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I said I stand with him. I do. Anyone who has been through that sort of shit storm at home for years needs all the people standing with him/her/them as possible.
I am also TeamEmma and I'm FreeGloria, but in terms of what I've read read here the past 2 weeks, I'm def standing with him.
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brie l

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I’ve not commented here before, but have read some of the threads with interest as this shit show has been playing out. I wonder if anyone has done a timeline of the events as she tells them because I’m sure the story keeps changing with dates and actions.

I am not on Instagram but would you really get an alert if someone unblocked you? I would have thought like FB unfriending it is done with no fanfare and quite often people don’t realise until a little while later.

She was self-aware enough to realise that she never thought it would happen to her, but I wonder why it happening to her makes it any worse than anyone else, and if she really feels that sharing everything on social media is a proportionate response or will be something in the future she’ll wish she didn’t do?

As for the tears about him not talking to her - everything he says to her gets shared on SM. Her “leaning in” to listen to calls or see him on FaceTime with their children makes him feel uncomfortable for the same reason I would imagine. Does she not worry that he’ll stop calling the kids as much because of it or is that what she wants so she can call him a bad father and claim abandonment?

Given she struggled to conceive these children, and has publicly stated how costly financially and emotionally it was, she must have wanted them very badly. Her actions after an initial meltdown should be taken in their best interests and I cannot see how what she is doing is considering their feelings at all.
My favourite comment from the interview is "I don't know why (the divorce) is getting nasty" Bahaha - maybe because you are ripping into him on Twitter.
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When IG still refuses to engage with her directly she will try another tactic and go back to ranting on twitter, insulting his family/friends/ his lawyers/her own lawyers, bullying his work colleagues, alienating his children, trying to sabotage his career etc etc ...
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When IG still refuses to engage with her directly she will try another tactic and go back to ranting on twitter, insulting his family/friends/ his lawyers/her own lawyers, bullying his work colleagues, alienating his children, trying to sabotage his career etc etc ...
I think some sort of restraining order will be put in place

How those kids go to school I don’t know. Ella is 12 . All the kids would have seen it!! Makes me sick.
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Chatty Member
Disgusting. I hope the people that sympathised and started following her after her Lorraine interview can see her for what she is.

Any single ounce of sympathy I had for her (and it was minimal) has gone.
I agree.

it seems with the asking for any info on indiscretions that IG may have committed Alice is just encouraging people to throw mud.
will she fact check -erm no. Alice will just put any shit out in the universe knowing full well that most people aren’t capable of critical thinking so will just believe it.
She obviously wants his worse fear to come true. Alice wants him cancelled and she’s using the public to do her bidding for her.
This latest hounding of Bianca - the Paedophile insinuations - all of it.
legal needs to get involved ASAP.

I have no sympathy left for her. In fact I’m totally disgusted tbh.
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I'm getting infuriated that all these publications want to platform her and speak blandly about her "not being quiet" without interrogating what that has actually meant. Crass insults, conspiracies atop conspiracies, a clear record of tweeting under the influence whilst having sole custody of children, and a play by play of every tear her two small children have shed over the past months and every single word they've spoken to their dad and vice versa. And also the constant pressure she puts on the twelve year old to manage her emotions for her.

No one gives a single fuck Alice is talking about her divorce. If she didn't do any of the above no one would have a shred of interest in it, and that's not even an indictment: divorces happen, they suck, but neither of them is famous enough to make something so ordinary into a multi-month story. The only reason she's getting backlash still is because of exactly what she's saying when she's not keeping quiet.

I'm starting to get offended at the constant assertion she alone is so damned interesting to all of us, to be honest. Most if not all of us would've tapped out months ago if she'd stopped adding nightly fuel to the fire.
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What kind of supposedly intelligent 53 year old mother of two young daughters”that she went through IVF for” behaves this way? Like a very mean and undisciplined, immature 13 year old?
She has no responsibilities. Gloria probably does everything for her while she lounges about drinking, eating, tweeting, and scheming. Stirring shit into an already volatile situation. Bullying her rival, her EX HUSBAND, and anyone associated with them.
Wasting money, wasting time, wasting her daughters’ childhood.
All based on petty revenge and ego and refusal to admit she lost.
She doesn’t deserve those little girls. She doesn’t deserve IG.
If I were him I would never go back to their home again. I hope and imagine he’s working to protect his daughters.
I truly fear in her bitterness and anger she’s capable of something egregious.
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I’m sure many women on here have been cheated on or left by their partner/spouse myself included. It’s devastating. But isn’t it a bit sad extremely sad to lament about it and give interviews regarding him leaving you nearly a year later? Especially when the ex has moved on, never spoke badly publicly about you and barely even communicates with you.

It’s depressing, Alice, and I know you’re reading this. You need therapy and maybe find a surviving infidelity group to help cope with whatever you’re going through. Because this is just going to ruin you in court, you can’t delete a nationwide tv interview like you do with Tweets. You’re also embarrassing your children never mind yourself.
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It's 4.45am in LA and despite being up all night doing Lorraine she's back on twitter soaking up the narcissistic supply..... Hope Gloria is driving this morning
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I'm on Twitter and well under 45 😂 I've also reported several of AE's awful tweets for abuse. Oh Alice, whatever will you do if they ban you from Twitter? 😂
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Arrrgghhhhhhhh - just watched it on my way home on the train. Sorry everyone I missed the whole thread today so am probably reposting what’s already been said but I’m too RAGEFUL to read it all and wait 😣
The classic narcissist- fake crying, the big sobs, the exaggerated sniffles (or just the marching powder taking effect 😑?)
This was a MASTERCLASS in manipulation. The woman is unhinged.
I’m so sad that Lorraine (who I actually love) gave her this spot but I feel she wanted it over and done ASAP and actually came across as a bit of a mediator.
For the record I have been cheated on and while I was angry enough to bite his dog at the time I would never have put myself out there to do this ( not that anyone would have given a shit with my 6 Twitter followers 😆) It’s embarrassing to the highest degree and so so damaging for the kids.
She needs to be stopped! Can we fund an intervention? I wish I could actually find it myself if I could at this point. These kids need help 😞
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Chatty Member
I got a spy in, they have now removed everyone who wasnt participating though, but here are those until then. reported them all
PS: Should Alice or one of her supporters see this. Dont even bother trying to find my identity over this. You wont.
This is actually certifiable behaviour.
wow . Just wow.
Amazing work Welp.
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Yeah, she said it would be 2-3 mins tops. No point. She has said she has done a podcast too.
Damn how many times do we have to hear the same story over and over? A podcast too? I’d rather listen to Gregorian monk chants for an hour straight than hear the sob story again! 😂
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After watching this thread for a while, I had to create an account just to say how terrifying it is that AE is begging this loony new fan to DM her! She has kids who need protecting and she's opening herself up to a complete stranger. Very dangerous behaviour.
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I'm rather shocked that Alice seems to think that 90% of people out there support her (or did I misunderstand her statement?)... to me, it seems like the vast majority of folks are saying Please, Please, Please be quiet.
Well she regularly tells people who disagree with her to fuck off and blocks them. So it's 90 percent of those sycophants who haven't been bullied or blocked.
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manipulative much?!

love how she didn’t explain WHY he can only talk to her via the lawyers, the ‘it’s gotten very nasty and I don’t know why’, the fake ‘you’re so sweet’, the thank you to all my adoring fans on social media and AS IF she doesn’t know exactly what the caption on that Instagram gram post was.
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