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Re: jades latest video
- she's an efficient gorl
- said her love life is linked to Germany hence why she's learning German
- She loves German because it's similar to Dutch and she's half Dutch
- she wants to move to Germany for a bit
- regurgitation of tips from her minerva videos
- her casual magic is the sunlight
- mentions she's on her period (why does she feel the need to say this in every video?)
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I still don’t understand how she can preach climate activism and still take DOZENS of international flights a year like it’s nothing..she’s disgusting. Her “morals” are out the window as soon as her trips are paid and sponsored. Unbelievable.
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She’s more dramatic about that move than me at 18 moving away to uni at the other side of the country and being away from my parents for more than a month first time in my life. And like I get it’s also the breakup but it seems she’s trying to blame her emotions on the move and being lonely in london rather than the breakup when it’s very obvious it’s that. And even if so, showing this much of crying and breakdowns on yt to thousands of people is not relatable but stupid - she should actually be alone for a little bit, go to therapy and sort herself out. Ffs be an adult at least for once Jade.
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I got to the part she was crying and ouldnt bring yaelf to watch more. How she describes the relationship is so odd. "Growth partners" "doesn't serve my highest purpose of self" sounds like something from that weird cult about relationships there's a netflix doc about 🤣
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We all need to stop spending our wages on rent and bills and become rich privileged lil Youtube gorls instead

Casually magically bOoK a fLiGhT with the money you don't have
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Watched her South Africa vlog and remembered why her content is not for me and makes me side-eye those who find it relatable.

1. Crying that much in front of a camera (and a massive audience) is performative, no matter which way you slice it, it is. Humans are always thinking about how they look, sound, etc - we are designed to be self-conscious. Putting a camera in front of yourself when you're that emotional is not helping you be raw and authentic, it's feeding into the need to perform. I am sorry for the heartbreak she's experiencing but it is a new level of narcissism to put minutes of footage that is just you crying to a sad song. Seriously reminds me of a Delaney Rowe tiktok (give it a search, she portrays manic pixie dream girl types and every tiktok could be Jade).

2. She has too many feelings. Sorry if that's rude. Something is definitely not right but I doubt it was the relationship, the country she was in or the lack of crystals/manifestations in her life. She is emotionally all over the place, performing for youtube all the time is clearly confusing her emotions even more and she is self-aware something is not right but is always looking for an external fix.

3. Her video titles for the last 3 yrs have consistently been on theme with "self love", "taking myself out on a date" etc - very much giving single girl energy or someone whose trying hard to look like the cool girl who's OK with casual situationship when she really wants something more. My guess is this other person was gradually fading her out and she has used this SA trip to reclaim the narrative that it was her decision to end things. I don't buy for a second that she kept this relationship on the down-low because she's private. Someone who proclaims living authentically would not be hiding a relationship on their platform - either the relationship was never that deep, or it was only ever that deep for her. Either way it's definitely a healthy decision to leave it behind.
Definitely. Look at this list of goals she made for 2024:

View attachment 2831465

I'm just gonna leave this here...
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I’m sorry, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever watched. Her screaming and crying at the camera about how much she doesn’t want to “make the decision” but “needs to do it to allow for change” ??? Who told her that? She is so so so beyond help, absolutely insane. And a whole section of her listening to a song and crying and seemingly trying so hard to apply every word to her own life ??? This is far too personal to share and she knows that, just loves the views it will bring and wants to be seen as strong and open. Feel bad for this guy rn but what a lucky escape.
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Just catching up on the Oxford/Ruby trip now, but I honestly cannot get over the fact that she still feels compelled to mention the Oxford rejection.

She would have been rejected in 2018. Six years ago. Let that sink in for a second, and you realise just how unbelievably tragic that is. Imagine being rejected by someone six years ago, then going on to have the “best relationship you’ve had” (Minerva), then still feel “traumatised” by that rejection. I don’t know if it’s her attempt to be relatable by showing she “failed” at something, but surely if Minerva was as perfect as she said it was, the Oxford rejection wouldn’t bother her in the slightest?

Out of all the things about Jade, I honestly think this the one that irritates me the most. The fact that she seemingly hasn’t moved on is beyond embarrassing.
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Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 1.41.54 PM.png

"HIgh emotional IQ" 🤣 🤣 🤣 no words

Also apparently "the education system" is "the problem"...that's news to me as an actual, qualified, experienced educator. It'll be lightyears before any of her brilliant ideas trickle down into tangible solutions for us.

Kind of happy that every time someone Googles her name, they see a Tattle tread full of evidence of her scarily low EQ lol.
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She can read all she wants about cog sci in education but she’s going to get the shock of her life when she realises the most powerful influence in the education system in the UK is funding. Anyone who works in actual education knows this!
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And talking about how her hair looks 'unprofessional' again, which is just (again) an attempt for her to profit off the struggles women of colour face with their hair
I love how she says this as if she has ever worked in a professional environment. The desperation to act as if she is somehow disadvantaged by society when she is the epitome of the most undisadvantged is ridiculous
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I’m all for wearing want you want (you do you!) but why do I feel like Jade deliberately poses like this so someone can criticise seeing her chest so she can go on a rant about how society has conformed to beauty standards that don’t allow women to not wear bras or something like that
She's desperate to be discriminated so that she can build a personality on that. Jade if you're reading this; you're a wealthy, white, slim, fairly attractive woman in a first world country, living in the safest areas of every place you have ever visited. You have never been opressed and contorting you body and face to claim some kind of "otherness" does not make you relatable 🤗 You can wear a bra, not wear a bra, nobody cares. Hope this helps. ✌
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what I don’t understand is… why did she want to move into an expensive house share in London with people she doesn’t know?

She doesn’t have a job based in London, from what I gather her old place was close enough to commute to London for influencer events or whatever, if she’s so lonely why didn’t she stay at home or move in with friends when she can do her YouTube stuff from anywhere? Seems awfully like an expensive move for no reason…
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Omg what a nature GORL
8 countries to visit this year and she's a sustainable queen!!! Yaaas let's never ever talk about personal responsibility because that's worked out well with 7 billion people saying the same thing.

And omg non-monogamy, nothing against it but my lord Jade just takes things to a whole other level 😂
She's gonna look at that video and think cringeee
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She needs to understand that the front camera is not a mirror in the privacy of her room... if I were her, I'd be so embarrassed the next day. At this rate there's nothing stopping her from sharing toilet selfies ffs.
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The way she says it just makes it sound so sad. To have completed 85% of your life(!) bucket list by 20 just makes it so you don't have anything to look forward to and work on anymore? I mean obviously we develop new goals and wishes as we go and a list you made at 16 is bound to be a bit juvenile but still!
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