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Well-known member
The incessant, over the top main stream media channels and newspapers reaction to this story makes me wonder, why didn't they do the same regarding the Rochdale and Rotherham grooming gangs? Why wasn't a victim interviewed (incognito) on, for example Sky news, Jeremy Vine, LBC, Lorraine etc as ngozi was today. Says a lot about our UK media.
They don't like their ethnicity referred to either. Meanwhile adjacent ethnicities feel the unfairness of this.
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I’ve never been on any thread outside of this one! I took a look at the rave thread and WOW!! Are people really that blind about the Gruesomes?!?!
I better stay here. I would accidentally on purpose cause an incident on that rave thread! 🤓
I can recommend the xmas decs thread as some light relief ;)

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VIP Member
yes I get you! I've hardly contributed and haven't kept up to date with the threads because they have both sickened me so much and every time you think they can't stoop any lower and they do!

I wonder where he was going to or had been with those trousers on?
They would have us believe just lounging around at home 🙈
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Are you allowed to cuss at the voice which comes at you from the self service checkout in the supermarket? "Please scan another item", "you need to enter the number of items","have you finished your shopping", "how many carrier bags have you used", "please insert cash", "please take your receipt and change" ...... all this fired at me every few seconds if I show any sign of hesitation for just a moment. Abuse of the elderly I call this and yes I cuss at the machine, not under my breath but out loud, much to the amusement of the people waiting behind me to use this abusive machine.

Christmas food shopping will push me to the limit so if I disappear from this site you know I have been accused of verbal violence to a bleeping metal object!
OMg, I hate those darn things!! I will do everything I can to avoid them. EVERY FREAKING time I use them, there is some darn problem!! I hate them with a passion. And I will fuss and fuss if I have to use them.
I don't blame you for cussing at them, wisebutwild, they are the scourge of the earth.
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Me too, constantly...white, grew up in Scotland, also lived abroad but now live in England. I've been asked where I'm from, which team I support Rangers or Celtic (them trying to find out if I'm Protestant or Catholic), do I vote for/support SNP, what's my opinion on Sturgeon!
yip I here you!
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@Dooley Doo Don’t worry about the Prince and Princess in Boston. They have great security, and it’s crazy obvious they are VERY welcomed and loved in Bean Town! They’ll be fine, I can assure you!
And the American media in Boston anyway, (in my humble opinion) isn’t going to give a shit OR a rats ass about the Lady Susan incident. (Not trying to diminish the issue,) but Bostonians just won’t care!!! Why?

Because Earth 🌏 Shot!! That’s why!!
The Real Royals are in town giving awards to ppl with innovative ideas that will help to keep this big blue marble going on & it’s a VERY big deal!
Don’t despair! Everything will be handled!
It will be okay! 😊
Ay, let's hope.
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Well-known member
Out of interest...

Who has been asked "where are you from?"
Me, as a northerner with an Indian surname working in London for 20 years. That said, I think the manner of questioning to the woman at the event was definitely OTT, if recorded accurately. Nobody, black or white, deserves to be asked ‘but where are you REALLY from. Imagine asking a trans person a similar question. There’d be outrage!
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I was going to watch, because sometimes feeling rage perks me up a bit, but I’m not sure my heart could withstand too much of this utter shite
I definitely won’t watch it, but I read the synopsis posted and almost barfed. I just can’t with these two.

Dear Karma, I don’t have my CDL, but can I drive the bus 🚌 just this one time???
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Sarah Brown (Gordon Brown's wife) encountered Harry at Diana's service:
''Gordon offers his sympathy to Prince Harry who has just been through an awful run with the media. PrinceHarry replies humorously that it is either the Palace or the government who gets it, so with all due respect he is quite happy when it is the other way around. Gordon replies that we should not forget we also have the Mayor of London, who could take a turn. Prince Harry roars with laughter. ''
Behind the black door.

He always had interesting connections , Jane Goodall for example and her fascination with Bigfoot / Sasquatch , she truly wants them to be real.
"I'm fascinated and would actually love them to exist," adding, "Of course, it's strange that there has never been a single authentic hide or hair of the Bigfoot, but I've read all the accounts."
The indigenous group Sts’ailes of British Columbia has some fascinating Sasquatch stories, Harrison Lake, Harrison River, Archie Harrison ...
Vancouver Island has some serious Sasquatch sightings , fascinating how Harry always choses places with the Bigfoot association , Vancouver Island, Montecito...
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
Those are the trousers to go with his dress uniform (which he isn’t qualified to wear any more). Methinks they are overdoing the PDA for the cameras.
Anyway, I have had a truly s**t 4 weeks culminating in the death of my father. This pair of hideous, conniving, money-grabbing, evil, despicable horrors are tipping me over the edge so a wee while away from here, and from the internet in general, is ahead for me. All the best, Tattlers, for the Festive Season.🎄🎄🎄
Condolences for the sad loss of your father ToodliiePips.
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Well-known member
I don't get it either.

So, why not about heritage in some instances? For the same reason?

There are tactful ways of doing so but sometimes it's useful and appropriate to try and find out a little more info about someone's origins (which aren't necessarily apparent from their names) at the start of a conversation. So you don't put your foot right in it. Particularly given the various wars, conflicts and potential hotspots in various parts of the world right now.

Russian or Ukrainian?
Sunni or Shia?
Chinese or Taiwanese?


We used to do it all the time when I worked at Heathrow. It was enlightening, and you soon found out you couldn't assume anything.

If you want to know someone’s heritage ask them about their heritage. It’s simple. Don’t ask repeatedly where they are from. This isn’t about wokeness, it’s civility. Perhaps the people who keep asking the repeated “where are you from but where are you from” are only now hearing what people who are asked that question and have been calling it racist for decades have been saying.

I’ll add that if you want to know someone’s heritage it makes sense to explain why you want to know it. This elderly Lady had every reason to be curious about the Afrocentric garbed woman’s origins given the focus of her work. She should have asked her question and stated that context. And not asked it in such a cliché
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
Her name is unusual considering she's of Caribbean heritage. Her parents had 'English' names as does nearly everyone I've ever met of Caribbean ancestry. Did she change her name to an African name? 🤔
Scotch Lady Susan thought that that the woman was Caribbean heritage but as Cassandra333 said the woman said no Africa to LS. So I am thinking her parents come from Africa somewhere.
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