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In watching now.. what on earth would her flatmates think with her hole fniy coming ti helpo her move? Mine did that in y first year (as did most people I know) when we'd never lived outside of the family home but he's lived in 4 different cities now? Also.. how did he not check the WiFi didn't work in he room, or the fatmates didn't mention it when presumably she mentioned she is wfh? Big red flag imo
Honestly, having family help her move was -- to me -- probably the least weird part of the whole video. I live in London and if my parents (who live in another country altogether) were around to help me move, I would gladly take the help!

Everything else, though, was just...challenging to watch. Maybe I misunderstood but there was a part where it seemed like her roommate had let Jade work in her room/at her desk, which is nice and fine, but if I was the roommate and then found out that Jade was filming herself working in my room and putting it on youtube? Ugh, it would just make me feel so uncomfortable.
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Yeah the last thing the education sector needs is another rich white MLM nepo baby girl banging on about the virtues of extroversion/networking and manifesting the life of your dreams
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'Slow travel' hhahah. Nothing about Jade's approach to travel strikes me as in-keeping with slow travel or living.
Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 12.56.56 pm.png

"I didn't realise the extent of the issue". Did Minerva not teach their students how to google or read the papers. Did none of the comments on her previous video and IG posts not sink in?

(and she absolutely has not worked hard!)
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Chatty Member
I was going to post the photo here but realised I’d be doing the same thing as Jade. On her instagram story she has posted THREE stories increasingly zoomed in of some strangers kissing, does she really not respect anyone’s privacy?
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Attached the reel she made about if for reference!

She split hot chocolate all down her front right after someone complimented her on her clothes and said it was the best outfit they’d ever seen (or some such nonsense)

Clearly Jade thinks Oxford uni ✨manifested✨ the hot chocolate spill as a way of making her miss the dinner (spoiler, she didn’t miss the dinner, just changed her dress)

"Oxford remains a traumatic place"

She just looooves playing the victim, doesn't she. How has she STILL not moved on from being rejected? It's been 5 years and apparently Minerva was a much better fit for her, so what tf is she still harping on about.

Didn't she JUST do an ad or something for Gaza? Now she's saying one of the world's richest, most privileged places is "traumatic." Jesus.
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Yes! I didn’t even realise this until you said it. Jade would NEVER be pulled up at work about her hair just because it is curly but black women have (and sadly may continue to be) pulled up about their natural hair being unprofessional. She needs to stop making herself and her hair into a problem when it clearly isn’t
She wants to be oppressed and different so bad so has to make every little thing about her seem extremely unique when in reality she’s a rich, white, woman with blonde hair. She goes on about how she went to a state school to act like she had to overcome loads of barriers in education when she actually went to an all girls school in a middle class area and wouldn’t have had half of the disruption people in inner city schools face- plus her family is rich enough that they could pay for extra support if needed. She’s also from a well educated family so would’ve grown up valuing it, yet the way she talks about trying to promote education sounds like she was raised in a household where this didn’t happen.

I have no issue with people from more privileged backgrounds (I’m from one myself) trying to use their position to help those who aren’t. However it’s incredibly disingenuous to deny your own advantages when trying to inspire people who have actually struggled with barriers to their education.
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A what…?
Also if anything, I would pay her to not public speak, her voice is absolutely grating and cringe inducing

View attachment 2701140
An angel investor is a wealthy individual who supplies money to start-up businesses in exchange for shares in that company with the aim of helping them grow/be more profitable, while also offering mentorship/support.

So in essence, one of her dreams is to wealthy and to “advise” other people and help them “grow”. With Jade and her ego, that’s about as accurate as it gets.
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Chatty Member
It just feels like a stupid thing for an influence to do, go looking for their potential flatmates among their followers. Dangerous as well. I feel as if she would be unbearable to live with amd seems as if she is trying to get the Minerva experience again especially with her criteria for flatmates.
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Chatty Member
Jades logic: if you're poor, just stop being poor!

Yeah, because poverty exists because people aren't manifesting enough.

Minerva taught her critical thinking skills guysss
This is the most fucking over privileged, ignorant piece of nonsense I've read in a while, and given my reading habits on the internet that is saying something.
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For all she talks about how minerva is amazing and so much better than other universities because they teach critical thinking, she really doesn't seem to have put any thought into either of these tiktoks
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Chatty Member
I missed the part where she says ideally they would be out of the house all day so she could be alone 💀 🤣
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I can't believe she found somewhere, although they have a Taylor swift shrine so maybe they're as insufferable as her. I wonder where her flatmates will be from? If they're british 100% this will become a constant talking point "so strange to live with british people, at my uni (don't know if I mentioned it before..) 🤣
If they are British, they probably won’t be native Londoners so Jade will fetishise that. ‘Isn’t it wild that I’m living with Kate who’s from the North, and we all came here as strangers to London and now we‘re all living together as besties‘. God help her flatmates if any of them come from Wales, Scotland or Ireland.
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Nah I'm guessing she's bi
Yeah agree that she’s probably bi but why is she so vague and pretentious about it?! It’s hilarious how full of bullshit she is. Her recent TikTok where she went on the lesbian hike, she spews some rubbish at the end about how you just need to be your authentic self to be “queer” and “being queer means so many things”. Like girl, no, it doesn’t. It means youre attracted to those of same sex as yourself. You’re literally at an event called Dykes who Hike. I’m sure the event was fun and a good opportunity to meet women but she makes everything sound like it was a life changing experience. Why does she make everything so pretentious and airy fairy??
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Oh, by the way, I hate to say I told you so to everyone in this thread that accused Jade of queerbaiting and got their knickers in a twist when I pointed out that accusing a public figure of lying about being queer because they haven't released a gay sex tape and dressing it up as an accusation of queerbaiting is actually not based, but, I fucking told you so. I hope you all learn a lesson about the follies of gatekeeping, but I know none of you will.
🤣🤣 bro it’s tattle thread
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Chatty Member
She needs to learn to internalise her thoughts. We all have weird intrusive thoughts from time to time it seems like she acts on them and publicises them constantly which makes her look like a fucking crazy person. Like yeah I'd be interested in having a threesome one day but no one needs to know that stop put it on your fucking instagram story.
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