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Tabitha D

VIP Member
The thing about new members not understanding all the weird words and sayings and in-jokes is quite funny really and I hadn’t really thought about it before. But think of it as if a bunch of us older members crashed our plane into the jungle at the start of lockdown (crazy times), with only Jack’s Twitter and episodes of DKL to entertain us. So we were isolated, went a bit mad, and started developing our own language.
There was A LOT of Jack chaos back then too. DKL, Hellmanns, the sparkly black eye - we had so much material. 😂
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Mr Krabs

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You can never tire of Jack cringe. Once you’re a Tattler, your brain is just like - hey remember that one time with the woman of the year award?


Or remember pirate Jack? Arr.


Or you’ll be in a boring work meeting and suddenly remember that Jack has a soup recipe where one of the ingredients is a can of soup.
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Welcome @Awfully Molly - no reason to believe it's not you - I think you did good work and just got a bit caught up in it all. It's something I think that happens to guest quite a lot, but seems you've learned from it! Do wish you'd un-archive your website though!
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Did she even do one blog this year?

Fucking four a week . Only guest could elevenerife her own New Year resolutions.
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Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but it has just occurred to me that it looks like there is a fart cloud under the bum. What on earth is it?
Ah, Jack’s boogly eyed skeleton and wonky bummed nekkid lady tattoo, inspired by a very meaningful sketch she’s “obsessed with”…

@The carlin identified the “sketch” inspiration. Basically Jack wanted
and ended up with THIS.
That tattooist must have absolutely fucking hated her.
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Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
I know there’s been a lot of criticism of you here but I appreciate you for helping to get the word out. I am one of the people who first had my eyes opened by your blog, and before then I didn’t even know tattle existed and would probably never have even thought to google ‘Jack monroe liar’ or something to end up here. In my Twitter circle everyone thought she was wonderful and wouldn’t dare criticise her, so I’d never have known to doubt her story. The way you went about everything wasn’t perfect, and I do get why some people are annoyed that you reposted info from here and took credit, but ultimately a lot of people read your blog who would never have otherwise found these threads or the wiki. Personally I think you did a good thing in bringing this to wider attention. I’m sorry that you got so much backlash from it, that must have been a lot to deal with and I hope you’re doing ok now that everything has simmered down. Also please please spill the tea :)
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
Not sure as that could be absolutely anyone from that clue, but these would be my favourite choices...
Nisha Katona
Angela Hartnett
Olia Hercules (not sure she is 'restaurant ')
Paul Ainsworth
And of course....TOM KERRIDGE
Oh yes, remember “over to you, Paul” on DKL. Matt had asked Jack some question about budget cooking ingredients I think (that was supposedly why she was there, after all) and she just batted it onto Paul Ainsworth, who was a guest. His face was a picture. God she was utterly abysmal.
Also, remember when they had Adam Frost (from Gardeners World etc.) on talking about growing your own veg - and Jack said something incredibly patronising like “you’re getting used to this television lark, aren’t you”. For context, Adam has considerably more TV experience than Jack.
She was just so so terrible on DKL.
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Hello Molly. It was obvious matt disliked her intently. He spoke to her as a Disgruntled adult would talk to a child who had pushed them to their last nerve. I imagine thats probably how Babs and the teacher co spoke to her often too. She has no likeable qualities. Shes a hardfaced know it all, who actually knows nothing.
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Coz I’m still grumpy I’m happy to say this; if you have tea, fucking spill it or just shut up. Hints to something something that may/may not have happened/witnessed not witnessed is so BORING … dare I say more boring than the pronunciation of ‘Mither’ or who had the worst flu 😒
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Grace Dent is firmly in the camp of people whose work I like but would never want to meet. I used to like reading her column back when I was in a fugue state and inexplicably watched a series of Big Brother (the one with Pete and Nikki) but got the feeling she was probably a bit of a cow to know.
After being burned a couple times with misplaced admiration, I now operate firmly on the basis that the more relatable, right on and progressive a media figure portrays themself to be, the more of a disingenuous twat they are likely to be in reality.

I also never read a book that's got an approving puff quote by Marian Keyes or Richard Osman on the cover.

Two simple rules that have served me well.
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I'd like to take this opportunity to implore all of our new frauleins to read Thread 31. A real insight into the mind of guest.
I regularly read it again. The best bits are the comments just ignoring guest entirely and also the comments just after before people realise she is there 🤣
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For new people - I re read thread 31 a while ago and cringed myself inside out at how I tried to be kind in my responses to her. I mentioned it here at the time of re reading that I’d have a different response after so many threads but want to clarify again that I find her an insufferable grifting lying animal abusing complete and utter arsehole. If you read my responses on 31 imagine them much less friendly 😂
The situation back then was so very different to what it is/what we’ve uncovered since so be kind to yourself babes. We weren’t even fully aware of the scale of the grift and certainly not the Patreon page by that point, don’t think the work had been put in on way back machine or archive sites yet, we were somewhat oblivious to just what a piece of shit she is. Our biggest class cosplay gotcha was the blue Land Rover to someone’s country house rather than the £1.8mil estate left by grandad and dad’s multi property portfolio and 5 bed house. Our understanding of the situation now has taken hundreds of hours worth of work and documentation (between here and Twitter and beyond, I assume) from hundreds and hundreds of individual contributors.

Weird times atm tho.
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I find it ironic that he gave so much to a random single mum but when his daughter was one she got fuck all ( allegedly)
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Not sure this is important, but I've never made a gif.

Also, sorry to everyone who is sick of seeing the old tweets. I don't know why I keep posting them. 😐😳
Keep posting them! Is anyone sick of them? I hadn’t noticed.

Also, a nice collage is always welcome, as are some Jacks. ❤

The glorious TERRIBLE is/was a @Yel creation
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Would you accept a DEECEASED 💀 dress instead?
View attachment 2285724
Bread and Jam Crafts: The full saga View attachment 2285734
December 4 2012: What is that silly Jack up to?! Well, she’s only gone and ACCIDENTALLY PLUGGED her personal craft business in her newspaper column!
View attachment 2285749How on earth could that have happened?! Sigh! TECHNOLOGY!View attachment 2285750 (And cufflinks)View attachment 2285751
December 9 2012: Jack has been launching Bread and Jam (the business that TECHNOLOGY made her “accidentally plug” in her newspaper column). All profits go to local community organizations!
View attachment 2285739She’s also making sandwiches for the homeless (which she’ll be doing twice a month!) and soliciting input from other organizations Bread and Jam will help.
View attachment 2285740 Needless to say, neither sandwiches nor “donating the profits” are ever mentioned again. In fact, by the time the Sunday Mirror come calling mere weeks later (published 23 December), “Hardworking and honest” View attachment 2285759single mother “Jackie Monroe” is in DIRE POVERTY eking a living out of her £250 a month craft business earnings. View attachment 2285756View attachment 2285758View attachment 2285757
December 29 2012: Just six days later, Jack puts her sewing down for the night to tell us all that thanks to her bunting-making…

View attachment 2285729
View attachment 2285728THE POVERTY is OVER!View attachment 2285783View attachment 2285782
NYE 2012: A mere two days later and she’s already contradicting her “Bread and Jam will go into a few local shops” ⬆ because she’s only in discussions about it.
View attachment 2285731Oh, and she won’t be setting it up properly (even though she’s “in the process”), because she can coin in the cash through FB and direct into her PayPal instead.
View attachment 2285732 Jan 1 2013: in her newspaper column Jack makes a New Year’s resolution to make a proper business plan for Bread and Jam. Oh, and plugs her business in the paper again. View attachment 2285765
View attachment 2285764 and that, my friends, is pretty much it for Bread and Jam. Thanks to the Sunday Mirror article, Woman’s Own also soon come calling and after that, Jack boasts to Xanthe Clay about her book token View attachment 2285772and realizes she can make a far more lucrative business out of lying about being in THE POVERTY.
And the rest, as they say, is history. (Oh, and as you see above, she already had the shameless self promotion, fast and loose way of coining in business cash and lying/claiming to “do good” all down pat already).

Lol and as an aside, in another act of shameless self promotion, she immediately added “the newspaper” calling her “hard-working and honest” to the masthead of her blog
View attachment 2285770Except cos she’s a useless fuckwit, she got it backwards.
View attachment 2285771
Sorry for the rant ahead. Ive mithered about that godawful ‘dress’ before, but I’d never seen the full extent of this craft business shitshow before and it’s blown my mind! She’s so up herself it’s unbelievable!

Sorry if this sounds all snobby and elitist but as someone who does a craft it really irritates me when someone is like “ooo I run a craft business & I’m a DeSiGnEr!!!” When the extent of their creativity is just…buying some cheap bits off of aliexpress and glueing them together. Those cuff links are just ready made cuff links that she’s superglued buttons onto, the dress is a tank top she’s sewn a skirt or a bit of curtain onto and the waistline is so low down (because she couldn’t even be arsed to cut the top to the right length) there is no body in the world that would look nice wearing it. and those cross stitches, I’d be very surprised if she didn’t just buy a ‘learn to cross stitch for beginners’ kit of those designs and thought she was being clever selling the finished pieces. It says to me that she has no respect for her potential customers who she assumes are all thick enough to pay money for that tat, and a hugely inflated sense of her own talent (I know right, tell us something we don’t already know 😂 )

Ive been doing a craft for years and I’m pretty good at it, people often tell me I should sell what I make… but I never have, because I know how much work goes into running even a small Etsy shop, and I know I’d just stress myself out trying to make things to a high enough standard to justify charging money for. And it really pisses me off seeing people blunder in with some crap they threw together in five minutes expecting to make a living off it. And there she is talking about a business plan and how she’s going to put the profits into the community!! I’d be very surprised if she ever sold to anyone who wasn’t a relative feeling sorry for her.

As an aside, it’s total coke head behaviour to try a new thing for the first time in your life and immediately jump into ‘omg this is it, I’m amazing at this, this is my calling in life, I’m going to get rich off of this and here’s my business plan and omg I should invest the profits into this that and the other, quick let me set up a website and ooh I should spend hundreds on new supplies because I’m going to sell out immediately and and and and-‘
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Cinnamon on roast potatoes. The “making inedible swill” gene is strong in that family.
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