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Active member
I see someone's in their bed having a good read of this, im guessing the little insta posts are aimed this way! Well if you don't like hearing the truth change the story! Simple
I'm all for supporting the girls . I have fixed many a crown without telling the world it was crooked or that I had done it. I have been brutally honest when no one else would tell then truth regardless of cost.
I think the thing that irks me here is the preachy, look at me and how well I have done having come from nothing, I've been winging it guff that this one talks.
9months ago you were leaving Derry having been exposed for being an utter cretin. Someone who took hard earned money from clients to make them look and feel a million dollars for arguably the biggest day of their lives and then ripped the back clean out of them when you were done.
You blamed all and sundry for your actions. And why wouldnt you? If someone else hadnt exposed your nastiness, sure you could still be at it now.
You didnt make a mistake. Being a horrible bitch isnt a mistake. It's a trait. And it runs deep with this one.
No amount of quotes, rambling posts, prayers or self praise will ever change who you really are when the mask slips.
One thing I will agree with. You are winging it and taking complete chances with your merch.
It's only a matter of time before that scam all comes out on the wash. Mcelhineys are playing with fire here.
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I’m usually not one to comment although I totally agree with most of what is being said regarding Antonia & her tacky brand, but I have to say I have never in my life seen such a walking contradiction as this woman... she doesn’t care what others think yet she constantly has to post passive aggressive quotes, if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be posting such utter crap! You refer to stuff that is said in this forum yet you pretend you don’t read it! You don’t allow people’s opinion of you to affect you yet you print the middle finger on your merchandise! For gods sake grow up woman, practice what you preach, get off social media and get on with building your business the good old fashioned way based on trust & loyalty. Honestly, I would never even have known of this website if you hadn’t of directed me here. Most of us work long hours whilst raising a family, it’s called life, we all have one! you’re nothing special working a 12 hour day, you are shaping brows and selling your soul on every crappy brand going & if it’s paying the bills, good for you, but catch yourself on, your an embarrassment at this stage and most people likely only follow you to talk about you.
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Well-known member
I'm sorry but this is so wrong, you can clearly hear paul , so how the hell is that isolating. I am getting so sick and tired of this total bullshit. She needs to be called out on all this crap. Never in my life have I seen someone act so selfishly about their poor son with disabilities. Making it seem like a tiresome chore to feed and change the poor mite, you really should be ashamed. I can tolerate most of your shite but not this, please wise up toni, be a mother for once
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Long time tattle lurker and mostly skip through her stories these days as my eyes roll in my head watching them but feel I need to comment today. I am so disappointed in Dunelm Derry!!! Why oh why would the branch manager think that gifting her premium bedding would be good P.R.? How many times did she say “Jesus” during her stories for a start? The woman has zero class!!!! Doesn’t the manager realise that most of her followers are hate watchers?

Also, any need for all the bags of pillow spray etc from Home Sense? She’s greedy in everything she does and I genuinely think she has some kind of problem. I find washing my bedsheets and getting into a clean bed much more satisfying than spraying expensive air freshener on them but maybe that’s just me?!
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Toni, when you read this, please take note. This is NOT trolling, this is being honest. Read this & can you hand on heart say this does not sound familiar? If it doesn’t resonate with you then it must just be the persona you present on social media - and if that’s the case you should really check it.
No jealousy here whatsoever by the way, nor do you rattle my cage. I actually have to give credit where it’s due - if my reputation was like yours I’d never be able to lift my head so fair play to you 👏🏼

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
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Well-known member
I've been a serious lurker on this thread but i feel the need to post now for i am so angry. My partners just been told he's tested positive for COVID and has to spend the next 14 days locked up in the spare room away from me and his 6 month old daughter, he is absolutely heartbroken he can't hold his little girl and has been so so cautious as to not get it but works in a chemist so we reckon thats where he's picked it up. Then to see this absolute DOSE running round breaking the rules left right and centre and travelling unneccessarily to belfast to that stupid party especially with a vunerable child is just infuriating. SHE IS SO FUCKING SELFISH (apologies for the language).
Sorry rant over.
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Chatty Member
Also Toni whilst you are on here for a read (which is blatantly obvious from your latest stories) can you tell us why taking MM for testing involved a full family trip out including Maddison? Who’s v. High risk? Or are you now going to tell us you all got tested? You are putting so many lives at risk both with your selfish behaviour running from shop to shop and then dealing with clients in the salon. I personally feel it’s a blessing that businesses will be shut down to prevent this behaviour. Dr Kelly from Altnagelvin hospital respiratory ward has pleaded with people to stop this! Knowing him from dealing with my mothers condition, I know he’s not saying this for a laugh. He is exhausted both mentally and physically from this wave of covid. Let this be a lesson to you Toni. Perhaps take some time off social media and reflect on how others are seeing you. You’re in front of an audience constantly so who do you want people to see? Selfish Toni or the real you?...look forward to the next stories now but I for one have simply had enough of this now. Don’t try to be a leader in a pandemic when you don’t know the pathway. Lives are at risk. Enough said. Now show us your response....
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Can just imagine Kim and Kanye up in Tonis wee back garden in creggan and Paul dishing up his free state curry 😂
'Aye Kim, ye just throw in 3 pints a't that right Paul? Aye three pints. Then ya just stir in the chicken wi a whisk and squeeze in some frozen onion sludge and fuck in some peas. Another wee whisk of the chicken and 'ats it. Beaut!
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Happy birthday to my wee friend Kimmy 🤣🤣 I just can't even.
Met her for TWO SECONDS!! Best pals are her and Kimmy K 🥴 next they will be launching a makeup range together lol
Can just imagine Kim and Kanye up in Tonis wee back garden in creggan and Paul dishing up his free state curry 😂
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Well-known member
Im guessing shes not sick anymore then???

The diary of Antonio Jones...
Day sick I have corona virus-cancel all my appointments, im dying
Day 2..still sick and am just lazing in bed ignoring customers and children,thank god for my gay fake hubby that does everything.
Day 3...cough soooooo sick which translates to still couldn't give a shit about my kids or customers, plus feel like playing the victim a bit today still.
Day4. As if by miracle no corona so can now drag lifeless body out of bed and do a live make up demo and show off 2 new things that ali express delivered that day, and am sick but can still spread my germs to my high risk son! I had tonsillitis so listen to me sing!!
Day 5.. Still amazed by my miraculous recovery, will spend my day selling my cheap tat.
Day 6.. Still feeling fabulous, dump my poor son again on my daddy as he doesn't have enough to do. Take my cheap ol shite to an overpriced shop that doesn't know its from ali express (shhhhh) Decide today that as im so fabulous I will dress as if ive been riding my bike as people keep telling me to get on my bike. Was going to sing to the poor people in mcelhinneys but decided they are being punished enough by paying far too much for my shite, so I can afford to dump my kids and escape my sad life.

Book 2 coming soon....
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
So, Toni is “not used to not working” 🤣🤣🤣
Also, they “did everything we could to avoid it” 🤣🤣🤣

Jesus wept, the woman is deluded!!!! It’s scary that she really believes her own lies!!!! She forgets she plasters everything she does on social media 🤦🏼‍♀️ She really is a moron.

The “haters” only have a field day over YOUR hypocrisy Toni - not your husband getting ill. Stop playing the Martyr and looking for sympathy. Who is sending you nice messages making you cry when you have your story responses turned off? Drama queen making it all about her 🙄

I feel sorry for Paul and really hope he makes a speedy recovery. The poor man had to get COVID-19 to get a rest!!!!!
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Well-known member
Could you imagine yourself sitting saying to hundreds of people "fuck we are class" she makes me want to crawl inside my own arse hole and die! Absolute narcissist!
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First time commenting on this but I can't bite my lip any longer lol I have to admit I used to feel sorry for Toni after the whole scandal last year but OMG that girl has not changed her ways one bit.

It's the arrogance and cockiness when she's talking that gets to me. She's so bloody smug. She is desperate to be wealthy and all these quotes she puts up are so false!

Just thought I would get that out of me 😂
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I honestly cannot believe what I have witnessed coming out of that horrid woman’s mouth today!
“Madisson wants me to feed him and change his nappy every hour” naw hunni your poor wee Son has no choice but to rely on you as his so called Mother to care for him!

“I don’t think I’m cut out for this” - what’s that Toni?! BEING A MOTHER?!

I am actually disgusted at what she is saying on her stories, this poor me act while her husband is lying in bed with Covid and she’s complaining about having to “do it all herself”

God help her and look down on her for Lord knows she needs it. Imagine being that way, imagine feeling inconvenienced at having to look after your Son. And again lying rotten with dirt! Wonder will she break the 21 days record for not washing her hair 🤢 Someone within her family or friend circle needs to have a word with her!
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We are all entitled to our opinions. Bringing up that I’m a new user, seems like you trying to undermine what I’m saying.

I don’t give a shit about Paul or Antonia or how they got it. I have an issue with the culture of blame when someone contracts it

And the reason why this site gets such a bad rap is because some people just want to run down Influencers no matter what they do. I follow Antonia mainly because I find her cringe with the tackiness of her house etc. It amuses me. But when she does some things right, I applaud her. I know she took the piss going all over Derry during first lockdown. But if Paul does have Covid... what’s the point in bringing up what they did in May?
Maybe because they still continue to bend and make up their own rules? I mean, Derry had the highest rates of covid in NI and she pissed off to ikea for the day with someone else's newborn!
Like some people, for some reason look up to her and will obviously follow suit. This is a time where she needs to set a damn good example, especially with her vulnerable family. Not flap around half assing it.

Ps, if you don't like this forum, then maybe delete your account and stop following? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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