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Great new title

Am I the only tattler who seems to have list all interest in the duo since Catherine announced her Diagnosis, they seem even more irrelevant
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Thanks to @Thalia for the glorious thread title :)


The Sainted Meghan has bestowed her presence upon some sickly urchins in hospital, where she took time out of her busy schedule to read books, sign autographs and hug children who most certainly did not look like they were there under duress...

How do we know this? because luckily for us, a photographer was there to capture the beauty of this moment for posterity.

Carry on Tattlers :)
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Basically, our intelligence services in conjunction with the "little grey men" who work for our monarchy will have looked into the background of that woman and her mother.

Yet they still let them in.

And they wiped the internet and sealed records all over the place to prevent the public from knowing the truth about them.
By hiding the truth they allowed them to continue doing what they have always done. Rinsing men for money etc.
They enabled them.

They should never have been allowed in.
The damage they have caused was inevitable and if the monarchy is damaged by it, they have only themselves to blame.

I'm so sick of the Harkles and all this bollox surrounding them.

Im only still here because of all the fabulous Tattlers.
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But seriously, ‘Life happens when we are making plans’ & KC’s master plans have taken a grievous knocking since both he & Catherine have had medical issues. KC PR is to present himself as hale & hearty, getting on with the treatments & recovering well - never complain, never explain - but whatever his superpowers may be, has he the grit to bring the H&M here permanently?

Were I William, I’d be right royally pissed off at this.
There’s no way H+M are coming back . We all choose what we want to believe and I just do not see it ever happening.

I have mixed feelings about Charles but I don’t see him as the arch manipulator and villain that some do.
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Good point
It's a good job Harold was there to give Rachel instructions rather than the expert doctor :rolleyes:

Also, as someone who has actually given birth, if my husband had said "My love, I need you to push" he might not have lived long enough to see his son take his first breath 🤣
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Shade. And you?

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Harry & Meghan #434 Titled and ENtitled

Thank you to OiOiNoseyParker for the prompt, so gets co-writer credits.
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I'm sure the Palace is looking at all the rumours and issues around Visa's and sex scandals and thinking of what to do if the shit hits the fan. They have to think about it, and plan for it. The last thing they need is Hazzo back as a complete loose canon. If they think they can do a Camilla on H&M I think they're wrong. Whatever you think of Camilla the truth is that she was always the love of Charles's life, and never attacked the RF. H&M are very different beasts, particularly M, and would absolutely do everything possible to destroy William and Kate. It would be an endless war.

The Sussex Squad needs stopping, someone said on another thread that the government could get to the bottom of it if they wanted to. I think that's true, and they ought to, as it's destabilising the monarchy so is of national importance. If X gets rid of all the bots that will be a real dent in the power of the Sussex Squad.
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Can't believe it was 3 years since PP died.
It’s only now you realise what a stabilising influence he was on the RF. He worked quietly away in the background holding the family together. He told it like it was - no pussy footing around a subject. He knew Hazno was a loose cannon and tried to help him ..... remember PP told H not to mess things up when he handed over a military patronage to him.

I don’t think things would have got this far with the Gruesomes had he been alive to sort them out. The late Queen was a bit too soft with family members but PP wasn’t. RIP Phillip, you served this country well.
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In my opinion, they have peaked.

They will continue to have a following among certain parts of the Black community. If it is true about Doria, exposure of alleged jail time could actually give M a temporary popularity bump…among those most angry about the targeting of Blacks by American LE in the past. I’m sure M would work that angle to her advantage.

The revival of Suits has helped her and WME has been knocking theirselves out on their behalf. But the biggest barrier is that Meghan and the new Harold do not have ‘it.’ They do not have either talent or that certain star-quality magnetism.

The trick for politicians and celebrities is to look real…no matter how fake they are. Bill Clinton was said to make everyone he talked to…feel like he was engrossed in their every word. Meghan can not manage her ego…she is absolutely engrossed in HER OWN every word…and it shows.

As for H, he has morphed into something like Kanye West’s new wife….only he is still wearing clothes at this point. (We shall see what the future brings however.) The public can sense that H is now only a PR accessory to her needs… but not much use beyond that. He has become so Woke that he is humorless…and actually demeaned by awards that look undeserved.

The only thing interesting about them is ‘the feud.’ This is proving problematic as well. Yesterday the online DM headline for hours…was the connection between that LA professor and M&H. These articles that are exposing connections between H&M, Archewell and the Squad make continuing the feud as a source of interest…very problematic….when the target is a young Mother fighting cancer.

Remember this latest ‘rebranding’ is the ‘soft’ side of M…soft dressing guided by an expert…soft ‘events’,like reading to children. Exposure of these connections, no matter how vague, is dangerous to this rebranding. My guess is M now lis struggling on how to still use the title but loose the UK connection.

Finally, I believe they have peaked because M never understood the emotional connection that the RF possesses with most of the UK. It is really like a ‘family’ in a way, isn’t it…similar to…”I can criticize my family, but don’t you outsiders DARE!” Harry had that bond and destroyed it. She had it for awhile…then mocked and insulted it to destruction. Their children never had a chance to build it.

The American connection with celebrities is nothing like that…it is cruelly transactional. If you no longer entertain us, or get old or infirm…get out of our face…no use anymore. If M, God forbid, got cancer…do you think it would cause the emotional uproar in the US that has ensued over the POW? Maybe a creepy update in the media every now and then. How long do you think the sex lives of the older Kardashian sisters will continue to be of interest?

Princess Ann does not need Ozempic, surgery and a boy-toy to be relevant in the UK. But in Hollywood…
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I was a midwife up until 2000

Firstly a geriatric 1st time mother would be strongly advised AGAINST a home birth especially one in L.O.S

Secondly they say she went to Portland to be induced despite induction often leading to a 'cascade of intervention' & complications

Thirdly induction can take days. Pessaries given 12 hours apart. Now OK some may have just one and off they go but it would be unusual.

(Mother nature often doesnt start labour when due because theres an issue, shes not stupid)
Exactly, no pushing just a shit ton of panting while a strangers hands get right up inside you and try and free the cord from around the neck. Not pleasant and certainly not a time for pushing.
As a midwife I can categorically say this is correct. They maybe an involuntary grunt but yes its 'PANT please whilst I fish about in your foo foo'
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I was listening to a review of Tom Bowers Revenge...
Bower gives a description of the Markle family home.

Doria appeared to spend most of her time stoned and having sex with people other than Thomas.
And in the house were framed photos, which Thomas had taken, of Doria having sex with the said people who were not Thomas.

It all seemed a bit Fred West to me.
I agree.
I read Tom Bowers Revenge and apart from feeling oddly deflated when I’d finished it, one of (the many) things that struck me was how weak Thomas Markle came across.
Doria appeared to be able to walk all over him. He was out working all hours and she was home spending her time smoking dope and having sex with anyone who happened to drop by.
He knew this but … did nothing except carry on working and paying for her lifestyle 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bowers potted history of the Markle/Ragland families seemed to showcase a lot of dominant women and slow witted men.
I remember thinking as I read it, FFS Thomas, you just let all this happen to you, you should have just kicked her arse out the door.
Then he treats his daughter like a Princess (oh the irony) she never heard the word no and she also walks all over him.
Harry just seems to be the latest in a long line of men who appear to be happy to be dominated.
I don’t know what magical powers these Ragland women possess but the apple never seems to fall far from the tree and seemingly with a line of men happily being walked over.
Strange people.
Still, Harry seems to have taken to them but then again, he’s as thick as mince.
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Scotch Mist

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Dan Wootton. H wants M to be Queen

Wow the ginger cunt really has lost his marbles if he thinks we want Smegz as our Queen. Am quite willing to lead the uprising myself if that ever happens 😄

The most worrying part of that article which I believe to be true is:

"One of the most unsavoury aspects of Harry and Meghan’s plot is the destruction of the Commonwealth – the life’s work of the late Queen who once hoped her grandson and his new wife were being genuine when they pledged to continue her legacy."

The cunts do want to destroy it because they are no longer involved. Nothing would delight them more than countries leaving and not having Charles as their head of state. What vile bastards they are.
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Thank you for the new thread!

Thanks to @Thalia for the fantastic thread title!

I’ll tell you what I got from this, Richard Osmon seems inhibited to say what he really thinks. He sugar coated what he said. I see this all the time and this particular couple get this ring of protection because we are told ANY criticism put their way is automatically categorised as racist. It’s unbelievable how that has been weaponised to obstruct people’s criticism of them. People know to be scared to say even anything remotely negative because of these sugars.

Well, it’s not working on me. Call me whatever you like, I think she’s a throughly nasty piece of work, and I look forward to the day she falls deep into a sink hole, never to be seen or heard of or spoken about ever again.

Also - Suits is the biggest show ever? I just don’t believe that. I don’t believe that to be true. Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, these were major successes, not Suits. It’s a ludicrous skewing of the figures.
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A thought occurred to me.

If the Sussex duo did take out a superinjunction for anything surrounding the pregnancy and birth, including surrogacy, wouldn't the wider royal family also be legally bound by the superinjunction the same way the mainstream media are?

I'm increasingly more convinced that this is what they did prior to the birth, and in the months that followed the RF were trying to work out a legally sound way of dealing with it. And in the end the easiest solution for an ageing queen and her dying husband was to banish them, hoping that they would be sufficiently enamoured with a glitzy celeb lifestyle that they wouldn't seek titles or LoS for their son. But aggrieved and vengeful at being banished, they doubled down. The miscarriage. Getting "pregnant" again. And lining up the interview, book and documentary. Naming their baby girl. It was all deliberate and calculated to show their hold over the royals.

And when the queen died, they updated the kids titles on their websites, forcing the RFs hand. The Palace probably thought they wouldn't dare. But they did.
Absolutely agree! In my opinion, the RF, Palace establishment had never ever come up against anyone as audacious and determined as Markle before. They were accustomed to being…well…obeyed.

As I posted earlier, it might have been the case that when informed that they planned to use a surrogate…they were told…okay…but no LOS, no titles. M’s comment on Oprah about the son of a Prince, being a Prince…may have been her twist on a real conversation.

Faced with this information, what does M do? In my fake scenario here, she boldly starts showing up in a moonbump…forever clutching it and opening her coat to display it. What were the RF to do then? They must have been aghast. Maybe she told them…”look, the public believes the child will be ‘born of the body…so we demand you treat this child just like William’s!’

Someone dared to put out the announcement of surrogacy, but it was quickly withdrawn.

When they flounced off to the US, she crafted this story about the Royal racists and concern over the child’s skin color. Now the race card, not surrogacy was wrapped up in the public’s perception of the issue of titles and LOS. Add in an injunction…rather brilliant…if this actually is how it all went down.

Game, set,and match: Markle.
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