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They want HER house and all HER money?? She's been screaming she's broke and soon to be homeless from the rooftops for months now. She really does not care at all about even pretending to keep a consistent story.
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Ashart called me a a hole which was rude and a bit hypocritical since she spends her time up AE's bottom
That’s a bit rich coming from someone who’s named after a wet fart

let me get this right Bianca “supposedly “ has been having affairs with married men at the same time as seeing ioan and in the middle of a divorce? She’s obviously very good at multitasking
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House of Tea

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I am being narcissistic here and quoting my own post from yesterday after her Lorraine appearance
I think she will blow the goodwill she will get from the interviews away quickly. I think those who don’t know the story and just saw her this morning, will feel for her. She should now keep quiet, to build up the sympathy. But she won’t, she will continue to be abusive on Twitter, and she will lose a lot of the support she garnered from this interview. The US interview is only going to be 2-3 minutes long, anyone know when that airs?
You don’t have to be a soothsayer to see how this would play out….AE couldn’t restrain herself.

I hoped that yesterday would have been time for her to pivot away from this, and actually start to build back her life in a positive way. I thought she has had her say, she has been heard by loads of people who don’t know the dramas on Twitter, she can breathe out now. People felt sorry for her. But she has no intention of building back better, in modern day parlance. She is locked into revenge and anger. All three of them will be dried out husks by the time this has played out.
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In the US... A mom with glasses crying & playing on Twitter. Who dis?
They both created content for people to share and feel superior to her...not sympathize at all.
OMFG that was 1.46 mins of utter cringe. It makes the Lorraine interview look dignified. It was exploitative in the way the Lorraine one wasn't. Now I'm no fan of AE but putting a vulnerable person (D List celeb estranged from C List celeb) on tape for public amusement?? WTF? Does she think this is empowering? So embarrassing.

It had a 'Victorians going to Bedlam to watch disturbed people and laugh' vibe to it. :sick:
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It genuinely concerns me that she has probably given out her personal details like phone number, address and email etc to them. The one called “Lupine” makes me worried in a way I can’t quite put my finger on. Their blog is really off in some way, it reads like paranoid delusion.
Its also really unhealthy to encourage this as normal with pre teenage girls in the house. It's hard enough trying to make young people understand that SM isn't real life, you don't know these people, they aren't your friends and SM is full of all sorts of crazies.....when you have a parent engaging in this behaviour what hope is there of explaining this to children?
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Ok, I caved and listened to podcast. It is from about 2 mins in, to 23 mins. Sarah Vine and somebody else Imogen double barrelled (who AE knows, Imogen described them as IVF buddies). Very scathing of IG and BW, their special Instagram shooting star emoji and just their Instagram official status at his advanced age. SV said that why did he have to fall in love with bleeped out word millennial. They suggested she crowdfunds to cover her legals, she has thought about it. Ella can’t be bothered with IG. Lots of chat about being alone in pandemic.

She has put on 30 pounds. They have issued her with an open invite to come back. They are very pro her, useful allies for her.
She also says that he is coming back next week (shooting does take till the 23rd, but I guess he isnt doing the last two days?) and when it was suggested to her that she will be better off without him she didnt sound too convinced about it (I'm sure she bought herself into the theory that this is not his real him and as soon as he splits with his girlfriend he will be "normal" again lol).

She continues to claim that their divorce was amicable at the beginning, but I'm not sure how? She was going crazy before he even filed LOL.

She claims that their only way to communicate is over the lawyers, which costs 2k, but she keeps ignoring the bloody wizard.

She is also claiming that she isnt talking badly of Ioan in front of the kids, which I somehow doubt since she has mentioned before that she has sometimes the kids with her when she posts on twitter and that this public shit is all normal for them etc.

Anyway, I like her telephone voice.
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ig knew what would happen if he left, he would know it would blow up all over social media, that his name would be dragged through the mud, that his daughters would be devastated, i bet he is breathing easier now he’s out , that he couldn’t stay in the marriage even knowing what was coming
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Chatty Member
That chat group (think it’s an Instagram chat group based on the format) is absolutely disgusting. Like imagine we added Alice to these threads against her will. I sometimes read people say “I hope Alice reads these threads” but I’ve always been of the opinion that I really hope she doesn’t, no one should be subjected to reading people’s opinions about them if they don’t want to.

What other people think of me is none of my business. It’s fine to discuss in a little corner of the internet away from the person. It’s not fine to add someone to a chat group and start piling on. Maybe I sound hypocritical but there’s a difference between conversation and attack.
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She needs someone to go into the house and put her into a healthy routine of sleep, eat, exercise, work and craft since she obviously enjoys her craft.
No please. The world doesn't need more of those blinged up trainers and bags.

I agree she needs to reinvent herself and detox from her addictions but I think that the problem with addicts is everyone knows what they should do, including the addict, but still they don't do it. The person themselves has to want to change and I don't think AE does. She may need to hit rock bottom first and even then who knows?

A lot of the problem is her basically being a kept woman from her early 20s. Then she obviously did some acting but that's not real life. She has poor coping skills because she never needed them before. She acts like a helpless child over getting the water filter fixed saying "Only my husband can deal with this." She finally needs to grow up.
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The relationship with BW is a bit of a worry I think. I'm certain AE is a narcissist and has been bullying IG mentally, emotionally and probably physically for years. When you've been in a relationship with a narc, it takes time to free yourself emotionally as well as physically and you need to also work through why you were with them, why you stayed so long, and also work through your own trauma at how they've treated you. Otherwise you are more than likely just going to get into the same sort of relationship again. Like abused women tend to fall for another initially charming but ultimately abusive man if they haven't worked through their trauma first. After the way AE has bullied and emasculated IG for so long it undoubtedly feels great for him to be wanted and loved again, but he should really not be getting into anything serious imo. Stay single, go to a shit ton of therapy and work on protecting your kids and having a strong, healthy relationship with them. He seems to love the kids very much and I hope he goes for full custody cause she's going to destroy those kids otherwise, not just their relationship with their dad, but their self-esteem & ability to have happy, healthy relationships with anyone, including themselves. When a parent is as toxic as she is I really believe it's better for the kids not to have them in their life, or at least to only have supervised contact.
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She drove this man straight into BW’s arms by mistreatment for years. I can take BW or leave her, that Secret jumbo jumbo is nuts. I just think IG desperately needed someone and if it helped him then good for him.
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One thing that annoyed me about that interview is the fact that you can TELL she's talking shit. She had no inkling? She said she knew for what, 2 years something was going on? She also failed to mention that she had about 50 people including random agencies force him home. She's a disgrace.

And people sticking up for her... cant wait until it comes out she was talking shite anout 90% of it
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Well-known member
Totally understand why BW has deactivated her social. I imagine she’s getting some pretty shitty contact from people and that is all on AE. Like I said before, I’d be looking at my legal options.

I feel for her and the physical comparisons between BW and AE are superfluous to the debate - they are two totally different women. It’s like comparing apples with pears. Subjective as to what you like and not the point of the thread, surely?
Not a single person I know IRL has sympathy for AE but I imagine she wants the support of a certain type of person. That’s OK - reinforces my belief I’m quite sane and balanced!
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