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Nope!!! They are the sort that will never get caught.

I tell her all the time that doing those speeds she could lose her licence, which would mean she loses her job as she lives in a town with no public transport and her office is in a business park in the middle of nowhere, which would then mean lose house as can’t pay the mortgage but she just shrugs and tells me to not be so dramatic.
I think for people like that, it needs to happen before they'll believe it's possible.

I had a lift with a work colleague quite recently and he was zooming through a 40mph zone and caught up with a car in front who was doing 40mph... then said something like: "this one's being a bit square!"

As he was giving me a lift I just bit my tongue, but I wanted to say that following the law of the roads isn't square. 😂 He's had points in the past, but says they've been cancelled now due to time.
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If an assistant is truly rude , I'd be willing to bet the customer deserved it.
Definitely doesn’t apply to one particular lady in my local Poundland, gosh she’s truly awful, how’s she’s still in a job I don’t know, literally zero customer service and stands around and slags off her work colleagues not giving two hoots who’s around her. Awful woman!
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I guess I wonder if she thinks she have a gift and hasn’t so when we send our thank yous she might get upset thinking we haven’t said thank you because she thinks she she has given something. Or I’m worried there was a joint gift from one of the others, I said thank you to her a few times but she never said oh it’s from me and X.

Spot on, the two of them are useless. They turned up 1.5 hours late to my hen do, hungover and never arrange to meet or text back so I half expected an excuse the day before. They regularly turn up without gifts and promise them next time and they never come so I’m by no means surprised but I don’t want there to be any miscommunication if she thinks she didn’t forget and I don’t say thanks.
ah that's a tricky one!
Do you have a friend who's mutual who you truly trust and can ask and just explain that you don't care for the gift but you're worried she's gone without a thanks for something she gave? I'm just thinking cause a friend might know the situation better than you because you were the bride and the gift was for you so they had conversations away from you regarding it does that make sense?

Although given the rest of the info, do you think it's safe to assume she didn't give one if it's a common pattern of behaviour?
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These idiots spray painting or splashing soup on things in protest. What has putting soup on a Van Gogh painting got to do with their cause? All it does is make most of the public pissed off and less likely to listen. Same with obstructing roads, preventing ambulances getting through quickly, etc.

Hate to share a fox news article but has anyone seen who has been funding the stop oil group?
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Aw your poor nanna! I hope my surgery don’t do this. My mum would hang on expecting someone to answer
I'm furious on her behalf! Each time was quite urgent too, relating to her diabetes so she couldn't hang up and try another time. I feel like making a formal complaint on her behalf but doubt it would achieve anything. It's not like they're going to pay the bill for her or magic up some more free minutes 😕
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We work for minimum wage and have been treated vilely throughout the pandemic. I know people who were physically assaulted for asking people to social distance and wear masks (as was the policy at the time) and people are just rude. I do my best to give good customer service but after being shouted at by someone over the bare minimum and feeling like crying it can be hard to maintain that smiley polite attitude.

I think it's a combination at the moment, and why so many shops are facing staff shortages. Many of us are burnt out, don't get paid enough, no bonuses or rewards. There aren't many incentives to work where I work currently. Especially as a shop that is known for paying staff well it actually only applies to the higher-ups.

My rant for today is I'm just burnt out in general tbh and I start uni next week.
You definitely have my sympathies. It was mostly a summer job for me while I was at uni as well. It was tough enough before any restrictions, so I can only imagine what it was like during covid.

I was always polite to retail staff anyway but even more so now, as I know it's hard work and that when customers are friendly it can really make a difference.

I remember sometimes I'd be on the checkout and people would have a go at me when something wasn't in stock. As if I was personally in charge of the ordering. 😂 Oh and the ones who'd be loading their goods onto the checkout and would decide they didn't want certain things so would just dump them at the end - sometimes things like milk which then had to be binned.
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I was on the patch, around a year I was on it after switching from being on the pill for about a year (ish).

I knew it was going to take time, but I think the lack of period is what’s making it worse. Constantly wondering if I don’t have them because I am pregnant, or wondering if there’s something wrong and I’m infertile.

I never thought I’d be so upset over absent periods 😂😂😂 x
not sure if it makes a difference but I was on the implant and got pregnant without getting my periods back🤣🤷🏼‍♀️,it can defo take a while for them to come back. If you have any money spare you should book a private consultation x
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell that’s helpful isn’t it? Jesus 🙄 take no notice. Can you go somewhere else and get it corrected?
Tbh I don’t think there’s much to do. I just need to wait and see how it is in 6/7 weeks. Hopefully the roots and mid length will have lightened a bit and then we can see what to do. I was hoping for a level 3 but got a level 1 with level 2 ends. I don’t want to bleach my hair anymore so fingers crossed it won’t come to that. It looks very shiny so at least there’s that! I’m actually okay with the ends being lighter as it’s more dimensions rather than a block colour if that makes sense.

The salon is usually very good and I’ve been going there for three years. I think it was honestly just a issue with how my hair absorbed it and them underestimating the new colour system and overcompensatin.
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As some of you know from my earlier posts, I have recently been approved for benefits as I consider working to be a mug’s game

I went to the petrol station today in search of some snacks

I was leaving when a guy approached me and asked me for some money because his car had just ran out of petrol and a few pound would be enough to get him home

Spotted him £5, which is taxpayer's money

My good deed for the day, made possible by all the ‘wagies’ out there
This is a rant thread? 😂
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Dogs barking. During lockdown everyone and their uncle seemed to get a dog with absolutely no idea how much work they can be. At any point in the day, there is a dog barking in the vicinity of my house. It’s usually the two nextdoor carrying on every time someone passes the house, then they are joined by the one over the road, one on the corner and one over the back somewhere.
I’m absolutely sick to the back teeth of it. 6.30 am barking session ? No problem ! Want waking up at 1.30 am by constant barking ? Yep, we can do that.
Don’t fucking get a dog if you’re going to leave it in the house/garden all day to do the neighbours heads in 😡
I feel you on this one!
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I’m one of the people who leave some gap when parked on a road between my car and the next but that’s because I’m not that confident driving and want to make sure I have room to get back out safely
I mean some gap yes, but you don’t need so much that you take up two spaces! Plus the cars around you could change and you could end up with someone close to you so it’s no guarantee anyway!
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Tbh I don’t think there’s much to do. I just need to wait and see how it is in 6/7 weeks. Hopefully the roots and mid length will have lightened a bit and then we can see what to do. I was hoping for a level 3 but got a level 1 with level 2 ends. I don’t want to bleach my hair anymore so fingers crossed it won’t come to that. It looks very shiny so at least there’s that! I’m actually okay with the ends being lighter as it’s more dimensions rather than a block colour if that makes sense.

The salon is usually very good and I’ve been going there for three years. I think it was honestly just a issue with how my hair absorbed it and them underestimating the new colour system and overcompensatin.
They can use a colour remover. I had the same thing happen and i got that plus a treatment all on the house.

Liz Truss
India Willoughby?
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Queen of the Thames

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The lack of support for chronic illness. My partner is chronically ill with no diagnosis and it is utterly life ruining, if that isn't bad enough in itself, noone will help him. He has had to beg for every test he's ever had and because they haven't shown anything he just gets cast aside and treated like it's all in his head and he's just whining. A lot of the time he gets "be grateful you aren't really ill!" because there's no physical proof. That makes it so much worse for him, because he is really ill, just as ill as anyone else with proof, if not more, but he has to deal with that while also not being believed or helped. He's gone to the ends of the earth to try and find out what is wrong with him, tried so many weird things and nothing helps and it's draining the life out of him (and honestly our entire lives) and I don't understand how we have a system where despite all that, they just don't care. Unless you are bleeding or have a massive growth it's fuck off basically. You have to be half dead before anyone gives a shit and then they tell you it's too late and you should have come sooner. Figures.
It’s so difficult isn’t it. I applied for disability money (not the UK) and the insurance doctor told me ‘you have no diagnosis, so no prognosis, so you are fine and can work 40 hours’. I did/do have physical proof, but because they didn’t know what it was they didn’t take it serious.
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Has anyone else come across those people who don't seem to have any personality of their own but seem to reflect back what they think the people around them are like?

My BIL's wife is like this. She's taken on all the mannerisms, sayings, likes/dislikes of her in laws. Like I have no idea who she is as a person. It's so unnerving. So I'm civil of course for the sake of the family but she’s just so tofu. There's no other way to describe it. I feel awful for feeling that way but I can't shake it.

And it's a shame because my BIL is also now like a wet blanket. He doesn't engage with people, he used to be so full of life it seems but now isn't.
The father of three of my grandchildren is very much like this. He doesn't change mannerisms though just takes on the opinions of other people. Different opinions depending on who he is with. My daughter thought she was going insane as he would keep changing his oppoions on things but insisting he wasn't. I have no idea how he has gotten away with it his whole life (41) without many people catching on.
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So… you sent her to school and told them she had covid, when she doesn’t actually have covid then?😅
No , THEY sent her home Friday . I was at work , I got a text from her to say she was at home . They didn’t consult me as to what the problem was … She wasn’t part of the plan to come away , they have fined us for keeping her off so I’m sending her back with symptoms, they are fining us fir keeping her off but THEY sent her home as she was ‘ sick ‘ .
she is going back to school as they want her there or not , they can’t send her home then fine US ,
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Went shopping today. How can something the size up from my normal size not fit me in one shop, yet something the size down fits perfectly in another shop??? Can they just be consistent please???
They can’t and won’t! I prefer shopping online where I can see if a garment runs large, small, or true to size based on other peoples feedback 🙃
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