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Ex boyfriend wanted to meet up to 'clear the air' (he left me for the army, and the air i'm breathing is perfectly clear) but thought lets have some fun with this.

Told him I had moved out quite far and sold my car, but was living alone so he could come visit one evening.

Sent him a random address 3 hours away from his town, and when he called to say he was 5 mins away I blocked his number

Don't waste my time and I won't waste your fuel x
I love it! I'm never brave enough to do anything like this.
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Not sure if ive posted this before but if i have here it is again. My ex got with some bird behind my vunerable pregnant back. She thought she was something and she won some prize. After a while she falls pregnant and what not. When she went into labour he rang me to let me know and the signal was bad in labour room. I was NOT ending that phone call for nothing. Shes screaming ripping front to back while hes dashing out the room to get better signal to speak to me. He actually said to her 'ill be 2 minutes babe the signals shit in here and im on the phone to @Lucyxxxx '. We can all play games while people are pregnant/giving birth. Nob.
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it is gross and scabby but I don’t care. Obviously if it was an actual friend I would but not for an obligation invite that I have to attend. I’ve already been to their day and congratulated them to their face.

side note: of the 2 threads, I love how this is where you draw the line 😂😂😂
Hahaha I know.
I think it was just because most times you do something Petty to someone is because they deserve it - not because they invited you to their wedding 🤣🤣🤣
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Ask him to send you £1 first so you’ve got the right account.
Then say you’ve not received it and PayPal fraud team are looking into for you both.
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I've heard this same story too! 🤣

Would be fun to take it further like sending flowers with messages like "thinking of you. Thanks for last night xxx".

Order new underwear to be posted.
I’ve also sent her a catalog for old lady shoes now and am planning some incontinence products. Don’t want to spend any money or her, so free samples it is. My PILs laughed when I told them but they seem to be terrified of me now :ROFLMAO:
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Hmmm, bad mouthed my stepmother and my dad to his mother for fun and inheritance purposes. Those two bullied me to no end as a child and already bad mouthed grandma to her face and treated her badly, so I just piled on. Not really for money if I'm being honest but more to stick it to them. Don't mistreat the quiet kid.
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DCI Jack Logan

Chatty Member
Eeek this thread was a funny read but it’s taken a turn the last few pages. Let’s get back to pettiness
I’m totally in agreement just found this thread and was thinking oh what a fun thread then along all the nastiness started there’s no need guys, I may not agree to all that has been written but I don’t feel the need to start a mass argument.
Anyway when I was little I got a puncture on my bike so I couldn’t ride it and my brother was delighted showing off zooming up and down the street so I waited until he went to the toilet and got a knife from the kitchen and stabbed his tire.🫣
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I once read about a woman (don’t know if it’s true) whose boyfriend cheated on her and when she moved out of their flat she left the contents of a packet of prawns hidden. The place stank after a while and he kept asking her if she knew what it was. He tore the place apart and couldn’t find the cause. I can’t remember what happened, I think he moved out himself but I just remember that she’d hidden them in the hollow curtain pole.
I heard that one too! The ex and his new partner keep cleaning everything, but to no avail. The version I heard is that they end up taking the curtains and curtain pole wiyh them to their new home!
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OH got some nice pairs of socks Vans etc he totally pissed me off one weekend (can’t remember what for) but he does on the regular anyway being a typical useless mummy’s boy etc so I threw one sock from a couple of pairs in the bin. He is still none the wiser 😊
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I once dated a guy who lived with a room mate, and the room mates girlfriend was a nightmare. I used to delight in pouring her expensive shampoo and conditioner down the plug hole while I was showering!
I did that once when I was 13/14, but it was with Palmolive handwash and aimed at an aunt I didn't like when she laughed at what I was wearing. (Matching sunflower top and skirt.)
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I have a friend like this. I find it really hard not to reach out first as well, even though she never reaches out to me. She always cancels plans too, but like the day before saying how busy she is with xyz so I'm trying my best now to not reach out and wait for her to text first but I'm finding it so hard🙈
I had a friend like that. The contact was always left up to me. Then I would be greeted with 'long time, no hear' exclamation, until I pointed out that texts/ emails etc worked both ways. She made an effort after that, for a while. We did lose touch eventually.

I also had the one who was always late, and would suggest meeting on the street, for example, in order to walk to the restaurant/ cafe. At the time we worked in buildings that were about 10 minutes walk apart. I knew what that would mean was me standing on a windy or rainy street waiting - having made sure to be there for the agreed time.
So, I would say no, meet you there and would be indoors with a coffee so at least my waiting time was comfortable and enjoyable.

Or, if meeting at a weekend, I would go into a bookshop where I could happily browse until she put in an appearance. She was a highly organised person, never late for work or anything like that. But always late to meet up. 🤷‍♀️
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About 12 years ago, I became friendly with a man who was blind, but we fell out. I didn't hear from him for years, over a decade in fact. Then low and behold a few weeks ago, I received an email from him asking if I could do him a favour! No how are you, or even any small talk.

I was a little afronted by this, but I replied asking how he was, out of curiosity. He explained that he needed someone to purchase an Apple gift card for a friend. He didn't want to spend more than £200! He also mentioned that he was travelling at the moment, and that he would pay me back.

My immediate thought was it sounded like a scam. The thing is, he mentioned that he was travelling, as he is blind it would make things more difficult for him. I wondered it it was possible, that someone might have hacked into his email account. But he signed the email with a shortened version of his name, which he used to do.
I simply replied that I was unable to help him. But having given it some thought, I might send him one of Atomic Shrimp's (YouTube channel) videos on scambaiting!
This is 100% a scam. I would actually let him know his email has been compromised. Whenever gift cards are requested you know. As the banks and credit agencies can’t stop gift cards being used
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My sister has decided she's going to go to work earlier starting from Monday, so she can pick the favourite desk of someone she has taken a dislike to. :ROFLMAO:
Her text messages to me " I realised there's some people in life that don't like to work and they do the absolute minimum".

(They're supposed to share tasks).

Ah she's still so young and trying to "climb up the food chain".
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Possibly evil, but whatever. If my OH "forgets" to empty the bins, or spends too long on his various gaming shite, I unleash my clumsy side and accidently knock the "off" switch on the router. Virgin Media router usually takes a good ten minutes to reset and start up the WiFi 🤣🤣
I'm gonna steal this for when the kids are being arseholes !!
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The only thing I would be concerned about here, is the cutting of the cable. It sounds like a dangerous thing to do. You don't want someone to be injured, or worse.
I understood this completely different - cutting it off so that the entire thing will be useless as it couldn't be plugged in anymore.
My dad cuts off the plugs from devices that they're binning (curb-side collection, so anyone could pick it up) actually to avoid an accident. There are people out there who will take maybe broken devices and simply plug them in... only to find out the exact reason the were binned. Like my old hair-dryer that nearly electrocuted my boyfriend.
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While I think that's a bit OTT and mean (I wouldn't have done that) it speaks volumes for the people inside that organisation. Why would they believe the word of an outsider against someone who has been a member of their community for so long?
I guess being treated like that must have been a wake up call for him.
Yeah while I don't condone what OPs mum did, she probably did him a favour and freed him from a cult
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I have a neighbour who just bugs me for reasons I can't explain. Like she's bland and seems smug but also harmless and friendly so the dislike is just my own shortcomings I'm sure.

She's going on a trip to Dublin and there's a little known tourist attraction there I am sure she would love.

It's so pathetic of me but I feel a gleeful spite in not telling her about it.
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