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I want to have a rant about GPs, and how I feel I am being failed time and time again. I’ve presented to my doctor with pain in my right side, mainly my upper right but sometimes left quadrants and sometimes in my lower right and lower left. Basically my entire abdomen is tender. I was sent for an USS and it’s come back clear for everything (no gallstones, liver fine - when actually it’s been flagged as failing by my bloods and kidneys fine) however I was quite gassy so I know that can sometimes hinder what the scan shows. Something I also think needs investigation as why am I gassy when I’ve only drank water and fasted prior to the scan?

Yet I’m currently laying with pain in my right side in the exact same place that I know means something is wrong. I’m sick of constantly being made to feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m hoping the paracetamol take the edge off so I can sleep some more and then most likely have to present at my local hospital again at some point over the weekend if it doesn’t get better.

It’s so concerning how people aren’t taken on face value based off what they are saying. I know I’m experiencing pain that isn’t right but because a scan says otherwise then I’m in the wrong. Why isn’t there further investigation? Why have I really got to fight for another course of action rather than someone in the medical profession not wanting to explore my concerns? Why is it that everyone has to almost be at deaths door before the NHS act? It’s so awful.
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I feel a bit like I'm drowning at the moment. I'm normally really on top of things at home with washing, housework, cooking etc but this week I've just had no motivation at all and I have let things go a bit. I don't even know what's wrong with me, I just have no motivation to do anything. Now I've let things go it's all stacking up and I feel like I have so much to do I don't know where to start so instead of making a start I just get overwhelmed and bury my head in the sand. I feel like such a shitty person because my problems are minor compared to so many other peoples yet I'm letting it all get on top of me. I want to be able to do more for the people I care about but I am burnt out and overstretched. Idk what the point of this was really I just needed to vent.
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We visited my in laws today, havnt seen them since July, 45 min drive, get there as it’s been raining husband had to wait for them to get the cardboard out ( his in a wheelchair so god forbid he gets dirt on the cream floor) new build so could have any colour carpet ! I’m stood outside watching her pat dry his wheels! My family do not care nor do I at home!
I even bought her some rugs for this purpose and where are they in the bloody garage! Once in waited anout 15 mins to get a drink! Mil buggers off up stairs to finish cleaning, fil sits watching the tv!
they wonder why we don’t go over often!!
a afternoon wasted!!
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My middle sister works at Mcdonald’s part time whilst she’s studying. The company itself is really good. She was made employee of the month during her first month and given a 50p raise for two weeks, a bag with a £10 gift card, a branded water bottle, a fidget pop toy and a torch. She’s won free photo magnets and they’ve told they’re giving her an amazon alexa randomly. The shifts are very flexible and you can work as much as you want or as little. So she’s varied between four days a week to two and now three. Her manager also dropped her off when she wasn’t feeling well.

The issue has always been the customers. You do get some nice ones but her manager told her the customers will be rude at the interview. She doesn’t get as upset as she used to when she first started and will now also answer back instead of being silent, but she has cried a few times when i’ve picked her up after work.
My son worked for McDs whilst in 6th form, he had zero complaints about the organisation or his co workers, he said everyone there worked really hard, he liked the company ethos generally, and like your sister they were very flexible with shifts etc.

He said that many of the customers were horrible though, would change their order part way through and then accuse the crew member of getting it wrong, kick off if certain items weren't available or just moan for the sake of it. The place where he works also got a LOT of orders via Uber and he said all the Uber delivery riders were a right pain too (this didn't surprise me as they park like twats outside McDs all the time (it's a High St one so no car park). He said on the back of that job he'd be very reluctant to do a customer facing role again.

One thing that touched me was when my son said about the regulars they would get, elderly people on their own who would come in most days especially in winter, buy a meal or sometimes just a hot drink and sit there for hours, keeping warm and perhaps not feeling as lonely as they would in their own homes :(
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As some of you know from my earlier posts, I have recently been approved for benefits as I consider working to be a mug’s game

I went to the petrol station today in search of some snacks

I was leaving when a guy approached me and asked me for some money because his car had just ran out of petrol and a few pound would be enough to get him home

Spotted him £5, which is taxpayer's money

My good deed for the day, made possible by all the ‘wagies’ out there
Presumably it was £5 you saved when you didn't pay for your snacks and said "And what?" to the cashier when they challenged you, which put the ball back in their court and sent them scurrying away with their tail between their legs.
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Sorry in advance for the long post.
I’ve probably ranted about my in-laws on here about 100 times now but they just never stop with their nonsense, I’ve never disliked a bunch of people so much. We live about 6 hours away from my partners mum, but she decided to come visit and stay in an Air b n b near us a few weeks ago when she could have stayed with us but decided not to.

She stayed in the air b n b for 5 days and it cost £1,150, a day or so after she went home she text my partner and said ‘when are you sending the money’ he was so confused and asked her Money for what? She said she wanted the money for the air b n b because she shouldn’t have to pay for it because she was coming to see us! He was fuming but guess what, he still gave her the money, he sent her the exact amount. When she received it she said ‘what about the petrol money’ and asked for £100 so he sent it!!!! So you come to visit us, refuse to stay in our house because you ‘like your own space’ and ask your son to pay for your air b n b and petrol???

We kind of had an argument about it and he said oh you know maybe she’s going through a hard time financially and isn’t telling anybody so I said to myself yeah perhaps that is the case but who would do that?

So today, there was a knock at the front door, it was his mum, she drove down to see us 🙄 So I look outside and noticed she had a new car, I said oh you got a new car and she said yeah I bought it last week. It’s a Range Rover and I looked it up and it’s worth about 60k. I said oh the monthly repayments must be so expensive and she said ‘oh I didn’t do finance’. I said to her if she wanted to bring her things up to the spare room and she said oh no I’m staying at that Air b n b again. So I did say okay cool but are you going to pay for it this time or going to ask him to pay for it again? I said because that surely can’t be okay to do when you can clearly afford it yourself. She was furious!!! And said she was going to go home so I just said okay bye.

Ive had a huge argument with my partner and he isn’t speaking to me and said I shouldn’t have said anything.
His mum is total dickhead and when we got engaged her and her daughters response was ‘oh are you pregnant’. They are such a horrible family. She also commented on the halloween decorations I had up and always says I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas and it’s about about ‘greed’ for me and most people. She’s a very over the top religious person and I can’t handle her. She’s so toxic. And comments on everything. Did I do the wrong thing by bringing it up about who is paying for the air bnb?
Omg wow! Your MIL is totally out of order and I can't believe that your partner is making you feel guilty about confronting her! I don't understand how she or your partner thinks this is normal behaviour??
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watermelon sugar

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Sometimes people say they’ve got a cold when they really don’t just cos they don’t want to go out 🤣 I know that cos I am one of them 🫣 it’s a good excuse during the winter months 🫢
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Could be six of one and half a dozen of the other. I worked in retail years ago (long before covid) and some customers were vile - more than you might think. And I was always polite.

So, while it’s not an excuse, I think some retail workers get worn down by it all and that can come across in how they act.
We work for minimum wage and have been treated vilely throughout the pandemic. I know people who were physically assaulted for asking people to social distance and wear masks (as was the policy at the time) and people are just rude. I do my best to give good customer service but after being shouted at by someone over the bare minimum and feeling like crying it can be hard to maintain that smiley polite attitude.

I think it's a combination at the moment, and why so many shops are facing staff shortages. Many of us are burnt out, don't get paid enough, no bonuses or rewards. There aren't many incentives to work where I work currently. Especially as a shop that is known for paying staff well it actually only applies to the higher-ups.

My rant for today is I'm just burnt out in general tbh and I start uni next week.
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My elderly mother went through my bedroom drawers whilst I was out. I’m angry beyond words. I’m not a fucking kid!
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I hate people that cannot listen like an adult and keep butting in. Just told me fella to shut up a minute because he would not drop blabbing on. I felt bad but wow he whitters on and chain talks like a 5 year old some times. JUST STOP TALKING
Also people who cannot bear silence.

My hubby and I can sit together in silence quite content just to be in each others company without spewing out nonsense. We have some family members who obviously can't stand silence and feel he need to fill it by talking drivel.
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When appointments are cancelled and you only find out when you turn up because no one bothered to tell you. Does it really take that much these days to text, email or phone someone to tell them their appointment has been cancelled?
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Boyfriend was going out for drinks with work today at some party. He cane over this morning and convinced me to stay at his afterwards, so I said sure, I'll pick him up when it's over and we'll go chill at his together. Planned my whole evening around that and got everything ready.

Anyway received a text an hour ago "I'm gonna go out in to town, having a great evening here, don't worry about staying at mine". Really pissed off, I'm happy he's having a good time after being depressed for so long, its his first night he's enjoyed. However I feel let down and disappointed. He hyped me up all morning to stay at his, was convincing me to stay and then cancels on me last minute. Just feel really pissed off and because he's so drunk he doesn't get it.

I struggle when things dont go to plan or the way we had scheduled, so this has just thrown me off massively and upset me. I've barely seen him all week, was looking forward to later and spending time together and having some us time. But oh no, apparently not!!

Just needed to rant as I know its minor but it's just fucked me off, I hate people letting me down and try so hard not to do it to others!
My husband promised to come home from football, buy the ingredients for dinner and make it, got me all excited with what he was going to make us (we had no food in and he never cooks) but then as the afternoon drew on I kept getting these texts blaming his mates for the fact he hadn’t left yet. I ended up texting him “you’re nearly 40, grow up and take some accountability for your actions ffs” meanwhile me and the 2 yr old sat at home with baked beans on toast for dinner on a Saturday night. They can be selfish twats sometimes.
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I tried to point this out the other day on this thread when a "medical professional" went into graphic detail about a job and patient and how it made them feel with a zillion emojis for effect It wasn't gyne but was a personal and embarrassing situation. I was shocked to see it on a public forum. Made me even less likely to go to a hospital than normal. I won't go unless dragged 🤣
That person defo isn’t a medical professional trust me, I’ve seen some of their posts on other threads and other people have also called them out for it! So please don’t let any posts like that deter you from seeking any treatment if you need it. Real professionals don’t think like that about their patients, as bettycrocker said, they deal with piss, shit, vomit and blood every single day as part of their job, it really isn’t funny to them!
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I generally love living alone but sometimes the burden of needing to do absolutely everything myself is overwhelming.

I'm working crazy hours at the moment while also trying to prioritise myself and my health/wellness (went through a breakup recently and I have resorted to all the usual self-improvement things to feel better lol). Tonight I got back home from a yoga class at 9:30pm, pretty exhausted after leaving the house at 6:30am. Yet I still need to make dinner and take the bins out, then all the other stuff like have a shower, wash my hair, ideally tidy the place up a bit, and I still have about an hours more work to do. Maybe at the weekend I'll get chance to do various bits of life/house admin but I feel like every week I'm fighting to stay afloat.

I make things as easy for myself as possible - meal prep, quick & easy go-to meals, frankly excessive use of Deliveroo, fortnightly cleaner, and so on. I know there are ways to reduce the burden. But I think it'd be nice to just once come home from a long day and find that someone else has dinner ready on the table.
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Kim Mild

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very sad about the queen and i get some
Of the mourning and have no issue with people who are very sad about it etc but

i do NOT need another fucking email from
Another business telling me that they are closed on monday. Lets just assume everywhere is closed and email if you’re actually fucking open
Places saying they are closed 'out of respect ' annoys me . It actually sounds like they are only pretending to be respectful because they think they should.
'We are closed Monday 19th' is a full statement.
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I hope no one who has to have this done reads this thread. How many times are we reasured by the medical profession that "we have seen and done this many times, don't give it another thought"

My sister had to have this done a few times due to medication and hospital food , she was mortified, shamed. and I reasured her many times over it. Glad she didnt have to read posts like this.
Are you serious ? I'm a reg not a consultant. In 10 years I'll probably do it a lot more times. I was just saying it was gross - which it is.
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Sent husband to the shop for loo roll. Rather than buying andrex or anything halfway decent, he comes back with the cheapest 1 ply wafer thin crap ever. Fingers through bog roll when wiping your arse level of cheap.
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Hope it’s okay if I spill my mind onto tattle tonight. I’m finding it difficult to sleep so I’m hoping that getting this out helps.

I come from a very religious/cultural background which has extremely strict rules and controls every aspect of one’s life from who you marry to what you wear. Over the last few years, I have become irreligious and it’s been a tough journey. I don’t feel like I can disclose this to my family because within this environment, you’re not allowed to question anything when it comes to religion as it’s met with a harsh reality. I feel like I’m living a double life, one where I pretend to sort of have my foot in that world as a non-practicing person but cannot express my true self without being shunned. The other life is where I am freer, happier and can live how I want. I hate keeping these secrets but the truth is I’m so scared about the reality of it. I’m also in my mid 20s so it’s not some rebellious phase I’m going through (as people tend to assume.)

The reason I carry so much guilt about this is when I choose to leave, my family will be judged by people in the community because of my decisions as a woman to be independent before marriage etc. I don’t want to hurt them or them to be affected by my choices. The environment is extremely oppressive in almost every way. I will most probably lose my familial relationships when I leave and I feel so emotionally unequipped to deal with it despite having therapy. I’m not sure what I’m hoping to get out of this just wanted to share and get it off my chest a little. Thank you so much for reading
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