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Kim Mild

VIP Member
Relating to my post on here yesterday , the Heritage Open Days are on this weekend and most are still taking place 'in a respectful manner' .


Well-known member
Is it possible she is on the spectrum? It could account for her not realizing the way her actions come across
You could be onto something with that, or a differential diagnosis if something presents similar. I was just having a look at the symptoms and I don’t like to get in the mindset of diagnosing people with things but I was like the boxes are being ticked for a few of the things and then I was thinking of other people that I know and they don’t tick those boxes. But it’s plausible.


VIP Member
Has anyone else come across those people who don't seem to have any personality of their own but seem to reflect back what they think the people around them are like?

My BIL's wife is like this. She's taken on all the mannerisms, sayings, likes/dislikes of her in laws. Like I have no idea who she is as a person. It's so unnerving. So I'm civil of course for the sake of the family but she’s just so tofu. There's no other way to describe it. I feel awful for feeling that way but I can't shake it.

And it's a shame because my BIL is also now like a wet blanket. He doesn't engage with people, he used to be so full of life it seems but now isn't.
It sounds like she’s masking



VIP Member
what is it that’s playing on your mind? That she didn’t get you a present? Or that she hasn’t mentioned it?
I guess I wonder if she thinks she have a gift and hasn’t so when we send our thank yous she might get upset thinking we haven’t said thank you because she thinks she she has given something. Or I’m worried there was a joint gift from one of the others, I said thank you to her a few times but she never said oh it’s from me and X.
Maybe she's too embarrassed- because she "messed up", couldn't afford the level of gift everyone else was giving, meant to get something but left it too late etc. If you really don't mind about the gift, I would just say (next time you see or talk to her) something like it was a lovely day and you appreciated her being there to celebrate with you. Then if she says something about the gift you can tell her it doesn't matter. Although reading between the lines it seems you already expected her to turn up empty-handed/ not join in with the group gift?
Spot on, the two of them are useless. They turned up 1.5 hours late to my hen do, hungover and never arrange to meet or text back so I half expected an excuse the day before. They regularly turn up without gifts and promise them next time and they never come so I’m by no means surprised but I don’t want there to be any miscommunication if she thinks she didn’t forget and I don’t say thanks.


VIP Member
Vinted buying. I thought the other thing and it’s been great I bought a dress supposedly brand-new and it turned up with holes everywhere raised it with the seller and they said I could return the item at my cost. Totally appreciate that it’s within the vintage terms and conditions yet it is technically against a UK consumer law when I raise it with Vinted they just keep spouting it’s a policy it’s a policy. It’s been nine days since I raise this with the seller I’ve been waiting for a Vinted and the seller to get back to me and yesterday I was told that if the seller did not provide their return address by 5 pm the transaction will be cancelled. The seller provided their return address at 7pm and now Vinted are saying that they’re not going to cancel it and I have one day to return the item when I raise the fact that I had only received the return address at 7 pm on a Saturday of a bank holiday and that technically I always had 72 hours from the return address been provided I did not have one day each person of into that you speak to gives a completely different response all I keep saying is they appreciate my frustration and then say something completely different I’m really cross I’m going to be out of pocket for this transaction because I have to pay to send it back to the seller I have reported them to trading standards under breach of UK consumer law and it seems that there are so many other people that have this issue I sell on vinted and it’s been really good but I am done being a buyer.


VIP Member
over the summer an invasive insect took over the city. I wouldn’t leave the house. now that it’s cold out though they’ve come indoors 😰 this is not so much a rant seeing as how I haven’t got it in me / my soul has barely returned after witnessing the basement filled with flying roach-like insects… it’s a cry for help.


VIP Member
I’d query it, too. I took a relative to a hospital appointment earlier this week and masks weren’t enforced - a lot of the staff weren’t wearing them. So it seems strange that your husband can’t join you.
This happened when I went to a hospital appointment. I couldn’t believe we weren’t expected to wear masks anymore!


VIP Member
What a couple of dangerous selfish twats!! They'll probably end up killing someone .
I know 😔

If we are going anywhere together I always offer to drive as it’s infinitely safer!

They have no concept of how long it takes to get anywhere sticking to speed limits. She says she can get from hers to my mums in 10 minutes. Yet I have never done it in less than 20. Just shows how much faster she is going.


VIP Member
My fucking left ear ! It's not even funny , it's been blocked since Sunday and I can't even hear out of it ! I can't shift it , I've had people look in it to see if somethings had crawled in there , I've used cotton buds and I despise cotton buds and haven't used them for many many years .. it's blocked , I've sucked sweets, I've gulped, I've rubbed it, I'm constantly pissing about with my ear .. ive even asked Mr Duck to suck through a straw that's been hanging outta my ear , he's refused .. I bet something crawls out of it next week !
You should ask for a referral to an ENT doctor to have have a look.


VIP Member
GP phone lines... Our surgery has decided to make getting through on the phone lines to book an appointment easier they are removing the dedicated results line. So now when you call for results you have to wait in a massive queue but at least if you want an appointment you get answered quicker. I rang in the morning and was 21 in the queue. Gave up and called 20 mins before closing... Number 16. Got to number 11 by closing.

My Nanna didn't realise the phone lines closed at 5pm and they didn't cut her off so she waited on the phone for nearly 2 hours one day before she realised. She used up all her free minutes on her mobile. Another time, she used the land line. She didn't realise that the tariff she was on only allows an hour of free calls at a time and was again on hold for nearly 2 hours. She paid 44p per minute for the second hour as per her tariff. But if she'd hung up after the first hour she'd have been sent to the back of the queue!
Aw your poor nanna! I hope my surgery don’t do this. My mum would hang on expecting someone to answer


VIP Member
I’ve probably got Covid , my daughter has probably got Covid and Mr Duck has probably got Covid, I’ve been wearing a mask since last Wednesday, we are abroad , the school have called it a holiday , I’ve called it Covid no matter where you are in the world, .I’ve said we would have Covid in India , Egypt , Cornwall , Ethiopia .. Covid is Covid , they’ve told me I’ll be fined .. I told them fine I’m sending her back to school with Covid , do not contact me, she is not coming home, you can’t fine me for her not being in school with Covid, so didn’t send her home as the door will be locked no one will be in . They can’t have it both ways . They have phoned me 6 times in 90 minutes , Mr Duck3 times in one hour , grandparents, and 2 attendance officers at my neighbours door .. since Monday when I said she was sick …WHICH THEY SENT HER HOME FOR FRIDAY!
, I’ve threatened them with legal action
So… you sent her to school and told them she had covid, when she doesn’t actually have covid then?😅


Chatty Member
I took her on a nice hour long walk. I told her not to be a twat and she was really good. Was a perfect autumn day, warm sunshine with a slight chill. My favourite. Also, went to pay for parking, its anpr operated, and when I put my number plate in it said paid without me actually paying so win win. Happy me and happy dog 🤗
Yay 😁 I was like that when my dog was younger as my husband always seemed to have better control of him than I did and he kept pulling me (probably as my legs are about the length of husband's and I was walking too slowly for him!) so it just wasn't fun. Yet if I went anywhere decent I felt bad if I didn't take him. Thankfully he is less of a that these days and doesn't pull so much so is less of a chore!


VIP Member
It really doesn’t. I went into a Drs appointment with my teen. They didn’t bat an eyelid. She’s old enough to go in alone but wanted me there
I've had mixed experiences over this. The eye department know me and know that I need someone with me. Not been questioned at the chest clinic. I've been in for scans and was once asked why do I need someone with me and said it'll be on my notes and another hospital told my mum to wait (it was for another scan) in her car.