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VIP Member
very sad about the queen and i get some
Of the mourning and have no issue with people who are very sad about it etc but

i do NOT need another fucking email from
Another business telling me that they are closed on monday. Lets just assume everywhere is closed and email if you’re actually fucking open
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Sick to the back teeth with everything being "content" and everything needing to fit a certain "aesthetic" or seasonal theme or whatever the trend is at the moment.
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they probably aren’t doing the daily grind that you are though. There’s no way Molly mae is cleaning her own bog. No fucking way. She’s got cleaners in there to do it. Same with the others. It’s very easy to hustle when you can delegate jobs to other people.
Even with non influencers, what they show is unlikely real. They may seem like they’ve got up at 4:30am for yoga, done a full day’s work, cleaned the house, sorted the kids, and then worked on their side hustle but we don’t know for sure that they haven’t got a cleaner/ kids are with nana/done 10 minutes of side hustling and just posted on Instagram/taken a day’s annual leave etc.
This is what gets me about 'Beyoncé has the same 24 hours'. No she doesn't. She has people who do everything for her.
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Bobby Chariot

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I watch a lot of music on YouTube, from a time when smartphones never existed, the crowds were bouncing and seemed happier to be in that moment.
Today it's a passive sea of phones held up at a concert recording the show, pisses me right off.
The best memories are in your head
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Put my empty can of coke in the regular bin rather than the recycling yesterday.

Roommate starts banging on about saving the planet, a simple “ok, fatty” deflates him like a balloon.

He’s packed a few pounds on over the summer so he knows he has no comeback. Not wanting to escalate things further he just walks off licking his wounds.

I’ve learned that all betas are insecure about their appearance and have been raised in a soft society where it’s frowned upon to ‘shame’ anyone for their self-inflicted flaws.

I take full advantage of this and get the easy win every time. “Fatty”, “Chrome dome”, “Ginger nut”, “Four eyes”, “Chicken arms” - all some of my favourites.

Not one of these has ever stood up for themselves when confronted with the truth. This is what happens when society embraces soy boy culture.
Defo never happened

BIB Or maybe they know there is no point trying to have a conversation with someone who responds with childish name calling
Nah read his other posts, this guy is 100% a fantasist who makes up weird fake stories where he is the ‘alpha’ male
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I had to take a few days off work this week because of illness - I was off Mon and Tues, then I forced myself to go in on Wednesday despite still feeling terrible, and then ended up in A&E Wednesday night because I took a turn for the worse so took yesterday and today off. I thought it was covid or the flu, it now turns out I've got bronchitis.

Well my boss is not pleased that I've had four days off work, he isn't really that bothered that I had to go to the hospital and is now messaging me saying I must be back in on Monday because the team needs my support and I'm letting them down by not being there.

I was worried this would happen, and now I feel super anxious about going back to work. 😕
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This is pathetic (given some of you have actual, real issues to rant about, but anyway...)

A couple of years ago my partner and I saw a house on Rightmove that was, in many ways, our dream property. It was in a small town not far from him so even though we weren't in a position to buy there and then (as I have a house to sell first and he had some financial issues to resolve, our plan was in 3-5 years), we decided to do a 'drive by' and have a nose. As it was unoccupied (probate sale I think) we drove up the driveway and looked through the windows. Even though it was a horribly wintery day there was something about it I loved. I could honestly see us living there. It wasn't the prettiest house to many people but there was something about it, plus it had fields front and back and a driveway well over 100ft long. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I'd decorate it, rejig the layout, and then what it would be like living there. Which was all a lovely distraction from the Covid stuff going on at the time.

Of course it sold to someone else, I felt sad for days after. Since then I've checked the planning portal (as I suspected whoever bought it would extend it - but until it did I had hope of one day buying it) but it's never come up, until today. The new owners have plans to extend it and completely redo the front white and grey, making the windows smaller so it looks dull, boring and bland like every other 'developed' house nowadays. There's a massive wisteria at the front that'll probably have to go. I just wish they were doing something nicer with it.

I split up with my partner in May too, so now I have no partner, and no future dream house :(

A little picture of how the house looked at it's best (I expect they've probably filled in the pond now too!)

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Chatty Member
Boyfriend was going out for drinks with work today at some party. He cane over this morning and convinced me to stay at his afterwards, so I said sure, I'll pick him up when it's over and we'll go chill at his together. Planned my whole evening around that and got everything ready.

Anyway received a text an hour ago "I'm gonna go out in to town, having a great evening here, don't worry about staying at mine". Really pissed off, I'm happy he's having a good time after being depressed for so long, its his first night he's enjoyed. However I feel let down and disappointed. He hyped me up all morning to stay at his, was convincing me to stay and then cancels on me last minute. Just feel really pissed off and because he's so drunk he doesn't get it.

I struggle when things dont go to plan or the way we had scheduled, so this has just thrown me off massively and upset me. I've barely seen him all week, was looking forward to later and spending time together and having some us time. But oh no, apparently not!!

Just needed to rant as I know its minor but it's just fucked me off, I hate people letting me down and try so hard not to do it to others!
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Pesky Tarian

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I would ask him to replace them. Depending on the age of the child too also ask her to chip in.
She's 9, when I'm calmer I'll think it sweet probably as her big thing at the moment is wanting to dress like mum. I will however be putting her in one of his nice polos next spag bol night 😌.
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Hollie Day

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The TV situation in our house.

Its okay to watch racing cars going round in circles a zillion times or men throwing arrows at a board but the minute I watch something I fancy like repair shop or four in a bed I get 'what you watching that crap for'
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Comparison is a thief of joy. Someone always has it worse and always will. I mean hell, there are people out there who are skinned alive. I know that's an extremely grim example, but this is what watching too many crime shows does to you 😂 Plus it means fuck all, you don't have their problems, so naturally you are only going to be bothered by the ones you do have. And as is your right.
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Kim Mild

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Went our for a meal for with in laws for her birthday. The venue was changed at the last minute to somewhere less convenient for us they couldn't get booked at the restaurant. By the time we got there we were about 10 minutes later than the time the table was booked for and in laws were already there.
They were eating food. Am I right to be furious about that? They must have been there much earlier than they told us in order to to have ordered food and had it prepared. They are absolute fucking dickheads.
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When a company asks you about dietary requirements only to find that they've not bothered to actually cater for you.
That reminds me of the first Xmas I spent with my husbands family. His cousin was hosting and made a big deal about catering for me specially as I’m vegetarian. Xmas day rolls around and the starters come out … nothing without meat in it and I’m told ‘she couldn’t be bothered’. There were so many starters that the main was never served and I had quality street for my lunch 🙄

Longest day ever …
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Fuck people like that. When I get someone playing that stupid game behind me, I slow down till I’m walking at a ridiculous pace so that they’re forced to overtake me, then just as they’re about to go past, I suddenly speed up so they can’t overtake. Then I just keep repeating this process lmao, it’s literally like real life trolling and so fun.
I honestly thought this was a post from our wannabe alpha male friend who doesn't believe in working 🤣🤣
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Don't you know after Beyonce's got the kids up, taken the dog for a walk and dropped the kids at school she goes to the studio to knock out a few songs? When she's done that she pops to Tesco to get something for tea. 🤣
Exactly, then she still needs to make sure the house is spotless for jay-z returning from work. When she gets a few spare minutes she might have some "me-time" and stick a sheet mask on
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Or reviews that say 'can't give review as I bought it for someone else but haven't heard anything'. Thank you for such wonderful insight
Yes! Or a similar one: "Bought as a Christmas present, so they haven't opened it yet".

People like that seem to think leaving reviews is both mandatory and must be done by a deadline.
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I just saw an article which claims that Jeremy Clarkson said that the NHS should be abolished. These days there are so many lies printed I don't know if it's true.

If it is, all I can say is that rich bastards like him can afford the best private insurance, which most people can't. Maybe he is just trying to stay relevant by saying something stupid.

Eventually it is going to get abolished, but there needs to be a safety net.

Even now, many of us dread going to the dentist, not because of the pain, but because we are dreading the bill. If the NHS abolished even minor treatments are going to be a cause for concern.
I don’t believe that the nhs needs to be abolished. It’s a constant in our lives, you just need to look at the USA and their ridiculous health insurance costs to see how lucky we are. However, it does need a massive overhaul. Firstly still running on a system created at its inception when there were only around 48m people in the uk is now non manageable. Secondly the waste in the nhs is astronomical. Thirdly, there are way too many chiefs and managers and diversity operatives and not enough doctors, nurses or equipment. When I was in with my stroke a few years ago there was a woman with a clipboard being followed by a man with a drill. I asked a physio what they were doing and she told me it was the ‘poster manager’. In charge of notice boards. Now info is important. But when I was told she earned more than the physio helping me try to get my left side back, I was gobsmacked!!
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My husband... again...
Hes such a miserable bastard. If i say white he says black and its bloody exhausting! Trying to motivate him to do ANYTHING on a weekend is just so difficult. I'm at a point where I'm considering drugging him with my antidepressants just to get him to cheer the fuck up
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Can I rant?

Am I being unreasonable for being mad that my neighbour said today that I’m waking her kids up at 5:4am when I go downstairs to feed my cats? We live in a terraced house, the houses are old and the stairs creek a lot. I’m not bounding around my house and even at the beginning of Summer when my cats woke me up at 4am to be fed they never mentioned anything and tbh me waking up to feed the cats doesn’t wake my daughter up and she is a super light sleeper. Anyways she also said can we not talk in the mornings either and I said well my daughter has to be up by 6am to get to school on time and said in future we will try and be more quiet. She then said if it was at 7am it would be fine as that’s when her and her kids wake up. So basically I have to tiptoe around my house until it suits her own wake up time?

Her youngest wakes at 3am sometimes screaming which wakes me up but not once have I complained because babies are babies, or when her husband is doing constant drilling from 8am-8pm, or when they had a dog (they got rid after lockdown) where they would leave it in the garden for it to bark all day or when her and husband are having screaming matches I can hear it over my tv. They also play music at 7:30am which is fine but it’s so loud I can recite every song they play word for word but I don’t complain.

I can’t sit and tell my cats they now have to wait to be fed at 7am because one of them constantly meows and has a habit of banging my daughter’s closed door if he has to wait for his food 🤦🏻‍♀️ and can me and my daughter not have a conversation incase it wakes her family up?

My mum told me to ignore them and I’m a easy target to bully because I just live by myself with my daughter. I will try and be more quiet in the mornings but I wasn’t even being loud in the first place.

I could understand if I was blasting music or my tv at unsociable hours but all I’m doing is feeding my cats and getting my daughter up so she doesn’t miss her bus for school.

I suffer from anxiety and avpd so mental health has been at a all time low and this situation hasn’t helped.
No it’s your house, you have the right to live as you want, it’s not like your banging around and having music Blaring x
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