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2 rants for you:

- cats. My neighbours all have cats, I have no cats. Yet I spend my day cleaning up cat poo from my garden. I don't have pets because I don't want to be cleaning up after them 😤

- people who post "I don't know what to get my child for Christmas any ideas" well a bunch of strangers don't know your child, so maybe ask the child? Bloody annoying.
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I couldn’t decide if I felt the vomit emoji or the heart for the work you do. Sorry, vomit won. But hearts for you and your traumatized left finger. 💕 you poor thing.
Thanks my dear !! Had a day of running around triage with very ill patients but nothing abnormal then this happens lol.

I am traumatised and regret my career choices lol 🤣🤣 I tell you one thing though, eat fibre and drink water and this won't happen to you 🤣🤣🤣

I just feel terrible on the patient. He was mortified. A nurse came into the room with us too !! Glad I asked her to leave the poor fella had enough to deal with with me lol. I can't look at my left hand right now lol🤣

It was better than the last time though. I knew what had to be done. Last time I was just walking around the ED and my consultant I'm under told me I needed to go in and remove shit from someone's rectum. Well I nearly died🤣 it is the only job I don't like but this if the life I've chosen lol

Poor patient. He was MORTIFIED. Decideded to tell me after he was gay so was used to things up his arse!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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EVERY celeb/person/luvvie on TV who bang on about Climate change, all pretending to be concerned, only to continue to fly around the world taking holidays many of which are #gifted 😡 😡 😡

Funny how Climate Change is only important when there's not a holiday booked.
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Someone I know taking selfies and leaning on random peoples graves 😡 photos of her snogging her boyfriend whilst both leaning over someone’s grave.

How do people think this is okay?!
Like MAFS UK when someone said they had sex in a graveyard. So disrespectful

My cancer might be back and I'm bloody pissed off about it. I know I'll be okay, but it's just inconvenient. I now have to get time off for a procedure and potentially get childcare as the op will be on my foot and idk if I'll be okay to walk immediately afterwards due to location.
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Had my haircut a bit shorter, not majorly short, just like a long bob, skimming my shoulders. Someone has just said oh it looked better longer. FUCK OFF 🤣. What am I supposed to do, glue my hair back on?! 😒 🤣
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Chatty Member
Small silly rant incoming...
Went to a beauty counter today. I had a big change in hair colour recently but it didn’t come out quite the colour I wanted. Instead of dark brown, it’s black and the ends are dark brown. My salon switched colour providers recently so thats the reasoning they gave and it’ll hopefully lift in time. I was telling the person who worked there that my hair has changed so I’m looking for new brow pencil/blush and could she advise. The make up counter worker then said “oh babes you didn’t colour it right... the ends are all wrong. home job was it?”

I know it’s silly but I feel paranoid with how it looks now but also I don’t see how the situation was helped by her saying that.
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No really a rant but something that’s playing on my mind. I got married last week, a friend who is coming asked about a wedding gift.

She was in a group chat with two of my other friends inc my maid of honour and apparently there was talk of a group gift which never materialised which was no surprise so the others did their own thing. This one friend has not given a gift nor mentioned it when I thanked the others. My MOH couldn’t believe it and wonders if she forgot as she mentioned a gift at their hotel.

I’m not bothered about the gift itself, but it just seems odd. It’s killing me not to mention it.
Shortly after I got married a relative said to me 'did you get my cheque in the card?' and I said 'no' . They said 'I'll send you another one then' and it never materialised. 29 years later whenever I see them I desperately want to say 'still waiting for that cheque' 🤣

It never leaves you 👹
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Chatty Member
My work bestie is leaving this week after essentially being bullied out. I'm raging at how she was treated, pleased for her not taking it and finding something better, devastated for myself, and angry that the consequence won't negatively affect the culprit at all. Feeling shitty.
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Some one just cut me up while driving. And I’ve gone into a full on panic attack. She started screaming stupid girl at me . I’m in a right state, I’m so upset and it’s really scared me and yet she drove of laughing
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Watching a tiktok live, a dog breeder of micro bullies 🙄
Selling the females for £5000 and males for £4000. Had 13 pups, 7 females and 6 males so that’s £59k if all are sold. Planning on keeping one or two males I’m assuming to stud out, so who knows how much they’ll get from them. Feel sorry for them unhealthy dogs and the owners who buy them when in the future they’ll most likely have to deal with health issues. The breed has a average life span of 5 years 🤯
It won’t come back on the breeders though it’ll come back onto the vets who can’t help them or charge too much for services.
This guy is pretty ok compared to some as well in terms of not hating on the vets, taking the mum for an elective c-section and saying he wanted the dog to be with the vet incase anything happened. Although I don’t know if I agree with them either as should a dog be bred if it needs a planned c-section.
It’s just crazy how much they earn from these messed up dogs.
I know of someone who made in the region of £100k breeding dogs during lockdown. It all seems completely unscrupulous.

I was walking my friend's dog the other week, and someone stopped me to chat about him (never realised how many people talk to you if you're walking a dog!) They were telling me they had agreed to buy 2 puppies of the same breed from some awful backstreet breeder before they were born; breeder then didn't bother to take the pregnant dog to the vet, just left her in her kennel to give birth - resulting in 1 pup dying and the others in the litter being born with disabilities due to being starved of oxygen during the birth :( Just horrendous.

These dogs aren't pets, they're money making machines. Even the Z listers are at it, look at Aaron Chalmers (off Geordie Shore)- he's been breeding bulldogs for a while now, they sleep outside in the garden in a cage far too small for their size (they did have a bigger cage but he replaced it so he could have a shed the selfish twat). He's got a thread on here unsurprisingly!
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
That's actually horrific. With respect, what the fuck is he thinking? The audacity to give out money like that without even speaking to you? No, not on.
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More of a roll your eyes moment than a rant.
Retuned some items of clothing to a shop yesterday that I had bought online. In hindsight, I should of posted them back rather than head to the shops on a Saturday.
Anyway, i returned the clothes. The girl behind the to both counted them. Walk away… the receipt says 3 of the items haven’t been returned. Ffs so I find a floor manager and she’s not the friendliest of people (I get it, I used to to work in retail, albeit it was a premium brand, not high street) and she says there’s only 2 items missing 🫠 I said no, there’s 3! The young girl behind the till says “maybe I counted it wrong”…so I’m like, ok, let them return these 2 items and I’ll go wander round and check against my online order confirmation and check them all off because there was a huge queue forming. When really, I was thinking, we counted them both together. I number crunch 5 days a week, I can definitely count. There are 3 items missing off my refund. Wander round the store again and yep, I find the item on my email that they hadn’t returned.
Went back to the floor manager and again, frosty response. She went and got the clothes out of the cupboard that I had returned and we got to the bottom of it. We found the final item.
Jesus christ, it was painful and the way the floor manager was talking to me. Mistakes happen, don’t talk to me like I’m stupid when I’m being patient.
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‘Your call is very important to us. You are caller number 123,456 in the queue’ Aaaaaarrrggghhhh. I’ve seen tectonic plates move faster
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Dogs barking. During lockdown everyone and their uncle seemed to get a dog with absolutely no idea how much work they can be. At any point in the day, there is a dog barking in the vicinity of my house. It’s usually the two nextdoor carrying on every time someone passes the house, then they are joined by the one over the road, one on the corner and one over the back somewhere.
I’m absolutely sick to the back teeth of it. 6.30 am barking session ? No problem ! Want waking up at 1.30 am by constant barking ? Yep, we can do that.
Don’t fucking get a dog if you’re going to leave it in the house/garden all day to do the neighbours heads in 😡
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I was in bed early last night as I wasn't feeling too well. Husband had a fish pie for dinner, and left the stinking carton and dirty plate out overnight, before buggering off to London first thing. I was bloody gagging! I'm not good with bad smells anyway, but this was seriously rank.

He's also forgotten his keys and won't be home until after 10pm. We have a 'place' we always hide keys, shall I lock him out as revenge?
Divorce him
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Why do people in the public eye and brands jump on any bandwagon and force their views onto their audience? We like you for what you're paid for (sing, act, provide a service, sell products), not for your personal opinion. That drives me effin mad!
You know who annoys me specifically for this. Davina McCall. Her presenting work wasn’t enough for her so just cause she exercises she was a fitness expert then she started ‘writing’ healthy cook books and now just cos she’s gone through the menopause she’s a bloody menopause expert!! Making documentaries everyone praising her for speaking out about. All she’s doing is making money out of people’s hang ups. Oh and I don’t believe she wrote any of the books she claims to. A real expert did but I suppose her face sells stuff!!
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Making the effort for other people's birthdays and if not being repriocated when it's yours!

just feel like f#cking off the whole thing and doing nothing
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Went back home over the weekend to visit family. Stayed at mums house as normal.

She went out last minute on the Saturday night. She was meant to work the Sunday afternoon, instead she took it off ‘sick’, and decided she was going to go out for a roast with her friends. Didn’t invite us with her. Only when her friends didn’t turn up did she invite us out. I said no just on principle.

Haven’t heard from her since we left Sunday evening, and I doubt I will hear from her now for a few weeks.

Don’t know why I’m shocked, really. It’s always like this. Guess I’m just hopeful it’ll change one day, but it never will. 😔
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