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watermelon sugar

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I’m currently going through a miscarriage so I’m not in the chattiest of moods. My MIL tried FaceTiming me 3 times earlier on in the day and tbh I didn’t want to answer. I weren’t in the mood. She doesn’t want to speak to me, she FaceTimes to see my toddler. So I didn’t answer. A friend tagged me in something on fb and I responded and my MIL seen this, rang my boyfriend and told him I’d ignored her and that she wanted to see my son (who she sees every other day) my boyfriends comes home and has a go at me. Calls me ignorant. Sorry that I feel like shit and don’t want to listen to your Mum drone on and on and on and on
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
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According to Gen Z I should not be using the thumbs up emoji as they find it rude and passive aggressive. Well, I have only one thing to say to that ..

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Hollie Day

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When you just have a very minor moan or feel sad about something and someone guilt trips you...

A colleague asked me if I'd had my hair cut and I replied 'yes, I'm not that happy with it though but I can live with it until it grows' The person responded with 'you shouldn't really be complaining when there are people with cancer who have no hair because of chemo'
Okay Kevin 🤔

I have a son already and I mentioned to a friend that I was disappointed that I'd got my period because we're trying for another and she responded with 'count yourself lucky there are some couples out there that can't have children'
Wtf!! I bloody know that but I can still be a bit sad about things to do with me personally.

When did moaning and saying you feel a bit sad get cancelled.
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We have a random generator that decides who gets what annual leave during the Christmas period. I got lucky this year and my colleague is trying to guilt trip me into swapping with her because 'she deserves to spend time with the husband and kids'. And some of my other colleagues seem to agree that she's more deserving of the time off than me...

Fuck off.
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Housework. I know it needs done but I just fucking hate it. The amount of my life I waste washing the same dishes, hoovering the same floor, cleaning the same toilet yada yada, all for it to need done again in the blink of an eye. It just seems so futile. I do not for the life of me understand the Hinches of the world, have you got NOTHING better to do than have your hand down a shitter?
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Im sick of being a military wife. Some days I just get on with it but today I'm annoyed by everything. I hate that I'm 300 miles away from my family, my kids barely get to see their grandparents, I have no support where I am, husband just assumes that because I get to stay at home with the kids that I have the best life ever. Well no I don't. If I was back home, I'd have a career and we'd be better off money wise. Also hate how everyone thinks that I'm amazing for coping so well with 3 kids and 3 dogs when he goes away all the time, actually I don't cope. I do what I need to do cause I have to, then most days, I have a good old cry. Sorry rant over.
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Didn’t pay for my haircut again earlier

As I’m walking out the door the barber starts frantically calling out to me to remind me to pay. I just look him right in the eye and say “what you gonna do pal, stick it back on with glue?”

I’ve used this same tactic on 6 or 7 different barbers this year and none of them have known how to deal with being challenged in this way

This is exactly why I don’t need to work. I went out for a drink with a couple of mates on Saturday and didn’t buy a single round. Neither of them felt brave enough to question my assertion that I’d left my wallet at home

I could never be a ‘wagie’ like them and work myself to the bone for someone else’s benefit. I do what I want, when I want
In todays installment of things that didn't happen...🙄
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My Nan passed away yesterday evening
I’m at work. Dealing with peoples trivial shit. I didn’t sleep last night… I just want to go home.
i came into work because I wanted to keep busy. Bad idea !
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On holiday just now, so I know this is an absolute first world problem rant, BUT... people who play their own fucking music in public places are the most selfish, entitled arseholes ever. The last two days have changed a lovely chilled relaxing time to a fractious noisy nightmare where everyone is just waiting for a fight to break out. Put headphones on for fucks sake! You are NOT the main character in everyone else's day!
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the unpopular opinions thread being shut down because of all the arguments!
it was my daily source of amusement and enlightenment! 🙈
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Yes I know I should be polite because I may be the only person they speak to all day. Yes I know it is my job. Yes I know I shouldn’t be in customer service if I hate people.

But honestly, how many people are in a job they like? Plus I challenge most to work in retail for even a week and see if they have the same opinion 🤣
I’m sure people leave their brains at the door when they walk in.

Customers, I hate you. I’m sorry I do. 😭😰😅
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We have a random generator that decides who gets what annual leave during the Christmas period. I got lucky this year and my colleague is trying to guilt trip me into swapping with her because 'she deserves to spend time with the husband and kids'. And some of my other colleagues seem to agree that she's more deserving of the time off than me...

Fuck off.
Hold on to your annual leave. Noone is more important than another person in this scenario. Otherwise parents get first dibs on the best leave every time and the rest of us get the shitty days every time. It should be fair. If anyone asks, you've made non refundable plans...

Edit to add: I do get the plight of parents but if you make a commitment to work somewhere you sign up to their annual leave policy and accept that whilst accommodations can be made sometimes, other people exist and whilst they don't have kids they might have people to visit, chores to do, or they might just want a rest. Childish behaviour from your colleague to guilt trip you.
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Pesky Tarian

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I bought a bar of imperial leather soap, proper nostalgic vibes, made me happy. Child 1 sits next to me on the sofa and says 'what smells like nana's house?' 🙄.

I gave child 2 a bread stick earlier, it now becomes apparent that they brought it upstairs and ate it in my bed.
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That middle aged Canadian bloke working at a school wearing a ratty old wig and fake tits swinging below his crotch with a pair of huge fake erect nipples perched on the droopy ends. What in the ever living fuck is wrong with this world.

Guy should be in a psychiatric unit not working with kids.
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Really ridiculous but I really want to rant about how many people seem to be minimising Andrew’s actions just because his mum died. I’ve seen it on newspaper comment sections, on social media, person social media. The man had sex with a trafficked girl young enough to be his daughter (why else did he pay her off?). She’s the one we know about, I doubt he stopped at her. He was good friends with a ped0 and didn’t apologise for the friendship because of the opportunities it brought him. And still people are saying things like ‘it’s his mum, he should wear military uniform’, ‘remember he was a war hero in the Falklands’ (which is a joke in itself) and my favourite ‘now the Queen’s dead we should move on’. Like the death of a very powerful woman, the mother of the abuser, the reason he’s so protected is going to make his victims go ‘they’re right! I need to get over this!’.
*and breathe*
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Feeling left out when people get together without you, even when you know all of them. Which is an annoying feeling as it’s pretty pathetic really, but we’re human and our logical side can’t always win over our emotional side!

But having to try to overcome it to teach your kids to handle it if they’re left out 🤦🏼‍♀️ My 7 year old didn’t get invited to a party and she’s pretty friendly with the kid, and loads of her friends went, and my heart really hurt for her but I had to try and be upbeat for her. At 40 I still get that sad feeling, trying to help a child take it in her stride and not be upset about it is hard work!
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Chatty Member
I hate my fucking ex for everything he's done and I'm so angry and heart broken!!! I just wanna throw a brick at his head the bastard!
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Turns out my boyfriend kissed someone else last night when drunk. After wards he ran off and didn't return, he's been wandering around our city since night because he had a mental breakdown and depressive episode. I picked him up at lunch and he had a massive breakdown and confessed straight away. Absolutely gutted and upset. I don't know whatvto do just need to let it out. I just wanna vent so if people want refrain from their opnions I'd appreciate it x
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