become the norm to be able to question each other in regards to our own personal healthcare? Next time a stranger asks me if I'm vaccinated I'm going to lose my shit!
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Apparently mandatory vaccination could be on the cards if Macron gets his way
Honestly gut wrenchingly terrifying. A year ago I did not know we would end up here. They'll have to drag me out by my ankles kicking and screaming before they get me vaccinated and the worst part is, that sounds dramatic, but is that where we are honestly going? I could honestly cry it's all so scary. This is the shit that turns you to the darkside of CT because you think, all this fucking fuss for a virus that has killed 0.05% of the population. What is the real agenda here? I'm starting to believe it myself now.
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I haven't had the vaccine, but everyone I know who has says things like "yay I got my jab, I was in and out in 2 minutes" and I think to myself, it takes me longer than 2 minutes to buy a postage stamp at the post office counter, how much information is actually being exchanged in such a short space of time? It doesn't sound like - though maybe it is different now the novelty has worn off and demand has dropped - the vaccine centres have ever had the resources to spend 10 minutes per patient answering questions and discussing the pros and cons. And yes, people can research before hand. But aren't we always told to step away from Dr Google and talk to the professionals?
I find the same when people use their experience to show the jab is fine. “I had mine and I just had a sore arm!”. Good for you, none of us expected you to drop dead on spot that has NEVER been the point we are making. We are talking about the long term, to which not a single one of you can attest to because that takes years if not decades of research and anecdotal evidence that does not yet exist. What part of you are all in an unpaid clinical trial with complete freedom from consequences do you not understand?
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I like this tread, I’ve seen so many that just bully anyone with opposing views.
I vaccinated my child- they are disabled, medically complex and don’t have capacity. I took advice from health professionals pushing the vaccine and wish I’d gone with my gut. 12 hours post vaccine the side effects were awful. It’s caused a massive increase in seizures and took 6 weeks to fully recover. Worst thing was the guilt that I had knowingly put my child through this. They were so sick for 3 days it was terrifying and we’ve been through some tough times.
At the time of vaccination my child was 17.
Four days after the vaccine I got a letter from NHS England saying all 16-17 yr olds with long term health conditions should only receive the Pfizer- my child was given the Astra Zeneca. The team involved have closed the wagons. I’m now in a complaints/ legal case around why this happened and how the GP practice gave them the wrong vaccine. They can’t have a second dose- I have emails from AstraZeneca- and they can’t have the Pfizer. Contrary to the claims in the media, the drug companies have stated we can not mix the vaccines. His own specialists have told me to go ahead with the second dose when the drug company have said to not!!
ive been called a liar and anti-vax but this is all true with evidence. All my children have had their childhood vaccines but I had doubts about this one and wish I hadn’t put my child through this. I’m not having the vaccine after this,plus I have antibodies which have been tested for twice so don’t a reason to.

I am so sorry this has happened. breaks my heart to keep hearing the same stories over and over.

As most of us "anti-vaxers" (I prefer ex-vaxers) have found out once you are vaccine injured, no one wants to know, no one believes you and you are just labelled as a crazy conspiracy theorist. This is when you find out that many were not so crazy after all.
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Chatty Member
I think a lot of us are struggling with feelings of despair, anger, frustration and pure terror. I only have my husband and sister to discuss my thoughts with, everyone else has happily had the vaccines and just follow the "rising cases" without questioning anything.
Most of the posters on here are so supportive,open minded and caring. It turns my stomach when smartarses come on and try and debate as their tone is usually not very nice and upsetting, not helpful at all.
I haven't trusted the media or the government since weapons of mass destruction. I was so angry and upset at the time that no one stood up with the truth. I remember feeling sick at the time because I knew what the press/media were telling us wasn't what they knew to be the truth. The press and government and drug companies have long histories of knowingly keeping the truth from us. But it always comes out in the end.
I believe we have to follow our instincts, not watch or read the very unbalanced, agenda lead MSM, find out true facts and figures, don't be blackmailed or bullied, try and distract by reading books, watching films, walking, simple pleasures and keep questioning.
I hate to say but I almost know that we will be proved to be right to not have the vaccine or to question whether it's right for us. The propaganda, adverts and talk of vaccine passports are mind-blowing and scary imo.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with despair and have to swallow back tears of anger. But we must trust in our instincts. It's hard without the normal things to look forward to but just a change of scenery helps or catching up with people.
Remember the G7 and all the other "them and us".

None of it makes any fecking sense!!
Anyway it's lovely that some person has put a haha on my post. Lovely person 🤷.
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If people seriously only have a vaccine just so they can enter a night club or a large event that is coercion. With 60% of patients in hospital and with covid, why are test results not accepted? Surely a test is more beneficial now that it’s clear vaccines don’t mean you can’t get it/can’t transmit it. This isn’t about limiting the spread, this is about control. If it were about health they should prefer a recent negative test over vaccines, how can they be sure the vaccinated aren’t carrying it? Anyone who supports this needs their head examined. I don’t go to nightclubs or large events I’m not that kinda person but it infuriates me
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Walter's toupee

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I haven't had the vaccine yet. I feel like I am low risk so would rather wait a bit longer before getting it. Everyone I know outside of work respects my decision. But even though I'm WFH at the moment I feel like my colleagues don't understand this and just think I'm an anti vaxer. They are the ones that bring having the jab up to me. What ever happened to choice and privacy.
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I think the definition of health can be subjective at times though. Some people define being healthy as having no known underlying health conditions, others define health as being more than just having no complaints, but go as far to say they’re thriving physically and mentally.

eg, The WHO defines health as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with a range of WHO partners, endorses this definition. So under this definition some people may not actually be “healthy” and maybe that’s why they go on to develop further symptoms and disease progression
Key example being the many scaremongering articles of “young, healthy people with no underlying conditions” who died from COVID during the pandemic. Most of whom were morbidly obese.
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User name taken

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I'm not having it as I had Covid earlier in the year, different for everyone but it was no more than a cold for me, have tested positive for antibodies. I did post this in the earlier thread but was jumped on by people about getting it a second time (please don't bother, heard it before). I'm currently self isolating as my three teenagers have all tested positive, I'm negative. I eat healthily, am a gym bore bunny and take multiple vitamins and pro biotics. I'll stick with what I'm doing.
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Key example being the many scaremongering articles of “young, healthy people with no underlying conditions” who died from COVID during the pandemic. Most of whom were morbidly obese.
Precisely!! If the govt spent half as much time focusing on the obesity which effects 1 in 4 adults, we would maybe be in a lot better health as a country. Obesity is a huge factor in many diseases but instead of getting to the root of this issue we somehow focus on suppression of symptoms. It’s like leaving the taps on in your bath and the water overflows and instead of turning the taps off, focusing firstly on cleaning up the water! Unsustainable and never solves the problem.
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That’s ridiculous. This level of data has never been included for any other vaccines or referring to other health services. I’m so done with all of this. Honestly really deteriorating my mental health. As someone who has been coerced into having things done with their body against their will I will NEVER allow anyone to vaccinate me or force any other drug or otherwise against my will.
It was seen as crazy in the beginning of the pandemic when people speculated things like this would happen, and I along with others rolled my eyes, but it’s happening. The end of a free world is a distant memory. Stay safe my friends, and I’m not just referring to covid.
I feel the same. I honestly can’t handle it, it’s making me physically sick with all the stress and my mental health was a fucking struggle anyway. The thing is, I’m not at all surprised the government are behaving like this. What I’m utterly bereft at is the public letting them. They are literally gifting them our freedom on a silver platter. One day they will all realise and it will be too fucking late.
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Well I'm absolutely f king disgusted.

Government to bring in compulsory double vaccine for entry into nightclubs and other crowded venues.

This is the beginning of the end......
Well that's my concert tickets that was rescheduled from 2020 for October this year done then. I could honestly vomit and not because I'll miss the concert (which is fucking shite I won't lie) but because this is now the world we live in. I have no words, I'm genuinely terrified what this means going forward.

In other news, working so fucking well aren't they! 60% of covid patients double jabbed.
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I think they might not make it mandatory but say if you don’t get it you won’t be allowed to go to restaurants, pubs, concerts etc etc… basically you’ll have no social life if you don’t get it. Honestly I think to myself on a daily basis, how the fuck has this happened.
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I absolutely feel the same. When have we ever had to be given bribes to take a medical procedure, if they have to constantly try ways to coerce you into taking it surely alarm bells must be ringing. We’ve heard of free doughnuts, free coffee, unbelievably a chance to win free Euro tickets, currently they are giving you an ice cream cone in places, tons of things keep popping up and they’ve even given free weed in America!!
I truly believe there will be long term negative consequences of it all and that's nothing to do with being a CT thinking that we are being implanted with microchips etc. Only time will tell and of course if there are, the government/'experts'/'scientists' will wash their hands of the whole thing and it will be too late. I can't believe so many are willing to take that risk for a virus that has slim to no chance of seriously affecting them. Well I can, fear sells. I'm at the point where I honestly don't care, we all *should* be able to make our own choices and accept the consequence. What I care about is that we can't all do that unless we follow the narrative. I am fearful everyday that I will be forced into the vaccine because I will lose my job otherwise, then what? Do I take it and live with that for the rest of my life, or do I choose homelessness, is that the life we have now?
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I’m seeing people on twitter suggest those who decline the vaccine shouldn’t be allowed any nhs treatment and must go privately. I challenged the person and asked if they also believed other preventative precursors to diseases which pressurise the nhs should also pay privately such as obesity, smoking, addiction, alcoholism. They said yes because those people don’t pay tax. How can someone make such a sweeping statement that people who are obese, smoke, addicts, alcoholics etc don’t pay tax - considering 1 in 4 adults are obese, 14% smoke, the list goes on. This idea of vaccine passports is creating a two tier society whereby people who are vaccinated feel superior to those who aren’t and thus segregate society. It’s absolutely fucking bullshit. Get the vaccine if you want it, don’t get the vaccine if you don’t want it, but for the love of god stop insisting it gives you some sort of superiority over those who decline it
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I will get hate for this but i dont care. People just stop complying with it. Its endless blackmail to be injected. It will never end !
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It's really awful. We had a family member die from heart complications after her second Phizer jab. She was so healthy and knew the risks. I have only told one friend and the conversation made me feel worse, "oh but its so rare", yes its rare, but WTF???!!

Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going 💗 The first thread was a shitshow but its important that we have a safe place to openly speak about how we are feeling without judgement.
It's funny (well not funny, wrong word but you catch the drift) because dying from the vaccine (short term anyway) is a low risk, yet the risk exists. Dying from covid for most people (but especially young) is a low risk, yet the risk exists. But for some reason, the vaccine is considered an acceptable risk to take but not covid. Even though true deaths from covid with no pre-existing conditions in the young, is probably less if not around the same as deaths from the vaccine in the young. Where's the sense? We OK vaccine deaths as 'rare' and acceptable in quantity because it's not many, but god forbid we do the same with covid. Far worse to me to kill someone from a vaccine they most likely didn't need to have, than a natural disease. We are essentially volunteering healthy people as tribute saying well you might die, to *possibly* prevent someone else's death (alot of whom are unhealthy from life choices) How is this OK?
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I’m confident in my choice not to take it. If I had underlying health conditions or if I was significantly older or obese I would consider taking it, but I’m young, picture of health and take steps every day to look after my health so I feel safer allowing my immune system to work than I do having a vaccine.
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