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Wow, tell us more, please!
I don’t know how much I can say without giving away details about myself or getting done for libel haha, but essentially it was a session with multiple speakers, about violence against women and what we can all do to help those suffering.
Ngozi **allegedly for libel purposes** used her speaking slot to not talk about that, but to rant about how every single white person in the room was racist and that they should all be ashamed.
It would have been great for her to use the platform to educate and talk about how everyone can better support women of colour who are victims of abuse but sadly not.
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Sorry to jump in after a hiatus from H&M threads.
I just feel this story has come at an all too convenient time, and just so happens to back up why H&M are getting an award- an award they were being criticised for accepting? I mean really? Sorry but it’s all too convenient.
If that conversation happened then that is obviously not right and no one should be subjected repeatedly to questioning that makes them feel uncomfortable, however I have met Ngozi in a professional setting and well, her conduct was not professional or appropriate so having experienced that I can’t help but take whatever she says with a heavy pinch of salt.
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Chatty Member
Today has been an organised hit job on the RF

*we get a PR piece about MM lecturing on racism
*Hours later a retiring officer claims she faced death threats
* Then a Meghan cheerleader conveniently remembers word for word conversation to implicate someone close to the RF of racism

!!!Just in time for Earthshot USA launch !!!

they had a similar strategy to jeopardize Will and Kate's royal tour last time but it's more calculated this time.

it seems she's in narcissistic rage about the Prince and Princess of Wales. Her venom will only grow as the pair mature further into their roles.

this is what happens to you when you pander to traitors
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Just copied this extract of the conversation from BBC news,
Here is the full conversation, as recounted by Ms Fulani:
Lady SH: Where are you from?
Me: Sistah Space.
SH: No, where do you come from?
Me: We're based in Hackney.
SH: No, what part of Africa are you from?
Me: I don't know, they didn't leave any records.
SH: Well, you must know where you're from, I spent time in France. Where are you from?
Me: Here, the UK.
SH: No, but what nationality are you?
Me: I am born here and am British.
SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?
Me: 'My people', lady, what is this?
SH: Oh I can see I am going to have a challenge getting you to say where you're from. further When did you first come here?
Me: Lady! I am a British national, my parents came here in the 50s when...
SH: Oh, I knew we'd get there in the end, you're Caribbean!
Me: No lady, I am of African heritage, Caribbean descent and British nationality.
SH: Oh so you're from...

Might I also add whether, as the charity states that it focuses on reaching those women especially from African & Caribbean heritage that Lady SH might have been referring to which of these heritages Ms Fulani descended from?

I think she, Lady SH, has been doing this mingling gig far too long so her only reasoning was to genuinely try and show a deeper interest in the charities foundation and roots.

I'll be honest I'm treading on eggshells for fear of using the wrong word for fear of not being up to speed on the most pc phrasing!
I feel like Fulani clearly understood that SH was asking about her heritage, but didn't want to answer. I am curious why she didn't say something like oh I'm live in X now but I was born and raised in Y, my parents came to Britain from Z in the 50s. That would have answered the question and provided topics for further discussion. I think having different ethnicities and heritages is something to be proud of and something one might happily share with others. Maybe I'm just not understanding something.

I'm terribly sorry if my comment offends anyone, that is not my intention.
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Apparantley a black abuse social worker was asked by Lady Susan Hussey at some gathering Camilla was heading... now Lady S has resigned and so she should.She has been around long enough to have learned palace etiquette.
I’m a bit alarmed that a woman who works with domestic violence victims, read into Meghan’s claims (which in my opinion were largely fictitious) that she too was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of the RF.
That without any proof is a very bold and very reckless assertion to make. Isn’t this trivialising the issue of domestic violence?

This woman is clearly biased and should never have accepted that invitation if she harboured any ill feeling towards her hosts. Lets see what comes out in the wash, but I suspect this woman has opened a can of worms with her own unprofessional conduct online, which would bring her own charity into disrepute. Should have stayed at home and watched Eastenders luv!
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I think someone needs to ask Archie where he’s from, cos no bugger seems to know
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I think it probably wasn't meant as racist but was clumsy and an out of date way to speak. Interestingly one of the people backing what was said has Shouty on her twitter background and also tweeted exactly the same time as the original post. Also a journalist who's known to be pro Reeks interviewed and published an article within 4 hours of the original tweet. And then the no legs lili photographer knows her and has tweeted his support

Of course all a coincidence I'm sure

Just hope people don't donate through archewell as we know how well the Disney elephant donation went

Love this comment under Sistah (whatever is her name) twitter. 😎

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I was just thinking. With this latest uproar, and Lady H promptly resigning, isn't it strange how Hazza didn't have to resign in disgrace from the army after what he said?

And the "You don't sound black" remark to the comedian.

And how he's not being retroactively "cancelled" for it, like what happens to many other public figures.

He's even getting an award for standing up to "structural racism", when he's actually said far worse to a POC than Lady H.

It's weird and disturbing.
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I'm a bit concerned about how down so many of us feel at the moment. I personally feel that Lady S was set up and the woman from the charity is just another grifter. No wonder she likes smegs.
I think the best instant cure is for everyone to take half an hour out and listen to your favourite feel good music. I'm going to listen to Christine McVie but I'll end up playing What a wonderful life by Louis Armstrong because I usually do.
I'm going to be sending out all kinds of helpful vibes - relaxation, good humour, really good humour and the best humour of all. Our strength lies in laughing at them and we need to do more of it. Much love to you.
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How can you accept an award for tackling your husband’s family’s racism when your husband is the only person in that family that called his peer and paki and dressed up as a nazi !! What he did was blatantly worse than this old woman .
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I used to believe in never complain, never explain.

But in a world full of propagandists, the royal family has to go on the offense. Lady Hussey didn't say or do anything racist, and I'm Asian. I dislike minorities with chips on their shoulders, they're totally insecure and detracts from legitimate instances of discrimination (the denial of rights, and of freedoms).

The King and the Wales' of course cannot stoop in the same low level as the Sussexes, but surely there can be counter-propagandists to refute such accusations, through unofficial channels.

At this moment we need politically left leaning people to stop peddling accusations to the British royal family, since most of it is coming from that side of the political sphere. Whether people want to admit it or not, the Sussexes has politicised the British royal family in the court of public opinion.

The Sussexes are being peddled as the beacons of leftism anti-racism, and the Wales' are accused of being the bad White people.

It's bullshiete.
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I really feel for PW, just about to do his Earthshot, something he truly believes in and works hard for. I hope the event goes spectacularly and that him and Catherine get a very warm reception.
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Out of interest...

Who has been asked "where are you from?"
Me I am a middle class Tootingite with a cockney accent and lots of class and I expect you to all to doff your fucking caps at me and anyway, I have a Sir Tom🐱🐱

It's my Birthday and I can say what I want to, so bollocks to being pc.!
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Scotch Mist

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More bad news for RF

Black campaigner claims she has received NO contact from the Palace # via
She didn't complain to the palace she went on social media to complain and shame an elderly woman.

I knew I was right about her appropriation of African culture. Her parents are from the Caribbean. In that generation they did not give their kids African names so Marlene has appropriated African culture and presented herself as an African woman. Then when questioned didn't proudly name her heritage. She's a big phoney.
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Imagine throwing an 83 year old woman to the twitter hounds over something that could actually be ambiguous?? She's cost her her job and has made her a target for abuse and harassment. Awful, but 'be kind' has a different meaning these days
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Ngozi Fulani dressed head to toe in African cultural outfit, of course she was asked where she was from, her outfit clearly threw a curved ball!
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I’m pages and pages behind - I’m currently hospitalised with sepsis so I haven’t been very well 🤒 but I wanted to reply to this comment from the last thread. I think it was by @Ilovemusic
To be honest, does Lady Hussey have 100% hearing and vision as I think the fact that Ngozi Fulani was dressed head to toe in African dress confused the elderly woman somewhat.
So basically Ngozi was cosplaying an African? She clearly identifies as British so a) why was she at such pains to appear African and b) why was she surprised to be mistaken for African? Definitely a set up.
Lady SH didn’t handle the conversation particularly well - if the version put out by Ngozi is accurate. Hers is the only version we’ve heard, and it may well be filtered through her lens of butthurt and victimhood and ihatewhitepeoplehood. I’m a lot younger than Lady SH, but I can remember when PoC were an unusual sight in many parts England, and they generally were from other countries. It isn’t that many generations ago. Some elderly people have never really adjusted. Perhaps everyone should be a bit more tolerant and understanding…?

Just as an aside, I know lots of actual African people. They don’t tend to be perpetually outraged and offended at every little thing. They aren’t looking for things to be offended by. The Africans I know tend to be lovely, warm and friendly people. Ngozi is cosplaying an African, but not very well.
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Churchill's Ghost

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So The Prince’s Trust actually makes differences in people’s lives and highlights ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Not celebrities, but everyday people. Lovely, just lovely.

I am from the north. My ex-husband was from the Deep South and his grandmother had lived her whole life in a town so small that it was little more than a train stop and a gas station. I am of Southern and Eastern European descent (2nd Generation on both sides) I look pretty Italian and may have had a bit of a NY/NJ accent at the time. When describing me to her daughter she said “I’m not sure what she is but she’s something ‘furrin’ (foreign)” It wasn’t meant maliciously and has become a family joke.

If she was so offended by this (and remember, we only have one side of the conversation recounted in the most damning way possible) The correct thing would have been to address it with Lady Susan first, not immediately take to social media. Unless of course, you have no interest in actually fixing anything. Amazing how those with nothing but a hammer always find nails everywhere.

If she finds the BRF so choked with structural racism, then she free to not accept any invites or money from them or their trusts.
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