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Yeah cars will cost you regardless. I'm on the PCP train, which means I get a new one every 3-4 years. It's good because nothing really goes wrong with it (and if it does, it'll be covered under warranty) but it's a monthly cost for me to keep it. But if I don't do that, then it'll cost me in services and repairs.
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You’ve gotta get yourself a bunch of toilet paper before the initiating the urination my friend, it’s the only way.

What I hate is those fucking weirdos who cover the entire toilet seat in toilet paper so that they can sit on it without their arse touching the toilet seat, do their business and then just walk off and leave it covered in paper!!
you know that makes so much sense but I can honestly say I've never thought about it 😂
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I agree. A lady that served me last week said she’s done. She’s only worked at the store 4 months and the customers are so vile she can’t stand it anymore. They’re short staffed so she’s the only one on the tills all day! I worked in retail many years ago and people were bad enough then
This is why I don’t think I could do shop work again, people are just rude now, I don’t think I’d be able to hold my tongue!
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I ordered some neom essential oils for my diffuser as I had a discount code for ASOS and the pack of 4 has arrived with one 1 in it 😡😡😡

ASOS just say return it as it is faulty. But that's not the point
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There are many ways to self-harm, I feel as sorry for this man as I do an anorexic who is dying.
I see this more on par with addiction than anorexia/ED. Bizarre decision-making when those battling psychiatric disorders don’t get anywhere near the level of funding and resources cases like this seem to.
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Im not ok

Well-known member
I always seem to get cut off from chats.

I’ll be stood talking to my kids teacher, then another parent comes along and they start chatting to them, whilst I’m still talking 🤷🏻‍♀️ what I’m saying doesn’t matter then no?
Or I’ll be talking to them, and get talked over … every single time! I can’t seem to just talk and be heard it’s infuriating.

Same at work to be honest, infact the same at home. Think I should start taking it personally 😂😂😂
I totally get this, it happens to me and I don’t know how to change it, so if you find out let me know 😂

when people share how many steps they have done that day, if I’ve not done much makes me feel like a lazy slob and if I’ve had a good day and got over 10k steps someone will put they’ve done 30k steps and it just pisses me off 😂
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Why oh why cant my husband just be sat, ready and waiting, instead of still getting ready with just over 10 mins to a REALLY IMPORTANT appointment. My anxiety just cant function like this. Ive been ready since about 10am!
My son does this. It’s annoying. But then I think am I annoying getting ready super early and hassling him🤷‍♀️

It’s 5:45 not 6:45. That was the time we used to get up before I got my 2nd cat 🥲. I can hear her baby crying over my tv right now but I’m not gonna go and complain. If they knock again I will state that I’m being as quiet as I possibly can and not much more else I can do because my cats need to be fed and my daughter has to get up at this time to get to school. When my daughter was their children’s ages (1,6 and 9) she was wide awake at 6am anyway.
Apologies for the mistake. My thoughts on the matter remain the same!
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My sister and her fiance both just drive at whatever speed they are comfortable with until they encounter another car and then they sit up their arse. That car turns off, speed up and drive until they get behind another car.

I have been in the car with my sister doing 55 in a 30.

They also approach roundabouts and junctions with no intention of stopping and then have to slam on their brakes if they have to give away.

It's disgusting but they won't listen.
Have they got points on their licences?
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My family have keys to each others homes but they are only for emergencies. No one would ever use them.
Same here.
I have keys to other family members houses, and the sibling who lives nearest to me has a key to my house.

I would never dream of using a key unless it was something they specifically asked me to do, eg if they were away on holidays and needed something sorted urgently.
And likewise they wouldn't dream of using my keys unless asked.
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Put my empty can of coke in the regular bin rather than the recycling yesterday.

Roommate starts banging on about saving the planet, a simple “ok, fatty” deflates him like a balloon.

He’s packed a few pounds on over the summer so he knows he has no comeback. Not wanting to escalate things further he just walks off licking his wounds.

I’ve learned that all betas are insecure about their appearance and have been raised in a soft society where it’s frowned upon to ‘shame’ anyone for their self-inflicted flaws.

I take full advantage of this and get the easy win every time. “Fatty”, “Chrome dome”, “Ginger nut”, “Four eyes”, “Chicken arms” - all some of my favourites.

Not one of these has ever stood up for themselves when confronted with the truth. This is what happens when society embraces soy boy culture.
Or what?
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Chatty Member
I was told my to get my boiler serviced despite it not even mattering because the previous owners never serviced it. So it had no history and the warranty would be invalid. Boiler was working fine… then a few months after it get it serviced, it started playing up. No hot water. I had to keep resetting it… a lot! I got the guy out again and it needed a part replacing. That was 2 months ago. It’s playing up again. FFS. This might be coincidental, but it’s only started playing up after it had it’s service. Arghhh 😅😅😅
It is annoying but it will most likely be coincidence, my hubby is a gas safe engineer and this has happened to him on jobs before. He's serviced a boiler and then it has started playing up not long after BUT with a part that wouldn't have been touched during a service.
The previous owners not servicing it is a reason to absolutely have it serviced, it's for your safety not just a warranty!

My Dad has his boiler serviced regularly. He had it serviced at the very end of August. Last week boiler shut down with a fault. No hot water, no heating. Engineer comes out and turns out there has been a leak at the back of the boiler and it's damaged something inside. Engineer has to come back with a colleague because they now have to take the whole thing of the wall to see if they can repair it. It is looking likely he's going to need a new boiler though.

I'm furious because it transpires the first engineer couldn't get the front of the boiler off so didn't actually service it properly. Now we have no idea how long the leak has been there or if it's a result of the first engineers incompetence. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Husband went to do a service yesterday and the previous person had not put the cover back on the boiler correctly, therefore breaking the seal. Turns out it was the electrician who had fitted the hive.

No one apart from a gas safe engineer can go into boiler legally.

Unfortunately even then they are not all the same, hubby has followed some engineers onto jobs which are absolute death traps 😥

There was something going around on Twitter last week about when to send your child to school. Apparently, it's ok to send a child to school with glandular fever or tonsillitus. (not had either but the comments did suggest they weren't some mildly irritating condition where you can just take some painkillers and you'll be fine)
My daughter has just started to recover from glandular fever, at one point we thought she was going to be hospitalised abroad she was so ill.

It was my daughters special birthday recently.

The 2 birthdays before this my SIL has not even sent a card or message. This year she sent a card not referencing the special birthday and put a gift card in for a middle aged women's clothing shop.

I'm a bit peeved that it wasn't mentioned and I've had to buy the gift card off her or it would go to waste 🙄
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don’t leave, no responsibility on their part
I’m currently on the train back to London, so will there be there for a day. I needed to come back at some point to help sort out my mother’s paperwork otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered. I’m much better with boundaries then I used to be.
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I was on the patch, around a year I was on it after switching from being on the pill for about a year (ish).

I knew it was going to take time, but I think the lack of period is what’s making it worse. Constantly wondering if I don’t have them because I am pregnant, or wondering if there’s something wrong and I’m infertile.

I never thought I’d be so upset over absent periods 😂😂😂 x
If you don’t want to wait and you can afford the consultation fee, go and see a Gynaecologist in private practice. It will be a few hundred pounds but you’ll get bloods tested immediately, no waiting time, answers and hopefully a solution. xx
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I hope you're okay as can be. My GP have an app where you can email & they'll book you in & it's a big help as they get back to you within 48 hours usually.

I have private health insurance too and thankfully only needed it once.
My surgery has this too. So much easier when I need to query an issue which doesn't need an appointment and they can just text me.
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I think it's time to get tough. I had this with my dads private pension a few years ago. All he had was a gossamer thin piece of paper rubber stamped when he joined in the 70's. The pension had been adsorbed by a huge conglomerate and they were less than helpful.

I'd write an e mail bullet pointing all the steps you have taken, all the points of contact with dates. Google the name of their CEO and name him in the e mail, ask that your complaint is passed to the chairmans office. Also copy in the pension ombudsman and your local MP (If you're annoyed enough!). I would also print your e mail complaint and send it recorded delivery. Just basically have a good shout about the poor service, companies hate nothing more than bad PR.

Best of luck 👍.
Thanks 😀😀😀

To be honest, I'm waiting to get the money first.

They actually have started a complaint because it's been dragged out so much.
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Ill do that Monday. I'm in turkey and don't want to fork out at the moment. I'll be back home Monday. It's annoying tho that this happened on day 1 and been like it ever since. There's olive oil in the restaurant I'll get Mr Duck to stick a straw in my and tip olive oil down it....somehow
Warm some olive oil and pop a few drops in your ear or go and buy some Otex ear drops from the supermarket or go and ask a pharmacist for advice.
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