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Were they sharing their messages/screenshots on SM? Surely the police can become involved with this harassment?
I got a spy in, they have now removed everyone who wasnt participating though, but here are those until then. reported them all







PS: Should Alice or one of her supporters see this. Dont even bother trying to find my identity over this. You wont.
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I’m pissing myself laughing who the fuck goes on tv to talk about their husband leaving them over a year ago haha

Fucking narc
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The IG video..."I don't often get to open up"
... What's the verbal diorrea on twitter all these months then? She hasn't shut up
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The photo of the bathroom door in the Gruffudd home was posted yesterday by @EssieMay. I’m posting it again because when I looked at it up close it looks like someone was throwing rocks at it! It’s seriously taken some hits. It’s also off of its hinge. There must have been some knock down drag outs going on in that home. Those children are enduring a hell of a lot more than AE’s Sm crap, drinking, and trashing their father. That’s far worse than divorce could ever be. I know. SMH.
View attachment 860099
Q: what does AE have in common with her bathroom door?
A: they're both unhinged
I won't give up my day job
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I ain’t doubting her brokenness. I don’t think anyone in here is. Seeing sad people is sad. But seeing sad people who bend the backbone of every narrative so fucking hard that it can’t stand up straight anymore is more frustrating than sad. At least for me.

Cheating aside…where did he falter? Why are they demonizing a partner’s decision to set in place strict(er) legal procedures for their spouse whom they (themselves!) know are prone to volatile, impulsive, and potentially harmful behaviors? Did Lorraine and Alice and the looming flock of winged primates expect Ioan to treat her to some filet mignon and a few glasses of rich Bordeaux and then, just as the bill hit the table, tell her, “By the way, I don’t love you peace out”? I don’t understand this. We all know that if that man even HINTED at wanting to leave, he certainly would have left that house, sure! But with a frying pan embedded in his skull.

The mere FACT that he deadass told her, “I don’t love you anymore” is fucking BRAVE, imo. Have we ever discussed in here the amount of courage that takes??? He told the truth. He told the truth to her face. And he walked away. And he continued distancing himself. And then he left. And that sudden clipping of the heartstrings hurts…but I can’t imagine there was any better alternative to a relationship with that many fangs.
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Ok finally caught up on Lorraine, had a few thoughts (sorry if it’s already been said, I’m still catching up on the thread).
I was almost buying her sob story until a couple of things she said.

  1. You don’t “get a notification from Instagram” when someone unblocks you. Either she was snooping on his account and saw she could finally access it or someone told her she was in his following list again.
  2. Not one single “cast mate from Australia” ever ever *ever* said “finally, we’re so happy you can be out in the open”. The only cast member that commented was Ella, and that was 3 heart emojis. That’s a complete blatant lie.
  3. She was never happy with the amicable/collaborative divorce, there’s literally a video on the DailyMail of her calling it a huge scam.
  4. She said over and over “I don’t want to bad mouth him”, yet that’s all she ever does on her Twitter. She knows Lorraine was a mostly different audience to her usual one, therefore wouldn’t have known some of the things she’s said lately about him. The “bigger person” act is textbook gaslighting.
  5. She’s said in the past she felt him become distant in 2019, which is “proof of an affair”, but she told Lorraine he didn’t become distant at all until August of 2020; so which is it?
She may have fooled some people with the crocodile tears, but if anything it made me completely shocked at how much of her own false narrative she *actually* believes is true.
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When I caught my husband with my friend and he said I don’t love you and left me with 4 kids. I looked liked that in the first few weeks from crying. However I had to start uni 3 weeks later to take my nurse training up. I felt horrific and it was horrific. The pain and despair. But ….. you have to move and walk forward. You have to show the kids you’re ok and protect them. And I did and I survived. Looking at Alice, it upset me….the video. I have just watched on my break. I know there is so much more to all of this. However to be in the state she is in a year down the line I think she needs an intervention. She needs help and I think she would be better getting herself back to the UK. I worry she is going to harm herself. She’s in a bad way. That wasn’t good to see just now.
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I have several comments to make about that pathetic interview.
1. If you’re trying to guilt your possession into coming back home, it’s not going to happen. You just look desperate and manipulative. Always talking about harming yourself, oh poor me, I may not get to keep the house. Puke. I would die before I would make a man think I cared that much that he left. And I wouldn’t go on TV looking that bad for him to see either. Or his girlfriend. I’d hide until I pulled myself together and made the most of what is left of her looks by drinking and God knows what else.
2. Alice appears to care more about having IG as her husband”even if he despises her” than she actually cares about him. And she definitely cares more than she does about her poor little daughters. She says she wants her family life back and him to stay until the girls are in their teens. Yes, Alice, that sounds like a joy for the whole family.
3. Just stop. Everyone is getting sick of your drama, even me! And I’ve been extraordinarily entertained by it. Sorry Tattlers, I’m not a mean person. But dear God in heaven she is the most exhausting, whining, entitled, over sharing, and hateful person ever! I still think her ego and her loss of narcissistic supply are what’s hurting her the most.
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Thread title attempt.

Not sure if it's too early for a new thread title but...

'Ioan Gruffud and Alice Evans #8 - As unhinged as her bathroom door' ...
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Just catching up from last night and can’t put comments on last thread but just to say NarcRage's comment of

" I think once you call your mother in law a cunt it kind of sours family relations"

is one of the funniest things I've read in years and I literally spat my coffee out!
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I truly hope BW is ok and she has a good support network.

I had a relative who got involved with man who’s recently separated from his wife of 20+ years, they weren’t divorced, but living apart. Things got serious quickly and they were in love and looking at moving in together.

when the wife found out about the new romance she went bat shit crazy. Staged an intervention type deal involving both sets of their parents and their 20 something year old son. The guy basically dumped my cousin and went back to wife as he couldn’t cope with all the grief.

that wasn’t enough for the wife and she hounded my cousin via text and in the street. Telling everyone they could that she’d taken advantage of the man and lured him away from her. There wasn’t so much social media at this time so my cousin had to deal with the fall out in front of her face, people physically turning their backs on her. It didn’t matter what she did or said as the loud mouth wife was shouting loudest and most often.

it affected her working life, her child’s schooling, many of her relationships.

In the end she took her own life. This was almost 12 years ago, the husband is still with his wife and still looks utterly miserable.

I don’t often think of my cousin as we were never exceptionally close, but seeing AE go the way she is with BW makes me scared for BW
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You know, IG and BW were mental/arrogant/idiotic to put that photo up on Instagram. It seems like a big fuck you to AE, literally poking a stick into a hornets nest. They are free to post what the hell they want but it just seems such a dick move to make, and unnecessary. If they think she is a narcissist, then what were they expecting her to do? Sign the divorce papers asap, or just act even crazier than she has been?
I think that if either of them had posted a picture of a clear blue sky Alice would have found something offensive about it and gone on her weird revenge trip anyway.

Honestly I can see why some may see the photo and caption as a dig at Alice but personally I just think they were going instagram official (ugh) and the caption was pretty innocuous. It's not like he said "hey folks check out the new model so much better than my old one!" but people are taking it like that.

Also why in the fuck should anyone walk quiet for fear of pissing off the narc in their life? Bugger that for a game of soldiers, at some point you've just got to get on living life or you are effectively a prisoner to the other persons emotional state forever.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Yeah but seriously a part that really stood out to me in the Lorraine interview was Lorraine asking if she’s spoken to IG at all and she breaks down crying saying he won’t talk to her.

You do get why that is Alice? Absolutely nothing in your conversations was sacred, why would he talk to you if you’re going to spill every intimate detail to your followers for more narc currency.
Her emotional intelligence and self awareness was stunted at about the age of four. For an academically bright woman I find that astounding.

I wonder how many times IE said to her over the years ‘please don’t post our personal life all over sm’ she just carries on and does it. I wonder what part of that she doesn’t get that led to the breakdown of her marriage?

She tells people he left because she couldn’t lose weight (victimhood) and because he cheated (victimhood) but not once has she addressed her own crappy behaviour towards him.

Alice he left you because you treated him like shit. He had an affair because you treated him like shit. He refuses to communicate with you now because you treated him like shit. Are you seeing the pattern here now Alice? Unfortunately you are now experiencing the consequences of your behaviour towards him. You treated him like shit and he is divorcing you.

Take the lesson, put your big girls pants on and face the consequences.
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House of Tea

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I watched it again. If you were cold to the story you would totally think IG was a shit. Not that she had badmouthed him, just the ghosting, the new gf, the Instagram post after 20 years of marriage, a bit of a coward. She did not come across as a loon, she looked vulnerable, broken, depressed, and grateful to be listened to. So if you don’t know the back story IG does not come out well. She has moved a very significant chess piece in terms of PR. Not that helps her with her divorce or moving forward. IG won’t break his silence now.

When she smiles, she is really pretty. I sound like one of those random blokes on the street - Smile, it might never happen! But it is just the contrast between loony Instagram Alice with her weird sunhats and the lilo lips to this “live” version. She looks puffy, and tired but she looks real, not this cartoon person she has been portraying recently. There are certain women the media lock onto and print the most unflattering photos of because of their face pulling and because it feeds into their misogynistic tendencies - they did it to Fergie (Duchess) and Cherie Blair, and I think they are trying to do the same to her.
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my favourite bit was when she was saying that he sometimes calls his kids and then realized that this doesnt sound bad enough and corrected it to "rarely" LOL
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I work with a woman who is totally deranged and seriously addicted to drama. She causes shit storm after shit storm and then sits there gulping back tears, playing the total victim and wide eyed innocence.
Having just watched Lorraine, I am now convinced she was separated at birth from Alice.

Alice has absolutely zero self awareness, zilch.The way she portrayed herself as the victim made me want to spew.🤮 I’m not sure what she hopes the outcome will be from that interview. If it was to get pity and attention from the public then that will disappear and she will soon be next weeks chip paper.

If it was to get IE’s attention she’s going the wrong way about it. There was nothing endearing about her in that interview whatsoever and he may well have felt as repulsed by it as some of us were here.

Seriously love, if you want his attention, ditch the pills and whiskey, get a serious makeover and get an amazing life. By that time if he comes crawling back, you’ll be in a position to tell him to go fuck himself and mind the springs on the mattress whilst your doing it.

No man or woman, even if they are the love of your life, are ever worth this much agro or drama. This is now your legacy Alice.
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This need for positive feedback from strangers is a hit of dopamine to the system it’s like her cocaine for the second she reads it. Ive been there myself constantly discussing a difficult situation with someone and you go around in circles, you don’t go anywhere and it does no good but you feel a hit to discuss it but as soon as you stop discussing it your mood drops and you need to discuss it again. This is exactly what she is doing. She is clinging to that dopamine hit because she is so deeply depressed and in the throes of grief. She definitely needs intense therapy and medication to overcome this. In a way i feel if talking to strangers stops her jumping off a cliff then it’s better she does for now, although I have huge issues with what she says, and who she attacks. Making up slanderous statements about people. She has definitely over stepped and most people can see that. As for her weight, I feel a little uncomfortable discussing it but people have brought it up. I think she has been depressed for a few years over the marriage woes, perhaps effects of menopause, drinking, medication for fibro depression and/or menopause. I think she sits in bed on SM and does no exercise. IG has accused her of this. She needs someone to go into the house and put her into a healthy routine of sleep, eat, exercise, work and craft since she obviously enjoys her craft. Get her off SM that is one of her addictions that is destroying her mental health. I personally think SM addiction is part of her downfall.
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You know what concerns me just a little? The state of BW’s mental health. This kind of situation could easily break anyone, for sure, but I notice she shared quite a bit of beautiful inspirational quotes on her Insta page.

And sometimes (sometimes) the people who post these reminders are those who need them most. They aren’t just tokens of wisdom for the community, but personal reminders for the sharer’s inner wellbeing.

It isn’t my intention to decide that this is the absolute truth behind every person’s circulation of these special messages, and I hope y’all don’t interpret it that way. But I’m nonetheless considering that this could very well, or at least partially, be her true reason. I just don’t want her to buckle over this. Is anyone else worried?

Alice is clearly suffering, but she’s simultaneously, consequently, and deliberately making others around her suffer. In my book, that’s unforgivable.
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Hot take part 2
I’ve got two metaphors here.
1) This has clearly become a war. AE is determined to win at all costs. Winning means the total destruction of IG and BW. If she can’t have him, no one can. Yet she isn’t fighting fair. Gloves are off. No gentleman’s agreement. This is dirty and nasty. So, you know what? IG and BW Insta post is what he’s needing to do to win this war. His options are either go back to AE (hell no), give up everything and live in complete obscurity having no more contact with his kids (again hell no), or fight back. Yeah, that post might have been a shitty move, but if AE wants to fight shittily, then it’s either fight back or be destroyed.
I think he knows that he needs to draw out this narcissistic side of her into the public eye to stand a chance of custody of the kids, so he’s doing what he needs to do to achieve that.
AE isn’t looking for a peace deal, compromise is not a word in her dictionary.
This is it now for them - destroy or be destroyed.

2) For a minute, just for a minute, switch their genders.
AE (as a man) wants to get married. IG (as a woman) sets up an elaborate proposal. AE doesn’t get it and throws the fit. If she were a bloke behaving like that, it’s suddenly not funny anymore. In that situation you’d actually feel a bit scared for IG.
The door being off its hinges - what violence has been happening in the home? Is it ok because AE as a scorned angry wife is funny? Does it not count when a woman fires rage at her male partner?
If she were a man at home complaining that “he can’t work the washing machine / he doesn’t know where the hoover is / he doesn’t know what the kids are supposed to wear for school” We wouldn’t expect a woman to go back to him and sort him out because he doesn’t know these things. We’d tell her to stay away from his abusive ass!
If a man was stalking his ex and her new partner on social media, going on TV talking about her, we wouldn’t find it funny or interesting - it would be deeply concerning.

If any is in any doubt of the damage a spurned narc ex-partner can do, just look at what happened with Raoul Moat in the north of England. If AE were a man and she was in the UK, she would have been arrested.

This is not funny anymore. The fact that she’s in charge of those two girls as well makes it even less funny.
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