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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
Long story short. Just had to use my finger to help remove shit from a patient.

Working in an ED is fun until shit ( lol) like this happens 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🤮

Patient was 20 and living off alcohol and junk food. Fuck all fibre in diet.

This is the 2nd time I've had to do this and hope it's my last. Only thing in work that makes me vomit after. On break now and don't want to go back 😂 truly disgusting. My poor finger / left hand is traumatised 😂 patient is better thank bejaysus.
I couldn’t decide if I felt the vomit emoji or the heart for the work you do. Sorry, vomit won. But hearts for you and your traumatized left finger. 💕 you poor thing.
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Like MAFS UK when someone said they had sex in a graveyard. So disrespectful

My cancer might be back and I'm bloody pissed off about it. I know I'll be okay, but it's just inconvenient. I now have to get time off for a procedure and potentially get childcare as the op will be on my foot and idk if I'll be okay to walk immediately afterwards due to location.
Im sorry! You shouldnt have to worry about childcare and what happens next. Is there anyone around you to lean on?
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Chatty Member
I know it’s driving me mad. Because I’m trying to find explanations for her behaviour- like maybe she genuinely can’t afford it but I know her only outgoing is £500 a month like that’s it- there genuinely is nothing else I am 99.9%sure she isn’t in a penny of debt, so she can afford things like a cheap £200 city break. We really aren’t doing these things all the time. Or going out for food, we legit go for like 1 drink and food £20ish price range.

And then I think maybe she is down in the dumps or depressed or something, but then if she doesn’t say I can’t support her. And I have no real evidence for that. And it’s not productive to be going around internally self diagnosing people with things just because they’re acting odd.

It’s so weird. She has this other friendship group who are all significantly younger than her(university age) And she always seems to be complimentary of them which is lovely however I don’t know why she can’t be supportive of her other friends. Despite all having average salaries we all do some great work between us, and I never hear her mention the great work that they do.

It’s all so inconsistent in a deliberate way. I’m not perfect at wishing people happy birthday but I’m not doing it out of spite. And I may not always want to do something some one suggest due to being busy or just not wanting to do it. But if I genuinely am feeling the pinch I am not then doing something similar with someone else. If it’s just not your idea of a good time that’s fine.
You mentioned earlier that your friendship group has people with kids or partners etc. Is this friend of yours single by any chance?
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Fucking electricity. Gone from 150-450 now I am overdrawn. How can I earn some money?
Make scented candles or soaps or Seasonal wreaths or cakes (could even make them from a packet) and sell them at your local farmers market or events days or set up a social media page for it. These kind of things sell like hotcakes and you can charge premium for them.
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when someone texts you (or you text them) and the message takes age to come though. Had this with mum again this morning. Got a message according to my phone, 2 minutes later telling me she's outside.

I don't get this with anyone else. So weird.
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
Trivial complaint, but the kettle broke yesterday and caused a power outage. I've only had this kettle for 8 months at the most and it was fairly expensive. I'd thought getting a pricier one would mean it'd last longer but apparently not.
And I bet you never kept your receipt, under which you could have claimed for your statutory first-year warranty.
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Went our for a meal for with in laws for her birthday. The venue was changed at the last minute to somewhere less convenient for us they couldn't get booked at the restaurant. By the time we got there we were about 10 minutes later than the time the table was booked for and in laws were already there.
They were eating food. Am I right to be furious about that? They must have been there much earlier than they told us in order to to have ordered food and had it prepared. They are absolute fucking dickheads.
I would be more impressed at the fact they got their order taken and food served within 10 mins tbh... unless it was a buffet?
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I always feel quite resentful of my car costing me money, my Ex used to say you should allocate £50-100 a month to a car maintenance budget, depending on the age and size of the car, and all the years it costs you less than £600 annually are a bonus. Which isn't a bad way to look at it (provided you've got £50 a month to spare) but I still resent my car not trying harder to pass it's MOT.

How much will the new clutch be? Is it worth repairing? (my car only cost £1500, but it's so reliable I just keep spending £600 a year on it because the fear of buying another car is greater than the bi annual repairs)
Clutch is £600 including labour. That's a good idea to put money aside each month for car emergencies as you can never predict these things! This fault has been on-going for months now and the garage are confident that a new clutch will solve the issue for good.
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I tried to be the bigger person when a friend did something awful to me, instead of arguing I just accepted that she could only see her version of events, didn't bother to argue my side and just left the chat.

Now, months down the line its like a festering rage inside. I feel like im fighting to urge to post cryptic facebook posts about how happy i am without them 😂
I should just delete them as every time they post something along the lines of the stuff we fell out about I feel this overwhelming feeling of relief, followed by the annoyance at myself that i didnt put her in her place 🙈
I know i need to get over it but i just want to txt her c u next Tuesday 😂
i could have written this.
I didn’t put mine in her place cause I had to keep the peace for a mutual friend’s event and I didn’t want it to be awkward for said friend (who is also a twat and I’m not friends with anymore) and her parents were coming so I didn’t want to be public enemy number one.
I wish I’d let her have it now and there are times where I want to make a group chat and just go off. I have blocked them so they can’t contact me
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I feel like this could have described my behavior at one point. Not saying what she is doing is okay just from another perspective so that you know what could be going through her head, there was definitely a clique within the friendship group which I didn’t like I thought it was toxic to the dynamic. It put a ding on the way I perceived the whole thing so I didn’t hold on tight to those relationships and didn’t cherish what was on offer. My decision, obviously a level of consequences were meted out.
I thought about this as a option but can’t see it applying to this. If anything me and Her used to do more things together because we liked more outdoorsy activities than the rest so kayaking/hiking days- the rest were invited just not their thing. But the clique thing isn’t really anything viable in the situation our communication is all pretty transparent. From what I see nobody in the group is tagging people on Insta and excluding others or just uploading image of the same friends repeatedly.

I think the only thing I can see as an option is a few years ago she had anxiety and was off work for a couple of weeks- mostly work related I would say. She has a new job. (Not that I expect her anxiety to just disappear). she also lost one of her parents in a tragic way about5years ago which I don’t think she dealt with everyone deals with it differently but I am not sure that she has.

She also is very stubborn and controlling. Recently her and her housemate made one of the others they live with feel so uncomfortable(on purpose) they moved out. She done the same before with another house mate. I feel like if she doesn’t get her way then she blocks people out. -she told me this about the house mates I don’t even know them.

It’s odd because when we are together we do have a good time it’s just these little bits that have crept in over the past 18months that are inexplainable.

You mentioned earlier that your friendship group has people with kids or partners etc. Is this friend of yours single by any chance?
Yes she is. 3 out of the 7 of us have children ( I’m not one of them).
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What I didn’t understand about that weird pseudo medical doctor post was why you’d manually remove poo rather than use a pessary or like a colonic irrigation? I knew someone who was confined to a wheelchair and had bowel trouble. She got colonics regularly. Anyway…. I would respectfully ask for the argumentative people with vivid imaginations stay off this thread cos I like it and don’t want it shut down like the unpopular opinions was. 🙏🙏
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My ex is currently in my work and I got handed his chart and just gave it to a student instead..🤣🤣😍

Not a rant but a slightly jaded comment around diversity. For the last 2 days, Sky Sports News has focused on the lack of diversity within swimming and how there has only been one black champion in the last how ever many years etc. Fine. Add this to the lack of black football managers, lack of Asian footballers in the Prem and so on.

One question. Why hasn't anyone discussed the diversity within sprinting? For example, people are being interviewed over their lack of role models while they grew up, but why hasn't there been a similar question and focus over athletics? For example, who is there for a young white male 100m specialist to aspire to? Who was the last white 100m champion?

Is it a case of bending over to be woke, has the world gone mad or are the powers that be just pandering to a loud minority? Seriously, does anyone look at Usain Bolt and think anything other than at least I was alive to see him? Likewise does any tennis fan look at Federer, Nadal, Djokovic and MUrray and think, great players but it would be even better if one of them was black or gay?
Very true. For some sport people of colour have paved the way for others. What tiger woods did for golf.. no one will ever match it.

There's a Facebook page here called Black & Irish ( something along those words!). 9 people where killed in an explosion the other day in Donegal. Their post said RIP to the 9 and especially to the family of X and Y. We send love and light etc.. The Black people who died. Thought that was very distasteful instead of just saying all 9 of them. Their deaths where worse because they where black ?

Imagine it was the other way around????? Lol
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Stopped taking contraception about three months ago. No period at all.

Trying for a baby, so this really doesn’t help. Constantly taking pregnancy tests, constantly getting heartbroken when it’s negative 💔

I do have PCOS and have spoken to my doctor, who’ve told me they can’t do anything until I’ve been unsuccessful in conceiving naturally for one year.
I know three months isn’t a long time, but it is when you’ve got no sign of a period and you really want something 😔
How long were you on the pill (assuming the pill)? It takes longer than you think to get contraception out out of your system. It took me 8 months trying for my daughter after coming off the mini pill I’d been on for a long time x
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Chatty Member
I phoned the GP today to get an appointment with my preferred doctor. He's been really good over the years and hasn't fobbed me off like numerous others have. What I need to see him about isn't urgent but I'm off work this week and working back shift next week so a good time to try and get in. Turns out he's only working 1 day a week now and he's complete full, first appointment would be the 20th but I'd have to ring the Monday before to try and see him. I'm on holiday that week so no can do.

After all that, I've booked in with the least worse alternative and have to hope I'm listened to. She can be really good but equally be really cold and unhelpful so who knows which way it'll go!
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Has anyone else come across those people who don't seem to have any personality of their own but seem to reflect back what they think the people around them are like?

My BIL's wife is like this. She's taken on all the mannerisms, sayings, likes/dislikes of her in laws. Like I have no idea who she is as a person. It's so unnerving. So I'm civil of course for the sake of the family but she’s just so tofu. There's no other way to describe it. I feel awful for feeling that way but I can't shake it.

And it's a shame because my BIL is also now like a wet blanket. He doesn't engage with people, he used to be so full of life it seems but now isn't.
My ex best friend is like this. She takes on the interests of whoever is her current best friend/partner but has none of her own. For example, while we were friends, I'm not I've for going out drinking, so neither was she and she was very vocal about how she despised alcohol, and preferred to stay in. She wasn't really into music and would mainly listen to chart stuff. She got with this guy who spent his entire weekend at various social clubs, following bands (he's a lot older than her and has quite different musical tastes.) Now she's out 2/3 nights a week down the clubs, drinking and following these bands as if it's always been part of her life. I've always said she moulds herself into the person she thinks you want her to be.
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I wrote recently a positive review for an Amazon purchase and it wasn’t approved. I went back after a few days to see who has been approved and it’s all annoying Vine reviews aka people who received the product for free. They’re spoiled. One of them left one star without demonstrating any comprehension of the product’s features and why the seller is charging a premium. 😑
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I hate being a female expat in Asia. All the foreign men have Asian fetishes. The foreign females act jealous af and creepy. Anytime I vent about things here people try to defend Asian "culture" aka racism. It's exhausting as hell and I just want to be around normal people lmao ugh.
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Are you serious ? I'm a reg not a consultant. In 10 years I'll probably do it a lot more times. I was just saying it was gross - which it is.
My husband has had this done, paralysed and was on bed rest for weeks…. And 95% of the nurses who “helped” him all
Said they would rather deal with poo than sick!! And to be fair I’d be the same!
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Celebs that are making the queens death all about them. So self indulgent and unbearable. Just go away.
I kind of hate celebs. They call the paps then complain about them. Like oh yeah paps are totally awake and knew you would be walking on blah blah street at 3 am. Dumb people actually think they just randomly showed up and believe celebs.
Celebs also complain a lot for people who can do whatever they want ugh. The only ones I feel bad for are celeb with legit diagnosis. Sometimes I wish I was born into a rich family like them too though.
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