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Picture the scene. I... a pedestrian, walking to work on the PAVEMENT got beeped and swore at by a van that mounted the pavement to do a delivery. He beeped and swore at me because he wanted to park up on the pavement that I was walking on.
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I hope no one who has to have this done reads this thread. How many times are we reasured by the medical profession that "we have seen and done this many times, don't give it another thought"

My sister had to have this done a few times due to medication and hospital food , she was mortified, shamed. and I reasured her many times over it. Glad she didnt have to read posts like this.
That's a bit mean Purr. The OP was hardly being callous, they had every empathy for the patient, they were just coming to what (should be but clearly isnt) a safe space to offload. Just because medical professionals have seen and done things before doesn't mean they aren't human and cant find things unpleasant. Aslong as they treat the patient well there is nothing wrong with that. You are projecting a bit here.
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A very boring and unoriginal rant but, periods. I just think it’s nuts that every single month until I go through the menopause I’m going to have to deal with an entire week of PMS and feeling miserable, grumpy, run down and exhausted, followed by 4 days of blood and agony every single month. Why couldn’t humans have just evolved to have one period a year like dogs do lmfao fuck this.
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watermelon sugar

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My bloody MIL just strolling through the front door willy nilly without knocking!! The one time I don’t lock the bastard door! good job I weren’t starkers or shagging her son on the sofa isn’t it the cheeky cow 😂
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What is it with all these in laws who are entitled and totally disrespectful of their children and their partners privacy?

This is a bit of eye opener for me.

Take the cake for example. When it was my 50th my mum asked me and hubby if she could buy the cake as she would like to do it. It's really not that hard to be respectful to one another.
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Balloon releases. It’s like organising a mass dog shitting event. Time councils banned them.
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I went for a job interview today and didn't get it 😏 Even worse, they phoned me to say I didn't get it so I'd totally got my hopes up when I saw them ringing.

I wasn't super enthused about the job but the hours really worked for me and it was term time only which would have been fantastic. It was at my children's school and now I mostly feel embarrassed as the head teacher of the school who I see every couple of months at PTA meetings was on the panel and obviously didn't feel I was good enough for a job. Plus one of the other interviewers also interviewed me last month for a different job and hasn't appointed me twice so it's putting me off applying for another school admin job as she's likely to be interviewing for them too.
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I tried to be the bigger person when a friend did something awful to me, instead of arguing I just accepted that she could only see her version of events, didn't bother to argue my side and just left the chat.

Now, months down the line its like a festering rage inside. I feel like im fighting to urge to post cryptic facebook posts about how happy i am without them 😂
I should just delete them as every time they post something along the lines of the stuff we fell out about I feel this overwhelming feeling of relief, followed by the annoyance at myself that i didnt put her in her place 🙈
I know i need to get over it but i just want to txt her c u next Tuesday 😂

This is me right now!
Worst birthday week ever - Lost a friend through cancer, a friend through suicide and one of my closest friends has stopped speaking to me cos I went for Birthday cake ON MY BIRTHDAY, without including her, whilst she was at work. But she hasn't actually told me she's upset with me. I've messaged her husband to see if she's OK she's not replying to my messages. CBA with the drama - we're mid 30s and 40s!

I keep going between being really upset and really angry; but I'm determined to not message her, as I'm still waiting to hear back from her since my last message.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh. Rant Over.
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My husband moved my memory bear (a bear that is made out of my dead dads clothes) and left it upside down with limbs all over the shop. Then had the gall to say he didn't.

I had placed it sitting nicely in my office yesterday and I haven't been in their since whereas he has been in 5 or 6 times, including the cupboard next to the bear.

When I said can you be a bit more careful please and have a bit of respect he went off on one about how it wasn't him (only us 2 in the house) and then fucking said he can't see why I'm that upset about a bear anyway!!!

It's literally all I have left of my dad. Me, mum, my sister and my aunt all have one.

I fucking hate him sometimes for how emotionally stunted he is.
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I just got a letter through from the ultrasound department and I’m so gutted that it’s the same restrictions as my last pregnancy in 2020. I genuinely thought I’d be allowed my husband with me in the scan room and at least the waiting room this time round. He’ll be so disappointed when I tell him.
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People who start 1 star reviews by saying: "I'd give zero stars if I could!"

We all understand 1 is the minimum rating, just get on with it. 😂

Or people who rate a product 1 star and then you find it was nothing to do with the product, but more they weren't happy with the fact it didn't arrive when it should have.

Can you tell I've been reading reviews for a purchase I want to make?!
Or reviews that say 'can't give review as I bought it for someone else but haven't heard anything'. Thank you for such wonderful insight
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Watching a tiktok live, a dog breeder of micro bullies 🙄
Selling the females for £5000 and males for £4000. Had 13 pups, 7 females and 6 males so that’s £59k if all are sold. Planning on keeping one or two males I’m assuming to stud out, so who knows how much they’ll get from them. Feel sorry for them unhealthy dogs and the owners who buy them when in the future they’ll most likely have to deal with health issues. The breed has a average life span of 5 years 🤯
It won’t come back on the breeders though it’ll come back onto the vets who can’t help them or charge too much for services.
This guy is pretty ok compared to some as well in terms of not hating on the vets, taking the mum for an elective c-section and saying he wanted the dog to be with the vet incase anything happened. Although I don’t know if I agree with them either as should a dog be bred if it needs a planned c-section.
It’s just crazy how much they earn from these messed up dogs.
There’s a guy who breeds french bulldogs, he got to position 2 of the weekly gifting leaderboard rankings this week and said that whoever sends him the most gifts will get a free puppy. He’s a piece of shit just like anyone else who breeds or owns one of these brachycephalic dogs.
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You’re 100% in the right and I hope you have separate bank accounts so only your partner is paying for it and not you!
I was just going to say the same. That’s over a grand out of YOUR household he’s just handed over to her for absolutely no reason. You’re having a baby soon right? That’s money that could have been spent on your child.
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Didn’t pay for my haircut again earlier

As I’m walking out the door the barber starts frantically calling out to me to remind me to pay. I just look him right in the eye and say “what you gonna do pal, stick it back on with glue?”

I’ve used this same tactic on 6 or 7 different barbers this year and none of them have known how to deal with being challenged in this way

This is exactly why I don’t need to work. I went out for a drink with a couple of mates on Saturday and didn’t buy a single round. Neither of them felt brave enough to question my assertion that I’d left my wallet at home

I could never be a ‘wagie’ like them and work myself to the bone for someone else’s benefit. I do what I want, when I want
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She has accused me of hiding her mail?!
Is she okay - not suffering the early stages of dementia or something similar? I ask because that's how my friend's mother (who was diagnosed with rapid onset dementia) started behaving ... accusing everyone of doing strange things, being paranoid in general ... her personality completely changed.
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Pesky Tarian

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My husband sent my daughter to school MY new boots today. I'm mad at him for not realising they were 3 sizes too big for her when getting them out of the shoe rack and mad at her for not saying anything (she's been eyeballing them since I got them).
Had them just 2 weeks and now the toes are scuffed to hell. They've tried to colour them in, in black biro too the turds.
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Lately my partner has been a grumpy miserable fit and he makes me feel really unappreciated. I always go out of my way to make him feel special but he can never be bothered to do the same for me. He always wakes up at 5am for work and I’m always up with him to say bye and see him before he goes to work and I don’t see him till late evening. Well most mornings now he doesn’t even talk to me or anything, just has a cigarette and says “bye love you” and leaves. I am aware in probably being moany over something so silly compared to others problems but I feel we hardly talk at all. When I do try to talk to him I’m met with aggression. Feeling quite sad tonight
You wake up at 5am to say bye to your partner before he goes to work?! Fuck that!
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When you just have a very minor moan or feel sad about something and someone guilt trips you...

A colleague asked me if I'd had my hair cut and I replied 'yes, I'm not that happy with it though but I can live with it until it grows' The person responded with 'you shouldn't really be complaining when there are people with cancer who have no hair because of chemo'
Okay Kevin 🤔

I have a son already and I mentioned to a friend that I was disappointed that I'd got my period because we're trying for another and she responded with 'count yourself lucky there are some couples out there that can't have children'
Wtf!! I bloody know that but I can still be a bit sad about things to do with me personally.

When did moaning and saying you feel a bit sad get cancelled.
Also the two aren't mutually exclusive. You can still be pissed off with your haircut and still empathise with someone going through chemo. I hate replies like that.
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Husband went to do a service yesterday and the previous person had not put the cover back on the boiler correctly, therefore breaking the seal. Turns out it was the electrician who had fitted the hive.

No one apart from a gas safe engineer can go into boiler legally.

Unfortunately even then they are not all the same, hubby has followed some engineers onto jobs which are absolute death traps 😥
I actually have a little update on my Dad's boiler if anyone is interested 🤪

The engineer who attended when the boiler conked out came back yesterday with another colleague. They took the boiler completely off the wall, went over it totally, fixed it and set up the timers and stuff for my Dad making sure all heating and hot water was back on. They also put everything like the microwave and stuff back in place for my Dad. In total they were blooming marvellous and were there for about 3 hours. My Dad was delighted with them and said what a great couple of blokes they were.

So, in short, first engineer was shocking, second engineers were amazing and I now think British Gas Home Care are great again.
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When you just have a very minor moan or feel sad about something and someone guilt trips you...

A colleague asked me if I'd had my hair cut and I replied 'yes, I'm not that happy with it though but I can live with it until it grows' The person responded with 'you shouldn't really be complaining when there are people with cancer who have no hair because of chemo'
Okay Kevin 🤔

I have a son already and I mentioned to a friend that I was disappointed that I'd got my period because we're trying for another and she responded with 'count yourself lucky there are some couples out there that can't have children'
Wtf!! I bloody know that but I can still be a bit sad about things to do with me personally.

When did moaning and saying you feel a bit sad get cancelled.
There’s always someone worse off than ourselves but doesn’t mean our own struggles don’t matter. Good luck ttc. 🤞
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