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New member
When I was a kid our school football team made it to the final of a local competition.

I was a striker who was tied for the most goals in the tournament with another player on our team.

I also had some experience in net and had been keeper a few games the previous year.

Our starting keeper got hurt so the coach (PE teacher) said I had to go in net.

I told him I wanted to keep playing striker since this was the last game of the tournament and I could win the top scorer award.

He still said no and I ended up going in net.

We were up 2-0 when he put me in net.

Final score: 2-5

I pretended to dive to make saves if there was a shot on goal.

But what I was really doing was diving over the ball so it still looked like I was making a great effort even though they scored on 5 shots that I could have saved if I didn't purposely dive over the ball.

Parents were still congratulating me after the match about what a great game I played and how amazing my dives were.

Some of the other kids on the team knew what was going on, but I was well-known as the hardest kid in school so they just sulked about it.

Plus since the other guy I was tied with didn't score we both jointly got the top scorer award.

I would see that same PE teacher looking all dishevelled in a pub many years later, but that’s a story for another day.


Active member
The lack of support for chronic illness. My partner is chronically ill with no diagnosis and it is utterly life ruining, if that isn't bad enough in itself, noone will help him. He has had to beg for every test he's ever had and because they haven't shown anything he just gets cast aside and treated like it's all in his head and he's just whining. A lot of the time he gets "be grateful you aren't really ill!" because there's no physical proof. That makes it so much worse for him, because he is really ill, just as ill as anyone else with proof, if not more, but he has to deal with that while also not being believed or helped. He's gone to the ends of the earth to try and find out what is wrong with him, tried so many weird things and nothing helps and it's draining the life out of him (and honestly our entire lives) and I don't understand how we have a system where despite all that, they just don't care. Unless you are bleeding or have a massive growth it's fuck off basically. You have to be half dead before anyone gives a shit and then they tell you it's too late and you should have come sooner. Figures.
So sorry your husband is going through this. Has your husband been tested for lyme disease? I've heard so many similar instances and the diagnosis being lyme disease.

My cousin had to jump through hoops to get a diagnosis of lupus, she was literally at deaths door until she got a diagnosis and treatment and by then a lot of permanent damage was done.


VIP Member
Exactly. Guilting people into not thinking their lives and issues are valid. Everyone should be free to use the service, receptionists are there to redirect cases such as verrucas so the onus is on them.
Yeah but they you have idiots who give the reception staff grief for asking questions. They can’t win!


VIP Member
We do, so I will go see them once I'm back at work. I'm not someone who likes confrontation or causing a fuss, but it doesn't sit right with me that I'm being treated like I'm being an inconvenience when I didn't ask to be this ill.

Thank you for replying and for your advice ❤
Most people don't like confrontation, they really don't.

You have to look after your health, that's the bottom line. Make sure you are compliant with your company policy in relation to sick leave, and return to work only when cleared to do so by your doctor.

Take care.
My Dad has his boiler serviced regularly. He had it serviced at the very end of August. Last week boiler shut down with a fault. No hot water, no heating. Engineer comes out and turns out there has been a leak at the back of the boiler and it's damaged something inside. Engineer has to come back with a colleague because they now have to take the whole thing of the wall to see if they can repair it. It is looking likely he's going to need a new boiler though.

I'm furious because it transpires the first engineer couldn't get the front of the boiler off so didn't actually service it properly. Now we have no idea how long the leak has been there or if it's a result of the first engineers incompetence. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
They need to take responsibility for not noticing the leak/not servicing it properly. I can’t believe he signed off the service when it wasn’t done properly 🤯. Has your dad got hot water or heating atm?


VIP Member
I remember my mum taking me to a shop that was just giant vats of consumables like raisins, cake mix even wash powder. You paid by the scoop. If there was somewhere like this now I would definitely frequent it.
WE have one nearby. Must find out where and take a look.


VIP Member
Why can’t I just fall asleep at night. My head just starts to overthink everything. Even conversations/happenings from months ago. It’s 1.32 A.M., just let me fall asleep. And I know I shouldn’t go on my phone, but that’s better for my mental state then to just overthink everything.
Glass of wine and a few piriton 😉


VIP Member
Nothing makes my heart sink quicker than the words 'you need to phone the surgery'. It can be soul destroying.
Mine have a messaging facility. It’s excellent when it’s actually ‘open’. They shut it more often than not as they’re just too busy to respond

I'm furious on her behalf! Each time was quite urgent too, relating to her diabetes so she couldn't hang up and try another time. I feel like making a formal complaint on her behalf but doubt it would achieve anything. It's not like they're going to pay the bill for her or magic up some more free minutes 😕
You’d think there would be a recorded message as soon as the lines are about to close? It would be best if the call then automatically ended. There is definitely a ‘closed’ message first thing when you’re trying to get through at my surgery. It’s 8.31 and it says the surgery opens at 8.30am 🤯
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VIP Member
On holiday just now, so I know this is an absolute first world problem rant, BUT... people who play their own fucking music in public places are the most selfish, entitled arseholes ever. The last two days have changed a lovely chilled relaxing time to a fractious noisy nightmare where everyone is just waiting for a fight to break out. Put headphones on for fucks sake! You are NOT the main character in everyone else's day!
This is such a British way of thinking lmao


VIP Member
I mean some gap yes, but you don’t need so much that you take up two spaces! Plus the cars around you could change and you could end up with someone close to you so it’s no guarantee anyway!
I wouldn’t do the two car parking spaces thing, I’d only do it on a road. Always the chance they’ll change around me but I like to leave a gap in front of me because then at least if someone parks behind I have room in front. And the car in front could change also but still I do it to help myself if that doesn’t haopen


Well-known member
My husband has had this done, paralysed and was on bed rest for weeks…. And 95% of the nurses who “helped” him all
Said they would rather deal with poo than sick!! And to be fair I’d be the same!
I know it's awful. For me it's poop. Having to put your finger in a patients rectum isn't something I'll get used to lol


VIP Member
I've had mixed experiences over this. The eye department know me and know that I need someone with me. Not been questioned at the chest clinic. I've been in for scans and was once asked why do I need someone with me and said it'll be on my notes and another hospital told my mum to wait (it was for another scan) in her car.
I think it depends on the hospital maybe? Even if it’s the same trust. I had a scan and you had to wear a mask. I’ve got an appointment at another hospital soon so it’ll be interesting to see what the set up is like there.


Well-known member
We had a friend like that in our friendship group. Try and arrange something and it was always her that was the issue. You'd bend over backwards to get a date and location and restaurant that suited then on the day she'd pop up with 'I'll just pop along later for a coffee' . Drove us all mad. In the end we stopped involving her.

Just wait till you get to your late forties and fifties when you'll have jettisoned all the fair-weather friends.
I know it’s driving me mad. Because I’m trying to find explanations for her behaviour- like maybe she genuinely can’t afford it but I know her only outgoing is £500 a month like that’s it- there genuinely is nothing else I am 99.9%sure she isn’t in a penny of debt, so she can afford things like a cheap £200 city break. We really aren’t doing these things all the time. Or going out for food, we legit go for like 1 drink and food £20ish price range.

And then I think maybe she is down in the dumps or depressed or something, but then if she doesn’t say I can’t support her. And I have no real evidence for that. And it’s not productive to be going around internally self diagnosing people with things just because they’re acting odd.

It’s so weird. She has this other friendship group who are all significantly younger than her(university age) And she always seems to be complimentary of them which is lovely however I don’t know why she can’t be supportive of her other friends. Despite all having average salaries we all do some great work between us, and I never hear her mention the great work that they do.

It’s all so inconsistent in a deliberate way. I’m not perfect at wishing people happy birthday but I’m not doing it out of spite. And I may not always want to do something some one suggest due to being busy or just not wanting to do it. But if I genuinely am feeling the pinch I am not then doing something similar with someone else. If it’s just not your idea of a good time that’s fine.


Well-known member
But is she the only single one? I ask because I have a friend who is also single in a group of largely attached people and she can’t afford to spend her all hols and evenings out with us, she’s actively trying to be around other single people because she wants to meet someone. In our case we understand and it’s verbalised. I just mean our friend is clear in her motivations.

Another friend also has a younger group of friends but in that situation it’s more because she’s still in that party and drugs mindset and doesn’t want to settle down yet.
She is single but so are 4 of us. I wouldn’t say she is trying to meet anybody. The younger friends she has I don’t know how much she does with them, but I know she isn’t partying/ drugs. I suppose I’m a bit baffled by her behaviour because almost seems to be withdrawing but for no good reason. In general most of the time we all have similar interests. Ideas are all welcome.- a lot of the time the ones with the children aren’t able to come anyway. We really aren’t a wild or controversial friends group so it’s peculiar for some including myself to be feeling this vibe.

Like the other day we were supposed to meet for dinner and the 20minutes after the agreed time she cancelled. Despite only living a 10minute walk away. Last year she dropped out on gokng to the cinema with me when she knew I was there so we were meeting for say 5pm the time she finished work and she just messaged saying she wasn’t going. No sorry for the inconvenience.

Then she makes reference to me having more money- I probably work 40hpurs extra every month. I also am not splashing the cash. I wear clothes that I have had years. I haven’t had my hair professionally done for years. And then in the next breath says she is getting her nails done and doing x,y and z that all cost money that she doesn’t need if she is genuinely hard up.

I think it is very much a her problem going on but I’m not entirely sure what. I hope she snaps out of it or if she needs support with something then asks or let’s us know what’s going on. But if she does have something going on then I know it’s not easy but just say something to someone. But she doesn’t I almost feel like her behaviour is gaslighting- especially with what she done with her housemates.
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VIP Member
what is it that’s playing on your mind? That she didn’t get you a present? Or that she hasn’t mentioned it?
Maybe she's too embarrassed- because she "messed up", couldn't afford the level of gift everyone else was giving, meant to get something but left it too late etc. If you really don't mind about the gift, I would just say (next time you see or talk to her) something like it was a lovely day and you appreciated her being there to celebrate with you. Then if she says something about the gift you can tell her it doesn't matter. Although reading between the lines it seems you already expected her to turn up empty-handed/ not join in with the group gift?


Chatty Member

Was hideous this morning. Wasn't too bad when I headed out to do school run and walk dog but once I left my son to finish going to school and started back the heavens opened, full on horizontal attack. I had my big winter coat on which comes to my knees but below that I was soaked through. When I picked my son up he said he had to change into his pe kit when he got in as he was that wet. To add insult to injury, a woman drove through a puddle beside me as I was nearly home....I hurled abuse at her 🤣

Then tonight I had to drop 1 child off to one club and another somewhere else and it was almost impossible to see on the road. It was not quite dark but not light enough anymore which I always find harder to see in anyway. Very glad to be home again.


VIP Member
My husband has had this done, paralysed and was on bed rest for weeks…. And 95% of the nurses who “helped” him all
Said they would rather deal with poo than sick!! And to be fair I’d be the same!
Yes, sick isn't nice. I was a carer and was forever getting covered in poop. part and parcel of the job really.