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VIP Member
If you sign up for Mamas and Papas newsletter you get £25 off £250… every little helps if anyone was thinking of a bigger purchase! Hopefully it applies to any sale items too

Has anyone made use of free dental whilst pregnant? I rang about 10 dentists a month or two ago that said they were taking NHS on - only one had any NHS space and they said email your details to an inbox and you’ll get on the list, but the waiting list in 6 months+. Not heard anything back at all lol
I go to a private dentist but when I said I’m pregnant he said tell reception I said to put you on the NHS list. They aren’t accepting new NHS patients but obviously could get me on 🤣 but tbh it’s only saved me the cost of a check up, still have to pay for hygienist but assume if i did need any work doing that would be covered.

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Has anyone seen women’s health physio or used a bump support band? Did you find wearing one gave you braxton hicks?
I’ve been using a bump band since about 20 weeks for my PGP, still on the waiting list for a physio 😅 but I’ve definitely had more braxton hicks this time round than my first but I just put that down to it being my second??


VIP Member
People who've had dates for planned C-sections. How many days before due date did they give you? Did you have any choice?
Also interested to hear any experiences of planned vs emergency sections.


VIP Member
For about 2 weeks now I've been getting a pain in my groin/pelvis area. Its not constant, but it is very frequent. I find if I sit for too long, when I go to stand up it'll then ache or if I'm on my feet too long it also starts playing up so it's a lose lose situation. I'm not sure whether it's pelvic girdle pain or something else. It's only on the left side. It's not so bad that I'm having to stop my usual activities but it is uncomfortable, sometimes hard to get up when I'm sitting and it does make me walk like a penguin 😂

I have texted my midwife but she rarely ever replies so I contacted the GP who said "your midwife can help with this". :rolleyes: I know a few on this thread have suffered with pelvic girdle pain so I was just wondering if this sounds like this is what it could be? I'm going to keep pesting the midwife anyway.
I have the same, at first it was only intermittent but know it’s there all the time, a nibble when I walk and going from sitting to standing it’s terrible I get stuck and nearly need a push to get going. I saw a women’s health physio yesterday and she did some assessment and it looks like my pubic bone is a bit out of whack. She gave me exercises to do and recommended that I get a pregnancy ball to do some gentle stretching. Not really getting rid of it but hopefully it will stop it getting worse. Going back to see her in two weeks. The hospital don’t do in person physio for this only send videos of stretching but felt I needed an in person visit. It’s not cheap but Definitely getting a bit of relief. Getting up and down off the floor after the stretches is the hardest bit. I was just worried it would get worse but it seems to be staying the same kind of like a mild back spasm but right in the middle of my Pubic bone. I would recommend a visit if budget allows.. hope yours gets a bit better..
Yeah unfortunately that’s what my PGP started like 😞 I get pains in my pelvis/pubic bone and sometimes when I go to stand the pain is that bad I can’t get up till it eases off

I got a belly band that helps and I try to sit with my legs together rather than apart or crossed as I find when my legs are apart and I’m sat down the pain is stronger!
I’m the opposite have to sit wide legged but have to walk with legs together and can only stand on one leg but not the other, she said to sit down when getting dressed and to get a silk scarf like thing for the bed and the car seat for swivelling in and out. The joys!!


VIP Member
Got my glucose tolerance test on Thursday, can anyone let me know what you felt like AFTER the test? I know its not gonna be enjoyable but I was just wondering what I'll feel like afterwards really! Just had a blood test with my first so don't know what to expect 🙃
I felt really sick after mine but it eased a bit after eating although I felt pretty shit all day. As Jolly says, the worst bit is the 2 hour wait. I felt awful through it - really sick and lightheaded but was very aware if I did vom the test would be void and I’d have to go through it all again so I was focusing so much on not being sick that it made me feel worse. Definitely take something to distract you and cold water to sip.


Chatty Member
Ladies who have had elective C sections before: Is the blood test you have to have a couple of days before a fasting or non-fasting blood test? It doesn’t say in my letter so assuming I can eat before but not 100% sure, and the lady booking it for me at the hospital didn’t know either!


VIP Member
A bit of insight on emergency c section vs elective c section:

My eldest was emergency, I was in hospital for a week, had never actually been admitted to hospital ever in my life so a bit shell shocked. Was desperate to go home but when we got home I really struggled with moving around/doing the stairs etc, but it got easier over the next week or so

My second was planned section at 39+1, was booked in at consultant appt after 20 week scan. They said if I went into labour then to go in and they would still do a section. After that I made sure I was up and about as quickly as possible, catheter out even though it was the middle of the night, as I wanted to get home the next day. Felt recovery was better this time around but possibly because I was moving around quicker (but not pushing myself) take all the drugs they offer in hospital as it’s just paracetamol and ibuprofen once you get home, but cycle these so you get something every few hours and keep going for a few days even when you think you might not need them

Don’t push yourself to do too much too soon and accept ALL THE HELP (but make sure people are being helpful, not just there to hold the baby)

Thanks for coming to my ted talk
this is really helpful, thank you!

I was sent home with oromorph after my emergency c-sec! Is that not standard?! I don’t think I’d have managed those first few days at home without it!!


Chatty Member
Thank you for the feedback ladies! Is this one that I'd need to order well in advance? I've heard some prams having waiting lists etc?!


Chatty Member
have you got the baby name app? We used this first time but this time it just seems to be hideous suggestions, there are barely any normal names! Last night I was getting dietwin and floor as options!!
Omg is this kinder? I was howling laughing at the suggestions it was throwing out, even after I paid £0.69 for the English names paid.
this is really helpful, thank you!

I was sent home with oromorph after my emergency c-sec! Is that not standard?! I don’t think I’d have managed those first few days at home without it!!
I wasn’t given anything to take home after mine apart from the horrid injections 🤣


Active member

Just wondering if anyone had a list of must buys for a newborn for a first time mum?
Also I'm due to give birth in July where the temperatures will be 35+ any tips on must buys for newborn babies in how temperatures?


VIP Member
With MW I had a call back pretty much as soon as I put the self referral in online but I’d left it quite late to do it because we went on holiday almost as soon as I found out and I waited til I got home. So I was already 7 weeks when I did my referral and they like to do your booking appt at 8 weeks in my area. So I had my booking appt over the phone a week later, then I had bloods, weight etc at 10 weeks and scan at 12. Didn’t actually meet my midwife in person until after my 12 week scan but can’t remember when.
I think it definitely varies a lot between areas. My friend lives about 10 miles away but comes under a different community area and her midwife care has been completely different to mine.


Chatty Member
How long is it typical to wait for a call back from a midwife? I’m around 7 weeks estimating and was told when I tried to book a first appointment with the GP that I had to fill in a midwife referral form and they would contact me to arrange an appointment for bloods etc before the first scan. I filled the form in over a week ago and haven’t had any contact yet, is that normal? I don’t want to mither if the usual call back time is like 3 weeks but I’m overly anxious and overthinking everything 😂
everywhere seems to be different. I get my appointments and scan dates on the phone when I first called. Remember it’s been Easter holidays so they’ve probably got more to work through. I’d give them a ring through the week if you’ve still not heard anything, no harm in calling for an update.


Chatty Member
Here’s a weird one I don’t really know if anyone would have advice

I’ve always suffered with allergies, eczema, severely fucked sinuses and extremely itchy eyes as a result. Asthma, the lot. It’s all very similarly linked. But my eyes are REALLY bad. They will itch extremely for hours on end and it’s extremely uncomfortable. I’ve pinned the cause mainly down to allergic conjunctivitis being caused by a dust allergy. It’s got a lot worse since being pregnant, I’m having to blitz my room and house basically daily with vacuuming etc. and even still I sit at home uncomfortable a lot of the time with a very expensive air purifier on and windows open.

We have an expectation of 40% hybrid in my workplace. My problem is my office is extremely dusty. Like I don’t know what our cleaners are doing. It’s a huge office floor with a lot of desks, and we don’t have our own so sit wherever when we’re in. I don’t react well when I’m in there. There’s not even private rooms where I could base myself in and clean it myself - not that I should even have to. We do have spray dotted around with blue tissue roll should we want to clean the desk but really it’s not doing fuck all because it’s the entire floor. I don’t even work with the people in my office - it’s just one of those stupid policies of having to meet the requirement no matter what. What should I do? It sounds really petty from my end I feel like saying I don’t know if I should be in the office but it’s definitely not my responsibility to clean the entire office with like 50 desks in. Nor do I have the vacuum and stuff needed to. All the monitors and sides are covered in dust whichever desk I sit at. I feel like I’m going to have to go down the path of bringing up the health/safety and reasonable adjustments route. Maybe I need to speak to my doctor to get the recommendation confirmed that I need to be home based?
This sounds horrible, I really feel for you 😢 you have every right to bring up health and safety. At the end of the day you and your baby are your priority and if your company can't make enough adjustments to ensure your health is looked after, and unless they can give enough reason why you working from home full time would be detrimental to the business, then they need to show willing and duty of care and allow you to wfh full time.


VIP Member
If money was no object, what’s the one pregnancy/baby item you’d splurge on? (Or perhaps already have👀)
Just curious/nosey haha
I actually treated myself to a Baby Bjorn bouncer as that's the one thing I really coveted. I got it brand new but from an auction site so it was about 40% off. They do the carriers too so I'm a little tempted.
I'd love a sheepskin which actually aren't too much money but I don't know if it's a waste, same with a baby brezza or nutri moov food maker but I know they're a waste. A brand new travel system in an impractical colour like gold and cream or sage which I'd never do because I'd be thinking about resale value and keeping it pristine looking. Cashmere blankets, socks and sleepsuits. Boden and Trotters gear and a lovely leather changing bag brand new.
There's tons I could buy but I know would be totally unnecessary, impractical, wasteful or I'd be panicking about getting ruined so I just wouldn't. Like I could technically afford all brand new zip up sleep suits and I will get some but I'll also reuse our old button ones because they're absolutely fine and where do you stop when the 'affordable' stuff all adds up?!