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VIP Member
Here’s a weird one I don’t really know if anyone would have advice

I’ve always suffered with allergies, eczema, severely fucked sinuses and extremely itchy eyes as a result. Asthma, the lot. It’s all very similarly linked. But my eyes are REALLY bad. They will itch extremely for hours on end and it’s extremely uncomfortable. I’ve pinned the cause mainly down to allergic conjunctivitis being caused by a dust allergy. It’s got a lot worse since being pregnant, I’m having to blitz my room and house basically daily with vacuuming etc. and even still I sit at home uncomfortable a lot of the time with a very expensive air purifier on and windows open.

We have an expectation of 40% hybrid in my workplace. My problem is my office is extremely dusty. Like I don’t know what our cleaners are doing. It’s a huge office floor with a lot of desks, and we don’t have our own so sit wherever when we’re in. I don’t react well when I’m in there. There’s not even private rooms where I could base myself in and clean it myself - not that I should even have to. We do have spray dotted around with blue tissue roll should we want to clean the desk but really it’s not doing fuck all because it’s the entire floor. I don’t even work with the people in my office - it’s just one of those stupid policies of having to meet the requirement no matter what. What should I do? It sounds really petty from my end I feel like saying I don’t know if I should be in the office but it’s definitely not my responsibility to clean the entire office with like 50 desks in. Nor do I have the vacuum and stuff needed to. All the monitors and sides are covered in dust whichever desk I sit at. I feel like I’m going to have to go down the path of bringing up the health/safety and reasonable adjustments route. Maybe I need to speak to my doctor to get the recommendation confirmed that I need to be home based?
I’d definitely speak to your health and safety person as it’s their job to make reasonable adjustments for you, you don’t really need to prove anything. I had similar with my arthritis years back and they were super accommodating. Depends how nice your company is of course, but I’d maybe try and collect some kind of proof whether that’s photos or videos of some kind.
Been eyeing up the Doona for months and we finally bought one. Hopefully this will be a lifesaver for me when the OH has to go back to work pretty sharpish! Those that have them - have you had any issues with them at all?


VIP Member
The personalised gowns on My1styears are honestly so sweet. And they currently have a 30% sale on. If you already know your names that is 🤣 I think we do, but I could go loopy and change so I’m going to put Baby (Last name)
I love their stuff! We were given a teddy with his name on, and I’ve bought a milestone blanket and a toy basket and they’re such good quality! And their packaging made me feel really fancy when they arrived because they’re in nice boxes with tissue paper 😂 might have to go for another little browse if they have a sale on 😁
I've just gone to get more asprin from Boots and the pharmacy counter lady refused to sell it to me when she realised I was pregnant. I told her I can show her my maternity care notes where the midwives and doctor have told me I have to take 150mg daily for my placenta but she still refused me. Fuming!
Go back and pregnancy rage punch her in the face. Why did she refuse? Can you get it on prescription so you don’t have to have the hassle again when you need more?


VIP Member
Yep, as above. If you tick certain boxes you’re consultant led, it’s just belt and braces. You’ll probably get extra growth scans and generally closer monitoring.
Thanks for replying both!
yes have already been sent the growth scans for future dates. It does feel like box checking, I guess its just made me feel abit weird today!


VIP Member
Bugaboo was recommended by a Norland nanny (now mum influencer) I used to follow, and I don’t think she was gifted anything by them that would’ve made her say that
Was this Nanny Louenna? If so,I used to like her but her breast feeding information was bloody awful! So outdated and factually wrong.


New member
Hey everyone, need some advice. I'm currently 24 weeks and my inlaws are wanting to organise a staycation in the Cotswolds. For one reason or other, the only time everyone is free is after the 3rd week in May. We've found 2 places in everyone's budget for the weekend of 7-9th June. Now my dilemma is - I'm going to be 35 weeks pregnant at that point. Also, this is my second pregnancy so from the offset I've been mored exhausted this time around purely from running after my 2 year old. Any advice would be appreciated, should I go or should I sit this one out? Am I just going to be a uncomfortable mess and better to stay at home?


VIP Member
What changing bags are we using? I had a cheap Aldi one before and it was more than fine, but I’d like a nicer one this time.
I’ve got one that came with our travel system (when it eventually turns up) but I’d like to buy a nicer one too I just don’t know what makes a good one. The one we’ve got coming clips on to the pram but I don’t know if they all do?! And I don’t know if I want a bag or backpack type. So confusing 😁


Chatty Member
With the 4D scans, has anyone with an anterior placenta had one? This is my last baby so was thinking I'd get one but have an anterior placenta this time round. Read different things online about whether it's worth it or not and really don't want to waste the money to be disappointed!


Well-known member
try sleeping with a pillow between your legs! I never bought a pregnancy pillow but have found this quite helpful the last couple of weeks (I’m almost 39 weeks!)
I’m still switching sides in the night but I think that’s just because it’s all a bit uncomfortable all over at this point!
Thanks will try it. I do have a pregnancy pillow but never know what’s the best way!


VIP Member
Hi everyone, hope you’re all okay, just popping in with another question as I’ve just been for my gender scan (a baby boy 💙) but found out I have an anterior placenta. People with an anterior placenta - when did you start feeling movement? I hope it isn’t too much longer than usual, keep seeing things about feeling them already at 16 weeks and I’m jealous 🥲 x
Congratulations on baby boy! ❤


VIP Member
I wish you were my manager 😂 considering I work in the public sector you’d think they’d do all the stuff properly.
You’d think so! It really winds me up when companies are so lax with health and safety, especially when it comes to pregnant women. Make sure you stick up for yourself and ask for what you need.


VIP Member
Has everyone gone with a wifi camera or just normal? I know about the supposed risks of a wifi camera being hacked, but I liked the idea of my boyfriend being able to see the baby when he’s at work. He’s a bit soft like that and would probs watch it all day 🤣

We’ll probably get the vtech wifi one anyway and then decide. I just think it’s minuscule the overall risk.
This is why we wanted the cam for when hubby away more than for monitoring them when we are both indoors but apparently thats when they are more at risk of getting hacked. I see the vtech one recommended a lot!