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I sometimes revisit thread 31 because guest shows herself to be so thoroughly pass-aggy unlikeable and it makes me laugh how she has absolutely no self-awareness at all. I’m sure she thought that she came across as lovely/owning the ninnies.
Her Guardian comments below her own “bylines is everywhere” are an utter joy too. Daft tit.

OH MY SHITTING CRIKEY. I went to get the link to include, and the entirety of her Guardian commenting history from ea (all 15+ pages of it) has LEFT!
That’s within the last 2-3 weeks or so. I went there recently and it was all still there.
Agent Adrian the Gentleman Thief is really trying to make up to guest for that lie she told about him nicking all her money stealing all her royalties, isn’t he?

I ss a bunch of them- I’ll collate them so someone can put them in media or a link in the wiki

ETA they were still there on 19th June when I posted this cos that’s where I grabbed the ss.
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Awfully Molly

New member
Thanks all. I'm not planning to stick around, no chaos from me I'm afraid. Honestly I've lurked for a few weeks and when I saw the comment about me having started a Patreon I was annoyed, registrations were open so I wanted to clarify that and thought I'd add a bit more context about the whole experience if anyone was interested. And I did chat to lots of great people as Molly, so it felt nice to say hello! I did spoiler so it could be skipped. I didn't mean to bait about tea - I shared what I felt I comfortably could without risking breaching anyone else's confidentiality! I guess 'Jack annoyed people on the show she worked on' isn't exactly breaking or surprising news though ;) I can't un-archive the website I'm afraid, as many people here pointed out - I'm not very tech savvy. I suspect it's too late now, and I'm not sure I want to be linked to any of it again anyway. I don't think I ever actually got doxxed, except the time I idiotically, accidentally posted my own identity - but no one seemed to grab a screenshot in time luckily :) There were lots of claims made about knowing who I was, but none I saw were correct. It does still freak me out a bit now that someone could be sitting on it. Anyway, I'll leave things there otherwise I'll just end up being banned anyway! :)
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rage naan

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I think it originated here 🧅

View attachment 2284334

Oh my god. I advise my fellow n00bs to follow that link, the archived tweets about Frank Burnside and Rachel Dolezal are fried fucking gold. Look at her crowing about spotting someone else's shooping as if they were trying to hide it rather than it being the whole point! Look at her pretending that she would never shop her own face! Fucking look at her pretending she wouldn't wear a tacky blouse! Oh my god

I thought I'd experienced maximum cringe in the past, but oh how wrong I was. There are so many more levels.

edited to attach screenshots


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OMG what is this shite. Unless you're really famous, which guest doesn't qualify as, you don't get your agent's staff to manage and screen your fan mail. The cluelessness and entitlement here are unbelievable.
Agreed. The King gets his mail managed, because strange people like to send strange things to famous folks - and apparently the late Queen used to get an average of 2 poos sent to her per year by random nutters (Boris Johnson got more). Now that's a tough screening job.

Jack is full of shite anyway so poo-screening is not needed.

Anyway @Awfully Molly I want to say a big and genuine thank you for everything you did. Your blog coming out just after HH2 had the long term effect of blowing up the grift once and for all. I hold a genuine and serious conviction that Jack's working class larping and mental health baiting has done so much damage to people, especially to the vulnerable. I also don't believe that these threads have the monopoly on calling out the grift. You played a huge role in bringing it all to light and by doing so you gave permission for those who had long held doubts, to speak about it openly. Thank you. Now fuck off - you must need a piss and a sandwich, surely.
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The key to understanding guest, from the bitterness despite the free money and undeserved platform, to the beggy selfies, to the cringe attention seeking online oversharing, to the assertions that she is/was a dancer/model/singer/poet, is remembering that she never wanted to be famous as a cook, she just wanted to be famous, but that was the 1 that stuck. She struck lucky on a new growing platform that prioritises the personal (twitter) and fitted well with the Cameron years austerity convo and there was a time she was popular and lauded and she's spent the last few years desperately chasing that again. I really think she thought cookery books was just her foot in the door for better offers and real celebrity- tv presenting, being 1 half of a sleb meeja couple, acting, maybe even fronting a band. But her careers gone down the bog faster than her pina colada bread. Hence the inexplicable rage despite her cushy life and her insistence that she's an establishment threat and persecuted by the right. She has to believe it's dark forces that have thwarted her and not her own glaring lack of talent, crap character and perpetual cry arsing.
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On the rare occasions I'm in a foul mood, I lighten it with a replay of Lingreenie on YouTube and I hoot with lusty abandon.

Reader, it is the absolute worst. Eamonn's stoic yet withering expression throughout the entire mess. Ruth desperately trying to make the segment work when Jack is inexplicably silent and keeps her back turned away from the camera, "explain what you're doing now, Jack". Ruth must've had the director screaming in her ear the whole time, poor thing. Then the final presentation of hard, uncooked pasta covered in lurid green slop.

The clip should've been used on Googlebox, it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television. Dire.
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Awfully Molly

New member
Vague baiting posts are against the rules, either spill the tea or say nothing
Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
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Ugh, what a disappointment. Can’t spill tea/protecting sources 🙄 why be a pricktease? Another Dordrecht.

I’m ✨manifesting✨ a visit from Big Dave now tbh. Hope he shows up wanting to make FaCtUaL cOrReCtIoNs to the wiki. “ACKSHUALLY I was in the 84th Civilian Murder battalion, not the 56th. And my house only has four bedrooms.”

Go on, Dave, seize the means of production day, tell us about your big cannon and how many times you had to replace your front door and how hard it is being a multi-property landlord.
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VIP Member
Thanks all. I'm not planning to stick around, no chaos from me I'm afraid. Honestly I've lurked for a few weeks and when I saw the comment about me having started a Patreon I was annoyed, registrations were open so I wanted to clarify that and thought I'd add a bit more context about the whole experience if anyone was interested. And I did chat to lots of great people as Molly, so it felt nice to say hello! I did spoiler so it could be skipped. I didn't mean to bait about tea - I shared what I felt I comfortably could without risking breaching anyone else's confidentiality! I guess 'Jack annoyed people on the show she worked on' isn't exactly breaking or surprising news though ;) I can't un-archive the website I'm afraid, as many people here pointed out - I'm not very tech savvy. I suspect it's too late now, and I'm not sure I want to be linked to any of it again anyway. I don't think I ever actually got doxxed, except the time I idiotically, accidentally posted my own identity - but no one seemed to grab a screenshot in time luckily :) There were lots of claims made about knowing who I was, but none I saw were correct. It does still freak me out a bit now that someone could be sitting on it. Anyway, I'll leave things there otherwise I'll just end up being banned anyway! :)
We only want to know what happened in Dordrecht anyway.
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Tabitha D

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I sat on this info for eighteen months before posting the screenshots for the first time lol.

DKL has been mentioned today so...

Originally posted November 2021:

View attachment 2284624
And then Jack had the brass neck to refer to her and Matt as a “cheeky little duo” (😬), as if they were fizzing with TV chemistry, and thank Matt’s wife for “lending” him to her. Matts wife did NOT respond. 😂
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Chatty Member
That cross-stitched "Love not Money" is rich. How did she keep a straight face?
As a somewhat crafty Frau 🍉 nothing about the Bread and Jam business convinces. Jack apparently began producing a large quantity of sellable goods in a variety of crafts she had no experience with (see the dress in Frau Vali's post above for proof of that), put them in an online shop she ran herself, and within a couple of months was raking in enough profit to be donating the spare cash to charity. Even though everyone in every crafting hobby knows how hard it is to even make your costs back selling these things online and it's hard to get sales even on specialist selling platforms like Etsy. Jack, a complete novice, pulled off a miracle with those cross-stitches and cufflinks and then she just abandoned her very successful business for no reason. Fraus, she knitted me an aneurysm with this particular bag of lies.
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Chatty Member
As requested in the previous thread, here’s a just one set of screenies in response to Greenbelt. This particular squig is a bona fide academic (i.e. actually deserves her doctorate) who lectures in media representations of poverty, having experienced (very, very real) poverty herself. She does not like guest’s cosplay. At. All. She’s also an NUJ activist, so let’s hope she’s spreading the message with those who have the power to expose the grift.
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Hold up. 🤔 In 2012 she says “..gone is the fear of losing everything.”, so why for the next decade or longer has she kept banging on about the fear never leaving her? Cowering behind the sofa at the knock on the door? Years of unopened letters? Did it come back? Did she never really lose it? Paging Dr Nail. Paging Dr Nail.

View attachment 2286096
She exists in three states:
  • I have overcome poverty, living my best life of my dreams - send cash that I will definitely pass to the other poors
  • I am still poor (or poor again), removing lightbulbs and boiling soap - send cash so I can light my hovel at night
  • I am no longer poor, but poverty has cast such dark shadow over me that I may as well be - send cash for all the good that I do
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Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
Och, just spill the tea on number 3 pls. We went tell.
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VIP Member
I used to be on digital spy as well. Once met up with a few of them, got absolutely twatted, made a fool of myself and spent the night vomming in a travelodge 🍉

Im really hoping the influx of new fraus will prise guest out of hiding.
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Chatty Member
I've posted this tiny clip of intense irritation before but figured the new Fraus might not have seen it.

The twat can't cook. Everything is performance. She crooks her elbow right up in the air as you would if you were stirring the contents of a deep pot but then performatively tosses the same cooking vessel about as you would if you were toasting seeds in a shallow pan. She just things to try and look cheffy but she fails if you know anything about cooking.

Same with this one here where she tries to look like she knows how to sharpen a knife but is fucking ruining them

Her son appears to be around four inches tall and enjoy standing on worktops, just to the left of a lit hob, whilst holding a camera very, very still. He’s certainly a bit oddball if he identifies as a small tripod.
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