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Chatty Member
It does just sound like a routine appointment to then determine your risk. I was born with a heart issue, which I never actually found out about until I was in my 20s, I got referred to a consultant in my first pregnancy but had one appointment and they said I was low risk. I got some extra scans in fetal medicine at 22 weeks but that was it. This time I haven’t even been sent to a consultant since I was low risk before, they’ve decided I’m low risk again.


Chatty Member
Babybjorn bouncer, electric swing chair or both??
We had a joie swing with my first and he loved it so much I was gutted when he got too big for it 😂 then after that we had the fisher price bouncer seat which he also loved but the swing was our fave

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Anyone got any recommendations for websites with nice maternity clothes? I’m having a little look now, I’ve got a couple of cute summer dresses in my basket on New Look - they look like they’d be still nice to wear during the summer when I’ve gave birth, nice and flowy where I can hide my wobbly bits. I didn’t think I’d gained that much weight until my 4yo well and truelly humbled me before saying I’m so big and fat 😂


VIP Member
He's fine with a scan when I've explained my panic, I've even promised it's not be being sneaky to try and find out the gender and that I'd tell the sonographer not to tell us the gender to respect his wishes to wait. Soonest I can get it Tuesday night though, which isn't ages away but I would love that reassurance before seeing people later today.
It might be too late now but you could try calling to see if they’ve had any on the day cancellations 😊


Chatty Member
My bump is officially bigger now at (almost) 28 weeks than it was at full term with my first pregnancy 🥲

I’m so exhausted and feeling so emotionally/physically/mentally unstable today 🤪
Sending you lots of love, it's not nice feeling like that but remember to be kind to yourself and to rest when you can x


Well-known member
Ooo we ordered the new Egg 3 travel system, more expensive than I would spend on anything ever but my partner is obsessed with it 😂
I'd probably get one of the 4mom swings too but it's expensive and you just never know of your baby will even like them!
I keep seeing this on TikTok and it looks really good! Hoping to do some actual pram shopping over Easter!


VIP Member
Still not heard a peep about the aspirin situation. Considering only one of my baby's so far hasn't been a low birth weight and my last one has (mild) cerebral palsy they'd be abit more onit. Would it be OTT to ring maternity for advice??


Chatty Member
I’ve started making a list of things we need to buy. Trying to keep the gender a surprise but it’s so hard to find neutral clothes, nice colours and patterns are too cute!


Chatty Member
Is the glucose tolerance test a routine thing that we all have to have?
Thank goodness for all of you ladies as I'd be absolutely bloody clueless and blindsided all the time otherwise!


Chatty Member
Hey! Just a quick question cos I can’t get in touch with EPU. I’ve not seen a midwife yet, I’m under a consultant currently having early scans cos of previous miscarriages, I’m only around 8w, but I’ve cracked a tooth & it’s absolutely killing me, I don’t have an exemption cert yet so they wouldn’t let me use the pregnancy exception would they?
I don’t have any exemption letters yet and I have seen the midwife. I was due to go to the dentist in Feb but, had to cancel due to my sickness. I’m going on Tuesday and have let them know I’m pregnant. They said they would just get me to fill in new forms. No idea how it’s supposed to work if they only go by certain weeks. Tell them you’re pregnant and see what they say?


VIP Member
I am having a nightmare with the care team in my area. The actual midwifes and NHS staff at appointments have been fab, but it's the communication that is awful. Everything is done on an online portal thing, I keep getting vague messages that allude to things that I'm apparently already aware of (but I'm not), test results not uploaded, appointments made with no indication of what they're for. I have three appointments in the next 9 days, no idea what for. I phoned the hospital to ask about them today and she just told me that this weeks one is the consultant appointment I've been referred for, but no idea what the referral is for/about. I asked about when I'll get the whooping cough vaccination and she just vaguely said its a drop in clinic, but again no instruction of when or how I get booked in. Also found out an appointment next week that I thought was due to previous kidney issues is actually a 16 week check up with the community midwife, I never even knew such an appointment existed? God I'm so confused with whats going on, I feel so in the dark about it all. Trafford borough is really letting itself down.
This sounds like a nightmare! My online notes are crap too. Barely anything gets uploaded.
For whooping cough vaccine mine was done at one of my consultant appointments by the midwife I saw first, might be worth asking at yours? And a 16 week appt is normal in your first pregnancy I think. It was that appt she listened for a heartbeat but I don’t think that’s routine everywhere anymore.


VIP Member
I did consider sciatica or maybe internal piles… but I don’t have any other pile symptoms! It’s awful 🫣🤣 I have had a pretty easy time otherwise so I can’t complain but it ain’t pretty
I had sciatica with my older one so I sympathise if it’s that! Came on suddenly but also went away suddenly as well so I hope it’s short lived for you


Chatty Member
I’m laughing at the shitting during labour,

I got it 3 years ago, there was a lot of things like the maternity pads and breast pads I didn’t use because I had already bought loads myself. I’ll definitely get it this time and just not buy as much stuff. How were the clothes in it? Last time they weren’t great but a few plain white bodysuits I did use.
I found the clothes a little girly this time😂 (I had a boy). They obvs say it’s all unisex. The vests/bodysuits were white so really handy then there was a grey Sleepsuit which will be fine but a couple bits of clothes were purple so more girly but will be fine for at home and I think there was teal coloured dungarees so will be nice for a boy! There were nice little toys too, books, a tummy time thing, teethers, a comforter and the play mat is good


VIP Member
Question for those who’ve had planned sections etc - I’m getting appts scheduled for after my planned section date - so far a consultant, a scan and a midwife appt the next day. I know I’ll see my MW at some point although probably not within 24 hours of my section when I’ll likely still be in hospital but obviously don’t need a scan or consultant appt scheduled for after baby is born. Do these get automatically cancelled or do I need to ring and cancel in advance? 🤷🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
Hey everyone, need some advice. I'm currently 24 weeks and my inlaws are wanting to organise a staycation in the Cotswolds. For one reason or other, the only time everyone is free is after the 3rd week in May. We've found 2 places in everyone's budget for the weekend of 7-9th June. Now my dilemma is - I'm going to be 35 weeks pregnant at that point. Also, this is my second pregnancy so from the offset I've been mored exhausted this time around purely from running after my 2 year old. Any advice would be appreciated, should I go or should I sit this one out? Am I just going to be a uncomfortable mess and better to stay at home?
We did a staycation/baby moon when I was just over 34 weeks pregnant… I was worried about going but tbh it was nice to get away before baby came. Just made sure I had my hospital bag packed (just left it in the car) and my maternity notes just in case. That being said it might be a nice break for you being at home alone without the toddler 😂🙈


Chatty Member
Is anyone else panicking about getting their LO into a nursery? I wasn't until my MD at work made a quip about needing babies name on a nursery list before you even tell family you're expecting, and then another pregnant girl at work said the 30 free hours is amazing but where are they going to fit all these babies as everyone will be claiming it, and there aren't enough nurseries.


Chatty Member
Is the glucose tolerance test a routine thing that we all have to have?
Thank goodness for all of you ladies as I'd be absolutely bloody clueless and blindsided all the time otherwise!
I had to get it last time because every time my urine tests came back with sugar. I’d have a bowl of cereal with oat milk before my appointments, didn’t realise how much sugar was in oat milk! Had to do the test, I felt so ill after it they had to get me a bed to lie down but it was all negative and I was fine afterwards.


VIP Member
That makes sense, but a shame it gave you (and probably other women also there) such a bad experience. I mean they could have at least given you some sick bowls 😂 At least you won’t get a repeat this time!

It’s a shame they couldn’t just pull your records and see what you were being prescribed!! Altho saying that every time I’ve been in they just ask what I’m taking and put that on my notes, they never check against what I’ve been prescribed or anything. I could tell them anything 😳


VIP Member
I’ve had some alright bits off H&M this time around, and the Loveall maternity leggings are the best I’ve ever had, I’m gonna get some from their normal range for after. I’d normally begrudge paying that much for black leggings but I’m converted.
Had a shock having to dress normally this time as last time I was preg was 2021 so I was only in work F2F once a week and only up until 28 weeks. I wore the same black New Look maternity work dress every single week and was just so casual the rest of the time, I lived in mens 2XL Primark tees and leggings.