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Just want to write here that I am feeling the same as so many of you. I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared of where the future is going than I am now. Last night was so hard, I hardly slept, I cried a lot. I feel so angry. There are so many things wrong with what’s happening here that I don’t need to reiterate.

I did not want to have this jab. I now feel like I have no choice. Not that I go clubbing but they’ve been deliberately vague & implied it will extend to more things. I’m an introvert & I don’t go out lots but I don’t want to find myself excluded in the future. I have tickets for things this year although I’d happily pass on those but will it be that I can’t meet friends for a drink or a meal?

My anxiety over this is sky high. I am young fit & healthy & since I posted here last month I’ve tested positive for covid but had no more than a sore throat which didn’t last long. Yet have family who had the jab & couldn’t get out of bed for days. I exercise daily & the pfeizer warning is now not to exercise for 48 hrs after having it. That makes me feel safe

I feel like I’ve given up on life. I wish I could just go to sleep & not wake up. I don’t think next year is going to be any different. It’ll be more variants, more jabs, more restrictions. I coped so well last year probably because I thought it could never last this long. This year has defeated me & I don’t believe next year will be better although I hope I’m wrong.

I feel like I will probably just get the jab now for an easy life because if anything bad happens, well I don’t really care much anymore anyway. I will just have to hope for the best. But I am scared either way. Although quite honestly it’s very hard to see any benefits to getting it I am almost certain we’ll be back in lockdown again this year. Never before have I felt such a lack of hope for the future or worry for the people I love
And @ChineseAlan ive been reading your posts & you’re not crazy. My heart goes out to you and I wish I could give you a big hug. The fear that this past year and whatever it’s been now has given to people is very very real. You have my full empathy & understanding
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Forgot to say in earlier post I don't care whether people have CHOSEN to be vaccinated or not. What I do care about is how all this has affected peoples way of lives, businesses, children and state of minds.
My parents may as well weld up their front door,my sister is mentally isolated from her husband and children, peoples disproportionate fear of the virus,hopes and plans of everyone constantly thwarted and people now living in horror at news of vaccine segregation.
I think the fact that a lot of us are worried and angry shows that we care about society and the bigger picture.
There are more new and chilling adverts on the radio this week. Makes me want to scream.
And all through out lockdowns the rich, famous and MPs have continued to travel, work and holiday while making sure many people are too scared to leave their house even when they can.
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Chatty Member
I'm not scared of the vaccine. I just don't want it, don't feel it's necessary for me and a lot of other people.
I don't want to be injected by something made in a laboratory, it's not how I live.
I had covid badly before first lockdown, I survived. I'm trusting my body to have natural antibodies.Friends have had cancer during lockdown and died.
We are all different. Life, sickness, death they are facts of life.
Imo many of us don't need this as yet unproven vaccine, so why the governments are hell bent on making sure we ALL have it , even though it's not stopping people getting covid, is something that should trouble us all !!!!
All the posters who come on here with science, figures and data about this marvelous vaccine and why we should be having it, thanks but no thanks. We don't try and change your minds, I am not personally interested in peoples vaccine status.Glad you had it but not for me.
I am however interested in peoples freedom of choice
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Has anyone not taken the vaccine due to their own choice/valid reason (not that it’s anyone business why someone doesn’t take it) and feel safe and ok about not having it, despite the current wave?
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I haven't (and won't ) had it. I read the science, the data, the facts and not just internet opinion and I honestly can't find many reasons for anyone (in fair health) to have had this jab. I think if you strip things back and look behind the psychological campaign that is wagered by MSM and the Government there are actually no compelling reasons in favour of the vaccine.

I feel quite OK about my choice.
This is something I've found truly bizarre. I have severe health anxiety so I can completely understand people being scared for their health. However, as you have said, unless you are clinically vulnerable (and even the very vast majority of these people survive), I cannot fathom why anyone in good health would have the vaccine. Sure, there's always a chance, but that chance is infinitesimally small, to the point where there are other diseases you are much more at risk of everyday, but most people aren't walking around paralysed in fear over those? Just shows you how effective MSM fear campaigns are.
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Can I please ask a question? If ICU depts are filling up again with C19 patients, some of which have not been double vaccinated as reported, and this has started causing operations to be cancelled again. Is this fair?

I am struggling to see a way through this fog. Whilst I feel that everyone has a right to be cared for by the NHS, who is making the priorities and how are they reaching the decisions?
What do you suggest, we leave the unvaccinated covid patients to potentially die? Who gets to make the call on 'priorities' as you put them? What about obese people who are ill from their life choices, or alcoholics, smokers who have developed lung cancer, people who are into extreme sports, people who have had drug overdoses? Where is the line drawn and who gets to choose who is worthy? Heck do we just let the elderly die altogether because younger people should take priority? Healthcare doesn't and shouldn't discriminate. Let's not blame the unvaccinated, let's blame the system that isn't fit for purpose.

Before the pandemic it was near impossible to get an appointment in my doctors, largely due to the sheer volume of drug addicts related to the area my surgery is in. Is that fair? No, but what do they do, leave them all to die? Is that the world you want to live in where someone else gets to deem if you are worthy based on your life choices (which are likely a product of mental illness which in itself is a health problem that is NOT your fault).

The huge irony is that most people who get sick from Covid do so *because* of these exact life choices, a.k.a. obesity. But somehow they are more worthy just because they've accepted a cover up vaccine, whereas the young, healthy people who look after themselves get victimized for not wanting to do so. Figures.

If we only allow healthcare to people who are 'worthy' then we would essentially be offering it to very few people because you'd struggle to find even 10 people in your life who don't have some level of health deterioration from their life choices. Lean, green, clean people generally don't get as sick for the most part.

What hugely humors me with all these situations, same as the mandatory vax thing, is that people think it will end there and won't affect them. You want the vax, so them being made mandatory doesn't affect you. You've had the vax so you think denied healthcare for those who haven't, wont affect you. However, it will continue. What happens when one day you are sick and the system is struggling so they sideline you for someone else more "worthy". Once they've done it once, they will do it again.
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I won’t be getting it they’ll have to pin me down with force before I’ll consent! This really isn’t about healthcare it’s about control of people.
I’m not saying covid isn’t real or vaccines haven’t helped, I believe covid is very real and I think vaccines have helped the most vulnerable to some extent.

I feel the vaccine passports is ridiculous attempt at coercion to control the people, they’re already talking about a new healthy eating strategy to tackle overweight and obesity where people’s meals are tracked and exercise tracked and they’re rewarded when they do good - this is the next step in this big game. I wonder will the people so vocally for vaccine passports will be in line to do this next big push for public health? This will only promote disordered eating not to mention its intrusive and unethical and not the place of the government to track and monitor people’s eating and exercise habits. If we want to tackle obesity and overweight it must be about education and that includes healthy relationships with food, when you incentivise “eating well” or “exercising” you risk having a disordered relationship with food where you could under eat or over exercise for rewards and that is so damaging for your mental health.

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It’s all making me so scared. My mental health was shot to shit before the pandemic anyway and now it’s essentially non existent. They will literally have to take me by force to get that vaccine in me and if they manage I will genuinely never get over it. That might sound dramatic but I have horrendous health anxiety and the thought that I’ll have to live everyday knowing I’ve been forced to have something put into my body I don’t want there, it’s going to fucking ruin me.
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Greetings, I’m new to this thread, what a relief to find you all! 🤗

I’ve not had the vaccine, nor have I any plans to do so in the future, I’m more than comfortable with my decision. I’m not anti vax, nor do I care if people get a vaccine or not, it’s their decision and none of my business! My husband is of the exact same thinking.
The propaganda that’s pumped out daily by the government and MSM is astounding, I can’t believe the coercion that’s going on at the moment!

France have just introduced new rules for the ‘un-vaccinated’, it’s unbelievable! My husband is a French citizen so unless he takes it, he’ll not be going to France for the foreseeable future!

I’m just wondering how long before the same is introduced here…

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We are a family of 6 and we are not getting vaccinated..
My family have tried to bully me in to getting it since day one. holding it against me by saying they can never help me out again like they can with my siblings & their chilldren 🤷🏻‍♀️ Completely ridiculous how scared they have become (they haven’t been to see me or my children for 15months including my youngest who was born in May last year)

I would never ever participate in a paid trial so why the hell would I have it for free, the unknown long term effects scare me more than covid.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not an anti Vaxer of any sort and I really couldn’t care less who has or hasn’t had it done or up to you as a person to decide what you want to do. It’s now the opening line of conversation now ‘so have you had your vaccine’ come on now people it’s just mind boggling.
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I’m pregnant, due late December and have currently refused the vaccine although I will probably get it after I have the baby.

however, I’m very uncomfortable with all the chat surrounding more freedoms for the vaccinated over the unvaccinated
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It does seem extreme:rolleyes: especially as they've literally abandoned the CEV so it's not on their account. I'd hate to think they'd have to restrain people in order for them to have it.
I just don't know where it all ends. Double vaxxed people are still getting sick, the vulnerable are still being told to shield. Even if we force the entire planet to vaccinate there will still be illness and new variants, what are we going to do, forced vaccination every 6 months for the entire planet forever? There is no logic. And what happens when an actual pandemic arrives which wipes out 1%, 5%, 10% or 50% of the planet, do we all just get thrown in the bin then while the rich go into their bunkers? Christ if we can't handle a 0.05% pandemic without worldwide mandatory healthcare we are fucked.

Actually it's a fucking audacity to even call it healthcare. This isn't about health and there is fuck all care.
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More articles being used to scaremonger. Desperately sad for that poor man but fucking hate the way his death is used to push an agenda.

"he had no spleen and no immune system to help fight any infections" and again, clearly overweight but that of course translates to - he died because he didn't have the jabs and the same will happen to everyone who doesn't. :rolleyes:
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I have to admit I am so terrified about the future of the world in terms of control and coercion I don't know how long I can carry on, im so so over it all

I'm just so scared I can't cope!
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Happy to let vaccinated people who could be and clearly often are, carrying the virus, enter events. But not happy to let people who are proven to not have Covid from testing enter.

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Chatty Member
What makes me smile is that most people skim read or totally ignore those little leaflets you get with medications (prescription or otherwise), which usually have a list of possible side effects as long as your arm.

Yet, when it comes to the covid vaccine, some people fall over themselves to focus on every single one as though they're likely to actually happen.

I also think some of it is about being stubborn and digging one's heels in for the sake of it.
I have to politely disagree when you say most people. Not all of us blindly trust what medicines we or our loved ones are given. So many come with bad side effects or reactions that make them not worth taking. I only take paracetamol due to bad side effects of prescribed medicines in the past but have family member who has to take countless extra medicines to counter the side effects of the original "cure".
Some of us do think for ourselves. It's not being stubborn. But I'm so glad it makes you smile.
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I feel the same as many of you commenting here.

I became a FTM during the height of the pandemic, my partner wasn’t allowed in for scans or any appointments, I wasn’t allowed a baby shower, he got kicked out not long after I had my son.. I feel so isolated sitting inside with my baby just worrying about covid and how the world is fucked and we will never be back to normal until everyone is vaccinated against their will.

Ive had countless arguments with family members over me not getting the jab, one reason being I am breastfeeding and it is a new vaccine! They don’t know what happens in 5,10 years etc :(

I just feel like I give up on life. I’ve suffered from depression for many years but this is kicking my arse right now. Fuck Covid.
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People’s attitudes towards the vaccine/refusing the vaccine are shocking. I’ve just seen comments on Twitter saying that people who decline the vaccine shouldn’t be given the same rights as vaccinated people! What the heck. Also they are trying to push domestic vaccine passports, saying it’s advisory for now but they will make it law if not enough places comply. All so scary and I can’t see normality returning for a good few years 😣
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All my family are unvaccinated (2 adults 3 children) and we will remain unvaccinated.

I am on immunosuppressant drugs, have been for around 3ish years for a chronic auto immune condition. At the start of lockdown I was advised to follow 'enhanced shielding' which I did, but to be honest due to the treatment I'm on I did this anyway in my 'normal' day to day life, so it wasn't anything really new to me. Although obviously everyone else doing it and lockdown etc was!

I did worry about one of the kids or my hubby bringing Covid into the house, I think that is a natural response to the unknown especially at the beginning.

This year my eldest daughter started a job in the NHS where she was constantly exposed to the virus being on a Covid ward. She also picked up the pace with going out, seeing friends and socialising which I was absolutely fine with, she's 20 and can decide for herself. The other 2 kids once back in school started seeing more of friends and getting back into a routine.


2 weeks ago my middle child brought Covid into the house from school. We've all had it except the youngest, unless he was showing no symptoms of course. He hasn't done any lateral flow testing as he decided against it and at 12 years old I'm not going to force him, he's bright enough to make that decision for himself. He did isolate though.

When that test came back positive for me I did think oh right ok how is this going to play out then?! I'll tell you, I felt ill, not as ill as I thought I was going to be but unwell all the same. I can only compare it to when I had the proper flu over 20 years ago. I was in bed for nearly a week and had all the classic symptoms of the Delta variant. I was understandably the most affected in the house.

It's human nature to worry, I was the same. This won't change my mind about not having the vaccination for any of us, if I hadn't had Covid and saw cases rising it still wouldn't make me change my mind. I will continue wearing a mask in densely populated areas, continue washing hands and avoiding people who are obviously ill.

I know it's hard for you, but you need to put some trust into your son. I'm sure if he came into contact with anyone positive he would tell you and avoid being near you. Life has got to start going again, if not we are going to be living a pretty terrible existence for the foreseeable.
This. To me what summarises it all best is that 0.05% of the population have died from COVID. Not 10%, not 1%, not even 0.1%. Does that make those deaths any less sad, or that they don't matter? No, ofcourse not, but it puts it into perspective that the *very, very, very (insert many more very's here) vast majority of people do not need to be worrying to the extent they are. That 0.05% doesn't even take into account how many of those people were extremely clinically vulnerable. And I don't just mean age etc, I mean very serious health conditions because even 95% of elderly people have survived COVID. And actually, it will be higher because that 95% doesn't account for how many cases there was that haven't even been counted. Stats are your friend here.

I don't even think this would be considered a pandemic if the world's healthcare systems weren't so fucking abysmal.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. The public called for this - so many were saying that they wouldn't want their loved ones being cared for by someone who wasn't jabbed.
It never once occurred to anyone, unless you've been in the profession, that it would result in worse care where experienced staff who have close bonds with your loved ones would leave..
What does that result in? Double jabbed agency staff (who we now know have the same risk of passing anything as unjabbed staff), and are generally shit (and incredibly expensive) and very low staff numbers... meaning your loved one won't be washed, changed, dressed or fed until late, and left isolated from the staff they loved and responded too
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