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We are a family of 2 adults and 3 children, none of us are having the vaccine.

I am not comfortable being given a vaccine on the back of a promise of returning to 'normality'.

Currently I'm laid in bed with Covid, the middle child brought it home from school. To say I'm classed as vulnerable and have an underlying health condition I don't feel too bad.

We still won't be having the vaccine and if they try and vaccinate my 2 kids at school without my consent there will be hell to pay. My eldest works within the NHS and says if it becomes mandatory she will leave. As a young woman fertility is at the front of her mind and also she says she's not scared of dying so if she gets covid so be it 💁‍♀️

My neighbours son who is in his 30s has had 1 jab and developed a blood clot on his lung a couple of weeks later The hospital told him that it was a coincidence and have been asked by the Government NOT to record it as a side effect of the vaccine.

Hmm, no thanks. They can keep it.
This has to be one of the biggest reasons I don't want it. Why are they not taking adverse reactions seriously!? Surely if this was ethical they would be hell bent on making sure any reaction however big or small is recorded and passed onto the relevant authorities. Surely the vaccine companies would need to know this info so they can make any necessary changes! Surely their primary concern is peoples safety and this in turn means they have a responsibility to take any cause for concern seriously! My cousin had deep vein thrombosis after having it and it has not been related to the jab at all. Why!?
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That will be the end game though. If you don't have a digital photo ID on your phone then you either...

1) Get someone to shop for you.

2) Learn how to do it so you can keep going in shops, on public transport, to events, kids to school, doctors etc.
What an ignorant statement, how privileged you must be. why should someone be stripped of their independence because they don’t have the ability to learn how to use something? That’s discrimination. Would you tell someone confined to a wheelchair to learn to walk? Because that’s the same as telling someone with a learning disability to learn to do something they aren’t able to.

if they can’t afford a phone and don’t know anyone who is willing to do their weekly food shop and do everything they need for them which would be a struggle for a lot of people to find someone willing to do all of their errands what happens to those people? Are they just forgotten about because they can’t afford it? Listen to what you’re saying.

what is wrong with humanity
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Exactly and I’m finding it quite terrifying how it’s apparently my choice and at the moment based on the risks of blood clots, myocarditis, guillaine Barr syndrome, Bell’s palsy, menstrual disorders, or an event with a fatal outcome, as someone who has had covid I currently choose no. But turns out that if that is my choice it’s not ok and I’m selfish.
And all of those side effects I’ve listed are on the government website. And yes I understand that they are rare but they are happening and I could be one of the people it happens to. Why is it not ok for me to be worried about that?
One of my neighbours who WAS a nurse and I say was as she's been off sick and I know she was having disciplinary action taken against for being off sick and I haven't seen or spoken to her ... Went on the sick because she developed bells palsy from her second dose and she's since developed further issues and has to take numerous medications. I spoke to her mum the other week and she told me my neighbour is still glad she got the vaccine ☹
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This is exactly what I mean. We seem to be at a stage where someone is prioritising who should/can receive treatment.

I don't know what the answer is. However, I do feel that, for instance, cancer patients, those with heart problems, and all the other patients who are on waiting lists, should not be turned away any longer - they are entitled to have their treatment.

My question related to Covid, in as much as who makes the decisions and is it fair to put Covid above everything else? After saying that anyone suffering having difficulty breathing needs just as much nursing as the next.

I think doctors and nurses have a terrible dilemma.

but it’s not because of unvaccinated people. ICU beds are not full.
Hospitals are short staffed because of self isolation rules, so appointments and surgeries are being cancelled and postponed, therefore increasing the already long waiting times. With so many staff having to self isolate it’s impossible to run successful operating lists and clinics.
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I am in a very similar place, although I do also consider that maybe they do feel it’s ok to do this because the vaccines are actually safer than I feel they are. But then again I was reading the TGA website for Australia the other day where they are very honest about the fact that a small number of deaths there have been due to the vaccine. I’m really trying to stay open minded to it all but it is hard. I’m aware of how many vaccines have been given safely and that I just can’t comprehend that number nor will I ever see that number of people on Instagram posting that they had theirs safely. But when you become aware of a few bad reactions your head can really grasp that number and it seems a lot bigger. I just want to be able to make my own decision in my own time but I feel very forced right now. But I do very much agree with you about what comes next? I really want to believe that this is all in response to a pandemic and nothing more sinister but I feel very hopeless about the future at the moment.
I think what it comes down to for me is that it should be about which risk you personally feel to be the greatest and that should be your decision and your decision alone, but it's being taken from us. The reality is, deaths from the vaccine may be small, but they censor the data - alarm bells. They censor any remote discussion on side effects - alarm bells. They get around mandating it, by mandating it by proxy - alarm bells. The fact remains, deaths in young, healthy people, or indeed healthy people of any age (or lets be honest, unhealthy people of any age) is still minute compared to the population size. How can you tell someone who has a confirmed very small risk of serious illness, nevermind death, that they must have a vaccine with a supposed very small risk of serious illness, nevermind death? Because to them they say the risk of COVID is higher, despite no evidence to support that. However what we do know, is that there is no longitudinal evidence that the vaccine won't cause risks long term. So to me = clearly bigger risk.

I don't take healthcare I don't feel I need, nor should I be made to based on coercion. It's just huge alarm bells to me that they are forcing this in people who have little no no need for it. We shouldn't be having healthcare for *other* people, that's not how it works. And again, their evidence on reduced transmission is minimal and clearly isn't working considering double vaxxed people are still contracting and spreading. The sole purpose of the vaxx should be reducing serious illness for the person who has it. Meaning again, personal choice.

I'm fucking sick of it all and terrified everyday that despite virtually no medical need, I am still going to have autonomy over my body removed if I don't want to become a homeless outcast. And the absolute worst part is that I know the government don't give a shit, so that's not surprising, but the amount of society who think I deserve that is hideous beyond belief. All because I won't "protect the vulnerable" which actually equates to "give me my freedom back".

I didn't take it from you, I owe you fucking nothing. What have you given me other than aggression and abuse? Would you do it for me? Would you fuck.
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I have a bad relationship with my mother anyway but we have hit a new low today. She's a retired nurse so has always been and always will be 100% pro vax (any and every vax, or indeed anything the NHS recommended, despite the irony of how much she slates them). So naturally, we have always been polar opposites on this topic to the point of me banning all discussion because it's too emotive for an already poor relationship. But alas, she still tries (not in any meaningful way, just sends melodramatic shit posts she's seen on Facebook).

But anyway, she's sent me another of said posts above today and argument ensued. Culminating in her saying I should be grateful because she has always respected my wishes (always referring to one occasion in a lifetime of not) whereby I declined the cervical cancer jab and she maintains the viewpoint that she could have forced me (and indeed believes she should have). To which I responded, and if you had, I would have never forgiven you. I won't be grateful for what should be an act of humanity and not seen as a fucking gift of kindness. Of course now she's in blind hysteria because I am out of order to say that because she is right and I am wrong and how dare I never forgive her.

Maybe yes she could have forced me to have medical treatment I did not want, but I could and would have followed this with never forgiving her for doing so. Not sure why this is so hard to comprehend? You don't have to agree with someone's life choices to respect them. Especially your 16 year old child who's wishes should be your upmost priority. They never have been though so don't know why I'm surprised. She'd vax me up with something that had a 50% chance of killing me if the NHS told her it would protect everyone else.

Not looking for anything really, just ranting that my own mother can't even respect my decisions for my own body. If you don't have that, what hope have you?
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ok well we will just have to agree to disagree then and I hope you do not suffer from the horrific side affects or know anyone who does.
I’ve been tippity top after my 2 jabs cheers. As has everyone I know who’s had it, but thanks for your (mock) concern.
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I have to admit I am so terrified about the future of the world in terms of control and coercion I don't know how long I can carry on, im so so over it all

I'm just so scared I can't cope!
Please don't worry, I know it's hard not to, try keeping away from any news programs or radio SM or forums try to watch some good shows, films listen to some lovely music, go for long walks talk to people who are just getting on with their life as normal. I am 100% positive we will get through this and after the world will be a better place as the psychopaths will be taken out for good.
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Is this true about the nightclubs? See ya can't say it's not about control!!!! Yet people were called conspiracy theorists! Fucking ridiculous! And I don't even go clubbing but it is!!! Discrimination!!!!
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I took my covid vaccines for my own health and risk - frankly I don’t care about the rest of you 😂

Do whatever you want just don’t fill up the hospitals please 😂✌
I hope you don’t fill up the hospital in a couple years time with your vaccine induced side effects ✌🏻
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Thank you for your reply. Very reassuring and I can really relate to you.

My friends say when I worry about soaring cases, that I’ve no right to worry if I won’t have the vaccine. Basically get it or don’t talk about concerns. Xxx
Dont let anybody pressurise you , you know whats right for yourself x

Do you think at some point we won't be able to avoid not being vaccinated? My biggest concern is I have immediate family who live overseas and if there was a an emergency I wouldn't be able to go. This would be the only reason why I would get the vaccine.

I really want to understand if I don't have the vaccine am I really putting other people at risk?
No you are not putting them at risk. You would know if you were unwell and you would stay away from people. No matter what the media says. They are vaccinated arent they? or whats the point ? x Actual illness yes thats a worry. cases not so much. Probably everybody have a go at me now but thats ok i dont care and i wont be changing my mind. Take care you two you know whats right your soul will tell you x
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I have a couple of weeks until I can get it at the moment due to having just had covid. Last nights briefing felt sinister & chilling to me and on one hand I really want to dig my heels in further but on the other I just want an easy life. I have literally no one around me that I feel I can talk to, I’m pretty sure that everyone I know has got it now & when I expressed concerns to one friend they just said you have to get it though. I never thought a day would come where I’d find myself feeling forced into something medical. I could probably support it & say ok if it really did stop transmission & make you less ill but truthfully the people I know now who are double jabbed & getting covid are getting worse symptoms than the people I knew last year who caught it. Which makes me wonder.

And then there was I getting it & didn’t even feel like I had a cold. And that’s not to say I feel cocky now as I don’t, im still scared by it or getting it again & worse but just as one of many examples I could give a friend of mine spent 3 solid days in bed feeling iller than he ever has after his jab. For balance I do also know people that were absolutely fine after theirs but I just think that where there are potential side effects their should be choice. It definitely doesn’t feel like this is about health.
Dont do anything rash, you have your antibodies now. I dont trust it either. I wont ever get it. It doesnt feel like its about health, it feels like its about a vaccine passport and control. Yes it was very sinister. Trust your instincts for now and like purr says you could always change your mind later on if you feel its right then. You should never be bullied into an injection with potentially serious side effects. Just watch and wait see what unfolds. Take care xx hugs back and hugs to everybody, at least we have each other, it has made me feel better today xx
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Feeling awful about this all today. It really takes a toll to be surrounded by a mass of people who are so different to you. I can completely accept people choosing to have the vaccination, as is their choice and I respect that. But I can't accept their blatant disregard for our rights to choose otherwise. It's so fucking harrowing to be suffocated by a world where most people genuinely think it's ok to force people to have healthcare, just so they can get freedom's back that we weren't responsible for taking away.

The government took your 'freedom'. They stole it from you and now they are telling you that in order to get it back, you have to take something from someone else. Their freedom. Their choices. Their autonomy over their own bodies. You are no better than them.

Imagine a world where people truly think it's acceptable to bully people into taking an experimental vaccine, undergoing clinical trial with complete freedom of consequences if it goes wrong. Where data and anecdotal evidence, or heck even anyone just discussing their scepticism is met with censorship. You don't need to imagine it, it's here. At what other point in your life, would you *choose* to have this vaccine for any other illness with a 99+% survival rate? Most people wouldn't do that even if they were paid. Because your life is worth so much more than any compensation or fake 'freedoms'. And sure, the vax may be safe as houses. But NOONE has the evidence to show that and won't for many years, if not decades. And even if it is, I am still fucking entitled to not want it. What really makes you think they won't shift the goalpost and take the 'freedoms' again? Who will be blamed then when we have all been forcibly vaxxed, a new variant? Because we didn't socially distance and wear masks even though we shouldn't have to and you have indeed told us we don't need to anymore?

Why can no one see this is a rinse, repeat narrative that clearly isn't ending. The 'anti-vaxxers' are just the convenient scapegoat.

I 100% believe that this is just the start, call me a CT if you will, but once they have seen how easy it is to take our choices away from us, where will it end? Forced contraception etc? I know I'm a parrot with this but I truly think we will be at that point before 'vaxxers' (the aggressive ones) ever realise how they've treated us and even then they won't apologise (nor would it mean shit).

I absolutely despair at the state of the world and it's NOTHING to do with the fucking Coronavirus.
I absolutely feel the same. They are trying to create a huge divide so people give in, it’s like they want us to feel an outsider and actively encourage hate against you if you wish not to take the jab, they’ve come out with some pretty nasty and insulting statements, but that just shows how desperate they are and makes me question it more. When have we ever had to be given bribes to take a medical procedure, if they have to constantly try ways to coerce you into taking it surely alarm bells must be ringing. We’ve heard of free doughnuts, free coffee, unbelievably a chance to win free Euro tickets, currently they are giving you an ice cream cone in places, tons of things keep popping up and they’ve even given free weed in America!!
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I truly believe there will be long term negative consequences of it all and that's nothing to do with being a CT thinking that we are being implanted with microchips etc. Only time will tell and of course if there are, the government/'experts'/'scientists' will wash their hands of the whole thing and it will be too late. I can't believe so many are willing to take that risk for a virus that has slim to no chance of seriously affecting them. Well I can, fear sells. I'm at the point where I honestly don't care, we all *should* be able to make our own choices and accept the consequence. What I care about is that we can't all do that unless we follow the narrative. I am fearful everyday that I will be forced into the vaccine because I will lose my job otherwise, then what? Do I take it and live with that for the rest of my life, or do I choose homelessness, is that the life we have now?
There is definitely a much bigger picture in all this, just a little bit of research shows you that things do not add up, if you delve deeper and know where to look you can quickly realise that this was never about a virus, it’s about rolling out control and making many people richer than they was before.
Comparing figures that are told on the news, that are carefully worded and carefully manipulated scares some people witless. The Freedom of Information act is a handy tool and the figures of deaths do not add up. If people would care to write to their health authorities and councils asking for deaths in each hospital for the last few years, or burials and cremations over last few years they will notice the figures do not add up, especially the burials and cremations as where have all the dead bodies gone as we were told funeral directors were rushed off their feet and ran out of room in morgues etc, the actual figures we were told differ hugely, they remain about the same as other years and in some places they’ve gone down 🤔 That’s not fake news, that’s true facts.
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Chatty Member
I’ve been tippity top after my 2 jabs cheers. As has everyone I know who’s had it, but thanks for your (mock) concern.
It’s actually not “mock” concern. But whatever. Sarcy cunt.

So agree with you. But dare say anything like this and you’re called an anti vaxxer.
Exactly. Or a “tinfoil hat wearer” fed up arguing with all these sheep. It’s not us against them. I am only trying to tell people to look at the bigger picture for their own good but you just get shot down and ridiculed. It’s sad. 😞
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Chatty Member
Feel so distressed about how the mandates are spreading across the globe. I feel so strongly against this vax but I feel like I’m going to be left with no choice, what if the options are basically have it or no work and healthcare? I can’t afford to live like that. And it’s bad enough being forced to have this but it won’t end, there will be boosters and then new vaccines for future ‘pandemics’ plus whatever the fuck else they force on us once they’ve realised they can. I can’t cope, and it’s not enough saying to hold my nerve because what choice do we ultimately have at the end of the day? I haven’t the finance to lose my job if that’s my alternative
Yes it's disgusting.
It's terrifying.
It's so distressing.
But please you are not alone, there are many who feel the same. People are protesting in many places.
Surely even vaccinated are seeing how wrong this narrative is .
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With this being said, how would they be able to make something mandatory i.e. in France, if they did and people still refused what then? We end up in jail like conscientious objectors in war times?
It will end up being like medical apartheid. The good obedient vaccinated get freedom and jobs and the unvaccinated get punished.
They know they can't hold people down, so this is the next best thing.
They're still forcing you, but not physically- clever little shits aren't they
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US continues to mandate vaccines by proxy
Fucking disgusting, they just sink lower everytime. Nothing like the coercion of forcing someone into a vaccine by making them responsible for not only their team, but the opposition's wages. What the fuck has happened to our society? I feel like I'm losing my mind with the utter beggars belief of it all, the unbelievably disproportionate reaction for a virus that has killed 0.05% (which will be less because of the cases that have gone uncounted and the deaths written as covid, which weren't covid) of the world's population overall. What in god's name is happening?
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Chatty Member
View attachment 685661 My local council shared this! Follow the facts dear friends - vaccinated or not these facts apply to everyone 🙂
Among the many updated,creepy propaganda adverts that saturate every ad break on the radio is this epic "although you are double vaccinated you can still get covid and still pass it on . So keep meeting outside, keep wearing a mask in crowded places, check in when going out, social distance, test regularly and self isolate if test positive". Or words to that affect.
I swear to god I can't take much more of this bullshit and covid obsessive world.
Most of us have more chance of dying in a car crash,cancer, heart attack and many millions of us are either getting ill from being stuck at home for months or going fooking insane trying to make sense of it all . The worry of future choices denied if not vaccinated or of our friends and families mental health and quality of life being destroyed forever.
Is all this worth it for the amount of seriously ill people.
Make it stop .
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