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So, Alice is making out that commenters on "that" picture of Ioan and Bianca on Instagram quickly deleted their encouraging comments as they were unsure of the reaction (Ioan's, Alice's, colleagues in the industry? that part isn't clear)? Did this happen?!

Is there any way you can keep a timeline on what comments come and go on Instagram pages? Like cached pages or something?
Pretty sure this didn't happen. Ella Newton put three love hearts (which has been totally misrepresented in the re-telling by the narc) and she was jumped on and bullied horrendously by The narc who, incidentally, had been nice to her when she met her and then said she hadn't met her.
Get your lies straight.
She also jumped on Tamsin outhwaite for no reason. And Piers for unfollowing her.
I think if these "woop woop" comments really existed I think the narc and the FMs would have been on them immediately and flinging shit at them ...they are all over IGs SM flinging their shit as monkeys tend to do
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This is so fucking foul. What the fuck.
This is what happens when you encourage online harassment. If you give stupid trolls attention because they’re on ‘your side’ this is what you get. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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Ah yes, those super loving times when you forced your way into the bathroom to confront him.

When he tried to get you to stop posting on Twitter but you wrestled your laptop back.

Such love. Much romance 😂
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I’ve not commented here before, but have read some of the threads with interest as this shit show has been playing out. I wonder if anyone has done a timeline of the events as she tells them because I’m sure the story keeps changing with dates and actions.

I am not on Instagram but would you really get an alert if someone unblocked you? I would have thought like FB unfriending it is done with no fanfare and quite often people don’t realise until a little while later.

She was self-aware enough to realise that she never thought it would happen to her, but I wonder why it happening to her makes it any worse than anyone else, and if she really feels that sharing everything on social media is a proportionate response or will be something in the future she’ll wish she didn’t do?

As for the tears about him not talking to her - everything he says to her gets shared on SM. Her “leaning in” to listen to calls or see him on FaceTime with their children makes him feel uncomfortable for the same reason I would imagine. Does she not worry that he’ll stop calling the kids as much because of it or is that what she wants so she can call him a bad father and claim abandonment?

Given she struggled to conceive these children, and has publicly stated how costly financially and emotionally it was, she must have wanted them very badly. Her actions after an initial meltdown should be taken in their best interests and I cannot see how what she is doing is considering their feelings at all.
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Okay. Here goes my timeline in regards to Alice’s worst nightmare.

December 2019 to January 2020. IG home for Christmas. Everything seems hunky dory, at least on the outside. Alice said her poor baby has shrunk “he has visibly lost weight” since being home, probably from 3 women talking to him nonstop 24/7.
February 2020. Alice plays bumper cars by trying to park in a small space, fails and hits two cars. She reacts by blaming the victim and claiming that she has a sick child in the car. The truth is she has Ella in the car to go to Target and pick up a birthday gift for a friend. This ends up on TMZ. Also Alice leaves the scene. I imagine this doesn’t please IG.

March 2020. The beginning of the COVID Pandemic. Alice and her Sm minions demand that Harrow stop filming so she can have her possession at home. How humiliating to treat your husband like a damn child in front of his coworkers and employee! I get wanting him home but Harrow was nearly done and due to air in the late spring/early summer.
IG goes home and is happy to see his girls, maybe not so happy to see AE who immediately begins filming his arrival to post on Sm.

The morose depressed IG sits in the bath drinking bourbon. Alice barges in and he stands up stark naked”not wearing a wetsuit” and yells at AE about Harrow being nearly done.

I’m not sure what went on after because AE isn’t clear or truthful. Her version of the truth is in her Daily Fail article. She mentioned that they ended up making up and having more sex and having a wonderful summer which just isn’t true. I remember her on Instagram in May asking her followers what to do to put a man in a good mood.

After this came more Sm crap with Alice trashing Meghan Markle, and defending Lawrence Fox. People were upset and messaged IG saying they couldn’t believe his wife was doing this or something of the sort. He suggested deleting her Twitter. She consulted her PR firm”Twitter minions” and they attacked Ioan.

July 16th 2020. IG leaves for Australia to finish filming Harrow. She calls her husband a pussy publicly on Twitter. Says he’s afraid to stand up for a cause because he’s scared he will get canceled. He’s afraid no one will watch his movies anymore, but doesn’t care if no one watches hers. 🙄

August 2020. IG returns from Australia and the man is done! I can’t imagine why? While away he possibly “probably “thought f*ck this shit I’m going for nice, calm, and sane BW.
This is just how I see things anyway. Whatever, I don’t blame him!

I posted part of this by accident in my haste to reply to @Penguin86 because I agreed so much about the insanity! Sorry for any confusion. I too am now more insane than ever!
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What is very sad is that her ego cannot accept the rejection of her and she is making it into a rejection by him of his children. I.e. He abandoned them not he left her.
This is so damaging.
What parent doesn't want their children to have a relationship with their father?
Surely you want them to have that no matter how hurt you are personally by the rejection?
This is why she needs to shut up and put on a brave face.
But that's what a normal person would do...not a narc parent. To the narc parent, any relationship the children have with the enemy is a further rejection of her. The more they side with her the better she feels that he is being punished for his wrongdoing and the more blame free and worshipped she feels.
It's totally selfish and abusive.
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Chatty Member
I know how you feel.

I spend all day in bed on social media interacting with strangers and stay up til all hours. My husband is getting really fed up with it ...

Oooops ....maybe I'm morphing into the narc?😂😂😂😂😂😂
Same. My husband asked me yesterday why I’m permanently glued to my phone these days and thinks I’m addicted to it. Don’t think he’d understand why I’m fascinated by a C list celeb and his wife’s very public marriage breakdown. Not sure I do either 😂😂
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Chatty Member
She obviously thought about this for 2 seconds before posting that IG post
What does Alice expect?

if it is true that the entire set knew IG was having an affair, are they supposed to be the morality police?

Were they supposed to STOP ✋ filming immediately.

IG is married to Alice Evans - quick everyone do something.

Don’t you know who she is???

That pop bitch article had it right Alice is indeed the master of the universe….in her head.
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On Lorraine, she stated when he arrived home in August 2020, he just dryly kissed her. She knew something was wrong. That after a few days back he told her he didn't love her anymore. "And look, I’m not questioning his right to feel that - I’m not bashing him - but it was so out of the blue."

On Inside Edition, she states that for two years he told her he didn't want to have sex with her anymore, she was a bad person, and she wasn't exciting.

How was it out of the blue, then, in August 2021 when he told he didn't love her anymore?
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I want my life back! At least for a while. Already worried for my upcoming surgery. Will I not have my phone pre-op?
Will I be too out of it post-op? What if the shit hits the fan and a new thread starts? 😱🤪🤣
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I got bristly when she disingenuously paraphrased the caption in his Instagram post. Like, yeah, the authentic one certainly implied that he was previously upset, but it read, “Thank you for making me smile AGAIN,” which means he had indeed had some good times nonetheless (likely with Alice). She was dribbling deception and untruths throughout this whole sob-show.

“Finally, someone who can make me happy,” girl go home. 😒
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So, to what extent is Ioan's career going to be damaged by all of this? At all? I think he mentioned a while back that, as he was aging, his look suited more villainous roles. Could it actually work for him? I mean, he's not the most compelling actor in the world, but at least a lot more people recognise (and can pronounce) his name now (though in my head I still say 'Loan Grufud' lol). I don't know how the film/TV /PR industry works at all.
“Actor has an affair except maybe he hasn’t?” It’s not that much of a scandal is it. I’m finding hard to imagine people giving that much of a shit. I just assume on-set affairs have happened on every film set since the dawn of time.
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literally. we are called liars although we provide the receipts, she can just claim whatever the fuck she likes, and it's like she is the bible
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brie l

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It's after 10am on Saturday morning with me. I'm still in bed reading this. My husband has just wondered in, says he is starting to worry about me.
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