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Is anyone else really put off by people having “favourite serial killers” and stuff? I find it super unsavoury and disrespectful. The amount of TikToks I’ve seen that are trying to psycho analyse people like Jeffrey Dahmer implying that he wasn’t like other serial killers because he didn’t get off on killing and in fact he often regretted it. Someone cited him being possibly autistic and therefore that could have contributed to his murderous tendencies. Like, do you have any idea how disrespectful that is? The implication that autism not only can make you a murderer but that it also absconds you of responsibility? Nah. You’re alright. Secondly that people think that somehow if he’d have just found the right person he might not have done it. Yeah, maybe not but he did. Oh and that because he admitted and took responsibility for all his crimes that he is somehow “better” than other serial killers. Fuck that. He was a cold blooded murderer with no regard for his victims or their families.

And also it’s always the more attractive/queer/interesting killers that people flick their beans over. It’s never fucking Harold Shipman or Fred West is it?
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My rant for today is related to the health system. We constantly have it blasted in our faces that we need to be proactive with our health and get anything worrying checked out. Then if you try, you can't get appointments, you have to beg, borrow and steal and you just get treated like a time waster and can barely get them to listen to you before you are thrown out the door in 20 seconds. They really only care if you are bleeding somewhere or have a massive, visible growth hanging off you. Healthcare should be PREVENTATIVE as much as humanly possible and you shouldn't be treated as an inconvenience for wanting to do so. Even things like mole mapping, this should be the norm for everyone annually, but it only happens in the UK once someone has already been diagnosed with skin cancer. What the fuck? We are grossly far behind for such a developed country and I'm so sick of the NHS is a wonder line. Most people only say that because they are too scared to say otherwise and face the reality of how bad it actually is (at most things, not everything).
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Little nob heads between the ages of about 11 and 16 thinking they’re hard coz they are in a group. Shouting swearing and being a general nuisance. Hate it. Bet their parents don’t know and probably don’t care. Saw one of them get pulled off their moped by an adult for doing dangerous things and causing a nuisance. He shit his pants screaming “sorry sorry” like they did in The Inbetweeners 😅😅😅 and got up and ran away with the moped. Not so big now are ya!! Bet he didn’t do it again lol
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I might have ranted about this before, probably have. Can’t really remember as I don’t post a lot.

I am just so down and fed up. I broke my back in January, two vertebrae one in half. I have a 6 inch surgery scar and a back full of titanium.

The recovery is just so slow. I can’t walk for more than 10 minutes without pain. Standing still is impossible as that puts so much extra pressure on.

I have exhausted my sick leave so am having to go part time as I cannot cope with a full week, with all the cost of living it’s such bad timing.

All I want to do is sleep and wake up when things are better.
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Someone I know taking selfies and leaning on random peoples graves 😡 photos of her snogging her boyfriend whilst both leaning over someone’s grave.

How do people think this is okay?!
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I wasn't aware I'd lost my debit card until some runt has tried to do a £200 shop at Morrisons online. I got an approval message thing in my banking app. The cheek of them though, could it not be traced to wherever they ordered? Anyway declined approval and card cancelled. Cheeky bastards.
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I'm fed up of people lying because they truly believe "be kind" means they have to say something rather than scrolling by.

This is specifically relating to a craft group I am in.

Someone posted something they had made that was truly awful and the worst example of the craft I have ever seen, and the comments were full of comments such as "it's wonderful" "looks great" "wow! 😍" etc. They are out right lies!!!

The one person who tried to give constructive feedback was piled on by everyone else and told to "be kind" and "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" but I think it's the be kind brigade who need to shut up and stop lying to people as lying isn't nice either.
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Agreed, the school kids shouldn’t be forced to witness his fetish being acted out and validated :sick: They are there to learn, not be unwilling participants in his fetish!
Exactly this. Would a female Teacher be allowed to work whilst wearing a giant penis attached to her that was so large it was distracting to pupils, got in the way and created a grotesque and perverse image of men … i very much doubt it.
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My ex. Yet again. I’ve had a cry. How someone can stoop so low in their treatment of someone else is beyond me. He’s trying to wear me down. But he won’t win
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Sick to the back teeth with everything being "content" and everything needing to fit a certain "aesthetic" or seasonal theme or whatever the trend is at the moment.
What is this nonsense of decorating for autumn? When did that become a thing.

I saw a woman in Tok Tok this morning decorating an autumn tree. Basically a Christmas tree but covered in pumpkin ornaments and rustic leaf decorations.
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This is what gets me about 'Beyoncé has the same 24 hours'. No she doesn't. She has people who do everything for her.
Don't you know after Beyonce's got the kids up, taken the dog for a walk and dropped the kids at school she goes to the studio to knock out a few songs? When she's done that she pops to Tesco to get something for tea. 🤣
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People who start 1 star reviews by saying: "I'd give zero stars if I could!"

We all understand 1 is the minimum rating, just get on with it. 😂

Or people who rate a product 1 star and then you find it was nothing to do with the product, but more they weren't happy with the fact it didn't arrive when it should have.

Can you tell I've been reading reviews for a purchase I want to make?!
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Watching a tiktok live, a dog breeder of micro bullies 🙄
Selling the females for £5000 and males for £4000. Had 13 pups, 7 females and 6 males so that’s £59k if all are sold. Planning on keeping one or two males I’m assuming to stud out, so who knows how much they’ll get from them. Feel sorry for them unhealthy dogs and the owners who buy them when in the future they’ll most likely have to deal with health issues. The breed has a average life span of 5 years 🤯
It won’t come back on the breeders though it’ll come back onto the vets who can’t help them or charge too much for services.
This guy is pretty ok compared to some as well in terms of not hating on the vets, taking the mum for an elective c-section and saying he wanted the dog to be with the vet incase anything happened. Although I don’t know if I agree with them either as should a dog be bred if it needs a planned c-section.
It’s just crazy how much they earn from these messed up dogs.
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My partners mum told me today that I’m starting to look a little bit ‘chunky’ and weight gain doesn’t suit me, I normally just dismiss her when she is being rude but I burst into tears 😔 I don’t think I’m even ranting really but I just feel really sad ever since she said it
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Chatty Member
Just seen an upload of a girl I know on insta (not an influencer just a regular person) and she's had her picture taken on holiday with a little monkey thats got one of those chains around its neck 😔 so depressing thinking about that monkeys life.
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I have an inner ear infection and it really hurts, I feel rubbish all day. My brother text me earlier and asked would I watch my niece tonight overnight, I said no because I didn’t feel great and was having an early night, he replied with ‘bit selfish but alright no problem’ 😒 I do so much with my nieces and nephews, I am a very involved aunt and it’s so annoying that the one time I say no that is the response.
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I’m hoping this isn’t unpopular.

Families in a&e waiting’s rooms. Obviously I appreciate that things can be serious and I’m not begrudging them that, but it’s when it’s unnecessary. Yesterday I was in the a&e waiting room and there was an elderly gentlemen around 70 who had hurt his eye. His granddaughter had brought him in. Fine. Elderly man’s grandson and son then turn up to sit with them. A&e was packed, so much so that people were having to wait outside and people were sitting on the floor. They’re now taking up 4 seats when realistically only 1 of them needed to be there with him. They all stayed until he was triaged, seen and then discharged (with eye drops) 5 hours later!! Of course I’d understand if he was gravely ill and I’m not suggesting leaving him there alone either but do you really need 3 of you waiting with him? i appreciate it’s none of my business but there were people there with genuine illnesses (myself included) sat on the floor of a hospital or stood outside while these 3 took up seats.
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Put my empty can of coke in the regular bin rather than the recycling yesterday.

Roommate starts banging on about saving the planet, a simple “ok, fatty” deflates him like a balloon.

He’s packed a few pounds on over the summer so he knows he has no comeback. Not wanting to escalate things further he just walks off licking his wounds.

I’ve learned that all betas are insecure about their appearance and have been raised in a soft society where it’s frowned upon to ‘shame’ anyone for their self-inflicted flaws.

I take full advantage of this and get the easy win every time. “Fatty”, “Chrome dome”, “Ginger nut”, “Four eyes”, “Chicken arms” - all some of my favourites.

Not one of these has ever stood up for themselves when confronted with the truth. This is what happens when society embraces soy boy culture.
BIB Or maybe they know there is no point trying to have a conversation with someone who responds with childish name calling
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I think many people would rather they did away with the school uniforms given the cost of living crisis. All the schools my way enforce branded uniforms and it costs ppl a fortune, we dont live in the best area either so its hardly like ppl are being tight.
As long as they are in the colours, clean and tidy I would be happy
I think there would be more pressure on parents if they didn’t have to wear school uniform. Some kids won’t have many normal clothes and I think bullying would be rife.
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