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I have a friend like this. I find it really hard not to reach out first as well, even though she never reaches out to me. She always cancels plans too, but like the day before saying how busy she is with xyz so I'm trying my best now to not reach out and wait for her to text first but I'm finding it so hard🙈
I had another friend like this too who was even worse. She lives in another county and i was always the person to keep in contact. Last December I sent her a "happy birthday" text and she still hasnt responded or text this year. I won't be texting or contacting her again. If she does message me then I don't know if i'd even get back to her at all.

This friend isnt as bad but it always annoys me that she feels her time is more valuable. She is always late when we do meet up. I now plan to arrive late and I am always nervous that she will be on time but she never is 😂 It kills me as I am normally very punctual.
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revisiting it it does seem like such a tiny thing to react with so on second thought it probably is one of the pettiest (as in trivial) things I’ve done. 😭

A better example is retaliating to someone repeatedly stealing my juice at uni by continually stealing their milk and replacing what I nicked with water.
Good for you, for in taking it in good humour that I meant it in 😘
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I don’t get on with one of my SILs and I certainly don’t lose sleep over it. Anyway 6 years ago, it all kicked off because I took the time to tell her all about herself and not once have I ever felt the need to apologise speaking the truth (and I’m definitely someone who will apologise if they’ve done wrong). Anyway since then every Christmas she sends my husband a Christmas card and writes “To (insert husband name) and Co” so completely ignores her niece and nephew and lumps them in the “Co” so my husband every year sends a card back and puts “(husband’s name”) & Co. and doesn’t put a stamp on it….every year she’s had to pay for the postage - you’d think she wouldn’t bother going to pick it up but she does every single time!

Footnote: husband is a postman so we have shit loads of stamps
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Nice bit of victim blaming there. I hope you never find yourself in that situation :mad:
FFS If you think that is victim blaming, I say it is keeping my female relatives safe.

If any of my female friends or relatives find themselves in that situation, I hope they get out.

Your post just goes to show, there is always something to offend a feminist.

Unfortunately I can't do anything about how you perceive a post so keep on being a victim.
Yeah I know but it's not always easy to walk away from a dv situation especially when the abuser controls every aspect of your life and locks you in the property and only way to escape is to shimmy down a drain pipe from the upstairs window. Abuse obviously got worse but I got out in the end.
Glad you are safe now, I wasn't blaming you but male or female get out at the first sign of DV. It will only get worse if you do nothing.
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Not me, but I recently found out about a dispute that happened between my neighbours before I moved in.

One day I had a visit from neighbour A complaining about my daughter shouting early one morning, I was telling neighbour B and he said that many years ago they had reported his son to environmental health for a party.

This was back before the internet, when you could look up phone numbers in the directory and local papers had free ads. B went round and made a note of A’s car model and reg and then advertised it at a low, but not stupid, price in the paper with his number.

Apparently A was inundated with calls and it was the talk of the neighbourhood.

Neighbour B has recently moved and the irony is a new family with very noisy kids now live there 😂
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I personally feel that if someone is going to take your items from your property without asking, especially when you’re not on good terms and money is owed - a minor electrocution is fair. An eye for an eye and all that 🤣🤣🤣
Cersi Lannister is that you hun?
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Once, a lifetime ago, I worked for a woman and her daughter. The daughter was the same age as me. She was a snooty snobby bitch. Passive aggressive and a bully. Her mother knew it, several people had been employed before me but the daughter disliked them so bullied them out of the job, the mother always was apologising for her and trying to make excuses. Anyway I took her shit for ages. Then one day, I was coming to the end of my tether, daughter asks me to make a cup of tea for I did........and I spat in it at least half a dozen times. It made me feel so good to watch her chug it down.
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Reddit is your friend for email lists. There was one thread I used that had a whole list of websites that sign you up for newsletters without confirmation first.
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Chatty Member
Well I’m here for your suggestions ❤ the stuff he said he wanted was like home workout equipment, one of them was kind of resistance bands that you attach to a wall. Like this but thicker ropes and on a wall:
View attachment 2376999

He showed these pull up bars he‘s installed in his ceiling and he said he would put the resistance rope things through that 😳 Imagine if he pulled the whole ceiling down in his apartment block 🤣
Can you get a stock photo and tell him you have one you’re not using! Just to waste a little more of his time
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While I think that's a bit OTT and mean (I wouldn't have done that) it speaks volumes for the people inside that organisation. Why would they believe the word of an outsider against someone who has been a member of their community for so long?
I guess being treated like that must have been a wake up call for him.
And they're always holier than thou when they knock on your door. 🙄
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Someone who has been vile to my daughter.
I've already signed the bastard up for Jehovahs witnesses, scientology, funeral plans and incontinence pads.
Has anyone got any more suggestions?
You can actually send someone shit legally 😂 google sendshit.comuk and you can send animal shit
im the pettiest person around, but babe, you need to move on 😂😂 what on Earth did this woman do to you?!
Nah I don’t!
Is this the one whose insta you keep resetting? 🤣🤣🤣
Oh and try mailbait for your spam emails 😘
Yes 😂😂😂😂😂 it tickles me!
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