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Totally off on a tangent, but while compiling the Bread and Jam shite, I’ve just come across one of her old fart articles and I spy a contradiction here…
2013: In making the argument that CLEVER children like her DESERVE grammar school, she enters the infants with the reading age of a seven year old and ALL the parent governors “joke” that they’ll bring her down a peg or two.
This article absolutely typifies “socialist” ME ME ME guest, by the way.
2019: In this tale, her reading skillz have become examples of her “autistic superpowers” in the face of the patriarchy, and these formative events have changed somewhat. Now she’s six, it’s long after she’s entered school and it’s just ONE evil SNEERING parent Governor
She cannot be trusted to tell the truth about one single solitary fucking thing.

Oh, and she’s definitely here. Fuck off, guest. This forum is about you, not for you.
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Mr Krabs

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View attachment 2284217

@Mr Krabs

The print (or whatever it was) we saw was in one of the early places Jack stayed when she was in rehab (before the Locke aparthotel).
Thank you! It’s very easy to mix things up after so many threads.

But at least in searching for the Emin post I came across some arse clenching vintage cringe that the newbies might enjoy.



Also Jack thinks every speech is a keynote.
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
There is no great secret about her abandoned TV career is there? She was shit at being on telly. The fact she can't cook wasn't on her side either. Imagine that poor crew trying to make DKL with all the new covid restrictions to deal with. Then they have to deal with a complete noob who has no idea how television works* normally. And doesn't even turn up on the first day, insisting the production is made even more complex by filming part of it in their house. They must have hated her and vowed to never work with her again before the first episode was on air.

* Being a talking head doesn't count. You just sit where you are told and answer questions.
I agree, we had sort of guessed that DKL went catastrophically badly because (1) well, we watched it 😂, and (2) she didn’t get a single invite back to Saturday Kitchen, not one. That indicates to me that they were very very pissed off with her and did not want to work with her under any circumstances ever again, even for the sake of a 10-minute slot.
I would love to know the details though. 🤔
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
On this day...

Jack was on her massive David Walliams rant.


Jack isn't seen as sexy.


No tweets. Jack was in rehab and thread #196 spanned 11 days 🤯

Jack had a partnership with Superdrug while condoning shoplifting.
Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 21.10.05-1.png

Someone snitch-tagged Superdrug and Jack replied:
Screenshot 2022-07-05 23.37.02.png

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Chatty Member
I'm really glad you're here @Awfully Molly. None of us are perfect, that includes Tattlers, and imo your good work outweighs the shitty bits (which aren't all that surprising, I imagine it was very intense at times)

Please spill the tea on DKL though I am begging harder than Jack during the covid days. Sir Matt couldn't stand her, could he? 😂
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She can’t drive because she can’t bear to take instruction from anyone about anything. That’s the only reason.
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Ms Biscuit

Well-known member
Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
Thanks, AM. I believe you are who you say you are, and I appreciate your attempt to set the record straight. It sounds as though you let the emotion of dealing with such a slippery, deflecting target like Jack get to you, and goddess knows that's something most of us here can relate to. Everything that has been given her---money, admiration, credit for meaningful work, a platform---is unearned, and it's maddening.

Although you made some missteps, you did a lot to elevate awareness of her grift to the public, and that is no small thing. I'm glad you posted this. It took some courage. I hope you stick around.
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I went to the Manchester Buy Art Fair last year...seeing the prices for some pieces was actually funny. £10,000 for a piece of hardboard bent in two anybody.

On topic, at that fair there was an original Emin. The price was eye-watering. It was an A5 size bit of paper with what I would call a shopping list written in biro, entitled "my shopping list". £20,000 wouldn't quite be enough.

It may come as a surprise, but I don't believe Jack is being entirely truthful about "her" Emin.
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
I’ll never get over when her then-OH’s father got out the vacuum cleaner in the bungamansion. I would have cringed myself inside out in mortification and shame if anyone visiting my house felt they needed to clean.
From one single tweet we got both "my most recent FIL" and "crack on, pal". Great days haha.

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Chatty Member
She's an absolute piece of shit. I can't post a screenshot of that SB/poor wooden floor sad post but is she really trying to tell us that laminate flooring is pov? People PAY to have that stuff installed, you Absolute Fucking Clown. My toddler always had red cheeks too, sometimes because of teething, sometimes just because, it definitely wasn't because she was the waif child of a workhouse mother in 1882 ffs.

If you're reading this, Jack, you're a PIECE. OF. SHIT. Whoring your kid's childhood out like this because you can't be arsed on getting a normal job, you should be crawling up your own arse in embarrassment. Of course you won't be, because you're also an absolute psychopath (I truly think she is) and you have about as much sense of shame as you have eyeshadow blending skills.

Wanker. 🖕🏼
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Question about her crafts. I am not a crafty person (worst guide leader ever 🔺) but how on earth would she have got the words onto what appears metal button cuff links? Surely you would need equipment for it. I wonder if she was just drop shipping.
You can still get the supplies for these cufflinks for less than £1 per pair, and you can assemble them in seconds with strong glue or even use self adhesive cuff link blanks. The fact that she was asking £12 a pair is astonishing.
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THE JOY at finding this forum about a year ago - via @Awfully Molly (thankspaceyou for all that you did) - about a decade before, I read one of the articles/ blogs by guest and cried real tears imagining poor toddler SB cold and hungry, and the guilt and sadness of a mother trying to do her best for her child in that situation. Shortly after, I saw guest on some topical news show, where although she was trotting out the same tale, she let slip what sounded like a very comfortable upbringing and something jarred - didn't seem at all right. How had she not had ANYWHERE to turn in this desperate situation? (of course, this does happen - but I didn't believe it happened to her. Can't put my finger on why)

For years after, something about the whole schtick didn't sit right with me, but I felt such shame over feeling that way. All the good she does! The saviour of the poors! How dare I question the credibility of this saint, heralded by so many in the public eye?! Platformed all over the shop?

THEN I cottoned on to the AM tweets, found Tattle - and found that not only was the bit I knew about complete horseshit, but there was SO much more. And more and more and more. I've grunked my brains out over the last year, it's maddening and fascinating in equal measure, and you ninnies are the most hilarious, forensic corner of the internet I've ever mithered (my-thered) in.

I knew it. Either - she chose to make her toddler son suffer cold and hunger unnecessarily (selfish pride is not a luxury you can afford when you are responsible for a child) or she lied about the whole experience. Both are unspeakably appalling.

Finding this sanity-check oasis, and discovering the many other appalling, cringeworthy, embarrassing, unprofessional, shameful antics of guest laid out - well, I feel like you all want me to sTart bREatHING!!

One thing I wonder if you can softly gently painstakingly help a new ninny out; what happened in the aftermath of LJC (she left)? I've seen SHE LEFT prominently and wondered if there was a chaos that followed? Am I right in thinking all of a sudden, SHE LEFT was announced and was already weeks old news?
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Mithering back to suspicion of newbies - I knew how to post a gif/quote when I first signed up here. I've been posting in various forums since about 2002, it's really easy to work out how to use the functions, it's hardly cracking the Enigma code. 😂
Even I managed to work out how to strikethrough and that is quite an achievement for someone who once managed to cc in every employee of the housing department of a city council in an email once (🍉). With read receipts on.
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Chatty Member
Nice to see SB was able to finally put down his stick and hoop and collection of peg dolls and indulge in some more fitting tween boy activities like (checks notes) reading articles about how to decorate your house like a billionaire. That's definitely conventional reading for a boy that age. My nephews couldn't get enough of Architectural Digest at 11.
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What fresh chaos is this? Ninnies I'm not sure I have the energy for this having been accidentally locked out of my house for three hours last night by my three teenage boys, who for the first time ever had all put their phones on silent. Finally woke one of them at 2am by blasting out 'Welcome to the Jungle' at full volume through a speaker we have in the room below the eldest.

so we have new members including Molly but a silent Jackie.

i repeat what fresh chaos is this?!
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Chatty Member
I've posted this tiny clip of intense irritation before but figured the new Fraus might not have seen it.

The twat can't cook. Everything is performance. She crooks her elbow right up in the air as you would if you were stirring the contents of a deep pot but then performatively tosses the same cooking vessel about as you would if you were toasting seeds in a shallow pan. She just things to try and look cheffy but she fails if you know anything about cooking.

Same with this one here where she tries to look like she knows how to sharpen a knife but is fucking ruining them

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Lucky Escape

VIP Member
Yes, absolutely!

Anyone waiting for a grand reveal, there won't be one, so make yourself a hot-buttered cup of turmeric tea and just enjoy the ride.

Anyone teasing with tea, we are fully used to broken promises here. #granola #secretveganingredient #blogposts

Speaking of which, we're two days into the second half of the year - so perhaps guest should give us a progress update on her goals for 2023:

(from @Valiofthedolls on thread 447)
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Why are they so white? Like mayo? I don't know any Indian dishes that are white? I can only guess she hasn't troubled them with many spices.
I'm almost afraid to ask, but what are the objects on the fish korma? They look a bit like raisins but that wouldn't go with fish would it?

View attachment 2287960

And she had the nerve to criticise Jamie for his jollof rice.
It is a delicious fish, creamed coconut, water, yogurt and sultana curry
This was allegedly the “undisputed hit of the evening”, so the other dishes must have been absolutely effing rancid.

ETA: not sure I fancy the idea of “Fish and Mandarin Curry” either
Nope, no idea what this is. It looks like something alarming a dermatologist would remove under anaesthetic and send off to a lab.
ETA it’s prunes! 🤢 fish, mandarin and prune “curry”. Fucking saints preserve us. DIRE.
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