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VIP Member
Trying to get hold of anyone at the three tenancy deposit schemes. I don't think my old landlord has protected it (if he has then I've never received the paperwork to confirm).
All I need is to speak to someone but you can't get through on the lines (one kept asking for a phone number registered to the deposit and so couldn't get through the automated process!)
Have emailed but it's an up to 3 day wait for a reply!


VIP Member
No , THEY sent her home Friday . I was at work , I got a text from her to say she was at home . They didn’t consult me as to what the problem was … She wasn’t part of the plan to come away , they have fined us for keeping her off so I’m sending her back with symptoms, they are fining us fir keeping her off but THEY sent her home as she was ‘ sick ‘ .
she is going back to school as they want her there or not , they can’t send her home then fine US ,
Sorry I don’t know if I’ve got the timeline of events right here. So what you mean is they sent her home on Friday because she was sick, then you took her on holiday, and you’re currently on holiday now and you’re saying she has covid, but they’re saying no it’s a holiday?


VIP Member
I wouldn't class infections as serious medical conditions, but you need antibiotics that you can't get anywhere other than a GP?

I have sciatica I wouldn't class that as a serious medical condition but sometimes needs medication I can't buy over the counter.

I just think of serious medical conditions as life threatening and maybe it acrually encapsulates more than that 🤷🏼‍♀️
People automatically want to see a GP whenever ANYTHING is wrong. People make GP appointments when they have varruccas or ear wax etc - when actually they should instead be seeing a pharmacist first, or a nurse. Not a Doctor.


Chatty Member
Slightly odd scenario in that we're sharing a holiday cottage for the week with my husband's aunt and her husband. Prior to this week I've only ever seen them for a couple of hours at a time at Christmas Dinner and such like and while they're perfectly nice people, I doubt there would be a scenario where we would normally share accommodation. My in-laws were meant to be here too but got covid so have had to stay home.

The Aunt has had heart issues which she was in hospital for last week and has to take things easy so I've been taking on the bulk of the cooking. They were out when I got up this morning and husband said they'd gone out for some supplies and a look round nearby but expected them back for lunch. They didn't appear for lunch, which was fine as we were doing our own thing but I prepped and made dinner and started getting it ready to eat for 6. They finally arrived back just before 6 to say that they'd had a lovely fish supper when they were out!

So glad I went to the effort to make dinner for us all 🤬 I had to make dinner anyway but I had to scale up to accommodate them and we'd got the plates ready/set the table for us all so it's a bit galling. Aunt says she told husband they might get dinner out but he says she absolutely didn't.


Well-known member
I agree with the first bit about charging the mouse from underneath, but you can stop your monitor going into sleep mode so it'll charge to 100%.

If you go into your settings and click 'Energy Saver' then tick 'Prevent Mac from automatically sleeping when the display is off'. Then, once it's fully charged, you can reactivate it.

Mine seems to charge regardless, but that will hopefully help!
love you 😘

Many people are on a NHS dentist waiting list for a few years .. Yet many dentist now are trialling diabetes testing. what is going on??

If I had my life again , no way would I ever live with anyone other than my children .. Life is so lovely on my own


old tread
My mums tried to talk her into having botox last week 🤣


VIP Member
Staying in a holiday cottage, one of the reasons we went for it is because it has an enclosed garden as we have a dog who is used to going in and out the garden as he wants. He gets 2 big walks a day but loves pottering round the garden at other times.

It's not enclosed at all 😭 There's gaps in the fence at a couple of points and the info book says we can't let him off lead in the garden if there's livestock around which again wasn't mentioned in the booking info. There's sheep in the field beside and cows across the road. So he's having to be taken out on a lead every time which is so frustrating for him and the opposite of what we were expecting.
Aww 🙁 Any chance there’s a stake in the grass that went overlooked?


VIP Member
Turned out he wasn't even working next door, but 3 doors along. Bloody cheek. His van had no signwriting on it (always dodgy!) and he's left loads of mess in the street. I feel vindicated for saying no now!
Oh for sure, I always refuse politely.
No way would I deal with someone going door to door for 'business'. 😁


VIP Member
If they effect you like this have you thought about having a coil? I’m now on my third, haven’t had a period in years. Get a minimal bit of PMT for a day or two and maybe a tiny bit of spotting once in a blue moon but other than that nothing.
I hadn’t considered it tbf, I heard some horror stories from a few friends who had it and it put me off 😬! At this point I’d probably be willing to try anything though!


VIP Member
Is the puppy crate trained. I got a puppy in the summer and I honestly don’t know how I would have got through it if I couldn’t have put her in a crate
We're working on it. He now takes himself in there and settles. He does strop himself to sleep sometimes 🤣 We're waiting on a bigger one to arrive because he's too big for the one we've got now. I think once we get a bigger one, he'll be happy to go in there. Weirdly he will always sleep in there at night and doesn't move.

He's 5 months and today has just been a mad one. He won't sleep unless he's next to my partner on the couch. Which I would normally fight against but today I've not got the energy haha. I've spent the whole week feeling so guilty that we aren't paying the cats as much attention as before either.


VIP Member
No really a rant but something that’s playing on my mind. I got married last week, a friend who is coming asked about a wedding gift.

She was in a group chat with two of my other friends inc my maid of honour and apparently there was talk of a group gift which never materialised which was no surprise so the others did their own thing. This one friend has not given a gift nor mentioned it when I thanked the others. My MOH couldn’t believe it and wonders if she forgot as she mentioned a gift at their hotel.

I’m not bothered about the gift itself, but it just seems odd. It’s killing me not to mention it.
what is it that’s playing on your mind? That she didn’t get you a present? Or that she hasn’t mentioned it?


VIP Member
I am sick of opening social media apps to see pregnancy and engagement announcements to then spend the rest of the day beating myself up over why none of that is happening for me. I know the answer is to just delete all the apps but I'm nosey so it's like my own form of personal torture :ROFLMAO:
Well you could take matters into your own hands!


VIP Member
Im sick of being a military wife. Some days I just get on with it but today I'm annoyed by everything. I hate that I'm 300 miles away from my family, my kids barely get to see their grandparents, I have no support where I am, husband just assumes that because I get to stay at home with the kids that I have the best life ever. Well no I don't. If I was back home, I'd have a career and we'd be better off money wise. Also hate how everyone thinks that I'm amazing for coping so well with 3 kids and 3 dogs when he goes away all the time, actually I don't cope. I do what I need to do cause I have to, then most days, I have a good old cry. Sorry rant over.
take charge of your own life, yes it is scary and easier said than done but it will be even scarier when you look back on your life and realise it wasn’t the life you wanted. Have you any spare time at all for a hobby?


VIP Member
You could be onto something with that, or a differential diagnosis if something presents similar. I was just having a look at the symptoms and I don’t like to get in the mindset of diagnosing people with things but I was like the boxes are being ticked for a few of the things and then I was thinking of other people that I know and they don’t tick those boxes. But it’s plausible.
That’s so interesting. I am glad you have something that can maybe shed some light.


VIP Member
A very boring and unoriginal rant but, periods. I just think it’s nuts that every single month until I go through the menopause I’m going to have to deal with an entire week of PMS and feeling miserable, grumpy, run down and exhausted, followed by 4 days of blood and agony every single month. Why couldn’t humans have just evolved to have one period a year like dogs do lmfao fuck this.
If they effect you like this have you thought about having a coil? I’m now on my third, haven’t had a period in years. Get a minimal bit of PMT for a day or two and maybe a tiny bit of spotting once in a blue moon but other than that nothing.


VIP Member
Absolutely SICK of chuggers knocking. I live in a council street, many of the houses are bought but it isn't an affluent area and its just CONSTANT begging for charity, begging to switch to virgin, begging to get your roof done etc

I have been looking for a sign but by the time they get up the drive it's too late, they are already knocking on my door. The sooner I can afford my drive done and massive spikey gates put on the better. Then I can just put a massive sign saying do not enter unless you are invited or have parcels 😂
We get a lot during the day on weekdays, so I just says I am on a work call.