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Awfully Molly

New member
Hi Molly, Lynne said it was fine for you to tell us the secrets.
Okay this made me laugh so here's a bit of tea that shouldn't give anyone's identity away! (Yes I realise I am now just like Jack saying I'm not sticking around and then, in fact, sticking around.)

Re. DKL - Yep, Matt couldn't stand her once they started working together, but he wasn't even keen on the idea to start with. Another SK regular who is friends with Matt (but who wasn't on DKL) complained and said Jack's whole thing felt 'off', but for whatever reason the producers went ahead with the choice. It caused them a major headache - she was specifically asked to stop picking arguments on social media but ignored them. It also wound the crew up that she'd claim the show and prep was taking her ludicrous hours every day, which made them look like they were breaking all sorts of rules. Obviously it was nothing like the hours she claimed. Source said (verified on Twitter, but sent this by DM early hours of a Saturday morning so I suspect they may have regretted it!) that it was made very clear to Jack that she wasn't doing the prep she should and wasn't behaving in a professional manner but she ignored it. Their theory is that she must have known there was no chance of the production crew or Matt wanting to work with her again, but she chose to spin it as a big success on social media. In terms of industry insiders calling her out - one publisher has been speaking out against her for years after they asked her to contribute a recipe for a charity cookbook. Jack said yes then ignored all further contact, until finally the publisher got back a response along the lines of Jack's Kickstarter and Patreon excuses, e.g. please stop hassling me it's very bad for my mental health, I've had a very hard time etc. There was also some incident I don't know the details of with a BBC Good Food demo and they now won't touch her for anything live. Oh and also a photographer who worked with Jack on a few different media things said she'd have a new designer something every time they saw her and it was always 'oh a friend treated me' or 'I bought this with my book advance' etc.

Oh finally someone who Jack seems to think is her pal on Twitter used to contact me all the time about her and wanted to help me to create a podcast. It almost makes me feel bad for her when I see her interact with them.

I will obviously sell out anyone's and everyone's confidentiality if anyone can dish the truth about Dordrecht.

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Molly, you’re welcome here as far as I’m concerned; as are all the new Ninnies.
At the end of the last thread there was a few comments along the lines of apologising for knowing the lingo, apologies for XY &Z, and being thankful for finally being allowed to join.

veterans of this thread often say it is a welcoming online safe space- to that I’d say I thought it was, but now with the newcomers, I’m not sure. I think people are rightly suspicious, but at the same time I don’t think newcomers should be thankful or apologise. It’s an internet gossip forum. It all feels a bit ‘you can’t sit with us’ and newbies desperately trying to fit in at the moment.

it makes me uncomfortable I have to be honest. I don’t know who ANYONE is on here, away from this site. We are all, IMO, equal here, whether you joined on thread one or yesterday.

Molly, well done. Yes, you took stuff from here, but it brought Jack’s grift to a wider audience, as is evidenced in comments from the new folk. That’s good.

I agree with Brian about the blue squig whose husband has the bad legs. She didn’t deserve your kindness, she’s a nasty nest of vipers on her own, and worse when she’s with that horrible group. She doesn’t seem to have time for her husband these days, with all the hatred she’s spewing online. She can fuck off, and when she gets there she can fuck off again.
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Marmalade Atkins

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I sat on this info for eighteen months before posting the screenshots for the first time lol.

DKL has been mentioned today so...

Originally posted November 2021:

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Okay this made me laugh so here's a bit of tea that shouldn't give anyone's identity away! (Yes I realise I am now just like Jack saying I'm not sticking around and then, in fact, sticking around.)

Re. DKL - Yep, Matt couldn't stand her once they started working together, but he wasn't even keen on the idea to start with. Another SK regular who is friends with Matt (but who wasn't on DKL) complained and said Jack's whole thing felt 'off', but for whatever reason the producers went ahead with the choice. It caused them a major headache - she was specifically asked to stop picking arguments on social media but ignored them. It also wound the crew up that she'd claim the show and prep was taking her ludicrous hours every day, which made them look like they were breaking all sorts of rules. Obviously it was nothing like the hours she claimed. Source said (verified on Twitter, but sent this by DM early hours of a Saturday morning so I suspect they may have regretted it!) that it was made very clear to Jack that she wasn't doing the prep she should and wasn't behaving in a professional manner but she ignored it. Their theory is that she must have known there was no chance of the production crew or Matt wanting to work with her again, but she chose to spin it as a big success on social media. In terms of industry insiders calling her out - one publisher has been speaking out against her for years after they asked her to contribute a recipe for a charity cookbook. Jack said yes then ignored all further contact, until finally the publisher got back a response along the lines of Jack's Kickstarter and Patreon excuses, e.g. please stop hassling me it's very bad for my mental health, I've had a very hard time etc. There was also some incident I don't know the details of with a BBC Good Food demo and they now won't touch her for anything live. Oh and also a photographer who worked with Jack on a few different media things said she'd have a new designer something every time they saw her and it was always 'oh a friend treated me' or 'I bought this with my book advance' etc.

Oh finally someone who Jack seems to think is her pal on Twitter used to contact me all the time about her and wanted to help me to create a podcast. It almost makes me feel bad for her when I see her interact with them.

I will obviously sell out anyone's and everyone's confidentiality if anyone can dish the truth about Dordrecht.
This is all well and good, but how big is Matts knob?
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Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
It’s nice to hear from you. Just want to pick up on one point though (well, two - PLEASE spill the DKL tea and is it from Lisa Tebbutt lol?):

“For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.”

This is referring to the Twitter user with the blue avatar who crowdfunded for her husband’s gammy leg before they sorted PIP. Now in the early days she didn’t seem so bad, but she has emerged as one of the most venal and cruel obsessives who come after Jack, spreading outright misinformation, having taken a fair amount of begged money herself. And herein lies the danger of criticising someone for grifting: you and your associates need to be squeaky clean (or remain pathetic Hausfraus* bitching on an anonymous forum). She and her equally obsessive crew are absolute poison: they even make ME feel sorry for Jack as one of her long-term detractors.

I understand the untruths to create distance from your true identity. I was someone who commented that English is v obviously your first language and tbh I just felt it was quite a pathetic lie when you could have covered your tracks elsewhere. The wrath of the flying monkeys is terrifying, though, and I’m rarely brave enough to tweet negatively about her in my own name. I’m sorry to hear it all got so unhinged and you feared for your safety.

Anyway, as Lazarus said earlier, genuinely well done on getting the word out in a less walrus-heavy format [may the archive live long] and congratulations on your engagement!

*That’s DOCTOR Hausfrau to you, Jack. Yes, Ninnies, I successfully defending my thesis and wish to change my username to DrDisgruntled.
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I have no issue with you Molly I think you opened a lot of people's eyes to the grift for which I applaud you.
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My favourite thing she’s done in the last 12 months is post a picture of all the missing patreon rewards ready to send out. And then not sending them and buying a breitling instead.
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Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
Welcome. I think you’ve shown more reflection on your behaviour and motivation in one post than Jack has in 40 odd years.
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Big Dave wouldn’t be able to resist having David Hadjicostas MBE as his username.
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New member
This. Is. The. Best. Day. Of. My. Life!

Hi I'm new! I've been wanting to join forever and I'm so chuffed!

You're all absolute champions for keeping on top of guest's nonsense!
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I've taken time out of my 100 hour work week to bring you some electroslop about one of my favourite past chaoses. You may need to adjust your volume, it sounded totes fine when I mixed it but when I imported it into the video it blasted out at about 344 decibels. Go well pals 🥰

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I'd like to take this opportunity to implore all of our new frauleins to read Thread 31. A real insight into the mind of guest.
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Hi all. I don’t want to hijack things, and sorry this is off-topic, but I hoped I could say hello. I wanted to provide some proof that I really was ‘Awfully Molly’ but I’ve deleted absolutely everything that was ever related to my Twitter, Medium account and website, so I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m at all interesting enough for someone to impersonate, but I fully understand if you don’t feel you can trust me. Hell, even if you do believe I’m Molly you might not feel I’m trustworthy, and I can respect that.

I was a long-time Tattle lurker, though never a member. I did stop reading here for quite a while after things kicked off with Molly on Twitter - it was fun to read the initial reaction, but once the criticism began (a lot of it fair, some maybe not) I needed to step away. You had the right to comment on what I was putting out in the public domain of course, I’d be a massive hypocrite to suggest otherwise!

What’s interesting looking back is how upset or indignant I’d feel when someone called me a liar, when I knew that I actually was one. I do wonder if that’s what it’s like for Jack et al., I’d read ‘it’s bs that English isn’t her first language, clearly it is’ and be furious about it - even though it was true! If you can justify your lies/actions to yourself, it’s quite easy to turn anyone calling you out on it into a villain.

I do regret lying - particularly the English as a second language one, that was an angry and petulant response to one of Jack’s fans calling me a terrible writer. The immigration stuff felt like less of a lie, because it was, to my mind, close enough to the truth - I was born in the UK but my parents weren’t, and I spent large chunks of my childhood living elsewhere. There was nothing more sinister to it than trying to throw people off from my actual identity, but there were better red herrings to choose, and I think comments that I enjoyed playing a character too much are probably fair. I did confess without being caught out, because it felt wrong to keep lying when people were confiding in me and trusting me. There were some really interesting and fun people I got to engage with, it was the best part of the whole thing.

Other regrets include giving a quote to the Mail Online. Eurgh. They completely butchered that article too, which was probably the comeuppance I deserved. I got excited that someone was finally listening. I know I’ve come in for some criticism regarding promoting other fundraisers. I’m not sure about this, because I was never anti crowdfunding, I just called for transparency. The cat one was maybe daft and impulsive - I have no idea what happened in the end with that. All I can say is that I really like cats! For the other one, it was someone who had always been kind and supportive from day 1, and I felt that they had provided a lot of evidence that the situation as they described it was accurate. I wanted to help, and I genuinely believed them. As far as I’m aware there’s been nothing to suggest I was wrong, but I’ve largely kept away from Twitter, and particularly the Jack corner of it, since deactivating the AM account.

I know I went a bit loopy at the end. It got really frightening in the last few weeks - it’s all I thought about. I was getting bizarre messages all over the place, people were claiming to know who I was and sent me photos of a child insisting it was mine and proof they knew me (it wasn’t). I felt scared for myself and also like I was putting others at risk. They were probably just trolls enjoying winding me up, but it felt really sinister to be in the middle of it. I had messages from people saying that 4Chan were looking into me and were going to destroy me. I think my boyfriend (fiancé, now!) would have left me if I hadn’t stepped away, and I don’t blame him. I wasn’t easy to be around. It was the right choice, and life is good now. I know I was a relatively small account so this all sounds like I just have an ego problem, but it really is hard to have perspective when you’re in the midst of things.

The other thing that was hard to manage was the number of people hurt by Jack who seemed quite vulnerable. I’d get messages from people giving me their phone numbers asking to chat, or telling me truly heartbreaking stories. I tried to listen and empathise but I felt very out of my depth. This escalated when I said I was looking into Jess Taylor too. It felt like too much responsibility and I was terrified of doing more harm than good.

Anyway, this has turned into more of an essay than I anticipated! Sorry for that. Hopefully I can work out how to stick this behind a spoiler so people can skip it. I’ll finish with this:

1.I’ve seen a few people on here and Twitter say I started a patreon/tipjar etc. I didn’t. I never suggested I would. I’m not sure where that’s come from. I never took a penny from anyone. I did make a little money from ad revenue in the last few weeks, around £300.

2. I’m sorry people feel I stole from here without giving credit. I did mention Tattle a few times, maybe not enough. Of course I used the wiki and media sections and they were hugely useful. I would say it was more work than just copying and pasting though, and I spent a lot of time trawling through old interviews and articles, as well as the wayback machine, to find my own resources too.

3. It’s not a coincidence that Jack has never been invited back on Saturday Kitchen. I can’t spill the tea, and you’d have no reason to believe me anyway, but she lost herself a lot of good will with important people through the DKL process, largely through her own hubris and refusal to listen to advice.

4. People in the industry have been privately calling her out for years. She’ll get the odd gig here and there I’m sure, but her name is mud amongst those with real influence. There’s a lot of relief that she is being called out publicly now.

5. Trifle Defender is lovely. Just an incredibly kind, smart and interesting person. I miss chatting with her.

Thank you if you read all that! I hope it’s vaguely interesting to some of you.
If this was an impersonation they'd have to be pretty committed to write this much. Now tell us all your truth tea dear. Don't hold back.
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Thread title by Greenbelt, nominated by @HansThatDoDishes , congratulations, you win a Bank Holiday weekend camping in a tent in the rain.

Guest is still silently, softly, gently lurking behind a locked twitter account, her follower count is dropping like a stone and her patreon is finally down below 400 subscribers:

While Jack is still refusing to give us a chaos, we've been looking back at her greatest hits.

Greenbelt have issued a statement which is basically "yeah we didn't do any due diligence but we can't un-invite her now, can we?" which is not being well received on the hellsite.

Welcome to our new ninnies, wiki is the pink button up at the top. Please make sure any thread title nominations say "thread title nomination" and please don't nominate anything with swearsies.
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Well-known member
Well well well Ninnies, here I am in real time. I get that this influx may be overwhelming when you’ve been such a tight wee crew for so long, but please be reassured that although one of us is bound to be guest, the majority of us aren’t and have been grunking away desperate to join in for around a year. Yes, tattle registration was locked for that long. I’ve been using frau language in my everyday life in an attempt to find a maven in the wild and beg for a code for months now. So yes we are pretty fluent. For what it’s worth I don’t think guest would deign to use this language she inadvertently helped to create.

I love that you’ve welcomed us with a run down of guests greatest hits and urged us to read thread 31 but, honestly, I’ve been here longer than some of you. I just couldn’t join. I too have had more than one proud moment of appearing here as a squig. @Awfully Molly I for one am so glad you are here. It must’ve been a lot to be attacked from all sides even the side you were trying your best to help. Without you I never would’ve known about this grifting shitebag.

I never donated to her cos I’m tight af and didn’t pay her much attention but I do remember seeing her make a guilt inducing point about the assumption that those in poverty have more than one pan to cook with or have a stove at all (or something similar - can’t remember exactly) and I felt like a stupid middle class scumbag. What I’m saying is she made a point that stuck with me back in the day so I followed her. I’m genuinely gobsmacked to discover this perpetual grift and I can’t look away.

She is obviously very unwell but it is hard to sympathise with someone who repeats the same behaviour, rinsing the very poverty stricken folk she claims to campaign for, for A DECADE!!!! LJC! How has she managed this thieving in plain sight for so long??? There has been so much that sometimes the early hits get forgotten. What *really* happened to that first massive intake of 68k? She only wanted 8k… surely her jack maths wasn’t off by 60k???

Anyway, I’m glad to finally be here. I hope that one of you fraus has a contact at Netflix. I would watch this.
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