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That middle aged Canadian bloke working at a school wearing a ratty old wig and fake tits swinging below his crotch with a pair of huge fake erect nipples perched on the droopy ends. What in the ever living fuck is wrong with this world.

Guy should be in a psychiatric unit not working with kids.


Nah, I'm with you, absolute prize clown, should be sectioned.
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Would love to go back to a time when the news wasn’t peppered with the word TikTok - If I cared about what was happening on TikTok I would be on it
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An indicator and reverse lights usually mean some one is reversing. If reverse lights an indicator AND they are beside a driveway, common sense would make you think they are backing onto the driveway, no?
I was doing just that and someone came so close up my arse I just about got on. Then started waving hands and shouting at me. They are lucky they drove off before I got out my car or they would have had a mouthful.
I don't even let my husband up my arse, why the fuck would I want you up it 🤭
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The "mental load" of family life. It's somewhat a situation of my own making as I didn't work for years when my children were younger so did pretty much everything plus I'm naturally really organised so I've always dealt with most house admin stuff.

Except now I've gone back to work and every fucking night I have to run through with my husband what everyone is doing, who is dropping who off where, who is picking who up where, what the plans are for dinner, who is cooking said dinner etc. There have been 3 days of discussions because I'm working tomorrow til 7, smallest is at after school club and has to be picked up by 6 but H is on a work call he can't get out of til smallest needs to be at a club for 6, middle has to be at another club for 5.30 and biggest can't really help as he's got his own club on after school and is also walking an elderly neighbours dog as she's not able to. Eventually got it sorted my FIL would help out but even he wants a reminder tomorrow about it as he's apparently too busy to remember on his own.

Everyone is happy to do things, H will trail himself here, there and everywhere between work/children/dog and I can ask parents/in-laws/friends etc when necessary but it's just that I ALWAYS have to think about it and put everything into place. It's so wearing.
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I had to take a few days off work this week because of illness - I was off Mon and Tues, then I forced myself to go in on Wednesday despite still feeling terrible, and then ended up in A&E Wednesday night because I took a turn for the worse so took yesterday and today off. I thought it was covid or the flu, it now turns out I've got bronchitis.

Well my boss is not pleased that I've had four days off work, he isn't really that bothered that I had to go to the hospital and is now messaging me saying I must be back in on Monday because the team needs my support and I'm letting them down by not being there.

I was worried this would happen, and now I feel super anxious about going back to work. 😕

Do you have an HR dept? If so, report him, keep all texts etc that he's sending. Make sure you get a fit note from your GP or pharmacist and make sure you stay off until you're 100% better. Fuck him basically.
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Walking into school this afternoon for pick up, he's doing an after school club so not many going in. I'm walking up and there's someone walking behind me in clippy cloppy shoes and they're not overtaking me but walking really closely behind. Either speed up and go past me or drop back so I don't feel like you're breathing down my neck!
Fuck people like that. When I get someone playing that stupid game behind me, I slow down till I’m walking at a ridiculous pace so that they’re forced to overtake me, then just as they’re about to go past, I suddenly speed up so they can’t overtake. Then I just keep repeating this process lmao, it’s literally like real life trolling and so fun.
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When you just have a very minor moan or feel sad about something and someone guilt trips you...

A colleague asked me if I'd had my hair cut and I replied 'yes, I'm not that happy with it though but I can live with it until it grows' The person responded with 'you shouldn't really be complaining when there are people with cancer who have no hair because of chemo'
Okay Kevin 🤔

I have a son already and I mentioned to a friend that I was disappointed that I'd got my period because we're trying for another and she responded with 'count yourself lucky there are some couples out there that can't have children'
Wtf!! I bloody know that but I can still be a bit sad about things to do with me personally.

When did moaning and saying you feel a bit sad get cancelled.
I personally hate this. It just dismisses and minimises whatever you're going though.
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Family came over at the weekend and when they got home they told us they had covid. Three days later and I’ve got it. Feeling horrific and beyond pissed off with them. They always come over with colds, flu, sickness bugs etc. You could be sat eating your roast and they would announce that X kid had sickness and diahorea that morning and every time I see them I get ill.

It really makes me not want to see them. I know you can’t avoid these things but with them it’s every single time. They are still at school, work and have been to football matches knowing they are unwell while I can barely get out of bed 🤬
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
That's a hell of a lot of money to just hand over to her. I don't think you're in the wrong at all. Visits and money for visits should be discussed prior for sure
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I just need to rant about seeing my friend today to get it off my chest. I haven’t seen her all summer holidays on purpose but I thought I’d make the effort today. We have kids the same age (6) and she has a baby about 8 months old.

She asks me to hold her baby any time I’m round and I don’t mind but she ALWAYS makes a comment to say how awkward I look holding a baby? Today she went on and said ‘you look so awkward holding a baby you’d never think you actually had your own’ idk what this even means but it really upsets me when she says this! I feel paranoid now that I look unnatural with babies or something!

We were chatting about life in general and she asks quite personal questions about my finances which I don’t tend to answer cos I think it’s rude but I did say like most people I’m concerned about the energy price rises and she proceeds to boast saying ‘ah well everybody else is stressed but we’re actually £500 in credit so we have nothing to be stressed about’ erm okay good for you maybe keep that to yourself.

Her husband asked me if I’m certain my partner, his dad, or my dad hasn’t fathered other children outside of their relationships because that’s what Jamaican men do apparently.

My partners mum passed away recently and she asked me who paid for the funeral and when i responded with ‘we did’ she was outraged that I had anything to do with it because we’re not married (even though we’ve been together 10 years)

And worst of all, she didn’t even make me a brew the whole time I was at her house!!

I can’t be doing with having friends you know I’m happier on my own 😂
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When people say "if I'm ever single again I couldn't do dating, I'd stay single forever. I don't know how you do it"

Well I'm only 29, I'd like a family so I don't really have much choice you insensitive prick.
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There is no need to feel in any way self conscious when attending a smear or any other gyne appointment. I cannot stress enough that doctors/nurses DO NOT CARE about it being your private parts they are looking at. It is no different to them seeing that than them looking at a toe or eye or anything else. They see it all day every day and it’s just completely routine. Yours will not be the first or last vagina they see today!!!!!
I've had major surgery a few years ago on my aorta and heart. Went in through my groin, by pass around the neck area etc etc. I was naked as anything on that operating table.

A few weeks later I was at the hospital going for a check up and I was in the lift with my surgeon. He looked right through me. No idea who I was. At that moment I realised I was just a heart and aorta to him. He only knew me by what my procedure had been. I was known as a carotid subclavian by pass to him. 🤣 🤣
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A relative posted something personal about my child on a Facebook group. Someone was asking for advice and she used my child as an example. I told her I didn’t appreciate private info being on Facebook and she took it down but didn’t see what she did was wrong. 🙄 I really hate social media sometimes.
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This is so trivial but I hate how at events people take loads of
photos for social media. The camera hates me and puts about 20lb on my face, it’s a bit of a long running joke between me and my partner that I just look like absolute shite on camera. Genuinely horrific. But what if they’re lying to placate me and I actually look like that?!?! 🤣
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I was in Primark today and heard two women complaining LOUDLY that there wasn't a lot of size 22 - 24 trousers in stock, ranting about how high street stores aren't catering for plus-sized people and therefore actively discriminating against them. This is confirmation bias at it's finest because usually when I'm in Primark, I struggle to find a size 10 and see looooads of other sizes (including the 22 & 24 these two were bitching about). But this is probably just because my size is sold out. No big deal. Annoying maybe, but discrimination.. no.

It just annoys me that with the body positivity crowd, logical thinking goes out the window in favour of victim mentality. Get over yourselves, and grow the fuck up.
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The lack of support for chronic illness. My partner is chronically ill with no diagnosis and it is utterly life ruining, if that isn't bad enough in itself, noone will help him. He has had to beg for every test he's ever had and because they haven't shown anything he just gets cast aside and treated like it's all in his head and he's just whining. A lot of the time he gets "be grateful you aren't really ill!" because there's no physical proof. That makes it so much worse for him, because he is really ill, just as ill as anyone else with proof, if not more, but he has to deal with that while also not being believed or helped. He's gone to the ends of the earth to try and find out what is wrong with him, tried so many weird things and nothing helps and it's draining the life out of him (and honestly our entire lives) and I don't understand how we have a system where despite all that, they just don't care. Unless you are bleeding or have a massive growth it's fuck off basically. You have to be half dead before anyone gives a shit and then they tell you it's too late and you should have come sooner. Figures.
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Got a delivery of 2 beautiful light fittings £200 each delivery person threw them over my high fence broke them beyond repair.
Wayfair unreal and gave me my money back but yet delivery person will get away with this
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ive never stayed in an air b n b but £1,150 for 5 days seems ridiculously expensive. was it the equivalent of the ritz or savoy? tell her to book a premier inn next time !😉
and ultra religious people are often the worst examples of their faiths teachings !
Who would stay somewhere cheap when they plan to ask somebody else to pay for it 😏 It’s funny because when my partner went to visit her a few months ago for a day or two I didn’t go, but he said she took all the toilet roll out of the house and put it in the boot of her car so he couldn’t use it, he told me this yesterday and said it was mental and he was so baffled by it he didnt even tell me. honestly you couldn’t make it up.
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