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I finally had a baby! Latent labour for a whole day and night 😩 went in, got sent away at 1-2 cm after all that bloody latent labour, had a sweep at the maternity unit and scurried back a few hours later; had the water birth I’d hoped for this afternoon ❤ now to introduce her to her big brother!
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Our little one was born last night at 40+4, I had a sweep at 10.30am and baby girl arrived practically 12 hours later surrounded by 4 paramedics and the midwife who had arrived for our home birth after I delivered the head 🤪
It only started at about 8.30/8.45 as I thought it was just cramping and braxton hicks from sweep. Until it wasn’t 🤪 A truly wild/surreal experience but so glad she’s here safe and sound.
Her big sister was super surprised this morning and them meeting was magical ❤
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Good news this morning, 2 little heartbeats seen, one twin is slightly smaller than the other but they aren’t concerned ❤❤

I have a scan at the IVF clinic on Monday so hopefully they will be growing as expected 🤞
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My little baby arrived very speedily this morning 💚 he’s doing well so far and I can’t believe how well I’m feeling. Probably just the adrenaline still and sure I’ll come crashing down in the coming days 😅😬
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Baby greenfly arrived on Wednesday 3rd April via unplanned c-section following an induction at that failed to progress. Absolutely in love with our beautiful baby boy.

I have had the most wonderful experience and stay in hospital because of the midwives. Never have I felt so supported by a group of women I have never met. Those who are nearly there and those who are just starting this journey, lean on your midwives, ask them all the questions, be vulnerable, they are so invaluable.
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Just about to head in to triage because little man has barely moved today (usually very active all afternoon and evening) and I’ve started getting really bad cramps in my back and as well as across the top of my bump which started yesterday 😩 please keep your fingers crossed that he’s just being lazy and the pains are just from carrying this baby hippo around 🥲
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Afternoon guys! Had my scan at the clinic this morning, both babies doing well, strong heartbeats, one still slightly smaller but nobody is worried. Next steps for us now are booking appointment next week and then 12 week scan - it’s all starting to feel a bit real!
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He was born a bit before midnight so absolutely knackered and he’s so small (but he was measuring small on growth scans and my bump was small too so not a surprise) but his little newborn size sleepsuit swamps him 🥹 literally haven’t slept in over 24 hours and not sure how I’ll ever sleep again I just want to stare at his cute little scrunchy face
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I have my follow up scan tomorrow at EPU, please can everyone send good vibes that both the embryos/sacs/babies are still going strong 🤞
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Been awake since 4:20am with contractions! Finally got an epidural going and omg it’s amazing. Gas and air did FA for me lol. But Baby Parsley is on his way
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Well my absolute freak out yesterday and this morning seems to have been for nothing. Private scan place got me in today so saw baby boy, he was just relaxing with his arms behind his head without a care in the world 😂 surrounded by a normal amount of amniotic fluid and his tummy and bladder were full, yay! And magically my dicharge has now gone straight back to being white and thicker rather than like water so it must’ve just been one of those things. Never expected pregnancy to be as difficult as it has been, but he’s worth everything.

For the people in first trimester worrying about symptoms coming and going, please don’t worry. I know it’s hard not to when symptoms are all you have to go off of but it’s so normal. I actually had to take myself off of this thread and avoid anything pregnancy related from 9 weeks because I got myself into such a panic about symptoms coming and going but it’s so normal - and the sickness really does come back, even if it goes away for a few days!!!

Sorry, I’ve accidentally written an essay but sending soooo much love to you all, this really is the nicest, most supportive pregnancy forum on the internet ❤❤❤❤
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Just had our 12 week scan and everything looks normal 💖 can’t believe there’s an actual tiny baby inside me. It’s actually measuring 13 weeks today!
I am nearly 17 weeks and can't seem to keep my anxiety at bay. Not feeling any movement yet and was told my placenta is at the front so this will stop me feeling anything. I have no reason to think anything is wrong but convinced that it is. Every birth or pregnancy announcement I see (there are lots at the mo!) makes me more anxious despite being pregnant myself 😣
I feel you, could you shop around for some private scans just for some reassurance?
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Think I've just had a sign baby brew is a she 😅 we're on weekend away back in my home town, just been on a lovely walk in a nearby park when I saw something poking out of a tree, I picked it up and it's a little pink knitted duck with a name tag on, and it's my name! It's a pretty uncommon name as well so I'm in shock haha. It says on the tag it's a random act of kindness and to please take it home, so we will, baby brew officially has their first handmade little toy 🥰
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Anyone struggling to enjoy their first trimester or pregnancy in general? I wanna be soo happy and excited but I’m too scared to really enjoy it just incase xx
I’m very anxious this time round, I had a mc before I got pregnant with my eldest, and was very anxious up to the 12 week scan with both my kids.

This pregnancy has so many more hopes and dreams on it because it’s the third attempt (and final attempt) at IVF as a surrogate for a very close family member who is unable to conceive/carry a pregnancy naturally. As a final attempt, 2 embryos were transferred (after a previous failure and a chemical pregnancy) and following a scan at EPU last week it seems both have implanted but too early to see heartbeats then. I would absolutely love for this to be a positive outcome for all of us but obviously a different kind of pressure on this to work than with my own kids

Apologies for Sunday afternoon heart pouring out!
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Of course as soon as I was on the monitor Baby R decided to have a party. Hes ok but my heart rate is going sky high and they think that or my liver is what’s causing my pain because it’s above the top of my uterus so not the baby. Had bloods and got to wait for a call from them tomorrow with next steps depending on if it shows anything and go back if I don’t feel better 🙃 also got to have yet another GTT because I had +++ glucose, ffs.
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Just had a cheeky gender scan at 17 weeks.
Baby See is looking perfect and is a boy. There was no denying! A little disappointed, I won’t lie but very relieved all looks great.
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Just home from my 7 week early scan. All looking good and saw the heartbeat 🥰 feel sooo overwhelmed and we finally told our parents! X
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Thank you all so much. The doctor came to do the swab and after checking my cervix and whatnot she wasn’t worried and let me come home and said they’ll call me if the swab comes back with anything concerning. Still a little anxious but just gonna try to get some rest xx
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